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Page 2 Golden Valley News February 16, 2012
Dickinson manufacturer
invited to 00^'t00ite House
Jean Cameron
BAKER, Mont. - Funeral service
for Jean Cameron, 84, of Baker,
Mont., was at 11 a.m. on Tuesday,
Feb. 7, 2012, at the Baker
Community Church in Baker with
the Rev. Mark D. Arnold officiat-
ing. Interment followed in
Bonnievale Cemetery at Baker.
Visitation was fi'om 1-5 p.m. on
Monday, Feb. 6, at Stevenson
Funeral Home in Baker and contin-
ued on Tuesday one hour prior to
the service at the church.
Jean passed away on Friday,
Feb. 3, 2012, at the Fallen County
Medical Complex Nursing Home in
Jean Elaine Cameron was born
on Oct. 13. 1927, the daughter of
James E. (Ted) Cook and Julia
(Lou) Wagner Cook, 24 miles
northeast of Sentinel Butte on her
parent's ranch. She was reared and
educated in the Sentinel Butte area
and graduated from Sentinel Butte
High School in 1945. After gradua-
tion, Jean attended Dickinson
Teachers College in Dickinson,
where upon furthering her educa-
tion began teaching in Elk Creek
Township, N.D. In the fall of 1948,
her teaching career brought her to
Fallen County, Mont., where she
would continue to teach in the rural
schools for the next 18 years.
In 1951, Jean ]net Colin (Cog)
Cameron and they were married on
June 15, 1952. To this union two
daughters were born. Jean and Cog
lived in Ollie, Mont.: Thelen. N.D.:
and Plevna. Mont., before moving
to Baker. After retiring from teach-
ing in 1966, Jean went to work as a
deputy clerk in the Clerk of Courts
Office in Baker. In the fall of 1981,
she became clerk of court, retiring
from that position on Dec. 31,1989.
Jean liked spending time on the
farm she and Cog owned 12 miles
nolth of Baker on the Big Hill. She
was fond of dancing and enjoyed
playing cards, especially with her
grandchildren. She was an active
member of the Baker Community
Church, where she taught Sunday
School and served on many boards,
helping in many capacities over the
years. Jean loved and cherished her
family, especially her grandchildren
and great-grandchildren. She and
Cog rarely missed an event or activ-
ity that they were participating in.
Survivors include two daughters,
Rebecca "Becky" (Charles) Zinne.
Watford City: Jeanne "'Jodi'"
(David) Schuetzle, Plevna: seven
grandchildren, Brandon Zinne,
Mandan; Kendra (Jeremy) Ruff,
Stevens ville, Mont.: Kalli (Robby)
Schell, Minot: Kylen (Dianna)
Schuetzle, Great Falls. Mont.;
Kadri Schuetzle, Baker; Jayden
Zinne, Bismarck; Kaytlen
Schuetzle, Valley City; five great-
grandchildren; Taylor Zinne and
Payton Schell, Phoenix Allord and
Memphis Schuetzle and Hazen
Ruff; sisters-in-law. Virginia
(Buck) Shepherd, Red Lake Falls,
Minn.; Roselnarie (Bob) Dahlman,
Baker: "special" sister-in-taw,
Lolita Cameron, Baker: and numer-
ous nieces and nephews.
Jean was preceded in death by
her husband, Colin (Cog): her par-
ents. two brothers, Edward (Eddie)
and Harold.
The family requests memorials
be made to the Baker Community
Church or Quality Personal Care.
Remembrances and condolences
may be shared with the family at
Arrangements were under the
care of Stevenson Funeral Home of
Dietz named to President's List
Deb Dietz of Beach was among President's List, a student must have
the 17l students recently named to a minimum semester grade-point
the Dickinson State University Fall average of 3.9 (on a 4.0 scale) and
2011 President's List. have completed at least 12 credits
In order to be selected to the during the semester.
Scott Joseph Cook
Joseph Cook, 38. passed away on
Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012, in Dickinson.
Visitation was held from 1-5 p.m.
at the Silvernale-Silha Funeral Home
in Beach, and 6-7 p.m. on Monday,
Feb 13, at St. John the Baptist
Catholic Church in Beach. A
Rosary/Vigil Service was held at 7
p.m. on Monday, Feb. 13, at St. John
the Baptist Catholic Church in Beach.
A Mass of Christian Burial was held
at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 14, at St.
John the Baptist Catholic Church in
Beach with the Rev. Russell Kovash
officiating. Rite of Committal fol-
lowed in St. Michael's Cemetery in
Sentinel Butte. Silvernale-Silha
Funeral Home of Beach was entrust-
ed with the arrangements.
Scott was born on July 2, 1973, the
son of Leo and Jeanne (Fillenworth)
Cook in Denver. Colo. He attended
elementary school in Bennett. Colo..
before moving with his family to
Santee, Calif., and later to E1 Cajon,
Calif., where he completed his high
school education at Chaparral High
School. After high school he was a
carpenter in Denver until he started
his business, Golden Valley
Construction in Sentinel Butte in
2006. Scott started working two
weeks ago as a pumper in the oil field
for Dakota Production. He was very
proud of his work and especially
proud that he helped build the
Chateau de Mores Interpretive Center
in Medora.
Scott was united in marriage to his
best friend and the love of his life Loft
Michelle Opfer on Feb. 14, 2006, in
Golden, Colo.
Scott was very patriolJc and
extremely insightful. He was he type
of person who had an ansver for
everything, very handy and always
willing to help someone out. This
showed when he volunteered for the
Suicide Prevention Program while
living in Denver. Scott enjoyed and
took pride in his association about
being on National Geographic last
year during a paddle fishing segment.
He also enjoyed anything that had to
do with the outdoors, life was an
adventure to him. Scott was a loving
husband and devoted father, he was
the best father any child could ask for.
He will be missed by all who knew
He was preceded in death by his
andfather Phil Cook; grandfather
Earl Fillenworth; and andmother
Glatha Fillenworth.
Survivors include his wife Loft
Cook of Sentinel Butte; his children.
Jamie (Zach) Flower of Golden,
Colo.; Jon Taylor of Greeley, Colo.;
Bill Taylor of Denver and Angelina
Cook of Sentinel Butte: his mother
Jeanne (Steve) Paulson of
Jacksonville, Ark.; his father Leo
Cook of Sentinel Butte; grandmother
Mary Cook of Sentinel Butte; two sis-
ters, Tammy (Anthony) Lemos of
Arvada, Colo.; and Karen (Greg)
Davidson of Sentinel Butte; numer-
ous aunts, uncles, nieces and
Remembrances and condolences
may be shared With the family at:
home .com.
Emergency Management
Association installs new board
The N.D. Emergency Emergency Management
Management Association held its - 2nd Vice President: Todd Volk,
membership conference in Fargo on Stutsman County Emergency
Jan. 17-18. The following members Management
were elected to serve on the board: Member at Large: Karen
President: Mary Senger. Kempert, Cavalier County
Burleigh County Emergency Emergency Management
Management Secretary/Treasurer: Bill
Vice President: Brett Fahlsing. Stark Cotmty Emergency
Lambrecht, Richland County Management
SolarBee Inc., based in
Dickinson, accepted an invitation
from the White House and U.S.
Department of Agriculture to
attend an event recognizing manu-
facturing success in rural America.
Joel Bleth, co-founder and pres-
ident of SolarBee, will participate
in the event at the White House on
Friday. Feb. 17.
SolarBee Inc. (SBI) was select-
ed with other manufacturers from
around the country for successfully
establishing and growing a busi-
ness in a rural region. Founded in
1978, SBI is a leader in manufac-
turing machines to improve water
quality through solar energy. Their
product has been installed in most
of the 50 states and several coun-
tries around the world.
"SolarBee, Inc. could not have
happened without a loan guarantee
from USDA Rural Development,"
said Bleth. "'Their work is an
example of federal government at
its best. SolarBee has developed a
new green technology, is solving
some of the world's toughest water
problems, is an exporter, employs
70 people and with a very bright
future should employ more than
Through USDA Rural
Development's Business and
Industry Loan program, SolarBee
received a loan guarantee allowing
Sheriff's Report
Billings County Sheriff's Office
monthly report for January:
Traffic: Warnings: 25: Citations:
40; Accidents: 7; Motorist assists: 6
General police calls. 15; Arrests,
4; Alarms, 1; Thefts, 2; Fire call
assists, 1; Control burn calls, 5:
Ambulance call assists, 4; Agency
assists, 4: Warnings (verbal and/or
Breakdown of citations for
Citations: Speeding, 31; driving
under suspension, 4: Overtook
when unsafe or prohibited. 2; No
seat belt. 1: Failed to give immedi-
ate notice of accident. 1: Leaving
the scene of an accident, 1-.
Please support
your local
the company to secure jobs and
focus on growing its operation. As
sales increased dramatically, the
company helped stimulate the local
economy and moved to a larger,
more efficient facility.
SolarBee improves water quali-
ty in reservoirs in a green and sus-
tainable manner. The SolarBee
machine uses solar power instead
of grid power which reduces or
entirely eliminates the need to
ever add chemicals to a water
reservoir. The SolarBee Inc. and
SolarBee Transport Corp. home
office is located in Dickinson, and
together have over 70 employees
including scientists, engineers, and
factory-trained service technicians.
The business operates from a
modern 40,000 square foot manu-
facturing plant located on 40 acres.
SBI also has seven U.S. regional
offices from coast to coast and an
international sales office in Fargo.
Golden Valley News
PC) Box 156, Beach, ND 58821
No 221-280)
Staff: Richard Volesky,
editor, reporter, advertising
and office manager and Jane
Cook, office and news assis-
The Golden Valley News is
published each Thursday, 22
Central Ave., Suite 1, Beach,
ND 58621 by Nordmark
Publishing. Periodicals postage
paid at Beach, ND and addi-
tional mailing offices.
address changes to: Golden
Valley News, P.O. Box 156,
Beach, ND 58621.
Please allow two to three
weeks for new subscriptions,
renewal of expired subscrip-
tions and for address changes.
Contact Information
• Phone: 701-872-3755
• Fax: 701-872-3756
Emaih gvnews@midstate,net
• 1 year: $34 Golden Valley
• 1 year: $38 elsewhere in
North Dakota
• 1 year: $42 out-of-state
• 9 months: $25 In-state
college rate
The Golden Valley News is a proud
member of the North Dakota
Newspaper Association.
All content is copyrighted,
Have something that may be newsworthy
that you'd like to share or submit to the
Golden Valley News or the Billings County
We won't know about it unless you tell us,
and we welcome submitted news items!
It's easy. Just give us a call, e-mail your item
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Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer;
P.O. Box 156; Beach, ND 58621-0156;
(701) 872-3755;
Land for Lease
Bernarda Doolittle, Diane Bobb, and Rose Klym are offering for
cash lease:
Township 141, Range 99, Billings County, ND
Section 4: Lots 1,2; S ½ NE 1A
Township 142, Range 99, Billings County, ND
Section 34: S ½ NE ¼; N ½ SE ¼
Section 35: SW 1/,
395 acres of cropland
Terms of lease: 3-year lease with cash rent paid in advance on or due
before March 15 of each year. Rental for first year payable: 10 percent
down with balance due March 15, 2012.
Persons interested in bidding should submit a written bid to: Michael
J. Maus, Maus & Nordsven, P.C., 137 First Avenue West, P.O. Box 570,
Dickinson, North Dakota, 58602-0570, on or before Feb. 29, 2012, at 2
p.m., at which time bids wilt be opened.
Additional terms may be obtained by email directed to maus@mnat-, fax requests to 1-701-483-4501 or telephone Mike Maus at
Persons submitting written bids may orally raise their bids at the bid
opening. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any
St. John the Baptist Catholic
Rev. Russ Kovash
Mass: Saturday 4:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Golden Valley Manor Chapel
Pastor Ron Hudson of Calvary Chapel
Sundays - 6:30, Communion. first Sun-
day in each month
St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
Rev. Scott Hojnacki
Sunday Worship - 10:15 a.m.
Sunday School - 11:15 a.m.
First Lutheran Church - ELCA
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday School - 8: I 0 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 9:30 a.m.
Beach Evangelical Church
Visiting Pastors
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 10:45 a.m
United Community Church
Pastor Warren Maxted
Sunday Worship - 9 a.m.
BELFIELD Belfield Baptist Church
St. Peter's Lutheran - LC:; ,::.- Rev. Robert Hlibichuk
Rev. Scott Hojnacki " Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Worship Service: Sunday 8 a.m.
St. Bernard's
Rev. Shannon G.
Saturday Mass:
Confessions: 6:15-6:4!
Sunday Mass: 8:30
Confessions: 7:45-8:15
St. John's Ukrainian
Divine Liturgy:
10 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study: 10 a.m.
Belfield Church of God
Milissa Ave.
Marge Sundgren
7 p.m.
etrius Ukrainian Catholic
Taras Miles
.iturgy: 8 a.m. on
first, third
Belfield torch
(Located m., Wed.
I Church
Sunday Worship - 11:45 a.m. on 'J'"'e, July and August only
first and third Sunday of eac&_,,,y worship - 10:30 a.m.
Silvernale-Silha Funeral Homes
221 N. Meade Ave. 204 South Wibaux St. 53 1st Avenue S.E.
Glendive, MT 59330 Wibaux, MT 59353 Beach, N.D. 58621
406-377-2622 or 406-796-2421 or 701-872-3232 or
1-800-368-2690 1-800-892-6424
Licensed In North Dakota and Montana
41 Central Ave. South
P.O. Box 970
Beach, North Dakota 58621
St. Mary's Catholic Church
No Masses during winter months
Trinity Lutheran Church
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday Worship - 8 a.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Rev. Shannon G. Lucht
Confessions before Mass
Saturday Mass: 4:00 p.m.
Trotters Church
1 st and 3rd Sunday of each month
United Methodist Church
Pastor Ruth McKenzie
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Calvary Temple, Assembly of God
Pastor Andy Lam
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 am.
Trinity Lutheran Church - ELCA
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday Worship - 11 : l 5 a.m.
Christian Fundamental Church
Pastor Jeremy Stradley
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 11 a.m.
Buckboard Inn
Beach ND • 701-872-4794
M' OCR lmb'Y
Farmers Union Oil Co.
Interstate Cenex
KOT Hot Stuff Pizza
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Mostly Cloudy Snow Possible Rain/Snow Rain/Snow
37/21 39/24 40/23 33/19 36/20 39/28 41/32
Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance' 5% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 10°,6 Precip Chance: 30% Precip Chance: 30% Precip Chance: 30%
What is a column of
hail that falls from a
single thunderstorm •
cell called?
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