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Beach, North Dakota
February 16, 2012     Golden Valley News
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February 16, 2012
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February 16, 2012 Page 5 Billings County Commission BILLINGS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING- JANUARY 3, 2012 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M with Commissioners Kasian and Thompson in attendance. Commissioner Arthaud was absent. Others present during portions of the meeting were: Stacey Swanson, Laura Griffin, Sydney Hegge, George Hegge, Marcia Lamb Kasian moved to approve the min- utes from the December 6, 2011 regu- lar meeting and the December 19, 2011 special meeting. Thompson sec- onded. After review, Kasian moved to approve the 2012 resolutions. Thompson seconded. Motion carried• Resolutions 2012-01 through 2012-11 are as follows. The full texts of the res- olutions are on file in the Auditor's Office and posted on the public bulletin board in the Billings County Courthouse. Resolution 2012-01 designates the following appointments: State's Attorney - Jay Brovold; Disaster Emergency Coordinator - Pat Rummel; Magistrate - Donna Adams; Tax Director/Zoning Inspector/Land Use Coordinator - Stacey Swanson; Superintendent of Schools Designee - Joan Jurgens; Risk Manager/Title VI Coordinator - Pat Rummel; Custodian - Larry Johnson; Veteran Service Officer - Leslie Ross; Coroner - Dennis E. Wolf, M.D.; Paramedics - Keri Klang, Mitch Gilseth, Travis Booke; Consulting Engineers - Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, P.C., Interstate Engineering, Ameritech Engineering, Northern Plains Engineering, and Heartland Engineering. Resolution 20t2-02 sets regular monthly meetings of the Board of County Commissioners for 2012 o begin at 9:00 A.M. on the following dates unless changes are posted and advertised in the paper: January 3, February 7, March 6, April 3, May 1, June 5, July 3, August 72, September 4, October 2, November 6, and December 4. Special meetings will be subject to the notice requirement in the Century Code, which is to notify the official newspaper and post the meet- ing notice in the courthouse. Resolution 2012-03 designates the following holidays when the court- house will be closed: January 2 - New Year's Day, January 16 - Martin Luther King Day, February 20 - President's Day, April 6 - Good Friday, May 28 - Memorial Day, July 4 - Independence Day, September 3 - Labor Day, November 12. - Veterans' Day, November 22 & 23 - Thanksgiving, December 24 and December 25 - Christmas• Resolution 2012-04 designates the courthouse will be open every Monday through Friday during the hours of 6:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M except Memorial Day through Labor Day it will be open Monday through Thursday hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Friday 8:00 AM. to 12:00 noon with the exception of holidays and other declared closings• Resolution 2012-05 designates reimbursement for expenses of county employees and officials in the perform- ance of county duties: mileage .90% of GSA rate, 1st Qtr. 6:00 A.M to Noon $6•00, 2nd Qtr. Noon to 6:00 PM. $9.00, 3rd Qtr. 6:00 P.M. to Midnight $15.00, 4th Qtr. Midnight to 6:00 AM. (Lodging) 100% of GSA rate. Resolution 2012-06 authorizes the County Auditor/Treasurer to pay cer- tain miscellaneous expenses such as postage, freight, telephone, regular employee payroll and apportion- ments. Resolution 2012-07 designates the following depositories for County funds: First State Bank of Golva, Great Plains National Bank of Belfield, Bank of the West of Beach, Wells Fargo Bank of Dickinson, American State Bank of Dickinson and US Bank of Minnesota. Resolution 2012-08 accepts the following pledges of security from the named depository banks: Great Plains National Bank $3,389,546•70 plus $250,000•00 FDIC; Bank of the West $6,899,853.00 plus $250,000.00 FDIC; Wells Fargo Bank $2,748,359.04 plus $250,000.00 FDIC; American State Bank $8,727,445.00 plus $250,000.00 FDIC; and First State Bank of Golva $1,439,942.00 plus $250,000.00 FDIC. Resolution 2012-09 authorizes the County Auditor/Treasurer to invest, reinvest, and redeem Certificates of Deposit and other investments of the County. Resolution 2012-10 directs that all legal notices be published in the offi- cial elected County newspaper, "Billings County Pioneer," and posted in the Courthouse. Resolution 2012-11 sets the salaries for county officials, deputies, clerks and employees as follows: The Board of County Commissioners set the following max- imum salaries for the positions listed below, on either an annual or hourly basis, and which salaries are exclu- sive of that official's or employee's health insurance and/or other benefits: Commissioners (3) 15,000•00 Auditor/Treasurer 61,543.76 Auditor/Treasurer Deputies (2) 48,804.16 State's Attorney 56,763•78 Tax Director/ Zoning Inspector/Technology Director 58,843.78 Deputy Tax Director 46,405.38 County Recorder/Clerk of Court 58,843.78 County Recorder/Clerk of Court Deputies (2) 46,405.38 Sheriff 60,281.84 Deputy Sheriff (4131) 53,034.14 Deputy Sheriff/Emerg. Mgr./l"itle VI Coordinator (4132) 60,482.60 Deputy Sheriff (4133) 53,034•14 Fire Chief 36,400.00 Ambulance Director/ Paramedic (Medora) 51,273.60 Paramedic (Belfield) 45,323.20 Paramedic (Belfield & Medora) 45,323.20 Custodian 49,421.38 Road Foremen (3). 53,476•88 Road Crew 50,355.76 Road Crew (Part-time) 22.75/hr Veteran Service Officer 8,700•00 Weed Control Officer 52,437•38 County Agent (Share with Stark County) 6,985.22 (Share with Golden Valley) 1,700.00 County Agent Assistants -3 (Share with Stark County) 8,321.15 Home Economist (Share with Stark County) 4,668.51 tL (Share with Golden Va'lley) 200.00 SOCIAL SERVICES - Share with Golden Valley (Billings County Share noted below is 40% of total) Social Services Director (Golden Valley & Billings) 11,128•32 Social Worker 15,846•58 Eligibility Worker 16,431.17 Administrative Assistant 12,781.06 Homemaker II 5•74/hr Homemaker It 5.58/hr Homemaker tl 5.38/hr Billings County Social Service Board Members 45.00/meeting The zoning board had one issue before them at their December meet- ing. Roger Brockway submitted an application for the construction of a 40' x 60' pole barn structure to house an RV, with living quarters above it, on a 17.3 acre tract in the NW1/4 6-139- 102 along West River Road. The zon- ing board approved the application• Thompson moved to uphold the zon- ing board decision• Kasian seconded. All voted aye. The board received and approved the following permits: Construction in County Right-of- Way Permits • Continental Resources - Section 1, Township 141, Range 98 along 121st Ave to Kostelecky 1-1H • Continental Resources - Section 8, Township 141, Range 99 along 131st Ave SW to Jennie 1-8H Continental Resources - Section 26, Township 144, Range 99 along 10th St SW to J Lazy H 1-26H Continental Resources - Section 35, Township 141, Range 98 along 30th St SW to Narvik 1-35H Continental Resources - Section 33, Township 141, Range 98 along 30th St SW to Metz 1-33H Continental Resources - Section 9, Township 142, Range 98 to Skurupey 1-9H Continental Resources - Section 31, Township 141, Range 98 to Epsom 1-31H Roughrider Electric - Sections 22 & 23, Township 141, Range 99 along 28th St and crossing at 17th Ave SW Roughrider Electric - Section 12, Township 141, Range 102 off West River Road Whiting Oil & Gas Corporation - Section 16, Township 140, Range 100 along 32nd St SW • Whiting 'Oil & Gas Cocporation - Section 24 T0wnship 140; Range'100 along 34th St SW - Whiting Oil & Gas Corporation - Section 13, Township 139, Range 100 along 38th St SW Tax Director Stacey Swanson pre- sented the board with an updated 'Design Standards on County Major Collectors and Local Roads for New or Reconstruction of Existing Infrastructure' guideline. Laura Griffin and Sydney Hegge met with the board to discuss the financial situation of the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame. They requested the county contribute $50,000 to pay the Mida-bond payment• Thompson moved to decline contributing at this time. Kasian seconded. Motion car- ried. Kasian moved to revisit the issue at the February meeting with a full board in attendance• Thompson sec- onded. Motion carried. It was brought to the board's atten- tion that Billings County needs to appoint two members to the Billings/Golden Valley Social Service Board. Emily Makelky was appointed last meeting, but she is unable to take the appointment. Gwen Egly submit- ted her resignation. The board talked with Diane Weir and Tony Kessel and both agreed to sit on the board. Kasian moved to appoint them to the board• Thompson seconded. Motion carried. Thompson moved to transfer $300,000 from District 1 Rd & Brdge fund to 2nd District Rd & Brdge fund to cover a portion of the expenses to build the new firehall. Kasian second- ed. All voted aye. Craig Kubas with Kadrmas, Lee, & Jackson met with the board for the monthly engineer's report. The board recessed from 12 Noon to 1:00 PM The board approved the revenue vouchers for the month of December: Sheriff $1,500 truck overload payment; Zoning Inspector $3,042.00 permits and applications; County Recorder $21,356.02 December collections; Clerk of Court $302.75 December col- lections Revenues for materials and/or services rendered in December: Doug Paluck $452.40 scoria & trucking; Joe Vesey $729•60 scoria& trucking; Sho- Con $390.50 diesel fuel; Baranko Brothers $15,840•00 scoria; James Odermann $324.77 weed spraying; Steve Hartman $489.90 scoria & trucking; Four Corners Care $402.40 scbria & trucking; Moab Bit & Tool Co. $1,912.80 used pipe, backhoe service, scoria, fill sand, trucking; Thomas Grosulak $42.00 Cobra Insurance; Belfield Ambulance $27,826•32 reim- burse expenses; Tait Obritsch $1,271.10 scoria & trucking; Steven Demaniow $150•60 scoria & trucking; Jim Haag $455.85 scoria.& trucking; Flying Y Ranch $125.60 scoria & trucking; Ken Abrahamson $1,296.60 gravel & trucking; Lynette Bushaw $26.88 map; Lindbo Welding $263.70 scoria & trucking; Mark Kasian $564•00 scoria & trucking; Noridian $795.36 ambulance services; William Kessel $948•60 scoria & trucking; Bill Palanuk $125.60 scoria & trucking; Roger Malkowski $415.80 scoria; Terry Johnson $103.89 wed spraying; Rettinger $100•00 ambulance servic- es; Karen Putnam $338.40 scoria & trucking; Beaten $249.98 ambulance services; Dennis O'Brien $377•40 sco- ria & trucking; Belfield Ambulance $4,146.68 ambulance expenses; FEMA $109,574.38 flood reimburse- ment; Bill Meyer $385.20 scoria & trucking; Dept. of Health $3,333•20 EMS staffing grant; Dept. of Health $6,666•40 staffing grant; Edwin Cerkoney $368•55 scoria & gravel; Kevin Kessel $2,874.69 culvert & sco- ria; Flying Y Ranch $207.30 scoria & trucking; Tyler O'Brien $75.00 truck- ing; Terry Tachenko $225.00 loader work/trucking; Stan Johnson $86.15 gravel & trucking Revenues for the month of December: U.S. Forest Service $90,000.00 noxious weed agreement; Mineral Royalties $197,581•14; Highway Tax Distribution $15,901.90; Oil & Gas Production Tax $303,111.10; Adjutant General $1,387.50 Hazardous Chemical Preparedness; Interest $7,171.15; Royalties $75,805•88; Permits $1t,900.00 The following claims were approved for payment: Advanced Business Methods Copier Contracts & Paper O01546 ' " 390.07 Alternative Sanitation ": Garbage Removal 001547 150.00 A T & T Mobility Cellular Service 001548 71.11 Balco Uniform Co. S. O.- Uniforms 001549 7:00 Barker, Gary Museum - Attic Insulation 001550 1,151.00 Billings County Auditor Transfer to Grant Fund 001551 6,253.98 Billings County Auditor Correct Infrastructure Transfer 001552 50.00 Billings County Rural Fire District Taxes 001553 130.28 Billings County Rural Fire District Budget 001554 45,500.00 Billings County Pioneer Publishing 001555 11.88 Billings County School District Taxes 001556 96,543•50 Billings County School District Library Building - Budget 001557 1,500.00 Belfield Automotive Supply, Inc. Parts & Supplies 001558 1,159.47 Best Energy Propane 001559 4,760.00 Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.D. Dental & Vision Premiums 001560 2,386.80 Final Standings Of 201 Racing News Life Insurance is a thoughOCulVafentine's gift for the one you awe. If someone on youfinanc/aa'y give thempeace of mind Racing Trivia Protect Your Family's Lifestyle with Life Insurance Farm Credit Services of Mandan FARME Last Race Of 201 Ford 400 You are invited to attend/ 2012 Crop Insurance Update ! 12:00 PM, Wednesday, February 22 La Playa Restaurant in Beach, ND Lunch will be served followed by the meeting. RClS Representative, Dennis Moen will conduct the meeting. AGRi Insurance, In 1 10 Central Ave. South - Beach, ND " Check out our website for Futures Market, Ag News, Crop Insurance Info and more! Brooks & Associates, C. E. Land Use Plan - Roadless 001561 654.82 Butler Machinery Co. Parts & Supplies 001562 167•52 California Contractors Supply Shop Supplies 001563 113.75 Cass County Treasurer Document Preservation Fund 001564 321.00 Channing Bete Co. Ambulance - C.R.P. Equipment 001565 2,250.20 Cretex Concrete Products Cattle Guard Sills 001566 5,488.50 Dakota Farm Equipment, Inc. Parts & Supplies 001567 689•61 Dakota Filter Supply Parts & Supplies 001568 251.52 Dakota Water Treatment Water System Rental 001569 50.00 Dan's Interstate Conoco S. O. & Ambulance - Gas 001570 193.68 Diamond Truck Equipment IH Truck Accessories 001571 1,804•00 Dickinson Airport Authority Airport Hanger Funding 001572 15,800.00 Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis Ctr. Budget 001573 2,500.00 Elder Care Council on Aging Budget 001574 7,000•00 Energy Systems Industrial Shop Supplies 001575 279.67 Family Connection Visitation Center Budget 001576 2,000.00 First State Bank of Golva Direct Deposit Fee 001577 12.00 Fix It Shop Parts & Repairs 001578 75.00 Floor to Ceiling Store Shop Supplies 001579 38.96 George's Tire, Ltd. Tire Repairs 001580 157.00 Goden Valley County Extension Service Budget 001581 4,850.00 Golden Valley County- Social Services 001582 8,753.65 Golden Valley Soil Conservation Dist. Budget 001583 1,500.00 GovernSoft Dakota Programs Software Support 001584 12,195•00 Great Plains Clinic S. O. - Physical 001585 t47.57 Heartland Engineering Engineering 001586 1,889.74 Hlebechuk Construction Government Creek Road 001587 31,128.00 Information Technology Dept. S. O. - Computer Support 001588 9.25 J P Steel & Supply Iron Supplies 001589 77.20 Kadrmas, Lee, & Jackson, inc. Engineering 001590 27,374.36 Kasian, Michael E. Commissioner - Mileage 001591 224.91 Matthew Bender & Co. Century Code Updates 001592199.44 Maus & Nordsven PC States Attorney - Hearing : " 001593: ...... 225.00 McKenzie County Road & Bridge Cat Rims 001594 6,780.00 Medora, City of.•. Taxes 001595 17,222.75 Midstate Telephone Company 911 Changes 001596 6.00 Midstate Telephone Company Courthouse - Telephone Service 001597 938•73 N.D. Association of Counties Taxes 001598 1t2.48 ND. Atmospheric.Resource Board Weather Radar Funding 001599 2,500.00 N.D. County Auditor's Association Membership Dues 001600 75.00 N.D. County Commissioners Assoc. Membership Dues 001601 1,145.00 N.D. Cowboy Hall of Fame Meeting Room - Maintenance 001602 200.00 N.D. Department of Transportation S. O. - License & Title Fees 001603 11.50 ND. Department of Transportation License & Title Freightliner 001604 10.00 N.D. Department of Transportation License & Title Freightliner 001605 10•00 N.D. Emergency Mgmt. Association Conference Fees 001606 100.00 N.D. Envelope Company Recorder - Envelopes 001607 72.10 N.D.P.E.R.S. Health Insurance Premium 001608 34,825•94 N•D. State Historical Society Chateau Interpretive Center Funding 001609 15,000.00 N.D. State Treasurer Clerk of Court Fees 001610 49.12 Nelson International Parts & Supplies 001611 3,623.82 Northwest Tire, Inc. Tires 001612 1,690.37 O'Brien, Donovan Rough Scoria 001613 576.00 O'Day Equipment, Inc. Down Payment - Gas Tanks 001614 7,710•00 Oyhus Land Company Scoria 001615 45,249.05 Parent Family Resource Center Budget 001616 1,350.00 Parkway Ford Parts & Supplies 001617 14.15 Prairie West Development Budget 001618 10,000.00 Praxair Shop Supplies 001619 150.67 Pump Systems, Inc. Parts & Supplies 001620 10•29 RDO Equipment Co. Parts & Supplies 001621 229.69 Roosevelt-Custer Regional Council Budget 001622 5,000.00 Roughrider Electric Cooperative Electricity 001623 2,664•53 Runnings Farm & Fleet, Inc. Parts & Supplies 001624 471.54 Sax Motor Company S. O. - 2012 Chevrolet Truck 001625 13,915.00 Southwest Business Machines Office Supplies 001626 604•86 Smart Computers & Consulting Computer Technical Support 001627 180.00 Stark County Auditor Veteran Service Officer Budget 001628 • 8,700.00 Stark County Auditor Extension Service Budget 001629 28,749•55 Budget 001636 24,908.33 Southwest Water Authority Taxes 001637 14•24 Southwest Water Authority Water Usage 001638 2,064.15 Tom's Service Center Ambulance - Parts & Service 001639 64.8O Theodore Roosevelt Expressway 5 Year Term Pledge 001640 8,000.00 Tractor & Equipment Co. Cutting Edges 001641 13,807.50 Verizon Wireless Cellular Service 001642 952.55 Western Soil Conservation District Budget 001643 6,000.00 Westlie Truck Center Parts & Supplies 001644 2,511.98 Westlie Motor Company 2006 Freightliner 001645 54,500.00 Westlie Motor Company 2006 Freightliner 001646 65,000.00 American Family Life Assurance Premium 001706 837.53 Century Link Telephone Service 001707 1,055.31 Consolidated Internet Service & 911 Changes 001708 240.45 Discovery Benefits, Inc. Administrative Fees 001709 89.25 Discovery Benefits, Inc. Premium 001710 1,753.35 Information Technology Dept. S. O. - T-1 Line 001711 444.00 Job Service North Dakota Unemployment Taxes 001712 3,169•74 Medora, City of... Courthouse - Utilities 001713 193.05 State Dispersement Unit Garnishment 001714 946.00 N.D. Game & Fish Department Game Licenses 001715 1,054.00 N.D.P.E.R.S. Deferred Comp. Premium 001716 4,989.00 N.D.P.E.R.S Retirement 001717 16,546.37 N.D. State Tax Commissioner State Withholding Taxes 001718 6,037.47 N.D. State Tax Commissioner Sales and Use Tax 001719 1,312•25 Reservation Telephone Cooperative Telephone Service 001720 54.89 Seven Seas Best Western Replace Lost Check #1421 001721 82.00 Visa Ambulance - Training, etc. 00t 722 1,451.48 Payroll in the following amounts were approved for December: General Fund $77,714•41; Road and Bridge Fund $75,110.96; Weed Fund $3,752.58 With there being no further busi- ness, Kasian moved to adjourn the meeting 2:45 P.M. Thompson second- ed. James Arthaud, Chairman Attest: Joan Jurgens, Auditor/Treasurer (February 16) Sunrise Youth Bureau Meeting Notice Budget 001630 7,000.00 SuperPuper ....................... S. O. - Gas 001631 370.80 The annual meeting of the Central Southwest Crime Conference Rural Fire Protection District will be S. O. - Membership Dues held on Wednesday, Feb. 29 at 1 p.m. 001632 40.00 at the Beach Fire Hall• Southwest Community Service Beverly J. Wolff Budget 001633 2,550•00 Secretary/Treasurer Southwestern District Health Unit (February 16 and 23) Taxes 001634 52.07 Southwestern District Health Unit Budget 001635 4,300•00 Southwest Multi-Co. Correction Ctr. Racing News, Stats & Trivia Budweiser Shootout Feb. 18th, 8:00 pm FOX Daytona International Speedway 2011 Sprint Cup Series 1) Tony Stewart Points: 2403 Wins: 5 Top 5:9 Top 10:19  2) Carl Edwards Points: 2403 Wins: 1 Top 5:19 Top 10:26  3) Kevin Haick Points: 2345 WINS: 4 Top 5:9 Top 10:19 4) Matt Kenseth Points: 2330 Wins: 3 Top 5:12 Top 10:20 R 5) Brad Keselowski Points: 2319 Wins: 3 Top 5:10 Top 10:14  6) Jimmie Johnson Points: 2304 Wins: 2 Top 5:14 Top 10:21 7) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Points: 2290 Wins: 0 Top 5:4 Top 10:12  8) Jeff Gordon Points: 2287 Wins: 3 Top 5:13 Top 10:18 i 9) Denny Hamlin Points: 2284 Wins: 1 Top 5:5 Top 10:14 10) Ryan Newman Points: 2284 Wins: 1 Top 5:9 Top 10:17  11) Kurt Busch Points: 2262 Wins: 2 Top 5:8 Top 10:16 B 12) Kyla Busch Points: 2246 Wins: 4 Top 5:14 Top 10:18 Track Details Location: Daytona Beach, Fla. Distance: 2.5 miles Shape: Td-Oval Bankingrrums: 31 degrees Qualifying Record: Bill Elliott 210.364 mph in 1987 Race Record: Buddy Baker 177.602 mph in 1980 Budweiser Shootout Preview ,The Budweiser Shootout began as the Busch Clash and was a fifty-mile "all-out sprint." In its current format, it is made up of two segments: a short 25-lap segment, followed by a ten-minute intermission• After the intermission, the race concludes with a 50-lap segment in which each car must make a green flag pit stop• The race, like the Sprint All- Star Challenge, carries no points for the winner but rather a large purse. This is supposed to encourage an all-out driving style not seen in regular-season races, where one serious mistake may hurt a driver's overall points standings. 2011 Nationwide Series Driver Points 1) Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 1222 "2) Elliott Sadler 1177 3) Justin AIIgaier 1105 4) Aric Almirola 1095 5) Reed Sorenson 1062 6) Jason Leffler 1028 7) Kenny Wallace 963 8) Brian Scott 947 9) Michael Annett 944 10) Steve Wallace 921  Hendrick Motoreports' newest driver, Kasey Kahne, will be  ready for the Feb. 18 Budweiser Shootout, the Feb. 26 Daytona 500 and all of Daytona Speedweeks after undergoing successful outpatient knee surgery. Kahne, ddver of the No. 5 Chevrolets, had an MRI last Thursday after experiencing swelling in his left knee. The MRI revealed a tom meniscus, which was treated with a partial medial meniscus removal. What was the biggest track on (' the 2009 NASCAR circuit? • f a) Pocono c) Talladega b) Daytona d) Sonoma • tiu!geJp peads q6!q pug 6u!oeJ ep!s-/(q-ep!s lue,suoo sl! Joj Jelndod s! HoP-JI aql "Sel!UJ 99" o ql6uel dele q!M penseau st 'eueqtv o te esee e u! paleoo I 'HoeJi aq/"eOepellel (o : Tony Stewart 15 1 47/1 Carl Edwards 1 2 44/2 Martin Truex Jr. 2 3 42/1 Matt Kenseth 6 4 41/1 Jeff Gordon 7 5 40/1 Clint Bowyer 17 6 3810 Kasey Kahne 3 7 37/0 Kevin Harvick 21 8 37/1 Denny Hamlin 10 9 35/0 Jeff Burton 31 10 35/1 Sta Finish Points/Bonus On Sunday afternoon, Tony Stewart won in the season's finale to seize his third NASCAR championship. He overcame a hole in the grill of his Chevrolet, a rain delay, used a debatable fuel strategy and made 118 passes on the win at Homestead-Miami Speedway. "That shows how bad I wanted to win this thing," Stewart said, "When you're going for a championship, you can't hold anything back. I couldn't leave anything on the table." Carl Edwards led a race-high 119 of the 267 laps but still finished in second place. Year 2011 Career Driver of the Week Tony Stewart #14 Cup Finish: 1st Born: May 20, 1971 Crew Chief: Darian Grubb Car: Chevrolet ns Tls 5 19 12.3 44 266 12.6 t NAPASiITr Oil Filters, $2.99 Belfield Auto II '/ NAPA__Wiper Blades, Buy one, get 2nd for Supply II