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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 16, 1939     Golden Valley News
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February 16, 1939
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 19391 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY SPECIAL DINNER TU S0AY, ! 21 FEBRUARY COZY CAFE BARBECUED RIBS WITH BARBECUED SAUCE COZY CAFE COME IN FOR THE SPECIAL TRAIN EXHIBIT Lions Hold Reg- ular Meet Monday In an abbreviated session at the Beach Hotel Monday evening the Beach Lions' first act was to serenade IAon Ted Wall on his birthay, at the ~uggestlon of Lion Noyes. A communication from ~,he Greater North Dakota Association asking the club to Join with other organizations to ~nduce the State (~iature to pass aplbropriate bills to 'provide funds to match the allotment of Federal funds ~or road building purposes was read and discussed. The club went on record as .favorfng1 ~mch legislation and me ~remry was{ instructed to ~te our senator, repre- l sentatives and the Greater North Da- kota Association advising them of such eetton and also to urge that expenses be reduced by the elimination of a large number of inspectors in the vari- last week with Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Bury. Robert~ Sonnek was reported sick with the flU this last week. John Howard spent Friday evening visiting at the Edw. Fasching home. Leonard Bolheke was a caller at the Robert Sonnek home Wednesday. Andrew Johnston left Thursday by car. for San Francisco, Calif., where he wig attend the American Livestock Association and "will also take in the fair while there. ~ • CAMEL'S HIFMP Mark Reamer and Hank Hughes, ~r~$Qld Mrs, Matt Tescher and Tony ~ were ~ntinel Butte visitors on Satu!~ay. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Horn and family and Mark Reamer helped Johnstone celebrate her Saturday. Alvin Tescher and the younger Tes- Hospital Notes - !~° ~o~ at the telephone company office, a holder with his likeness on Jr'The party was made up of business Mrs. Emery Heeler of Wibaux ent- and professional friends of Judy, whoI ered Feb 2 for treatment J regret her departure, but join in wish- [ Mrs. Art Kammerer of Trotters en-l ing her a happy and fruitful wedded tared for surgery Feb. 3. I life. Harold HoUar was treated for an in-1 letted foot Feb. 6. ] James Campbell is now working the Joan Ardelle Oster was an overnight[ "third trick" at the local depot. patient at the hospital Feb. 6. I A baby girl was born to Mr. andI NOTICE FOR BIDS Mrs. Roy Tasker Moncl~y, F~. 13~ • i Notice iS hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Iris Lake of Beach•was in for treat- Golden Valley County. North Dako- Miss Doris Moore of Beach underwent an appendectomy Tuesday, Feb. 7. Miss Theresa Zinda underwent ah appendectomy Thursday, Feb. 9. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith Feb. 9th. A baby girl was born to Mr. am Mrs. Ray Zinsli Saturday, Feb. I1. SHOWER (Contributed) ons departments whose duties could cher .children have been on the sick Last Thursday evening a large num- b " ~^~ ~-- '^--' ^~'^'~'~ and to list this week Alvin has pleurisy, ber of friends gathered at the Hotel e perlo,,u~.t Lay ,~, tn,,~s~, Mr -*-d "" " .......... ..................~.~dnc.m f~ A_ mlrtlm,rn f.he nuntber of • an naxs. ~en Maus VlSlr, ect Wlta Beach to Join in bidding Mrs. Lee --Y-='.L. ^~. ~"*~' -'~'"~'eeS his parents at Golva Sunday Gress farewell and shower her with -. _,~,,. ~^..~.~ an ~hei The house in which Peter Tescher many beautiful glfts~ :d~ heII~d ;tre~an~'~n ~or ~et ltves caught fire recently and burned The evening was spent in games, :benefit of crippled children and the] a big ,hole i.n the roof. I singing and chinker check. ;secretar:~ was instructed to address a~ Bill Roesmr wen~ around with the Mrs. A1 Gilman won the advertising ~: the n mail man Saturday to help shovel snow letter of thanks to Bo nie View] , contest, Miss Kaiser the music contest, .District for their contribution to this] Mr. and Mrs. George Lardy were Mrs. Gress the prize for straightening :~und. • t visitors on Monday at the Mike Lardy l out jumbled cities. home. I Among the gifts received by the • Preparations are being made for theI I ~)special train of agricultural exhibits Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Horn~ guest of honor was one from "Scotty''; and for the program to be given in and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Johnstone' ta, will receive sealed bids for a-.- cord books, Legal blanks and of- ftee supplies F. O. B. Beach, No,'th Dakota. Contract to be dated April 1st, 1939 to April 1st 1940. All bids are to be sealed and a certified check of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars must accompany each bid. All bids to be addressed ,to the County Auditor of Golden Valley County and to be $iled not later than 10:00 o'clock A. M. March 14th, 1939, at which time bids will be opened. All certified checks will be re- turned to ~che unsuccessful bidders immediately after the opening of ,the bids and the certified check of bhe successful bidder will be retain- ed until the filing and approval of a contract and the filing and ,tp- proval by the Board of County Cornmis~ioners of a bond in the sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) Z>ollars. Bidders are requested ~o be pre- sent at the opening of the bids. The Board of County Commie- siGners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 14th day of February. 1939. MINNIE E. SMITI-I, County Auditor of Golden Valley County, North kota. (SEAL~Feb." 16-23, March 2-9 Da- JORDAN DEATH fContlnued from nage one} loved and revered her. She had that ever sympathetic and unselfish nature which concerned itself in the well be- ing of others. Although quiet and re- served in manner, her pleasant dispo- sition and ever present smile were Iike rays of sUnshine to her surroundings. With a deep and constant devotion to her religion, she was a never tiring church worker. In spite of advanced years, she was industrious, and was c.,ntended only when she could find helpful things to do around the home. Truly, "Grandma" Jordan was one of natures' noblewomen. Her passing brings sorrow to many, to the children who play .along the streets of the village and in each of whom she had her own personal inter- est, to the members of the Alta: Society wlth whom she worked long and faith- fully, to the members of the church who saw in her a shining example of piety, faith and devotion, to the com- munity at large to whom she was a symbol of all that is praiseworthy ini a human being, and most distinctly to the members of the household, to whom she was bound by the ties of love born of years of association and mutual understanding. To them is ex- tended the sympathy of all in their bereavement. (The News is indebted to J. J. Hess for the above accoUnt of the life of Mrs. Mary Jane Jordan.) Rexall Drug For Lowest 85c Value---60c Drene Shampoo and 25c Dany- ana Hand Lotion, both 100 Aspirin Tablets, 5 gr. 75c Cherosota Cough Syrup ....................... :-- 1 pint Rubbing Alcohol __ 60c Alka-SeRzer ............ :_. 75c Vicks Vapo-Rub ...... 2 1 lb. Epsom Salts .......... Free! A beautiful glass dish with each 25c tube lips Tooth paste, both for Filling your prescription our specialty. You will our prices reasonable. Woodward Drug Company Your Rexall Store were Beach visitors Monda ianalaanalaiiaiaaiuHlaliialRiaamaanliaaiatatanaan ~the city auditorium in connection with Y. P i ~t ca ~uesda" Feb 21st accordP'- tot Louise Ballducke is on the sick list i • Lion Wolf, a member of the committee. { th s week. ! i ~., ~, ~ .... ~.~,~ • , Agns Dietz is assisting Mrs Peter ~ • TO commemorate Lincoln s birthday. " • VI|N'1'Fi IHI'.~" -- . ............ ] L~rdy with the work while Pete is ..... ~VA..,.,L~,. vernon namaway very amy uenver~, m • , in the hospital i ~ . • • Lincolns Gettysburg address. I " " ~ ~[~e,.~ ~o $4~]| 4,,~,~ 4-,, 4-olr~ o,],r.-,,~4-,*r~.~* ,~4~ • Lion Ted Wallvery appropriately fill *~-, ,o ~,,,,, tttt,t= ~u ~arx~ auvatt~t~= vz . ,~.=~_ ~__ drew the prize furnished by Lions Ro The mighty romance of the Untamed mm • ~_9~rdg binson and Smith. . North, enacted by a terrific cast in- i ourwmter priceson ! ~ - -- The meeting adjourned in order to, eluding George Raft, H. Fonda, Doro- . 'i ''~~3~ ":' allow members to attend the basket-, thy Iamour, A. Tlmiroff, J. Barry-I ]~/~t[~l[1~"~D DL~Dd'~DI~kT~ -~' ,~] ~'~ ball game between the Lions and the] more, wlH be your pleasure to see a? Da l~tll[J/llO/|]k ltl~DUltll~v ~ Firemen. We refer you to another] the School Theatre, Sentinel Butt~, _ •i for an aecountl Feb. 18-19. Bring the family. ~ ~[ column of th~s paper t-5"E of the game as we feel unequal to the I "- ~ ~; Aff~ ~/liff$~f,’~/ +ask relating the sad story. / ~'I A+~IPIL'I~ hl~+ i| • • • • i! ~.~=~'~g.~ WASHIH6TOM$ .~,~..m.,,---,~ .:~-I .......................... ':Now ~s the t,me to start thmkm~ : ~o~ o~ ~ o~, ALPHA . / FOR SALE "r~w-o 4-wimeled trailers. • _ • • . ,..,. ~ m On All Your Bal~in9 Needs. I~II$~$11$M$11~I~H~II~ Inquire I~gan Auto Service. 20-tf ~_ / r -" Ctl .RRI S 2 • l | about sprm_ repair work. ~ e a e . s.~o~ ~0 M. B. ~Hogoboom and Maurice were [ FOR SALF.--Three good, work horses, ~ - -- i Bay-Red Oz. Beach visitors Saturday. | •in fine shal~. ~ Haukaas, Gol- i ~,~.~r~.L,r .--o.rv~ "To- t Pitted Cans A. G. Fasehing returned from Win-[ va. 20-4tp. • lq~d~L~/ tq9 ~D ~ ~/ U, i ona Mhm., last, week wlaere tm at-] ~ ~ d d _m Recan for Pies and Sauce 6-Lb. 9-Oz No 10 Can ~9’ tended' the funeral of his" father. ~ W~NTED--Clean cotton rags. t~ma- •• / •-- CHERRIES . . Maraschino Style . . ,~-Oz. Bottle I~ Dom~ie Otremba spent a few days' en Valley News. 20-tf. • ~’'~a"&lFIIll'J. ~I~T£~I~. IT !/![, ~O|II[~&T1Va OIl[a'x, --~ !1 I ~ ~ 100~ Pure ~1 ]i ~1~'/ -----~ ~ I| 31/HLI~;3LI~ i~lALIlli~l~, 3HUV | fo~ F~aky q~ IDS. qH£ ,m • ~JAKD Pie Crests m • Red Owl ATTENTION, FARMERS[ ~Hl~illHHllil~liillllllillllUlllllllllllllllllllll~ ~ l_ ~ 1I D Guaranteed 49 Lb, $1.29 ~on in town, stop at the OCCIDENT ZLEVA~R. We at aU V ~ St~ Quality BAG .I. carry a wide variety of items. Here are some of them: Flour (various grades), coal (Bear Creek and Bri- quets), Cottonseed (all sizes), range pellets, linseed meal, hog meal, calf meal, middlings, mixed feed, Cu- dahy mineral feed, dairy supplements, hying mashes, fattening mashes, growing mashes, and oyster shells. ~Order your Hybrid seed corn NOW, and don't forget to use OCCIDENT Startinfl and Growing mashes when the Chicken Season arrives. OCCIDENT ELEVATOR Leo Tobias, Agent F. T. Reynolds Co. SEE ~L" Beach, North Dakota SHOP AND SAVE Grape Fruit, large sweet, dozen .. 31c Oranges, med. large, 2 dozen ..... 29c WHAT 16 Oranges 2 Heads of Lettuce 7 Lemons 6 Grape Fruit BUY 1 w,~ .... o~,,~ -"" ~o,,o " Cookies, fresh, asst, 2 lb& ....... 29c • andBean~ 18~K ~ 5 25 ..... Pork ..... cans, c Peas, small No. 2 sieve, 3 cans ...... 29c Prunes ..., ............. 10-1b. box 57e Orange or Grape Fruit Juice, 3 cans 25c Paper Towels, |GA. ....... 2 rolls 23e Mira& Whip Dressing, ~ jar .... 37e New Cabbage, solid, lb. .......... 5c 11Lbs. Potatoes 2 Pkgs. Corn Flakes THOHPSON'S MARK[T Apphs, 5 pounds 25c 4 Rolls Tissue, lBowlBrush Pineapple, sliced, 2 No. 2 cans .... 31c Tomatoes, Utah Fcy, 2 No. 2 ~/~ cans 25c Bread, fresh large loaves ........ 10c These price are also good Monday and Tuesday of next week i ii i I ; Phone.- 75 We Deliver Free Mamnallows, IGA ........ lb. pk. 17c Grape Fruit, lge seedless.., dozen 35c tl t Oranges, sweet i~ey ..... 4 dozen 49c Oyster Crackers ........... lb. pk. l~e Lettuce, Radishes, Celery, Sweetspuds Green Top Carrots, etc. II Tuesday (Farmers Train Day) Only Cheese, 2 lb. box .............. 47c P & G Soap, 10 GiantBars ...... 35c t Red Owl Book Matches, carton. 7c Spices, stock up and help us in our contest ................ 9c Catsup • 2 bottles 23c Tomato Juice ............ 4eaSe Orange Juice ......... 46-oz. can 25c