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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 17, 1944     Golden Valley News
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February 17, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ Ursday, February 17, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE Mrs. Nell Hogoboom'"entertained FAMOUS EDITOR Jessie Weber and two| children!' NOTICE TO CREDITORS not less than two weeks llbefore nt Ja e to e ~ da of leasing |::~ ~kT "IPtT~]iT TTI[ TT I"]TJ at cards Wednesday evening, the . ~ . . . m s. wn Wed.n sday to !IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ~(h~ Board of University and School I-UtlI,IIP, N V III,I,PA Mesdames Clara Wagner, Gladys The neath of William Auen aisle wire reiauves. Tne two child- OFNoLOU C..HATH.ORNE. Deeea.sed." Lanas reserves., the right to reject | ~va, auz,u., zalJ.azau, Hanson, Alma Rink and alga White, the greatly admired editor ren remained for a visit with their undersi~edls Enxere~YrixglV~nthDey LaUasl a%~e~aa~llb:2r~arck' North Dakota, A Weekly Published Every Thursday by The PUBLISHING CO. Fred A, Shipman, Editor ~*C. SHIPMAN, BusinaU Manager 3. D• MacDOUGALL, Bupt. ADVERTISING BATES Advertising, per inch -$ .3! 52~ weeks, inch .3( line - - - , - - .10 I0 lines - - - 1.00 Positively no exceptions will be made on the above rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES within North Dakota, Wibaux and Fallon Counties, .~ in Montana: ~rear ........ $3.50 gMonths ....... 1.50 ~ad?emses ouiside of North Dakota: . Year ........ $3.00 Months ........ 2.50 NO subscriptions accepted for less than six months as Second Class matter a at Beach, North Dakota 7, 1936, under the Act of March 3, 1897. SENTINEL BUTTE] Mrs. Alma Rink, Cor. l alga Lardy called on Mrs. Sunday afternoon. Will]~rs. Anna Lardy called on Mrs. • ~cherle Tuesday. Mms. Wm. Garner was a dinner of Mrs. Calvin Dempsey on I,~lrkpa~rick spent the nd with her friend, Clara May l~her. and Mrs. Mike Zinsli were ess callers here and in Beach ~ay. ul Wagner and Nell Hogoboom _~nded a Legion meeting in ~tch Wednesday evening. Mary Zinslt has taken em- ~e?nt at the Paul Wehrman paM~'s. Ernest Nelson and Mrs. Wlschow visited Mrs. Win. Gal~lner Saturday afternoon. *~r. and Mrs. George Lardy and were Sunday evening call- at the Nick Uetz ho~e. Mr. and Mrs. Paul ~S~ner were at the Bert Fa~el~ing home Wibaux ~aturday. Mrs. May Fisher was a caller at the Otto Petersilie home Monday • everang. I ,_~rs. Joe Downs spent several "J ~tl~ in town with her daughter, | . Russell Brown. | Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Kunick were ~tors at Vic Johnsons Friday ttternoon. ~eMrAs/ Lawrence Kirkpatrick, Jan- ~_ and Carol were visiting Mrs. Fisher Friday. ~. Bert Waldahl and Mrs. Olga Y were Beach business callers 0~1 Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Teacher, Pet- • ~rand Donna were Golva callers "Phttrsday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Do~ns called Itt the Lloyd Yates home Wednes- ~Y. . . ~oM~ka~ Margaret Decker aleft for , kane and other points in Wash- and ~ ton to visit relatives per- Ps find employment. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Theisen and and Mrs. Nick Uetz and ] were Sunday dinner guestsI ~Pank Nehls in Beach, Carlson called on Mrs. Pet--] ~lmday afternoon and at ~r~ ~arl~0n home Sunday Haugse and Clyde Polly for Minneapolis Sunday where attend a grain dealers ~0nvention, Lardy. Miss Betty Armstrong was taken to the Beach hospital Sunday suf- fering from an infection as a re- sult of an injury she received while playing basketball. Mrs. Anna Lardy and Daniel Bohn left Thursday for Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Lardy has been vis- iting her daughters, Mrs. Chas. Bohn and Mrs. Howard Stockwell for the past two months. Daniel will visit relatives at Portland• Mrs. Win. Gardner was hostess to the Lutheran Ladies Aid in the church basement Thursday. A de- licious lunch was served at noon by Mrs. Gardner after which short business meeting was held. Mrs. Harry Mikelson and Mrs. By- ram Hogoboom will entertain at the next meeting on March 9th. Mrs. Fred Sn~th was hostess to members of the Get-to-Gether Club at their annual Valentine party Friday afternoon. Several guests were also present. Prizes for members were: Mrs. Julia Win- chow, first and Mrs. Ruth Carlson, second. For guests Mrs. Florence Smith received first and Mrs. Math Tescher second• Valentines were exchanged and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Smith.. Mr• and Mrs. Herman Dietz en- tertained at a whist party Mon- day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waldahl, Mrs. alga Lardy, Mrs. Hazel Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook and the Misses Mary Tiber, Mer- tyce Olson, Helen\Higley and Jen- nie Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mikelson and Miss Ethel Mikelson. Prizes were received by Bert Wal- dahl and Helen Hlgley. Ed Cook won the door prize. Lunch was served by the hostess. V-- FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Olsrud, pastor Tel. 154 Beach: Sunday School 10 A. M. Services at 11 A. M. Sermon theme: "Fulfilling All Righteous- ness•" The Brotherhood meets at the Goodwin Thompson home this Thursday at 8 P. M. Ladies chorus practice this Fri- day, 8 P. M. Evangelistic meetings with Rev. P. A. Nordsletten, speaker, begin next Tuesday 8 P. M. Carlyle Services at 2:30 P. M. Confirmation class 3:30 P. M. Garner Ladies Aid at the D. A. Gustaf- son home Wednesday with lunch served at noon. Evangelist Nord- sletten will be guest speaker. Sentinel Butte: Services with Evangelist Nord- sletten as speaker Friday, Feb. 25, 2:30 P. M. V- UNITED BRETHERN CHURCH D• E. Kenney, Pastor Sunday, Feb. 20. 10:15 A. M., Special Service in honor of Chaplain F. N• Richert, our former Pastor, At this time a certificate of award from the War Department will be unveiled and hung in the chureh. Rev. G. K. Bergland, of Olendive, Mont., will be the principal speaker. 11:15 A. M., Bible Study classes for all ages. 7:30 P. IV[: The Evening Worship Hour. Wednesday ~.8 P, M. Young People's Christian ndeavor. 9 P. M., C-~noir l~ehearsal CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. John Roberts, p~tor of the Emporia, .Kansas, Gazette, ends a career that is inspiring to newspaper workers. As editor of that newspaper in a city of about 1~,000 people, his utterances were read with attention all over the country and in foreign lands. Mr. White's writings had unique insight, judgment and common sense, as well as honesty and sin-I cere conviction, and no end of l humor and intelligence. There are few who can write grandparents. ESTRAYED There came to my place a big white-faced cow, branded reverse C H on left hip. J. V. Klein, Sen- tinel Butte, N.D. 20-3tp ~'V~ A person wrapped up in himself makes an unattractive package. ~'V Will and estate of Lou C. Hathorne late of the City of Glendive in the County of Dawson and State of Montana, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons, having claims against, said decedent to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice to sald Executrix at the office of John Keohane, her resident Agent. in the City of Beach in said Golden Valley County, North Dakota, or to the County Judge of said County. NOTICE is hereby further given that the time and place fixed by me court for hearing and adjusting sucn claims .are the 15th day of S U M M O N S ^"-"~n~t~t' 1~44,~ at ten o'clock A M • e C urt Rooms of the Count with such forceful penetration Yet _ y • STATE OF NOR-~---DAKOTA . , t:ourt tn the Court House in the the' utterances of newspapers in I I City of Beach in the Coun"h, of • • . COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) "~ communltles like hzs and in smaller ,,~ r,,~ .......... [Go~den Valley and State of North • S X I-I~ J~ ~ux~, Dakota. towns as well attract wide atten-1 I T UDICIAL DISTRICT I Dated this ~,÷h ,~ .... • v ..... tion. Anyone who can write intelli- J°hnst°"~aintiff ~1944. - gently and effectively for a local~ vs. . ' ~ EDNA IVA WHITE ~,,. ....... ~. ~.~ ,~.~. ~ ~ ,.~ [Lillian Cole, the unknown [ ~xeeutrix. • ,~p,~l~ w,,~ ~*u ~,~,~v ,*,~ ~,~-[ heirs of Daisy Foster, De- |JOHN KEOHANE once extends far beyond his home Iceased' the unknown heirs | Attorney for Executrix, • of Lenofa Hem Peal/, De- 'Beach, North Dakota. I ~own. I ceased. James C. Horn, Paul First publication on the 3rd day of v D. Hem, Eva B. Hem l~ruse, February, 1944. • ! Mollie Hem Burgess, Cecil (Feb. 3, 1O, 17, 1944) THE WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Hem Willey, Raymond Fos- ~ ! ter, Rex M. Foster, Reese Fos- l ter, R. R. Halstead, Halstead NOTICE OF LEASING OF | The women of the Methodist Corporation, a corporation, STATE AND SCHOOL LANDS | ............ ' First National Bank, of - | unl~ea ~re~nren ann ~ne ~ongre- Dickinson, N o r t h Dakota, All unleased State School lands in a corporation, John Gilbert- Golden Valley County, North Da- son, and all other persons gational churches will join with christian women of the world in a "World Day of Prayer" at the United Brethern church on Friday evening, February 25th at 8:00 P. M. Fifty countries plan to join for this observance. Gold, Franincense and Myrrh chosen as symbols. An offering will be taken up to aid Christian work among students in universities and for Indians and migrants. V .... SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath School 11:00 A. M. Church service 12:00 Noon . Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 P. M. "-V CARD PARTY at St. Mary's Altar Society of Sen- unknown claiming any es- tate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon the property described in the Complaint, Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH D~'~OTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED. DE- FENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the above named Plaintiff, which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer thereto upon the sub- scriber at his office in the City of Beach in said County and State, within thirty (30) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such ser- vice. and in case of your failure to appear or answer as above re- quired, the Plaintiff will take judg- ment against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. - Dated at Beach. North Dakota. this 3rd day of February, 1944. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Postoffice Address: Beach, Nortb Dakota. l [ NOTICE. tinel Butte wfl sponsor a card~ You and each of you will please party on Tuesday, February 22, take 'notice that the above entitled ~'^'~'" in"~t~d I aczlon ls orougn~ for ~ne purpose ~very~-~ ,, • of quieting title in the Plaintiff V land depriving you, and each of you. of any and all interest in and to the " _ following described lands situated in ~---::::-=--:--::---=--g--~ the. ' County of Golden Valley and | ~vmz'r ~s~wv~tv~ww | State of North Dakota, vtz: ! i~lq~V IqlllMi~/I ! Lot Seven (7) in Block Three | II!1 i |11|111111111 ! (3) of the Original Townsite of v~ ~ ~ ~ v v~,w~ ] Beach, North Dakota, as the | ~ ~ ~V~V~V~T~ ~ same is platted and the Plat Iil)ilill~l~l|lltl|~lJ ! thereof on file and of record in l l'fi| R iP, rdlmllHt~ ! the office of the Register of Deed~ [ ~t~, v vz-u-~, w ~, | in and for Golden Valley County, ~_::__:=_: __== _ ...... ~ North Dakota. R~le~r Meeting, January 3rd, 1944 . The City Council of the t~i~y ox Beach.' N. Dak. met in regular ses- Dak. met in regular session on sion on Jan. 3rd. 1944 with Mayor ~. W. Johnson and Aldermen T. . Dickinson, H. H. Halstead, M. P. Lovgren, W. C. Schulz and EL R. Thompson present; M. E. Freese. absent. Minutes of the regular meeting of Dec. 6th were read and approved on motion by Dickinson. seconded by Halstead. The following bills were read and considered: Mont.-Dak. Utilities Co., Street Lights, $114.37; Mont.~Dak. Utilities Co., Power, lights & gas, $124.61; Golden Valley News, Publishing, $11.95; Beach Public Library, $2.5.00; Bismarck Tribune Co., Register, $44.95; Golden Valley Lumber Co., Lumber, $15•61; City of Beach, Water• $1.25; Lewis Rooms, Rooms for transientS, $2.00; Cozy Cafe. Meals for transients, $1.40; Mrs. A. Bellmont, Crocks. $4.50: A. E. Woodward, Crocks, $3.30; O. Hughes, Coal for Skating rink, $12~0; Paul Mogle, Cutting weeds, $4.86; N.W. Bell Telephone Co., Service. $2.50; F_~ Kouba, Repairs, ~5.00; State Treasurer, Examiner's Fees, $45.00; Gamble Store, Supplies, $11.03; N• D. Water & Sewage Works Confer- ence, 10,5 No, HTH, $47.25; O1aus Rishovd, Supplies, $23.94; Earl Jones. Janitor, $2.50; Ellen J. Arnold, ~alary, $75.00; Glenn P. Cook, Sal- ary, S150.00; L. J. Erickson, Salary, ~100.00; C. O. Halvorson, Salary, ~75.00; State Treasurer, Sales Tax, ~30•73; Collector of Internal Reve- nue, Quarterly tax returns, $68.09; I • qina Kirst, City Treasurer, Interest t• ~n Paving Bonds, $429.24; City Hall ~ • :)perating Fund, Transfers from Con- • ,inge ,ory Tax FUnO. ipx . , mteer Fire Depa~en~^ Services, ] i ~.50; Petty Cash, ~@.~, I i Mo~ion made by I~s~ea~,: sec- ] • ~@~ by Di~ins0n that billg ~vl • 10W~ and wa~an~ Issued on the~ • ~rlous fun(ts ir~" payment thereof. II ~re.s@~ v g~e~ "Y~". ~ouon ~rrlecL and of determining adverse claims thereto, and that no personal claim is made against you unless you appear and defend in this action. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff. Beach. North Dakota. {Feb. 10. 17, 24, March 2, 9, 16, 1944) II . I I I kota, will be offered for rent at a )ublic leasing sale to be held in the Court House at Beach in said county, on the 6th day of March MrS. J~2¢e Hess and ~le were dinner guests at the home Mrs. Mary Hess in Beach Sun- Church School at 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship service at II:00 A.M. yo.ung Peoples m eetin~ at 7:30 1944 commencing at 10 A. M. o'clock. All unleased lands will be leased to the highest bidder for a term of three to five years. The first year's rent plus the legal leasing fee must be paid in full on the day of the ~ale. A list of such lands to be offered will be on file with the treasurer of said county for public inspection I H this 4th day of January 19,14. JOHN O. LYNGSTAD, State Land Commissioner. (Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3, 1Q, 17~ 24, March 2, 1944) H dlllH i iili i I ~ i il Can you use a typewriter] CAN YOU do clerical work or aeeomating? Have you ever worked in a store? Can you drive a ~? The Army needs all kinds of • skills in the WAC. There's a chance for you---to improve a skill you already h~ve, or learn one you'll find useful all your life. Today--find out about the opportunities that await you in the WAC---the Important job, the interesting life, the chance to serve your country in a vital way. APPLY at the neaxest U. S. Recruiting Station (your local post office will give you the ad- dress). Or write: The Adju~ant General, Room 44L5, Munitions Building, Washington, D. C. ilil i Sure's a lot of talk going around nowadays about post-war plan- ning.., folks passing resolutions ... statesmen holding confer- ences.., governments making promises to each other• But as Bert Chtlders says: "What good is all this drawing up of plans unless each one of us decides to make his corner of the world a better place to live in?" From where I sit, Bert's put the problem in a nutshell. Gov- ernments can pass all the reso- lutions and make all the treaties they can think of-and it's still up to the people themselves to -see to it that the world is ruled by tolerance and understanding. Unless we make up our minds to respect the other fellow's rights and liberties--whether It's the right to enjoy a glass of beer occasionally or the right to vote aecordlng to our conscience --all our post-war planning won't be worth the paper that it's printed on. No. 75 of a Series I Copyright, 1944, Brewing l.~.~ry Founda~iors _ Late Model Used Cars For S!ale AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER DICKINSON, NORTH DAKOTA 1 - 1941 Oldsmobile 98 Four Door Sedan -- equipped with radio, heater," defrosters, good tires -- exceptionally clean. 1 - 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Four Door Sedan, with heater and defrosters ~ good paint -- a very clean car. 1 - 1941 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Town Sedan -- exceptional appearance -- good tire~ -- heater and defrosters. I -•i§4i Ciwvro|et Special Deluxe Five Passenger Coupe, with heater, defrosters, radio, and new set of tires -- exceptionally clean ~ an A-1 c~r. 1 - 1941 Master Deluxe Chevrolet Coupe ~ good tires -- motor and body in very good condition. 1- 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Tudor with heater, defrosters and seat covers -- body, fenders and motor very good. 1 - 1940 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Town Sedan, equipped with radio, hegter and defrosters -- very good ~ all around. 2 - 1940 Ford Tudors -- very clean -- good ruhber and heaters. 1 - 1939 Chevrolet Master. Deluxe ,Tewn Sedan -- this is an exceptional ear, with very good tires ",' bedy; motor and general appearance. 1 - 1938 Buick Super Four Door SeAm -- painLi body and motor in very good ooaditiom ...... 1 - 1938 Buick Special Four Door Sedan r r-tires ~ motor -- body and general appearance very gaG& 1 -~938 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Town Sedan -- equipped with radio, heater and defrosters ~ a very good ear. 1 - 1938 Ford Five Passenger Coupe ~ very good mechanically and in appearance, SAX MOTOR CO'. PHONE 25 Dickinson, N. D,