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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 17, 1944     Golden Valley News
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February 17, 1944
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GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS _]1 = .. , Girl Harvesters Save the Svrur) i ~ ]n{,t i;]st~ntl:¢ as juzt~ _ " Y " P g " y yp'cal example - # was the work of coeds from the University of New Hamp. No Diplomat'c Relations shire who gathered sap on the farm of Samuel Smith in Washington, V.C. No diplomatic relations exist to- Gilford~. N. H., Farmer Smith and his clan of 9 children :ar/d-13 grandchildren formed 'the nucleus of the coed army ,which harvested sap from hundreds of maple trees. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. New Hampshire was the sixth ranking state in produc- tion of maple syrup. These photos show the harvesters at work. Oxen are still used to haul sap tanks on sleds at the Smith farm. In the background are some members o] the Smith #amily with a lew o] the college girls who helped collect the sweet liquid. ..... .... .,iiii!i::i i I ..... l ~i~:' " tSmith shows Dorothy Kee]e This is how the bucket hangs ow to tap. He bores a hole that. under spiles. It is held by hooks, lds a spile through which sap Hundreds o] containers are hung tuns into a bucket, by the gatherers. Sap, as it comes trees, is crystal Top right: Three contribu. into the sap gather. tank. When the tank the fluid is boiled porate all but Right: A ]uU,. reaches the sugar and its contents are through cloth as Sap goes to the sugar. 'hOuse. Below: A "sup o1]" party. Youths cooked into tirely the fault of the bureaucrats. In normal times, 225 pounds is good average weight for hogs. The American market likes its bacon lean. But for lend-lease purposes, extra production was required, espe- cially to supply lard for the Soviets. So farmers were implored to feed to heavy weights. Came the corn shortage, and farm- ers were implored to stop feeding, market their hogs, and release the corn for shipment to dairy and poul- try areas. Each change was im- plemented by shifts in the federal price supports. But the hog run became phenom- enal. January's slaughter broke all records. Hogs became a glut on the market. Farmers couldn't get near the slaughter houses. They had to keep on feeding. Hogs auto- matically got heavier, at the rate of 15 pounds a week. But if they got over 300 pounds, they passed the support level, and the packers docked them. Fearing to lose money, farmers jammed their hogs into market channels, and the run became chaotic, So now Washington has swung back again, and is inviting farm- ers to feed to heavier weights. The support price has been extended to 330 pounds. Note: Probably no decision of War Food administration was made with greater reluctance, and the support price wiU be reduced again as soon as the hog run tapers off. i s $ MERRY-GO-ROUND {Washington real estate agents are evading price ceilings by requiring new tenants to decorate apartments at their own expense • • • To pack 'era in tighter, a Washington bus driver called out, "Push to the back, folks, and get together like you were in church." {I. Ed Stettinius, undersecretary of state, discovered that ambassadors returning to Washington had no space in the state department build- ing. With one phone call, he fixed up a suite of six rooms. {I. Sen. Ralph Brewster of Maine, a dry, used to have a hard time re- fusing drinks at capital cocktail par- ties. "But now," he says, "with liq- uor so scarce, I'm the most popular man at the party[" . . ~I. British embassy officials, mina- ] ful of food and liquor shortages here, ]are avoiding the usual diplomatic Ientertaiulng. Laraba didn't wait ~or the "sugaring or party. She maple s~gar as i~ came from th~ tree. FOOD AND THE WAR (~ day between Rtl~sia and at Feast Assistant PresidentJimmyByrnes ~ 25 of the other United Nations, called a meeting of the War Mobili- nations associated with them ancl zation committee the other day to neutral countries, among which discuss the vital question of food for are Brazil, Iraq, Peru, Portugal 1944. In preparation for the meet- and Switzerland. ing, War Food Administrator Mar- vin Jones had his staff prepare a lengthy report on food prices, farm ~ WHO SUffER FR{}M, labor, machinery and other phases of the farm problem. 11 1l!i1$ This report was distributed before the meeting so that members of the If you suffer from hot flashes, War Mobilization committee would weak, nervous, cranky feelings, are have time to study it, but it soon be- a bit blue at times---due to the functional "middle-age" period came apparent that genial Judge peculiar to women~try Lydia E. Jones had not read carefully his [ Pinkham's Vegetable Compound own report--if at all. to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly--Pinkham's Compound When he began to talk about the helps build up resistance agait~t drastic need of farm machinery and such distress. It helps nature! the restrictions on its production, Also a fine stomachic tonic. Fol- WPB's Donald Nelson quickly picked low label directions. him up. Obviously, Nelson had read LYDIA E.PIKKHAM'SVEGETAOLf COMPOUND Jones' report and had some facts of his own to refute it. He pointed out that the only thing getting a higher Invest in ~m~'erty priority than farm machinery on the war production schedule was the ~" ~ ~uy War Bonds landing craft program, and that the President had ordered landing barges placed ahead of everything else. "You wouldn't put farm machin- ery ahead of landing barges, would Pattern No. 8554 is in ~. 8, 10, 12 and 14 you?" asked Nelson. years. Size 8 takes 2~e yards 35-inch "Well, it won't do 'em any good to material. Grove's Cold Tablets are a real recall- land if they haven't got food," re- Due to an unusually large demand and clne!They'rellkeadoctor'sprescrlp. plied Jones. current war conditions, slightly more time tlon--that Is, a multiple medlclne. Undersecretary of War PatterSon is required in filling or(let s for a few of Wlthwork onPr°mpt'all thesedectsiVeusualaCti°n'cold syrup-they ~ i )8558 tke most popular pattern r lambers, tomi...relieveheadach--sebody also tangled brisldy with Jones over Send :,,our order to: ache*--reduce fever--relieve nasal farm deferments. Patterson point- stuffiness. This Is real relief when ed out that there were 750,000 boys 34-d8 suffering the common distresses eta cold. Take Grove's Cold Tablets ex- between 18 and 21 with permanent SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. actly as directed. Rest~avold ~xpo- draft deferments because they were Princess Panel. 5~0 South Wells St. Chicago sure. Get Grove's Cold Tablets from farmers. | F YOU want lines which tend Enclose 20 cents in coins for each your druggist today. pattern desired. ~avcMoney--GetLargeEconomySl~l "This is greater than all the oth- ~ to slim a too-heavy figure, a l'at~cPn No ............... Size ....... er deferments of the entire country," Princess panel frcck with well- said the undersecretary of war, add- fitted wiJe belt section, this frock Name ............................... ing that, while agriculture should be will do the trick! Address ............................. in a preferred position, it should not * * * be a "haven for draft dodgers." Pattern No. 8858 is in sizes 34, 36, 3B.. "Well, the army's got to have food, 4o, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 3~. short ~ sleeves, requires 3~ yards 39-inch ma- doesn't it?" replied Jones. terial, s& yard contrast. • • • ,,11.. dlllq# HOG MERRY-GO-ROUND The Right Dress! Hog farmers all over the country |NDEED, it is very much the YOY ACT are dizzy over conflicting directives from Washington. A farmer turns ~ right dress when any special on his radio one morning and learns occasion comes along and you L/g£AalpIIV that Washington wants him to feed want ~o look particularly nice. The OtD hogs heavy. Next, he is asked to midriff treatment gives it its fes- MA# market them lean. Next, just as he rive air! TODAg~Vl II is snatching the extra corn from the pigs, a hurry call comes from Wash- ington '~o feed 'em fat again. Old Eli Took ]enny's Farmers are thinking of staging a Ultimatum Pretty Hard little satire to express their feelings .... Entitled "Make Up Your Mind, Old Eli and his wife, Jenny, had Washington," it has the following enjoyed bickering for over 40 chorus: years. But at last Jenny seemed to "How can a man know what you be really annoyed. For a week she mean, had been harping about Eli drink° Whether a hog shall be fat or lean? ing his coffee from his saucer. Make up your mind and stick to Finally, at supper one night she that, delivered her ultimatum. Whether a hog shall be lean "Eli," she said with dignity, "ef or fat!" you, - ~*=~---~ don't stop a-drinkin'saucer,alll,,i,mYOUr cOf-a.goin, SORETONE However, the situation is not en- f,eeeOU~noY, TUrhat,s Old Eli's jaw dropped. He looked HOW LOW, discouraged, they can soothes Fast with at her, then surveyed his saucer make you feel-those nagging mn~- of coffee in sorrow. He pushed cle aches. In Soretone Liniment COLDII[AIlIBIIIS" away the saucer and spoke with you get the benefit of methyl salt. a note of longing in his voice, cylate, amosteffectivepain.reliev. "Jenny," he said, "I'm a-goin' t' ingagent.AndSoretone'scoldheat miss you, gal." action brings you fast, so-o.o-thing ACTiON relief. Soretone Liniment acts to :- When you hear a Marine called I. Dilate sur/ace capillary blood incaselof a "Leatherneck," it has nothing to ~essels. do with the epidermis of his neck. 2. Check muscular cramps. MUSCULAR LUMBAGO Years ago the Marine uniform was equipped with a high stiff leather 3. Enhance local elreulatlon. OR BACKACHE ,duo to fstllus or exPesurs collar. From that time on, "Leath- 4. Help reduce local swelling. erneck" has been the word for a MUSCULAR PAINS Marine. The word for his favorite For fastest action, let dry, rub /n due to Ioldl cigarette is "Camel"--the favorite again. There's only one Soretone- cigarette also of men in the Army, insist on it for Soretone results. SORE MUSCLES Navy, and Coast Guard. (Based 50L A big bottle, only $1. due to eve~ork on actual sales records from serv- MINOR SPRAINS ice men's stores.) And though ~here are Post Office restrictions or, packages to overseas Army men, you can still send Camels *~ou~h applied cold. rube- • .o soldiers in the U. S., and to men faelent ingredients in Sore- tone act like heat to |nereile in the Navy, Marines, and Coast the euperflclal ,uill}ly ef Guar~ wherever they are.--Adv. "and McKesson makes it" ~l~ to the e,. ,n,i ,.~. it glowlDg aciiae Of warmth,