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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 14, 1935     Golden Valley News
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February 14, 1935
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JUST TO REMIND YOU [. Benefit Cheeks It Itappened They Were Made A~e, at Work to Take Them from You Interested in Continuing to Rec~ve Your Benefit Checiw? the two pre- on the "proof" that the interests have fought for any legislation designed the farmer, you should read reading this story. part, with the ad- C. D. Sturtevant, prominent representative. of Praetleal Own Self.lnterest, consider these questions. We thriving au volume, on scarcity. If the Govern- ~t artlflcls~y, by means of its crop or control program, or if in absence of any government plan theory of the operation of the law and demand should become domestic production be we perish of volume. Should we not, abandon our time.honored ~f objection and opposition to farm relief? Not Accept the Olive extended us by this Adminis- with them in a plan which, while (a ban or curse) to us in theory may in practice keep our present marketing system rune- with snfaeient volume of trade /~ k~ u all in buslnew. "Should we not, in view of our the- or# of export markets, cease our oppo- s/t/on to administrative efforts to move abroad at prices lower values? not abandon our attacks proeeming tax and should we not ~ the theory that the law ~ 8rod demand, operating thru • OJe price factor, is the only sound ale&hod of centromng production? "Should we not, instead, get out and boost for a trial of any plan, accept- able to the government that will per- us as middlemen to handle a large ot ~ both domestic and any plan that will permit our and open markets to properly function; and with no restriction on no attempts to segre- a wlnd-up! What a pleal admis~onl "thrive on volume, starve on icarcity." There should be volume, eerteiniy; but net to keep the private trade aUve. There should be the producer at a price, if that pays him the cost of commodity, and not private grain trade can you grain producers many of dollars in grain and, at the same time, that you produced so much it is a drag on the market and grain won't even pay the freight ~lmrges to the terminal markets. You grain producers do not have to e.heck ~ck very far to know that it WaS only a few short years ago wtlen tl~ private grain trade, by word of mouth, circulars, and trade journals, t01d you that the Federal Farm Board, so much wheat that it was a con- threat on the market. Would have told you that if they had of that wheat instea, Farm Board having it? r doubtful. "accept the olive It makes very little differ- is made~ We doubt We warn you grain producers, Don't by an apparent "change or The best way for grain pro- stop the opposition to an is to stop sup- the people or organizations publicly admitted that they against any legis- designed to assist you. Join your farm organization, the and market your farm co-operatively through your then insist that the of Directors and Manager mar- all of your commodities co-opera- at the terminals. They cannot excuse for not do- losing all the battles, or the battles harder, by discon- the furnishing of "bullets" in and profits to opposing army. wait until harvest are needed in the ranks the "bullets" are of the opposing army. entirely upon your You count just as much as ' member of the family should articles and then discuss local meetings. next story. THE CO-OPERATIVE BROTHER. HOOD For if there were some way by Which ~eae of us could get free apart others, if there were some way of us could have had hell, if there which part of the some form of the misery of dis- then would our world but since never been able tO sep. from one another's and wron~ sinve hl~ry is ' ~dcken with the lesson that we brotherhood of some whole of llfe is teuch- Circulating Library Started by Farmers Union Livestock Com. South St. Paul, Minnesota By CHAS. D. EGLEY, Mgr. All of the wealth of the nation is produced by the worker. And when I say worker that includes the "white collar" guy who performs a useful function in the production or distribu- tion of the necessities and comforts of life. And also the farmer. Certainly all farmers by now know that they are not capitalists. Just common or- dinary workers. And being paid ti~e lowest wage scale of at1. Again. I say: "All the wealth of the nation is produced by the worker." But he's the guy that hasn't got any. The fellow who produces it hasn't got it. Why not? Because our economic system, the system ~mder which we do business, has been made so complicat- ed to him, he doesn't understand it. He doesn't understand how it works. He doesn't understand how and why it robs him of what he produces. It he did, he wouldn't permit iL Therefore, the solution of this prob- lem lies in the worker's securing that understanding. That is the most im- portant essential in the solution of the problem. That is the thing that must be accomplished first. And, therefore, the Farmers Union has laid such great ~tress on the educational progra~ Thousands of dollars of the profits of its business institutions have been diverted into the treasury of the Farmers Union Herald, ran educational organ, so the paper could reach thou- sands of people who have paid no ~b- scriptton for it. Speakers have ~en sent out on numerous occasions, all over the country, to spread the edu- cational gospel. Junior work is being carried on to the extent of our finan- cial ability. But we believe that all this isn't enougl~ Farmers should do a lot more '~home work" to better inform them- mires of the workings of the economic system, and the effects that political action can have on that system. You should read every magazine you can get your hands on that deals with this subject, And books. We, therefore, recommend that every local start a library, a circulating li- brary. Locals can raise the funds to buy books, where individual farmers mnnot. Then chapters out of these books could be discussed or debated further in the local meetings, We want the locals to start these libraries, but where they cannot do so, or members live in communities where there are no live locals. The Board of Directors of the Farm- ers Union Livestock Commission, South St. Paul, at their last board meeting, appropriated a small sum of money to buy some books, and start a circulating library here at South St. Paul. We will endeavor to buy any book that our members or p~trons want on economics, history, geography or political economy; send it to you for a thirty day period, in which you can read it, and then return it to this office. All that you need to do is to send in your paid-up membership card with your request, and the book will be forwarded to you promptly, and your card returned, To our friends living in communities where there are no lo- cals in which to pay your dues, the books will be sent for the same period of time, providing you are a patron of one of the Farmers Union busine.s~ activities. Recently I read a book-L-Co-opera- tive Democracy, by James Peter War- basse--which I recommend to all my friends. I have been in the Farmers Union work nearly nine years, ann studied this question much longer. Thought I knew something about it. But even I, learned a lot from this book. The things that can be accomp- lished through establishment of the co*operative commonwealth as out- lined in this book in the way of rais- ing the general standard of living far exceeded my own ideas on the sub- ject On the platform and in my writings I have gone further in advocating the complete co-operative commonwealth as the only means through which ex- ploitation of the worker could be abol- ished than any other Farmers Union speaker. For that 1 have been called a radical and a lot of other things. Sometimes even a socialist. And sometimes, I thought they were right. But after reading Co-operative De. mocracy by James Peter Warbasse I feel sure the co-operative common- wealth established through economic organization would be quite an im- provement over the same thing brought about as a result of political action. However, if you want to be fair to the other side, and read a book de- scribing what you might expect of the co-operative commonwealth as a re- sult of political action I suggest The Struggle for Existence by Walter Thomas Mills. After you have read these books, write us, and we will recommend some more. We will also publish lists in the Herald from time to time. I also Want to ask that those of you living near towns having public li- braries like Minot, Grafton, James- town in North Dakota, Cumberland, Wisconsin, etc., etc., go to the public library and ask for these books. Most likely they won't have them. Ask them to get them. Let's try to get these books in the public library. Ac- cidentally town folks who use the H- brary may stumble onto these booka and read them. After all we wflI need their ~upport before this hattie is won. I would also like far my readers to write me giving the titles and names of authors of books that ~ have read which they believe contain valu- able information on this eeonomi~ other UNION PAGE ! . Each Fund Raising Division Working I By A. W. Ricker The Farmers Union Herald for February, in the mails February 11th, will give the up-to-date and detailed information about the progress of the cam- paign to raise the $10,090 sustaining fund for the work of our Washington legislative committee. Up to and including February 4th, the local cooperative Farmers Union bulk oil stations and elevators had subscribed a total of $3,860.00. The goal set for the elevators and oil stations is $5,000. Many of them have not yet reported the amount of their subscriptions, but have advised that they will do so when boards of directors meet. From business men of rural towns a total of $290.80 had been receive& From locals, county organizations and school-house penny collections, the contributions totaled $405.95. The Herald report will show larger amounts because the Herald will report totals up to February 7th. We hope the grand total by that time will reach $5,000 which is the half way mark in the $10,000 goal we are seeking. Speed up the canvass of rural towns and the penny collections in the school-houses. We will not cease our efforts until the ten thousand dollar goal is reached, and we hope each division will exceed its quota. We should be able to wind up the campaign with a surplus, because the war to get justice for agriculture will never be won in a single battle. It is a continuous struggle, and a long hard fight. control the marketing machinery and the profits thereof; he may build bar- gaining power equal to that of those who buy his product; he may put him- self in position to seek the best mar- ket. and by the very vastness of his business and his control of it, he may wield in that market a price influence from which he directly and definitely benefits.~National Grain Corporation. * Office No i State tes I On February Ist we had over 1000 new members in the state and over 5000 members who were in good stand- ing for 1935. C. C. Talbott and Mrs. G. H. Ed- wards are attending meetings in Kan- sas this week. Mary Jo Weiler left Monday for Dunn Center where she will hold a County school this week. Ward and Williams Counties led in paid-up membership for 1935. Watch for Juvenile lesson number two on the Junior "Page in the North Dakota Union Farmer, February 4th issue. Save this lesson. . The February 4th issue of the North Dakota Union Farmer contains the rules for the Penny Contest. Juniors, read these rules carefully so that you will understand just what is to be done. To Local Leaders: Make out a com- plete list of your Juniors, giving ages and hand to your local secretary. He will have the necessary information to send in with the Junior's name when the Junior's father pays his 1935 dues. Do not send names of Juniors direct to this office unless you know that their father is paid for 1935 and the Junior has not been issued a member- ship card. The local secretary ~n~t the Junior Leader) should sign the membership card. CLARK URGES $I00,000 APPROPRIATION FOR PEACE Senator Clark the other day deliv- ered himself in the Senate of a blast- ing condemnation of war and the war makers. Speaking as a member of the Senate Committee investigating the munitions industry, the Missouri Sen- ator told his colleagues that "the pow- der magazine has been prepared for war," and urged that the request for $100,000 be speedily granted by the Senate for continuing the inquiry. This money is needed, he said, to "find out exactly the extent to which greed for private profit contributes to the possibility of the United States be- ing engaged in war." The effervescent Mr. Clark roundly spanked the Congress of which he,is a member. "Loudly proclaiming our de- votion to the cause of disarmament," he said, "we in the last Congress aroused suspicion throughout the world and probably caused the start of another disastrous naval-building race by authorizing more than $1,O00,- 000,000 for additional warships." It is said that citizens who want the facts known concerning the war---en- couraging activities of munition mak- ers, are flooding the committee and their own Senators with letters urg- ing that the $100,000 asked by the committee be granted, as the "only known appropriation by the Govern- ment in the interest of peace."~From National Council for Prevention or War, 532 Seventeenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING Co-operation for farm marketing be- gins at the farm. The farmer, as the first owner of the grain, has the first control of it. His money, time and labor are invested in the growing and the harvesting of his product. His next concern is to market it to the best advantage. Two roads lead to the ter- minal and world markets. In one the producer has no interest, and it has no interest in him. This is the road of the private grain handler. The other is the highway of co-eperation. It is apparent that the handler of the grain after it has left the farm has profited more than the man who produced it. All the opportunities for profit that Iie in the merchand~-.-sterage, mixing, cleaning, bargaining ~have been his. Co-operative marketing transfers these opportunities to the producer. Through co-operation he may own and control the marketing machinery and the profits thereof; he may build bargain- ing power equal to that of those who buy his product; he may put himself in position to seek the best market, and by the very vastne~ of his busi- ness and his control of it, he may wield in that market a price influence from which he directly and definitely beneiits.~Natiorml Grain Corporation. Economic strength win be gained only through co-operative marketing and b',o'ing.--Illinois Union Farmer. Should Co-op Oil Associations Change Their Sales Policies? By WALTER JACOBSON A business policy in the co-opera- tive oil associations that should be clarified and beV~er understood is that of service station business. We have in the past noted a ten- dency on the part of a great many co- operative oil associations to have pri- vate individuals or partnerships handle the products retailed through service stations instead of the co-operatives themselves handling the products through their own service station fa- cilities. There are soveral very important reasons why the co-operative organi- zations should retail their own prod- ucts through their own facilities. A few of those reasons are outlined in the following: At the present time little if any money is made on the sales to service stations and pumps not owned by the co-operative oil association, and the situation is not expected to improve in this regard in the near future. The reason for this is that a 3½ cent dis- count must be given on regular gaso- line to resellers. A commission of 1 to 1½ cents is usually allowed the. manager for deliveries to reseliers. Thus the co-operative oil assocm- tions have little if any income on such sales, when shrinkages and overhead expenses are taken into consideration, due to the fact that the margin be- tween the cost price and the service station price at the best during the past few months has been, and at present is, only 5½ cents per gallon on regular gasoline. No Reim.tes Possible on Such Sales Accordingly, no patronage rebates can be paid on sales through service stations, and if patronage rebates are paid it is usually done at the expense of the patrons of direct deliveries made to their farms and on which the co-operative oil association has a good margin of income. Our suggestion is that the co-opera- tive oil associations recall their prod- ucts through their own service station facilities. Where there is a sufficient volume of business, sales through com- pany-operated service stations should show a net income enjoyed by deliv- eries to farmers.- Thus the same rate of patronage rebates could be paid to the patrons of service stations as to the patrons who have deliveries made to their farms. On the other hand, the co-operatives would have better facilities for selling other products such as tires, tubes and batteries when they own their own service station facilities, and the income on the s~irne would help defray the expenses of operating the service station. More in Accord with Ideals We believe such an arrangement is more in harmony with co-operative ideals and principles as the co-opera- tives will have control of the retail business and the patrons will be deal- ing directly with the co-operative aa- sociations. During the past few months we have made a number of audits of co-opera- tive oil associations where the net in- come is alarmingly small or is greatly reduced from former years. This con- dition usually can be 'directly traced to the fact that no income has been made on sales to re~llers and. in some cases, losses even have been incurred on such sales. Furthermore the trend of sales seems to be that a larger percentage of the business is being done through service stations than was the case in former years. Therefore it is of great import- ance that due consideration be given this matter and that it is thoroughly discussed by the directors and man- agements of the oil associations. We believe that one of the most im- portant purposes of co-operative or- ganizations is to handle their commo- dities with as little handling expeme as possible. This purpose is defeated at the present time when private in- dividuals handle the products retailed through service stations.--In Co-oper- ative Builder. CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING Co-operation for farm marketing be- gins at the farm. ~e farmer, as the first owner of the g~ain, has the first control of it. His money, time and labor are invested in the growing and the harvesting of his product. His next concern is to market it to the best advantage. Two roads lead to the ter- minal and world markets. In one the producer has no interest, and it has no lntere~ in him. This is the road of the private grain handler, ~ other is the highway of co-operation. It is apparent that the handler of the grain after it has left the farm has profited more than the man who produced it. All the Opportunities for profit timt lie cleaning, bargaining Co-operative Edited ud S~ by the North Division of the Farmers Edumtiomd mad rq~rative Union of Amerie~ @ .Juniors' Own Column Directed by Mrs. G. H. Edwards. While we are thinking about the Washington Trip Contest it will be in- teresting to read about some of the things the winning Juniors will see and visit. During Mrs. Edwards' ab- sence from the state I am copying parts from her '~Log of the Trip to Washington" that she took last year.~ Elsie Eagle. January 31 ~We took a drive this afternoon, to see a few of the sights of the city from the car and to get a little acquaintance with the city. We went first across the bridge and around the Shoreham Hotel grounds, then around the Zoological park grounds and under the Taft Bridge, up through the residence district and past the Cathedral. Then back to Connecticut Avenue, and straight down it to 17th Street and to the Tidal Basin. The way is direct, and takes us past the Washington Monument an~ the Reflector Pool with the Lincoln Memorial across the pool from us. We drove around the Tidal Basin from which we could see the White House. I didn't suppose it was so far down town, but it is right in the midst of the Government buildings. The Washington Monument stands in a park by itself. It is very beauti- ful. A sight that I shall never forget, its snow white shaft standing in sim- )le grandeur against the blue sky, and reflected in the length of the pool which lies between it and the Lincoln Memorial on the other side of the water. The Lincoln Memorial is a beautiful monument, a low building of white marble with pillars and a fine sweep of steps which make it a lovely thing. When we are at the side of the pool near to the Washington Monument, we look across it to the Lincoln Building and look across at the Monument and its reflection in the mirror of the pool Just back of the Lincoln Memorial is the Arlington Memorial Bridge. It is of white stone and marble, also, and it stretches across the mighty Po- tomac River which ha~ played such an important part in the history of our country. Stanley (my nephew) was thrilled to see the central part of the bridge raised to allow a steamboat to pass under it. We came back into the city as the sun was getting into the west and crossed over onto Pennsylvania Ave- nue, the street that is well known to many Americans, especially since we have radio. At one end of this avenue is the capitol of the United States. Monday, February 5 -- We took a taxi to the Lincoln Museum. It is in the old Ford theater .... The whole lower floor is given over to glass cases full of articles which pertain to Lin- coln's life end death. We saw sale bills for slaves, yellow with age. Also bills offering rewards for runaway slaves, describing them as we should a dog. Som~ of the rewards were large, reaching as much as $250. We saw a fac-simile of the Emanci- pation Proclamation, with the signa- ture of all those who signed it. It is framed and carefully preserved. One case is given over to coins and medals and to paper money. There were the famous "greenbacks" in 3, 5, 10, 15 and 25 cent denominations, and New Jer- sey bills for one, two and three dol- lars. They are large bills, and a roll of them would make a sizeabl@ packet. In another showcase is the shawl worn by Lincoln,. a gray and homely woomn garment. A satin vest of fancy design is also shown. It is the prop- erty of the Westhy family. It was sent to a Mrs. Westby by the president, when he heard that she had wept on being told that her new-born child resembled President Lincoln. With the vest Lincoln sent a note saying to her that she should let the child wear it, and remember that it had been worn by a president of the Dni- ted States. It is highly treasured by the family who loan it to the museum. We saw the large old walnut cradle in which the Lincoln babies were rocked. Other pieces of furniture from the old log cabin, plain and sturdy pieces and very old and shabby. He was certainly a man of the people. There are pieces of this cabin and many pictures of it and of Lincoln's family. A large part of the museum is given over to mementoes of his assassina- tion .... We go on to see a great bill offering $100,000 reward for the capture of the assassins. This bill is much different in printing than the kind of bills we are used to seeing now. It reads: WAR DEPARTMENT AT WASHING- TON, D. C., APRIL 20, 1965. $100,000 Rewards THE MURDERER of our late beloved president, Abra- ham Lincoln, is still at large. $30,000 will he paid by this Department, in addition to any municipal reward o~- fered, for the capture of Booth, $25,000 for the capture of Harold and $25,000 for the capture of Surrat. All persons harboring or withholding knowledge of the whereabouts of any of these three shall be subject to trial by military court and sentence of death. LET THE STAIN OF INNOCENT BLOOD BE REMOVED FROM the land by the arrest and putting to death of his murderers. ALL GOOD CITIZENS ARE URGED AND EXHORTED TO AID IN PUB- LIC JUSTICE ON THIS OCCASION. Every man should consider his own conscience charged with the solemn duty of neither rest night or day until it he accomplished." One very interesting part of the ex. hibit was the case which contained dozens of cartoons from the papers of Lincoln's day. Those from the London %~unch" were bitter and satiric to the last degree. Lincoln wes sneered at and caricatured cruell.v in every one. But "Punch" came to its knees somely when he died .... We left the Museum and walked rectly across the street to the house which the martyred president It is an old house, more than years of age, and its fire hazard is great that it has to carry very insurance. We went directly into the room which Lincoln was carried. It been restored by the Dames of Loyal Legion so that it looks as it did on that night, with very exceptions. The old worn floor is covered by a huge crocheted rag whereas upon that night it was ered by a plain carpet. The bed which the President died is the erty of the Chicago Historical preserved in their museum in Park. They paid $1200 for it. bed in the room is an exact replica it. It is a beautiful old spool bed.. A silk quilt, an antique, is also across its foot. But these have gifts to make the room conform to period. It is indeed, a shrine of American people, and an one. The room directly behind that of death scene is a small one. It been furnished by the Daughters of Union Veterans. It tains a beautiful chest of the period, curtains and rag rup, gas lights in quaint old gloves. oil lamp stands on the chest drawers furnished by the D. U. One of the most interesting about the house is its custodian. is an old man, a member of the of Union Veterans. He is now 75 yeal old and he is very proud of the fa~ that when a little boy, he sat upon tl President's knee many times. B father was a member of the Whi House Guard, and Mr. Lincoln w$ fond of this child. It is easy to that this man fairly warships the mere ory of Lincoln. He is commander, the District of Columbian Post of tl S. U. V. and he told us. with gre pride that five weeks ago, he presid~ at the initiation of the great-grandsC of Lincoln, Robert Lincoln Beckwt| the grandson of Robert Lincoln. says he was amazed at finding t~ young man, who was unknown. He a student at Georgetown Univer~ here and even his own classmates not know of his ancestry .... A MOVEMENT THAT LIVES In the comparative movement American farmer finds not only std stantial help but he also finds t~ this help is continued over the ye~ The cooperative movement is one the most stable movements int| country. There have been many f~ organizations and movements star~ in this country. Some of them ]~ some merit, but sooner or later w~ changing conditions the farmers interest in the movements and sa~ of them have been discontinued are now extinct. When the cooperative moven~ started ~jnong farmers it was predicted on every hand that it woU soon run its course and the far~ on ~mmts t u~e next ~m~e t~ j tall mea~ trench ~ mttic WORLD COURT RESOLUTION i! EMERGES AFTER MLVE U31 After twelve years of bitter qu~ ing, there is very strong likel~ that the United States WIll at la~ her vacant seat in the World C~ Now that the World Court Resol~ has been voted out (14 to 7) of Senate Foreign Relations Commfl where it had been shipwrecked many years, competent observers lieve it will take some diaboli cunning obstruction by the twe senators who oppose it, to prevent passage this month. The only fear tertained by majority leader Robi~ and its other strong supporters is if not introduced at a strategic ment, it might be elbowed out in: jam of other legislation. Howe~ with the backing of every Presi~ since Teddy Roosevelt, of both po cal parties, of 67 per cent of the ct newspapers, and with favorable pu sentiment behind it, it is hard to lieve that it will not be passed. sop to the isolationists, the ResolU$ passed by the Committee tacks on reservation that the Court cannot der an advisory opinion on a ca~ which the United States has or ci~ an interest without our consen~ From National Council for Preyer of War, 532 Seventeenth Street, N, Washington, D. C. Yuma, Ariz., Jan. 15, 1935. Dear Mrs. Simpson: of I have a copy of '~£he Militant ' Agriculture" which I got Marshall Humphrey of Phoenix days ago, but I need two which I am inclosing $1.50. All to do is loan my book to a a few days then go hack and application for membecshtp Union. I call it the Farmers Bible and think every home should have a copy. Fraternally yours, J.H. Paper-bound book~--75 cemW Cloth-bound book~-$1~5 Write Mrs. John' A. homa CRy, Ok/a. RL 3, for prlce~ in quantity lot~. h yho (or t~ tot~ o~ xe~ee. CAB S! Youth cast Berk, ful el, Berkel, nt" ?r~g r mobile ever before in this country growing in popularitty not among farmers but among sions of society A more loyal upon the part of the farmers build the co-operative movement rapidly--From Illinois Union would also cast it into the discx~ The movement, however, has ~J~ ~ ued to grow and intrench itse~~ American agricultural life. Some~ "~sl the farmers who cursed it are r finding out that the movement is~ ~ B] dering the farmer a worth-while ice. We believe the co-operative ~tte ment is more firmly intrenched W --~