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February 19, 1931 |
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,, , -~
3i,, LegislttiveFight I
,n , , ., , ,
L R[ADY TO GR . New Salem
" L Calf Club Wins $650 Silo In State 4-H ContestANT ACmL[N[ TANK [X
}lD VAll[Y ARIA NIN[ SHOP 10 PI[C[S ............................. """":' ....... " R[Al SfllPPINg BODYI[M[RG[NCY
SINKS AR What might easily have proved a ~i. [THIS ACTION PLACES ASS N ON JAMESTOWN SAYS IT WILL ~..
ER BY L fatal a mde~t to peop e o-
TEE; OCAL COMMIT- curred last Thursday afternoon at RELIABILITY COURT
AND OKEYED the blacksmith shop of the Black -- --
----'--- Diamond mine, but, happily the I I Sixty-two farmers of the countyt The Capitol commission bill
~°le~dnl~Va~: :o::tYohaSe:eene ment ct~::afPr~% ~l~thg bmU:teraal" zew :. t ~en:~t aS~uer~lygf~e~rn~n c:a~.~ audit ~re'°c:t.ingis theo ~tat~n ee~PlmhandS
e21 air for seed feed The shop was equipped with a ed by County Agent Russell fur the '
i ~ll, as stated in' the or gas large acetylene gas tank used in purpose oz orgamzing a Livestock of Governor S.hafer. who~
• " , PP g " The J~mestown capital re-
; Week Advance weIding and otherwise This tankI Shi in association prompt approval is eX_l~ ted._
n answer .to created too much pressure and I I Directors were elected from the moral boosters announce th
]led out by Cou~t q~estionnalre gave way, the flying pieces of .the! following communities" ey
soul • Y gent Rus- ~ank rac i 11 eckinc, n n ~ I . ' have no ide~ of withdrawl~q~
e tune ago about o P ~ ca y wr ~ t e s up' ~::.. [ ChaR. Holstein, of Beach; Lewis .
ty farmers re u g oRs e e u - ::~::; Odland -Saddle Butte" George
d for , ne hun- and causina 1 of s v ral h n I :~*~::. the,r petition for the removal of
ou h q ested help r • " i :~ .... the capital to that city, that
g this government loan ,d ed dollars, there being no znsur-~ . ] Hammond, Golva; E. D. Nelson i
~1 am - , theance ' ' that they w 1! add to the name~
ountmg to ~bou~nt $25,000." • _l Sentinel Butte; Art K~mmerer,
aD_Plication .blanks ~v Lyle Baker .and CorbeL Howard t Trotters; Jerry Kouba, Alpha and
ancl e arrzv wer z tion for removal and will ~t
have been dis ' " e 'n the snop at the time, ~u~' Frank Dykens Th~len temporary
ba trzbuted tof rtun • • • ' " " . once move to secure the requlr-
nks at Sen ~ o ately not in huew~th the chmrman. It was voted to hle ar-
i ~ tinel Butt= Golva ~ u or m ed 7,000 names to petition~ to
, each. , fly]no parts of the shattered tank, --~o rtesy Fargo F u ti'cles of incorporation. ~-f~r the lerl~iati~- h.o. ~..~
,a,rmers who plan to ma and escaped within]nor .hurts. The ~------------ Thirteen may be unlucky for' ~ i A meeting of the directors will be I "~ ~ ~ ....
.at]on for loans can hel ~e ap- roof ana parts or ~he sides ot ~ne] some people but these, members oz [ !called soon to elect officers and to the people, thus holdiz~ up
1 if P great , ~ [ the c~pitai removal PrOlm~ti~a.
:., .they will make un ,~.,.,~. bu'!ding were ~lown away aria I¢I:MTIMFi illllll: HlP.H!the New Salem Hoxstein Calf ctub!FRIFMll flF Ilfll. FM. d, , o, To furth '~- '*- wfl --
m W~athe they need bet ....... [ uar~s of the can~ aria other mR- ULi|/iilLL UUllL liltS11 of Morton county North Dakota II|iI.IIM ~/ OVIULiI~/ the association one must make ap- , er ..-re the, 1 ~v
Lot '°rethe:" " ," ~ ",,',,'| I , hlto co~wt ~nd at.k the eal~
oank to fiP .........Y i ~ermt were touna a~ a conm~efable • don't .beLieve m Jinxes. The 13 plication to the association s score- ltol commission bill so the be.
ion blank as fail~n~"~f,ne app.n" [ :listance, testifying to the tremen- [~| !members of the chtb pictured above tary. Geo. Hammond of Golva is '
,fl they turni ~ de ayI The shop is being Tlli:Ol il/rebuilt and a I)~LY T~OUNC[~COW of a 650 silo offered to the most l !MAK[ T[NIfl ANNI
urination _require"Stab;ann,sve ~ne dOUR force of the explosion. 1 have just been announced winners " actin.g as temporary secretary. A g~nH~gt~f an l~aterm~abl.
secretar will be c~osen when the ,g on see ahead of th.e
sh ,t ~ $ " Y
~uld Borrowers people, wrn au me aet~y mm
know the legal d . . new tank will be provided. ,outstanding 4-H dairy or beef club board meets again. Membership
all the ]an + escrzptton __ i • f 0 expense such ~~,s entail
, d ~o be farmed in North Dakota m 1930. Ill luck ee is $1.0 . The ambl 1o
-ma~ e crop~,ins PUNCfl[RS OF B[ACfll ~ • may l~veaveryexpenMV_lZr~
:ants .should have th " 2P: ] doesn't seem to have a chance when V[RSARY [NJOYAB[[ o, farmers have been t n of ,azne~a
._ .... llflH~ MFFT ........ i,~o~ against 4-H club pep and shipping stock under the name o, ion h
now ~ ~a~e posit to t at city in the long
. many acres th ..... ~ I~l~llk$ i'll, L/ /UL~Jl~rl/I ability [ ]the Golden Valley Shipping asso- tun, and the loss of her
t ,e ;Lu V lTn ul:ln lllnOi: pn,u I FIRST HALF OF G/~'HE WELL ..:N'a_mes of the._c>ub members` are:[BOISEN,S SURPRISED; HOME] ~!l°~ls~Le~[tedA~ln~s:o~ar~io~g°wba~y fl,e and the showing of hero
a " y snouici also ¢ I " ;~ac~ row oegmnmg a~ extreme' • • '~] fishness will cast a b h u
P red to tel be PLAYED BUT COWBOYS r • • TOO SMALL SO SCHOOL • lit t 1~
es o, 1 the number 1U IIL~ JU0bL bfll[~ I ' left) Wilham GRebe, WzlUam Klus- never.orgamzed. Cooperative ship- ~ cit that has tof
of eu~h..crop seeded ~of[ STAMPEDED IN LAST GO 'mann Clarence Klusmann Erwin HOUSE USED ping has proven very successful] h, a y h|~,h ~,2e~re~, o~,,
lh1930, together with the ynel1929 [ -- Klusmann, Albert Holle, R. C. New- . ~ during that time. ~ll~-21ar-~e: ............ ~"-
~and have this all figured of ,~AN TF[[ flF [ff[ AHh]BANTAMS WILL TRY AGAINST!comer county agent of Morton. Saturday e~enmg a host ofI All livestock lost or dead in ship-[ p g"
• :-:~- oeIore comin~ ], -~':: [ ~|| |l,l~L ~| |~[~l-[~=][l|[fl COW MEN AT GYM TUMOR- i couut :. Elmer Holle. Walter Holle. ~rlenas ga~nerea a~ .cue home oz merit have 'been paid for during the
' ~.~ a great deal O[dela- ~.~ 1 ROW NIGHT Edwin" Holle and Walter GRebe" ~vlr. aria mrs. Otto ~msen aria gave nine years of service and a balance /
n~o,~.~ ~o • ~.--Wu "them ui sur is . . Bismarck, Feb. 18---For the time
,,~a ~._ ~ verify the st ~ .... , [ The irls in the front r w are , .q .te a Pr. e. . . of over $100 zs being turned over to • :
,, a ~ g o Bi
~el~h°Udghlto.:l°cn:mraLttee ::IiJUD~EELW~)Lc~tEBOFRA~tTI~NTOatSes]:n~elelB~tu~t?~gthrolua2~e:r'd~Y LM::g:r~aeT:U~a~'ernAeh~lusH°ll~ °~l~h [°ne;rt~r°~a;n ~irn~iemdgsft~en; th~Wa°:igoannpi~l:ic°n" the organJza- ~tg°ne~°r°af~[!k~eh~eaS¢::~t~hPaiiUltas:~
fl--- , ~OUls Zielsdorf ~. .'1 LAST VE,~ t Beach hiohCowboys 28-12 for and Eleanor 'Klusmarm Th silo a..wen~ over ~o ~ne SCHOOL nouse.~tion on a firm foundation and will •
-~, With . , r.o.] ~ x ~ . , , ~ . e w . . - . much opposition has arisen against
a . ^Dora]rockKuko - their secondwin overthe Beacht was ]yen b the Madison Silo inch was close by, and spent a g~ve shzppers the utmost confzdence . , . .
In _ • _ [ quint thzs season. The fzrst half lcom an'- of ~ar o" merry evening piayzng progresmve in it, and will relieve the persons •
suhstztut~ wski, __ ~ . . g Y • • . Jamestown s actmn that eventual-
formation . ' . P y g • • • ly that city will withdraw its pets
blanks fro e] • ' sc r i i ~ A ftttzng climax to seve. years Z~ w , [~ location Of the capital from Bie-
r°Re ...... _for Borrowers , The Lions meeting will be held ended 9-10, m favor of the Sen- 500 for wn~n zour pmzes were giv-, .wha have been.actlng as manager f " to ge the
tied o=~mg loans can get th next Tuesday ~nstead of Monday l~ineIs and was just as close as the • ,. l en. m pas~ years o~ more or 'less crlt- tlon or an election chart
ks E . . m the count night the change being made in o e nd, with the Cowboyst I - as Mr .and Mrs. Boisen~I " .lsva ~nd place behind hlra ~t relY- :~
~s dual who /order that the club may have the mzssmg anumber of shots that th wedding anniversary and they able and substantial bud of offlc-!
• ach zndivi Y j . . of successful 4-H club work is the I0 marck to Jamestown.
, o~l]oan for .seed, 'eed and f°b;INeasure of hearing Judge G [might have put them in the lead if l awar~d owf~a~o$65Osil°,t°h theNewl received many useful gifts of tin l erR, which ought to ~Yatisf an-I Tuesday a,~ernoon the ~enate
"~-brac~ors in 1931 ~[Grim~on tell of hi~ tri, to Iceland" they had been made During this I ~,~'~,,,~':,:'~'~=:=o:~¢,~'~::lware. A bountiful lunch was serv-[doubting Thomas as to'the YafetY[pa~ea.~ne capz~m commlssmn ou~,
- all ,~o~ • rfl - ~ , " • - • " • . •
~S ......orate flrst lien on ~ ] last year as a reuresen{ative of Lhts half the Beach ouint looked by far i ~'~,~'~ ~'...~;,',~"~.~'o ,~'~'.~J'~.~"~'~ [ ed and after the happy evening | in sh~pping live stock through the [ w~n me emergency ,c.iauee acRe a,
t in~193v;~g or to be grown by[COuntry to the lO00Lh Icelandic an- the best they have to date, and i~7~'~'~~ ~'~'~'~,~%~;'~.~iwas. spent the many friends de-!organization. If raisers of live !oYa vo~eol ~,~o ~tne2onp~-
it to fi'~nsuc.a form as to en-] niversary, gave promise of real basketball. ! c]ub'~n'~r~vj'~a~'~?, ~'~'19~n-A:lpar~ed for.aurae pleased with the tS~ock will get behind the new as-i~'~° t?~v~7,.;";~:"t~L'~7"w~;
ch theland'~t~n the county ~n In th~s connection it may be re- Every member of the Cowboy aS- exceptionall~ .............. well balanced pro- goo~ nezgn~ort~ness of the pleasant socza~lon ,there is no reason why it emer ............................. eric clause Wednesda af--~
ed. ~ .be farmed is Io- called that Judge Grims . gregation craved well with Moran' Y t even~, snouia no~ prove a good medium . g y " Y
,._ . I .." . on. then___-.: ......... I gram and a 100 percen~ record of, ' tfo- bo** .................. ,o, ] Cernoon the House concurred in the
ne lax e sta~es attorne of Cavalier c aria ~nezevlcn exhibiting especmny s ~ ~ ~o ,
g st ~ ...... I . y ' ounty _ corn let]on and report] of pro- amendment of the Senate (rest0r
;1 -"',- ~nat can b [ " ' ~in f p ng SUMMER TILLAGE BEST
,000 to an individual, e made when his attentzon was called to e orm. ..... jects last year resulted in the club's TO KILL UACK GRASS STRESSES UALITY IN S' ins the ^emergency clause!, by a
,actual re • __, based ,,J the death of u Cavalier coun~ Do . But the ~eco.d half was ~ far cry .. ' o H E Ri "n Q Q _ WEET v " 0lI W
• qturem . Y Y wmmno the award, . . Ill g, L o~e oz vo ~o zT, so ~ne 1 no
mS ents as h 1 from w C OVER AND ALFALFA SEFDS
~Pplicati^-- - S own n a Florida concentration camp I hat the first stanza was, in- 1 state club leader sa~,s .... ~ ..... goes to the governor, who, it being
:re the land :-""" xn addi*ion I under peculiar circumstances wentIsomuch as the Cowboys were con I ....- _:o ". _ . j ~ummer ~s ms~zncuy ~ne most ! ,, ! an administartion measme will
summer falloW.as_been prepared ]south and before he was through [cerned In the words of a former ]st2vne,,s~Z°'w~u:dZ?f a~ro~xfea~v~ldependable season for destroying l_ One takes considerable chance j sign it forthwith ' -~
w,ag a ] -- • . ~w ,~, *-~ * qUaCK grass oy r~uage The aegree| oy using low grace sweec ciover and | "
~o exceed n allowance brought to trim those concernsBeach hzgh coach, describinga .... This bill desi hates Blm'narck
$2.50 Per d ln t , 8650 ~s being given by the Madison alfalfa " g eta
ntecl, for this ~ ..... acre will be ]the death with the" r~ult that the ta game of a few years ago, ' a bunch Silo' conmem~ of Fargo" Runner -~,,ot°f control, .................... or completeness of er-{ seed, .acc°rding to O.^Az.Ithe state capital anew and provides
~age not to exceed"~l~= on an | cruelties of the camps, used for I°.f grade school girls just learning l up in the" contest was the "Johnny I~:~::'~',,:,,~,~m ,,~,re? prop~r,:on |AS~rVeu~,,rba~tamlst at ,,~o~h I:~k:t: for the appointment of a capitol
.~--=~ U l 1930 a931. nd to"'~be ~urnmer | lesserplanted the penalCriminalSsystem' wasbr°ken u and l ~neof the stateP en muchgamebetterW°Uld exhtbltionhaVe' put,, uP a MThe' acDal". CalfstockClUbexhibltedOf ~. andatFOrkSfairs, in [ .................. timeliness of the operation,~ ....... '~and ...... the | likely to be small and failure is ] buildingmembers servingC°ramissi°nwithouL°fpay threewho
he a II I ir V "1 Beach] ' 1 f" " I ry " i favorableness of the climatic con-/Mkely to result. Germination tests will r '
tPpl cartt must _ t el. revamped, which was a sign- tes, wild y Imging the ball Mandan Fa o and Grand Forks, ........ I. secu e plans and let the con-
I li=u zo give note or a ' • i t i , rg ditmns That is the conclusion of such seed should be dmcounted r r
li - - r araount re _ _ 1 trmmph for this mild mannered~ n a ~empted passes toss ng long ~n 1930 by the club took m~ny prlz ........... r. act fo a new building The bill
....cant be a tenant ^-cei~ed-- :. If ~ but determined man of this state " ludicrous heaves at the basket that ] es while the members 'earned [ drawn ........... in ~ulletin z,~a on contro~ oz 25 ur~.~,t° 75 pe,~,t.. .... , also applies all monies now in the
~u~ractorha.s i v~ w°rm.ngI Judge Grimson will be ac' !failed to even touch the bank-'t hi lquac~grass°y~nlagejn~w°par.~s'1 .... ~"~°~Len~sm°reLmp°rmn~ic~piL°lfundandfr°mothersourc~
~ga g Yen a . corn- awards for shownmuns p and on • than color Seeds w ,
^ ge on his 1931 pmor panied by his wife he wri i • board, and in general failing to ex- ar 1 [ 1--a progress report Land(Ion nn- • hich are only es, to the building fund, and an-
~r~ Waive ..... crop, he mus~ , _ t ng th~s hibit an , a club booth they prep ed. C ar- ~ age project, and 2--generax sugges- slightly green are nearly roarers other bill that has assed the Ho e
err of t ~s fr~:,, ~ae actual Paper that both have been very y of the rudiments of bas-ience ~lusmann, . secretary ol the Lions on control of uack rass and are of fair quality Weight and a ill a s P " 'o gs
h~ ,~n ...... ~ ~o s ketball that it seems ou ht to be , q g • , ~. nd w p s the Senate. pz rides
r m ~ an~ all o ee ~ne western par~ ozl . g ~roup, was a aemgate to the ~a-[ •
_ ortgage hol ther [ the state • • apparent in mid-season were sire- ,.... • t Bulletin 244 ~s by T. E. SLUR, as- value rapidly with the~ for extending the small general tax
he • ders. [ , of whzch they know httle " t,v,,al Club Camp m Washington,, • • t dar~enin o the reen c
a'PPhcation and ar - ply outclassed Sentin e' ' t s~stant agronomist, North Dakota . g f o g olor. Seeds, for a capitol building four year~
emen blank requires a e therefore droving over from - . el Butt D C last summer and in 1928 was I • are crown if zros ed ~ • +
t of the a ....... Rugby mak~--- ~ ....... * .........ran~ up 18 nointsin the ~econdl--' -:' ___ . ' ...... , Ag~cultural college; Vzctor SLur-[ . . . t . and may be[longer the entzre amoun~ being an
~ed n ,--~n~ oI loan .... ~ .~q~ ~op~ ano "" ~- ~ b4orcI1 l.YaKo~a's ou~smnamg ClUD ' ] normal iI plum and heav but ' 9
, Umber o~ ........ i expectin~, .......... ~ .... l ha]f while the Cowbo,~s ma ~ d ....... laugson supenntendent, Langdon . P Y t aggregate of around $..000,000, to
be bo h - t President ~ ~^~ to connect for three lone all] " __ sub-statmn, and H. F. McColly, as- f ~ ~. than three- ~ which cost the ne~ building Is
t is to - .~-~ zor Which ~ ~v ~zea~y vnjoy cue ~rzp. ' ~na~e coy ~rwzn ~msmann a cousin oz ~ '. are of little value if less I "- , , •
and fu ug t, amount vf Lovgren-of th~ L,.~,~ . . . t es. Clarence, was a Washington dele-t • ,zour~ns normal wez ht Seeds .
of anirn actors, the hum-] per every member will at- ~ g Sent'he I gate in 1929 and was named out- ' . " . . "t which are redd'~h in col " d I .... . e
el ~or Lr club ho I Hz hn and Bmsen of z 1 ricultural engineer It can be ob g hmxte
~..,.. als to be fed and a l~ tend the Tuesday ev~,/Hn~ moeti-~ I Butte were tied for high scoring to~,,~ ~,,~ ~, .... • 1930 o* ~ rained by writing the pubhcatmns ..... or ue to Immediately a.ter p~sa~'e of the
't'~uon of the lan~ ~.. _.C?:L" i as the uro .... ~,,, ~.~ =~ ..'-~.._.--~ ' honors of the evenin~ with eleven ' ~?~*~'~[.~.~^~/,-~,..,^ ~]°~-:~ I department of the Agricultural ] age or nea~zng are ReaR." [ capital commission bill the Senate
to be ,ntere~ omts ach ~coilege I pas~ed a resoluUon 39 to 10 in fa
a .... planted together/" &. , P , e while Knezevich of the go December 9 12 ~ • !. ........ / , , , "
~,f~a~ement of the cr~ | i Cowboys led his teammates with J ~., ~o~n ,~,, ~o:'qn ...... ~o~a i lutrrH~:~ a~D DAUGHTER cur of retaining the capital at Bis-
-- ,,#_ me applicant i- ,ace ~..~.~ [ A FRT.~wv ~VT~ I eight points McGee accounted for [ _,=t' ..... v~-~'- ~'~:'~'~:~'~'~ "~'~'~ i RESIGNS PASTORATE [ BANQUET I marck. Among the ten oppossing
~lln~no~hr~Ym~len~S,th:t thaSs°re!/hlhile h_aui~g a load~ lumber thh~::~rn;ema~:n~g ~;aCrhfoVv~ntr~ [t~ri~elba~s'~ ~mst°~12etT~c~eu~ chPJhb~aa~d °fe~h:d C:n~e~egrat~n~ 'M~T~i:n~th°d~t ~%mg~ng cHUms ~hin~Ose~m~!Uect~°~a2~ltay~d~stmar'~o::gi:
zor other t me on Frlda eve P ane~ ~o ~rea~ mm the sour meet hr h vet bad roads
Pul'POSe stated and .... ban lemon :ha ..... Y n~g, Roy Rob-lin~, column "1 _ ins t o,ug.. 'Y . _ _ trey P C Packer, who was then teresting time at the church par-}itiated petitions stand in the way
ant _cannot otherwi~~_ ~ae ]he w~ cro~m-~ an e~pemence. As Next ~da- (tomorrow) the aria weamer,: s~a~e:s t~oun~y agen~lvisl~lng" at DMkinson, saying he mrs Wednesday evening, February]of imm~iate action ,by the capitol
~eaect money f .... °~ r .....~.g ~ne cree~ near I rm,,~.,~ ~.,~, ~^^, ~ .......... I r~ewcom.~. ~ve~oc~r owner ~y_ me t could not accept the offer of salary 25, when a Mother and daughter t commission, there is a very strong
~r ms ~ ups s t .~ w.. ,,,~w .le oe~. ~an ear were lU ,
arminghe n,,,~..__.__,~ anSeeding[*d that ~rucz ..... uppectrry" u' pheandfr°nthe wasend unable°f the I ~'~"~_t ~ams m ~ ae~ermme" ~ " me'- ,,~'*" chain- -[13at memoers$4 582 42 andias~ Y$600 45 worthV~ e~o~ made by the board and tendering mobanqueth w~ll be given to which all i probabilitl y that if the petition is
~. gets the loan h~ ~ .... ~ |to ~o farth~ ,-~ .... " - -, nionshin and a real cont~o+ ~: [ _ '. • ._ ::2" . _ I his resignation as pastor of the . t err are invited to bring their I not withdrawn .by Jamestown, th~
ms Year ~ u ~er~ sperry ana ~ o~,--" proaucas were soxa The cxuo was, aau hters Alread the e en lectton as
; • ....... /Ha:--, Ma.~;2-''~- . f a~ured~'' A ~,,,,m ........ • ,,r ~.., [ . • ..... Beach church to take effect March g • y v t has [ governor will call an e '
e statem -~ u~on s~ooa ~on the front • ~"~'~ ...... ~ ~ ---~*" orgamzed in 1923 Being Sl~ua~ea aroused s m
,_ . enLs or int~--- .... [of the truck * ........ i r,, ha~ h ......... ~a o,~,~ ,,~,,t.~,~ J ...... ". ..... 31. Some time ago Rev. Packer re- o uch interest that the i soon as possible and get the n~
~on Shall ~.,~,vxm, ~ no,a z~ aown When ~ "~" ..... ~" ~'~ ~'° m me near~ o~ me zetmous ~ew ladzes fear the church 1 ainst
, be punished b-- a [he crossed the c .....• . I of both teams are firm in thelr~~ ~ ............. I ceived a call from the church at " ha 1 will be I out of the way, either for or ag
[ not exceedin~ ~1 00a --Q,- It*. .......... rve~ near his home I ........................~: | ~axem. x-iois~ezn ~xrcm~ me ~oys I Mutt, N. D., said to be a better inadequate to hold the crowd and [ Bismarck ,so that work on the new
an, or ' |time hem. o curred. ome ou ]ana .~rlsnaturally. ~.~ecam_e in~er:l proposition financially than the !t may be that another place will lbuilding may proceed quickly, In-
- ~ne pa~ers____a~-" mn~ .... .[~om-='-~'''~o '~o.uerr, son and Harry --- ~,,v. . ...... /es~ea in rlom~ezn raxsmg. Three ozI pastorate here but the matter has be secured for the interesting event [stead of being_ held up at great ~,
zlll be turned over'"to~ ~l~e ]f~n~ly r&a~e" to the rescue. He ~ra~afe summaries, ~en~ine, ,u~e [the presertt members, Erwin and]been under co~lderation until Mr. The program will include address'/pense to the state until ~he next
lrdty com,~,** ..... ov.,-... | ea~nome safely. ~,~ e: Laura Klusmann, and Alice Holle, Packer' ion came yesterday, es by interesting s eakers and the l general election.
and ~,:.~-::~f~e xyr .......... i _ - ~eacn (12) FG FT I~F [are "charter members" s supper will ~be be Pond c . r rowin a tre-
-**,,-ova4 aria u on - R • ~ y ompa e as[ There has been g g
the ~ner ..... , ~.^ ~__, ap- |EVIVING SHAKF~PEARE McGee, f ............ 1 2 ~I Eleven of the members fed ailage NONSENSE to excellence. Remember the date. mendous sentiment a alnst Jmmes-
n ';1u a Drov .| The B .... . . ]ones, .f_. ............. ~ 0 o0[Lo their stoc.k in 1930, a~or~ng to There is a report around town ~' --- town because of her ~apital anti)i-
.cured note ~'w- _~, ,_j |~.^...,~_ ~_,,~,, women s czuo met on :" .... .ewcn, c .......... ~ ~ ~, w~ker ~aeoe, preslaez.~. "we l~ave] that while it is proposed to appro- $8,0@0,000 WOULD BE I Lions when she already has one of
Ptember 3n ,~ .... | ....... the home of o. , g .......... lry • rials two million dollars for a AVAILABLE IN N. D.~the best pa i state instltuttons
e ~. ~,, wu, ~u ,,~v,,u,x evening at ~.ap~goerg u u ~ learned Its value as a d~feed
ttel mort ........ [ ...... g ear ' under _ ~ short, ~nd in the fall when pasture~ inference being ~hat somebod was prommately $8,000,000 will become] have been deluged with protests
t at th- ~, ,~, aria Dear/~ars. ~,,~rs~. For the Past thre~ ~oo ~oran g 0 0 2[~ts true value is most a reciated p I y ng
.._ e rate o fi " __ ~ ~ ..... . .... PP new capital that the plans call for _. . for any town in the Insane Aslyum
~.urn f ve percent l~ons the club has made a study of Odman, f .......... 0 0 0 zn rne spnng when ~asmre~ are a buildin to cost but 750.000 the ~zsmarcz, N D Feb 16--Ap- and members of the legislature
, . g $ , • ., .
Clla ~na espeare s Kin L , " '
all the cro t he' appncr°pl °_flaMvrS. Helen Russell. ±'otal ............... 4 4 8 become dry and lose much of t~eir]in line to graft over a millio~Ydoll- available to North Dakota World against Jamestown% tactics, so
In 1931 Pa ..... I .. p y was read aloud ............... feeding value With silage, steady] ars The full of this lies in the war veterans if the veterans loan that most people now believe that
W1 • ymen~s ~o appli- in ~ne meet a ~en~inex ~3u~e tz~ ~z~ r-~ r-~- " ,, • Y
I1 be made u ....... [ • ~ ~ ir~s, nd Mrs. Russell B,,~ ....... milk production ls mairt];ained, he I fact that while the cost of a new bill, passed by the national house, IciLy hasn't a ghost of a chance of
~Pr p,~u approval supplementer ~ne readl~ ,,,o~n, • ............. o x a is en i " ,' ~nc,
, ~esentative of ~ ~o [~,+~,~o~ ~,~+ .....g..With ad- Hi~lin ¢ ~ ~ ~ says. capital ,building has been limited . acted nto law, T. O. Kraabel.[ u:un .... out should an election be
,.u~ agriculture ^th= "Y'I .... ,..-~-_y,~ ~ mmrma~lon con- Th~|~ "~ ............. ~ ~ ~ The silo offered in 1929 was won to two million dollars, no ~plan~ veterans serwce commissioners,[ held, and the cost of the special
~*mer m ~ cernlng me worz and -- s
' ~Y Proper lustaP ....... life of Shake- Carl~-~" ~ ............ ~. n ~ by the PurR]an Park Baby beef club have been made of a new building aid here tonight, election would then be a millstone
~Pplication___ .~- xm~--~'Z'~" ...... speare, ana m a very effective way reuer"-= ~"'" ~' ............... of Kidder county.Its sale netted and none will be secured until the The face value of adjusted corn- around the necks of her promoters
anowe~ interpreted variousa son, g ........... 0 0 0 • .,
^a~ mortgage wil h~ ~- - - P rts of theN ,,-- ,, the nine members $800 and wets capitol commission secures them, pensatm.n ce.rtificates held by re- and create a prejudice against the
?. ~ne ap~licant lmb2 ~- ~ra~egy.. .... u ................... 0 1 3 used to purchase purebred beef so at the present time nobody terans in thin state is estimated city that will take years to erase,
~l be d_ed~" fro~e ~1; "me ClUO,,w_lll next .take up a Total 12 4 9 heifers. The contest Is to be con- knows what the ~building wtll cost, ~Y. Kraabe~ at $16:000,000. Half of[ as the tax-ridden and hard-up peo-
a~vanced to applicants s~uay ,o~ _'.me 'x~tmmg of the Ref~r~£" "~" "l"~'~v~ .... tinued in 1931 when another silo and the folly of the report Is plain ~ms.. amoun~ Will. us come available] ple of the state are in no humor
• . • ~nrew' oy ~ne same writer, under ..... ~z~.~, .... ....... will be given by the Madiso~ corn- on its face. " . ~o muse WhO aestre ~o obtain loans to have any added expenses sad-
ls kno~¢ as the -- the direction of Miss Chase -- ~. _ . party ~ on enactment of the l~w. The bill dled on them merel because of a
Message,, will b~°n~t-h-l~- .... G~[O_I. £tub_ Noyes .~moajor , " Over 150 people enjoyed the proposes to increase the loan value town's ambitions Y
sxven ~rge ~oucz mo~orea ~o J.ncmn o h
WDAY at Fargo N The roller rink is quite an at- son Monday, returning that even" M.P. Lovgren ret~ Saturday Catholic card party last Monday f t ere certificates to 50 percent Now that the capital business is
ep traction to the younger element evening from a trip to the Twin evening at the church hall Miss of the face value, out of the way tip bobs the con-
eb. 22 at 4 p. m. these evenings, ins. Cities combining pleasure and vts- Catherine Uetz won the first prize tress]cuRl redistricting of the state
Th will be the
Rev. Pucker attended the special ]tins relatives with business. He by winning nine games, with AI. Mrs. Lena Thoreson has recover- with four bilks, two each for divi-
according to A lot of Beach people attended meeting of the D~cMnson associa, reports having bought a very at-" Odlman second with eight games, ed from her sickness and is be- sion into east and west dlstri~s
executive secre- the dance at Wibaux Saturday ti~c~ of Consrega~tonat c~urches at tractive line of spring gooda in his This is the last party the ladles hind the counter at the Ruttrey and two for division into north and
~ night and report a good time. D ckinson Tuesday. line. will give before Lent. store agMn. south districts.