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February 19, 1931 |
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FcE~RUARY 19, 1931
. ~ ~ .....
................. busy with their station getting Mont., Monday on business.
ready where lunches will be served Mr. end Mrs• John Brown of
CARLYLE ___n~ SENTINEL BUTTE Pandon spent .Sund!ay at Beach spent last Sunday at the
Mrs. A. E. Scheffer, Reporter Mrs. Fred Gilbert. Reporter Carlyle returning in the evening, home of his brother, Ben Brown.
::~ .,.,4. ....... Mr. and Mrs. Gene Combs and Our band sure sounded fine and
........... son and Mrs. Myrtle Bicknell came put us in mind of old. t/mes when
BROKE A LEG ivn's• el T ~Jimer~ wen~ io uien- from r~u~l-~ ~,,. ^ ,..~ ,,,^;~^. we uaea [o nave our ola Dana one
Another unealled for accident dive, Mont., Saturday mght. to day visited a few daw with h-r here is hoping that they.will con-
eurred Sunday forenoon to Laur- ~pend Sunday wlth her daughter, uncle, Roy C Doyle IVIr and Mrs tmue.
Mrs. Ed. Houck. Combs returned Friday" "back to Mrs. Lyle Martin was in Beach
.Cebrother,GOroski,~ereWhO,caringWith hiSfor young-sheep. Mrs. Louis Gardner entertainedDouglas• Mrs. Bicknell and ~and- Saturday afternoon. _
~urenee was riding a horse, when the W. B A. at her home last Wed- ~on staying with her brother ~oy • twr. and Mrs. ~arl Mason, Mr.
. ~ ' " and Mrs 'rovey and sons mr Op
ear drove up behind him ann nesday afternoon at Bmdge Mrs Mi .... "
~en Just opposite its horn was a:i, eSSw~eeietths~eeDee~ke~dl~:, fj°repS~ lian~rMmLS:J:fiye ~vI~n'~vi°Phd
~Wn, which frightenea the ~°rd~eh::nmgech::dh :c%reNIrMsrSGa~ Pa
'-~h^r *hit"thedecoration were ~ . _ • several others attended the Lu~h-
~rse, whieh Jumped off the grade, ~a~ v u u, Mr Mr
• aug s. Win. Adams was e~ Aid r A •
I1 on the boy, and broke his leg. ' . ~ ~-~ -~ = ~- ,~.~ ,~u,~5.
of the Valentine season place cards v si+i-~ ~* D~lu~ '--~* °'----~^-- .an at M s. nnle Davidsona
and nuts favors, everyone enjoyed .......... Sufloay afternoon.
turence~e youngerwasbOYtakenran homef°r helP,but andhis themsedlves and declared Mrs .~" J" r~ng~un~ ~s now ame ~o De Mr. and Mrs. Jel~ak and children
~ardn~v ~ v~v~l ~n:~r~in~r 0U~ and down ~.o his place of busi- attended Aid Sunday.
.rents were at church which meant "~v}r"and lVI~rs'*E~'~t~'~'~a'son enter- neoSSw°f which we are all glad to Well, we sure got the Beach
.ire a delay before aid was given, taineci ,the members of the faculty kn~ . _ ...... bo.~s Friday eve~mng at basketball
td~e Laurenced°Ct°r WaSwasCalledtakenfrOmbackWibauxwith of Sentinel Butte school at their walnut" tan~lenM~i~e l~a'r~nwel~g~°s°n~ ga~ce~ 28 to 12. ~n, ran,
m to the hospital. Laurence is home last Wednesday. Cards were." ...... ~ . s ..... • isvo]d, w•fe ,and daughter
the feature of the evenin~ ms oromer, ~v~orms, who a.~; m ~ne were out to Davidsons Sunday and
~out sixteen years of age• The ....... 7" .. , N P hosoital he delivered a wonderful sermon
mrs. ~'aul wagner en~er~ame~i "..." _- ." ............
)arty in the car never stopped to ~h~ h~m~e ~],,h o# h~. h~.,~, rJngs ~'anme ~remem, s~:y .o~ w4- aug was enjoyed by all
end a hand or give aid the driver ~ast week A large crowd attended ford C~ty spent last ~unday w~th The Camp Fire Girls had a big
evidently thought he had done a " ~Xiso ~h,~ .~-wr~o~ c~m- a,~,,~!her sister, Sylvia. crowd Saturday evening to attend
very smart trick and did not care "'" '~ ............ ......... Mr a - ~-r -- "
from G]endive Sunda,, on No 41 .' na ,q s• A. ~;. Sh.:ne o~ their movie.
or_Perhaps dare not linger longer, t s end the afternoon with {~er!Beach were in town e~turd~y and Church service.~: will be held
~Unaerstand Mr.. Goroski is quite ~mOr~P~(~ ~urnin~ h~;t-~,~ ~ i also stayed for the gang, in the here Sunday afternoon by Mr
~- aware who it is and we hope
~ae guiky Party ha sto pay all ex- Jerry Brewer is expected to leave evening.. ...... .. Brown of Dickinson, Baptist Ev-
DenTs and what a p~ty h~s driving ,~...~.,~.....~.^~^ u^ ...,u .~t., ~o 1 ~vtr ann tvtrs, w• T. t'eaerson ~lr. angelist at 2"30 p m All we~0me
~ght could not be taken'away from Rapid pro~,te~s ~s being made m the cons new home in Los Angeles, Calif.,i ann Mrs. ,.unamao, Mr. ann ~virs.
^.^ ;~ ~,^~,. ~. ~.^ ,., ,~ ~,,.^ ~.~ ..... ~ Aud Nunn and several others at- CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT
.____ dhls photograph she,us the power house with the Jordan flowln~ below in its natural channel. The outdoor h0nq~ HIE runny, ........ frionda h~,t~_ _-~o I ~enoeaFri_ ~ne Dig. cara par~y a~ ~eacn --
BIR~AY C~v~u ..... I .ransformer station is seen to the left of the lower building. ~£o the left of. the upper building can be seen see him depart any evening. Clayton E. Leach of Dickinson
M,,o,,^-- "~-'~'~ :he head race canal, bringing the water from the Yarmuk reservoir or co, fleeting basin. ~ ~n¢~ Mr¢ ~. ~ "J~n ~,tn,~ .r~l A big basket social was given at has succeeded L J. Monson as
................................ the m I
Leo~a~r~:~ _Claude Lund and[ ~ ' j Ca e Hump SChOOl Friday. manager of the Vranna auto notes-
Tuesday ~n~e~s:n entertained on I forward and whist was played un- foster mother, but I surely did love I:.~aghitt, Claude Lurid, Miss Hadel ~ Quite a few went from here after series shop in this city, the former
.~und~birthdav'a~',~,: ~rs: caivmttil eleven o'clock, when dainty re-[to hide under her soft wings. By ~!.coks, Harry Doughitt, Bud and Hammond to the Masonic card the basketball game .... now ,being in charge. Mr. Leach
home ~,,,o,~ _: --.~ ya,~n "una[freshments were again served Mrs !the wa . she is settin over in the;Frank Hal h Mrs F Mood, and party at Beach Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hoveland has been an empioye of the Vran-
Re~e" .... ,~ was played. Mrs /Covert then as " - "1 Y" g I g ' " " Y They report a very pleasant time. entertained the Sunday evening na interests at Dickinson for some
OWens an-' ," ...... :- ~ ked for those hawng, corner of the scratching shed. My ~ Leo Goroskl. Mrs. Calvin Lurid and
~_w~l. ~g first and ~VI~rsrge,~-a-n~-~sn i:v°n the highest and lowest number i mistress said to her: "You are a ~, Chas. Nelson won first prize While George Hammond, Frank Haigh bridge club at their home on last years aIld is a very pleasant gentle-
~'ar~n o..., , = ~,uyu ~ac- of games and insteadof ~ivin~ilittle too earl ou have no s to:Mrs Mood and Leo Gor sk~ on and Henry Rising motored to Sunday evening, man to meet. Mrs. Leach has
~,__ d =,,u aerome .~ ..... ~ " ~. ~ ~ ~ y, y egg i • Y o w Beach Saturday to attend the Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of Golva come with him.
• ~e guests were M~-~-~-~=-'~"~" Ipr~ze~ ~nose parties entertained the i set yet." And, oh, those days in the I consolation. Lunch was served and
acmes C Lu,-~ ~ "~-'5 ~nu aces-Irest of the guests with songs 'early fall when we youngsters had in leasant evening spen shipping association meeting, land Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson Mr. Monson and family remove
Stark, L." ~r~n ~v~Fa.rland, E. i speech and readings the actors be:-' to take care of our selves' Our ~r and Mrs Chas A~thonv and Sunday school attendance Feb-l attended .the Lutheran Aid at to Bismarck next week where he
Moline, G Babcock' :=: ~wens, L. ling Mrs• G. Hammond Mrs Ly-tmother left us and how we did run I famfl'v were dinne- "~-:=:t~ --f Mr f runty 15 was 65. Rev. Briggs held ] Mrs. Anme uavidson's ~unaay. expects to enter the tire and re-
" , ~. aanassh m ' " ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ • services following. I Mr. Jelzak leftfor Bridger, pair business.
. McPher~on, T .... ". I" an Page, Mrs. Covert Frank ~, around after grasshoppers I may[and Mrs Jerry Smeltz~r Sunday
u,, ~arK ' • " • - ...... ..
~erome "I'vsel --.-- ~ anal Schcuboe and Lyman Page And it'be Just a fooilsh young pullet, but
_-". ~unen was set ~or'" eneir • . I ....... , Mr. Crossman. Cl,renceHtllsand ~ WE
and the guest., ,~ ....... vedl.:as a good Show too anaso ail-ll say en,s" when we nave grounaIMrs J cb
-- ~Va*~eU W" " ' ' • . ac. s and son, drove to Sis- ~g
t~7"LUnday, many happy retu~Snslog[ ferent. Tl~e guests thendeparted !feed always !n the hopper, oy~e~' marck and brought home Mrs.
homes ieenngthat Mr .snelis in the ~ox ann all the wa~er Crossman who has been visiting a|n
____._ and Mrs. Covertand neice Miss land milk we want to drink we relatives at tha+ ci÷-" ~"r ....
SUNSttlNE GENE ...... Vivian are royal entertainers ought to repay our mistress by lay time ~ ~ ,,, ov,,~
The Col- - *~.~rl'y I ' " ~ -
at th~ *-- va sunahine society met [ i mg eggs. The first meeting of the 4H boys
i.ia,,~:~e.of,,,= Mr. and Mrs Chas THE PULLET'S STORY I Some one -~ays." "But.eggs are so club was called Saturday by their
" weclnesda - " • " - • • I cheap." Well, what of it? We can chai
Mrs. _ Y at which t~me That sprm ~s just around the . ......... rman, George Hammond. The
Hayde,l served a c g Gray ~o c ~r au~y ana ames wm be s are now a
dimmer, to ~- - 'bountiful orner is noticable to us when we, . ! .... Y t king up their se-
^_., ~rouna. ~t~o,. .... ,^~,.~^_ ,~.^ __,,__,.. .......... I change ann men won'~ our mistress cond year's work nd w are he
ann one ,,;~,, si..~, *numbers ,~,~,~ucr b~tc f~ll~CblOll~ [91 our ] ........... ~ a e p-
bands ;rt~_r and several hus-chickens as foreseen in the follow-Il°°~: ar us w~n prme when ~ne ing they all take great interest in
^., ,_" = presiaent in *i .... in--" county agent comes our way ann i~
regular=U nor meeting to order ~Withme canthe ~'he Reflections of Miss" Rhode ~"says: .... "Isn't that a wonderful flock For Sale--One twenty-five pound
The SUnshisUnshinene readmladle' g and songs. Island Red'. My mistress' swept t smfle°f .... chmkens ' andand say Yes,°Urandm~streSS~ust lookWlll bronZescheffertUrkey Tom. Mrs. A.E. Compare the.values, prices and_,, serwce we give you
theirfunds t s drew from out our chicken house again today,, ' •
be sent to ttehea-m°.TM of $100 go and when she put in the nice iat this budget of mine and seethe Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smeltzer were those of any other tire dealer or distributor o[ special brands'
ing Peoole _== -ymeless and starv- Dandles of wheat and straw for us I oumoer oz eggs mesa hens nave business visitors at Beach Monday.
• - u, an~ansas an to scratc lind for me They surely have re
Without +~,.~_ d will do h in, I heard her say: I ".. - . • ....... " Virgil Moline hauled a truck load The low prices of rubber and cotton give Firestone unusual advantages due to
~-,~r usual rein There n w palcl me Ior all my care ann ~nen
when ill as a ~ .... embrance " . , o , it is clean again. You I ...... "" ._ of hogs to Baker Wednesday for their world-wide facilities in securing these raw materials and their efficient
needy ones ,~u sacrifice to the : ChiCKS ought to lay good." That ] we wa~g away ~ngmg in ~ne .sun-Oscar Keener. facturing. With Firestone's most economical distributing system, with over 600
the ~,,t~, relief co set me thmkm ~hme under North Dakota skins
m. Our n ....... rues to " " g about all the care l~ • ! Mr. and Mrs. Ward were dinner
February 2~ ~lt~ee~.lug will ,be on she has given us. ' guests of Mr. and Mrs Bert Sis- branches, warehouses and service stores, we can secure a complete llne of fresh
Page at Golva ~ mrs. Wallace Early this spring I remember Miss Lucille Erickson of Lower[son Sunday. Firestone tires, tubes, batteries, brake lining, rims and accessories within a few
] when we were tiny red balls, how Valley spent the .week end at the ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark and minutes'
to a few hours' time and give our customers values and service that are
THE COVER-- ]we ran to get the nice fine chick Scheffer home as guest of Miss daughters and Tom S~ark were
. Mr. and Mrs B.:~" PARTY ] feed which she gave us; and the Gladys Willson. t guests at the Haigh home Sunday. not duplicated.
mined at a 6"3;' -~;~ .wovert enter- ] water dishes were alwa s kept full Mr and Mrs Reese Owens and Several from the South Valley
Urday eve" ~ u c~°c~: dinner Sat. of clean water Ouy. Gnu h n I --- COMPARE
,. nine the ¢,,p----. ] . r httle coopss nd daug ter spe t Sunday~ attended the Cathohc Ladies card
~r. and Mrs guests:I were moved over onto clean ~rouud with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. party at Golva Tuesday evening.
mr. and Mrs ~',r~-.L'~~- hammond, 1 about every four days, and oh how Henry Feldhusen of Beach. Dale Burlingame of Beach w~,s a
Alfred Sche}'fer,"~Ir ~cnouboe, Mrs. t we did enjoy those nice young Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark en- guest og his father at the Scheffer
man Page and Mr "a~U-~rs'-LY'lblades of greeu grass. When we tertained a number of friends at farm over the week end. ~ VA
~ll Denton, all o= ~ mrs. lgus-, were big enough to run my mother their hmne Thursday evening at Mr. and Mrs. ,:Bert Covert and LUES
did Justice to the ~fewn°m surely took us out to scratch in the grass cards. Those present were Messrs. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Denton were
~r~'x~Nx~N~x-xx,~~ - Yire~tone has this year added more rubber to the tread
after Which tas.,:_ ast prepared, and look for bugs. and Mesdames Calvin Lund, Chas.invited guests of Mr. and Mrs. F.
--- ~*~ were brought They say that she is only my Nelson and d~aughter Margle, A.Schouboe and Mr. and Mrs. George ~ ~,i~'~."k~i~'~ which givesZ0%toZ5%more ~fi~ mileage before the
~~ The Dbuble Cord Breaker gives you SIX and
~~- EIGHT pl~ under the tread--spreads road shocks--
~/~~ lessens ~ghcturis---glv~ over 50% stronger union be.
~~'k~.'k~ twee~ead and tire body which ~meuree longer tire life
~r ~__~L_~_~ /21Live rubber penetrates every cord and eoata every fiber
][ | ,: -: - = _ by the patented Gum-Dipping process--thu~ not only
| ~--~-'~--,i~[--~ ever,/cord, but ever,/fiber within the cords, is insulate&
thi~ gi~ you 25% to 40% added tire fife.
Which is the larger of these
two white squares? Don't
trust to your eyesight alone.
one of the n~nyl
4. 0"21Yire
]comparisons we can]
[show you at oar atoreJ
Eubber Volume .....
~'elght .........
Width ........
Plies at Tread .......
Thickness of Tire .....
~rlee .......
~r ~e
165 eu. in.
gb- iba.
• 5@a in.
I ~¢Mail
Order Tire
ZC9 c:'~. in.
4-~ in. •
• 55$
4~A "Mail Order" or "Special Brand" tire is made by some unknown manu.
faeturer and sold under a name that does not identify him ~o the public,
usually beeanse he builds his "first grade" tires under his own name.
4.75-19. 6.65 6.6512.q~
5.00.20- 7.10 7.1013.~
5.2~-187.@0 7.901~.$0
S.2S-21_ 8,57 8.S7 6,70
6.00.~0_11.50ll.S0 22.3@
H. D. T~K TI~
30x5___.~7095 17.95 ~[[.~@
& x6 ..... Z9.75 .75 57.90
Other dses priced proportionately low
4.40-21_ 4.55 4.S5 8.8@
4.S0-21_. 5.15 5.15 eq6
5.25.21.. 707 7.75 15. 8,75 aTS 6,96
4.75.19_ 9,70 9.75 118,9@
4.75-20_I0,25 10.25 xg,
5.00-20_11.25 11.30
5.2 -21..1Z.9 I&0S 5,30
5.50-20_.13.70 lS.75 A ,70
6.0O-20 15. 15.20 2 9,50
6.50-20 g7.1 17.15
Ws sell and service the complete line
of Flro~tone Batteries--Coma In and
the EXTRA VALUe we ,i~ yon.7.00-21 20015 21.80 39.g0
We make you an allowance for Other sizes l~rlced proportionately low
your old bakery, qD
/]Mi~Me G~la~'agtl~h---Every tire we sell bears the Firestone name for the protec-
tion of our customers. Every tire carries the unlimited Firestone guarantee and ours.
Beach, N. D.
bmd e.m m'e flr seeflmss for QUALITY and ONSTRUCTION
that pou can see for $ ourse$f the EXTRA VALUF we