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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 12, 1942     Golden Valley News
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February 12, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEW ., TIURSDAY, FEB. 12th, 1942 BASK£TBALL BEACH HIGH w. GOLVA HIGH FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12th BEACH HIGH GYM- Preliminary. game BEACH HIGH vs. WlBAUX FEB. 15th This isthelasthomegame --A 1  '-,'l I ° . ltcnry Tcrncw was ou Wednesday D_A F .... IX.._t_ tew Law ?)nlies iuelense +tam, cf th:s week for t,,c f,rs+ time s+:,c+ nCU bro uota -i • ., I J[-][- ] * " his scg Of .the fhl whic'h has con- t ' ' X. ..- ,\\; We've made a new addition to our t'__ .._. D----,dt. /l,... ] ,r*--,- , ,.. ined l, im to his bed. Henry is ml,.,, |€ NeW |.rt, need t t \\; ,.' llosiery Department! j l VUq-Jtd ICl|(Ittl bllfilll _JjLILIIjI[  . b very we:ok and has lost co ns:derab:" I  x ,xt ,, aa..J-.. t / \\;t  [  m . .. . xve!ht out thinks now that he wlh, __  VOte } t/i \\; .o.t.o j on .: 00no00t00dt Declared tlle00ai strength rapidly, i L. B. RLagcrLR@ Gross ` war fuI tinui i [t 1 k faithfull- patronized our famous line I amendment "o the Agricultural Ad-I L,  ...... chairman .mr omen v.aney coun the mitt ' [] k' ' Y To thin" justmcnt Act, some North Dc, kta .... . ! tXff -1" • Ill this week i,nform, ed the News .tll .g, rr | 't of ROLLINS HOSIERY .... whea.t farmers ,nay be entitled to re-* Following m a notme 1-ece,x(d by. .ltlClai ,a,, he had rece,ved word from quot of t in t a2 N tll,. in 1t Whet nol llan UI ether ake may or. re enti' may an0 al l I natm r r uwl .eonau o orth Dakota [ | ll  line we now add another nationally /unds of acreaze allotment penalties[ °he local postmaster m regard to headquarters saying that 0he natio ]r II l) \\; ............ ,__.. ......   Ii.._,: .... ,,,( Ichain le:ters soliciting defense stamps' ] uota h:ad ben increased from f" I / | tli.|, i \\; " "KE IT" It ...... lnt, e rotation of E W I To All Postmasters: " ................ "_'U,''-" I million dollars to sixty-five millt ] // i ',:1   L IIIAI,II'SS0 7t?aie A2 chairman "whol Ti-z mails in all parts of the coun-i IAN LEAGUE PRECINCT ]dollars and askingacorrespondingt I /|  ': |   - - - I{e'--{ains 'hat '%he new law affects/|fly are still being flooded with let-' . _  .... I crease in local county quotas. I [ | | 1 ]'i |   Come m ann see or yourself these [l asP; here total farm roduct on [ters relating to so-called endless Meetings ann uouny onvenuon ] This county has subscribed nea } | | ]  ]   lovely allk, Nylon and Kantrun Mesh I I w ......... P ...... "-'--Icbain schemes solici'ting defense say-  .... Ha thousand dollars already. Its qU  ! // II ! I ! I  . . I. oi me acreage m,mmen m unvwt.. ' . i Pursuant to the ly-ws o! 'rne!___ _: ..... ,,,,, ] | | [  [['   k stockinga made with clear texture, m l where the 1941 seeded acreage was ]mgs samps. !Ncnrrartis.n League cf Norbh Dakota, [ w g,vw, a .w. ] | ] %k I narrow eams and dainty but strong- ]]in excess of the wheat acreage allo-] The Bulletin of July 22, 1941, con-;and'-th e order of the State Executive[ !} I | [ //1 t! "kt  b, ,infnr-,-a heel ][ment ttairred a notice regarding the legality r,,,-,ttoe -ecinc meetin and a] TIRES RATIONED ] / I/F" ILk \\; ]I "Msa-keting quota provisions, prevl-I °f suol)..schemes. Nevev, teless, pat-lconty convention are hereby calledl. At te. meeting o. _€he .unty  I " I"  I--'-. .' ........... l l,ol,, in force made nmndator huI r°ns o one various pos on;cos are+  hel, in Golden Valle, County | tonlrlg oara nero la. rwl(lay D/ t  . '-,/ --¢ we nave mere m a varmty ot text- t l ."?" . : ..... :,__ ----:sidepositing ,in the mails matter relat-  ...  .... [tires and tubes were adored as | / " %4g. ..... ;h*. ..d .m*.. shades [[aeermmauon o a mart:cant c. I ............ as ouows: [t..o=.. ""' "-- ' ........ r ,a mg o schemes ol mls nature irmy I "-- "" (O "  , ........... |Ion all farms on wich th. acre%._ } . . ., " .. Precinct meetings to be held at the| ,o. _ ....... , " " at rices ou'll like snoutd be warnea .mt the senmng one ruc: are ann ue m J [a ",.|Jolt ki  .... P Y '  allotment was exceeded, even ough ' " ' regular polling places and such other[ ....... ] - Ilth ,,t roduction of the farm ws[ °f such matter througen the mails is lao in -id -recinct as the count-[ iarm; one trucz are and moe alh 1  t-1 1 1 1 tll __ I(less than bhe normal production ol[ a viola'tion, of the ..osml ffraud and committee may designate, on Satur-J .Hurry Di!ey: 2 tl nd2rs:v  1 i%1 11 1 1":! I .. .'1 d'']'r /I the acreage allotment established for ]l°¢tery sm,es, lo,ices .are. served day February 14bh, 1942, beginning at I tousome sines, f.. m rs_vv I J-vJ-LJ,_L-Jk tJ.. U', lithe farm." [upon rsons !aaricipa,ing m suchi2:0 o p. m. Said precinct meetings are] °Be. ,m)e (oasmeve] m _ua_ r.te |  | | .......... | sc/nel(.s wnose names come m |no I cal,e  fo- the -urcse of electin  de | ann one racmr iron weez b re  Ill t: ] 11 Counw AAA oces Wlll recalcutael ................ !  u • ' '  "T E Hudson | , .. acmaon oi me r'os Uiilce Depart-| legates t- th- ^unt- convention mak | " ' " -- I and revise the marenng excesses in Iment -u-in  +'em t ^ h ..... s  I  u  'J 2¢ ' "I -- .......... lall cases where the actual yield forl...., .Z.,'" o..:' .^,,L  ;" .}lng recommendations for a program/n  .... =-======--=-===========-======= ...... = ........... =-lhe farm was less than the normal I"'' .......... o o,,,, .,,, c ,O-land platform, and such other busine%lm .. .... , sd against them Such orders for- ...... I,rnductinn nf the aree ,al oAnent I .  }as may properly come before such]    n | ........ ° " ' i i " ' " "" T ] f --/ [ 7-- ihe pt'acer will be entitled o a re-I b d .the ctel very oi any mall to the lmeeting .. Each precinct is entitled to/l     [ I persons named thereto = h 4 te g:g:J' fit ]P W/I T Ifm if hc has pai the ma,k:n-,' . ' lone e:gate for eac 0 vo s or[|  lib I [] [ • • I,',| k I#'11 tb',.' F •  Ipena)ty in cash. Or in hose casest In oraer ;hat the attention of thelmajor fraction thereof, cast at the| M ---M [] " • Ihe,'e tl'e ,)enMt- wheat is knt i "l'=ublic be called to .the illegal charact-JJune 190 Primary Election for Jack/  m v m | .............. storage a corresponding amount of r of te scheme, it is suggested that I A. Patterson candidate for governor.[I m,--.m :n k .the.. v, heat will be released for mar lliCbic'ityWiTP(  bneot::eq?ested to g,ve ta ?$e;:t:/| FO [ = ng e " : . . e ' " " [  I p" " "s t',,.J to one deie-|I of States in the southwest aclfic have been proposed R)r allowances and al- r, , - v [BLUE STAMP FOOD s'ate, t i I /   | been (pel'atirg $or tbout a month, lotents to ,lease for induction Han,tql tntg¢ [LIST IS RELEASED At regular polling places except in I! [] IE-I" I' [ a The mllitary command *n taz ABDA many registrants now defmTed on| ][" l ]Divide at Haro.d Hollar residence;In []  __  i, area itself, t2ae Preeident said, Ls in ,$rounds of dependency. In World War " [ Continued variety in foods avail- Elk Creek at Albert All.:n residence: I ll ll V V I " the hands of G,n Archibald Veavell 1 he aid payments up to $50 a Dmi, th , ast eek the Johnstone able to Ncr Dakota families taking Delhi at %Vebb Allen residence and    seed bt strategical prlems are referred mon`th were made. He said no figures M, mc'tl Ho;ital has had several] uart in the Food Stamp Plan of thclWanagan at H. Vanhorne. II   -- I-- |l fl to Washington and London. The joint will be issued on the number of mcn ,et¢ "M  Jor-e O'Connor of Car-] Depa ment of A=riculture is assured t A county convention to be held in!n _ ' ":} military and nawal staffs sit in Wash- who register February 16. ;ie-"nn[:':' sPent a fcw hours at ]¢.gor I"cbruary 1 to 28 period. These {t,he city of Beach on Tuesday, Pb-I RING BOLOGNA | voi ington. Central Information Service: ,c' "csn:tal'cn February 4 Mrs Reh-[ f°°ds are obtainable at local stores t tary 24th, 1942 ,beginning at 2 ooln r. • ] , ....  " ' '  in exchange for blue food stams P.M. Said convention is c I - " ' : The Senate passed .and sent to ¢he l:2"esldent losevelt drected the a:d Na{d. of Beach also came men[ P- [ aled fo, I Swifts  te Wnite house a jofi't authorization United States Inform@|ion ervice to 2or minor su:'gery and left the r,*xt The nationally designated foodsthe purpose of electing one delegate • .....  tl fr a $500,00,000 lmln to China. Pr-expand its facilities "so that visitors I:Ly. On February 5 four ptiens werel which are designated for Januar;, I t0 the State Nonpartisan Deague Con-[I nor lb. only 19c the ldent Rcsevelt said €he money will[ shall have one central place to which } -ntercd : Mrs. Wi]bm" Hammond o  ] The complete list follows. " [ venticn to ,be held at Bismarck, North • .- ..........  - _| wh¢ meke it possle or lhe Chinese o they can go for directlon and infor-ICar!yle had treatment and left then Butter fresh pork (except khat[Dakota, Tuesday, March 3rd, 19121I -! ' purchase numerous wr materials maJtion.' The President said because nxt day" Mr Peter Wilson of Beach[cocke 'or packed :n metal or los3 beginning at 10:00 A. M., called forl| APRICOTS  ,o, to; both in China and 1ll other untrles. I y ' as fei g much better when he|containers)fresh grapefruit, pear..[ r _ ... P I  • " 'man businessmm and otther citizehs w e l'n .... g the purpose of adopting a latorm APRICOTS :  He said €he loan ould be a definite: "are coming to 'Washington in in-[went aveay this morning; Gerald Har-[apples, oranges, and fresh vegetablesa, nu .program, consmermg revision oflI A D! V,,l,,,, rief for the Chinese finan¢iM struc-I creasing numbers seeking infmrmatt(mldy , son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. I (including po¢,atoes) corn meal shail ]ne Dr-laws,. endorsing candidates to[| " ,,a. ,.,, f tare strained by he long war with! an:ntthe assistance of their Govern- Hardy of Beach and Marvin Bret-]gs, dried prunes, hominy '(corn) :e Tume:2::a jut2:e 3P0malygection l I No. 10can 51c| the Jaanese. '1 . --% has become more and more}tin son of Mrs. Ray Kramer of Sen-Irits dry edible beans wheat flour Y' , , and[ ±.  ,a o,,, €! ,  ' " " ' transactin such othe ' of ( The White House announced tl dlfticu,'.: ':u: those coming--on si:cificttinel Butte underwent appendectomy.|enriched wheat flour, sel, f-rising flour. I g. r business as l  tl U. . l;hrouth t(e RAF h's droppeJ bus'u ...... -ca the Government o5-[Beth are doing 2inc. Mrs. I'=atie Dutka] enriched self-ri!ng flour and whoie may.properiy come before such con-l| ............ ' .of,  t I ventlon a second pamphlet over several oc- fici .... -.o .....  ":ive authoritative an- of Sentinel Butte and Mrs Charleslwheat |Graham) flour I --, . lI FRUNE JUICE  . cupied French seapork m the "big-]SWtr' . "r questions--It is now chade of Wibaux each spent a few I Tne counw is entitled to one dele-  ' ( t I,mphlt brimming job ever done" necessary |,hat there be an intffra- days In the hospital and left much] /| It IFlllrT"lr3rlFt gate.. for .every 750 votes or major l Lake Shore  , '  ,  nt  hac1on ne eoi cast at the Prim r [The firs pamphlet, announced 9)boutitmn of the various offices hexing dir-impro "ed. Prese patients are Mr.| 1[|- [ [i -" . "."^^2. . _ " a y [N o 1 44-],o 9,! 16 a month ago, sressed the trad'.r..onal] oct, ccntact with the public, and that'Chrlst R. Johnson. Carhde. enter':t| I--ec[lcn m luu Ior tne non. Jack A. [M  " I pt. DOLUe O; h'tendhip between Vhis country and their activities be coordinated under February 7, with influenza- Mr. W, ] -- ]Patterson, candidate for governor. In l - i t France; the secoud told of .the rapid- the dircction of a central office.' W. Wycoff Beach entered FebruarylFlh .......................... .. 1.971a county where less than 750 votes  ; lon ly ions eeretary e,  ughest ,igned &r: A expanding put ,the Navy for into Navy Vflots trainin t Knox aviation operation U, develop and in S. €renounced. the o.a'e ,Marine wa,r training ,by world now 30,000 production. Ivlay C°'Vs bein annually l Applie- program 1 of, Navy will lSCt aco]autes the , ] !Prices: ceiling .ines radios taft tile Price ceiling levels .and prices under prices and Administrator ironers of prices all were lst for the . tubes eleca-ic October for Who}€sale rationin set washing Henderson for and . phonograpn 15. passenger parts nra'r- and H, mach-also re- set art [andVIrs. ' lEttering ''p |days ' f9 h ' ldmann man his February a s  k arm with er Broekm" at of ; the heart EdJendro February Jimm- 8 of Trobtes .or  •Y Beach hospital er  disease:, . surgery. Jendro Golva is "10, of Sentinel for spendm for and were ' , treatment Mr. son ureu * treatment. ".g Mr. ...... Johnny of Ge°rgel'"" a Buttei Ome Her-few Mr on un ., ! I [ ! | ]V tms 3e  au cs ..... uorn Jim " . *at v Autnoriy " ............................... ' ................... ume _. Ken .............................. ............................. ..................... "'" at a , 'wno fo ne .... :, m r a ¢-oiva one -' " time airport, 41 . 53 . to to spent "661 35 3 48 91]were " isl - ., I I; mmle [ I. | ] s me "  ceunty By Daed entitled a.ove . ". . cast Order is • January entitled basis . fo o, to o/. ' ne one Jack Goden. o. tt?e to ,oarsa l delee  :.. one State. atterson. Vane 94 ele "G=S. Y zvutiw g ate Count ,eague he o- 'i| l| I m I| , .| . i I | |  _ Rockwood's Crib)COl, , ............ " " ,m ' ............. Full ............. ..v.. • , 1 ' lb. ate.  u ,.,, bag o ]RIT,q 21| __  i - i l    Ji coted. Mr. K,o sked U S °high] includinb a provision to colpat'"el with rheumatic :fever; and Mr. O. O. [ now a.Major at the U. S. Army canl J State Secretary I ..... " : "lmol yon to aid bile Navy by prn- dealers for storage expenses The Llndhe of Medora for stomach trouble. i=aT: : wron, Oklanoma accord- 1 WM. H. HOhR, I| van uamps, m oz.  p. - ,  • I I g ore recmved here by friends. Secretary County Committee Unl ucing 500,0:0 airm.ft models of 50 WPA reporld that since the bein- L |. ' }| 4 for 25¢ ifferent .typs of ¢ighting planes t, ling of the defense program rents| Dr. and Mrs. O R Niece and dough-I| - _ _ - - - - I i lm -- _.} Pa, e used in aircraft reco,niLon end Dave been increased in 114 oflter Margie left last week for Shre-I . in on tnge estimation h, gunnery praoi] ,is vital defense areas surveyed. ]vesport, Le., were they were in at-I| ill WHEAT FLAKES } on nd for training civilians in airclaft] " tendance for their son Joe's gradua-] | _ - _ i | II V¥ l'lI_/-]kl J J[-]kJ[kJD  ed eognition. Th-., Off,:ce of Civiliau Mr and Mrs Harry Hals'bead andltion from the U. S. Naval flying|| n,  L m, Jr Jm I  •   • I  [ -,_,- m-.'J  hol efense invited college flyers und] Mr. "and Mrs. Rlchal Halstead re-I school. Graduation exercises were held| | IF '     •  • •  |l| DaKota rlam  Jol viauon enthusiasts to participate in turned the first of the week from lthere last Friday at which time Joe[ |  L   .k p'  • •  " ae CiviI.,an Air Patrol hich is seek- their three weeks vacation whlch theylreceived his wings and became-el| _ _-_ _ - - " '  I 1C pkg. 01  i g to enlist 90,000 civilian pilots. pent in Oklahoma and Texas They!Flying Cadet. Mr. and Mrs Niece are ]   i _ a ixteen years is the min.imurn age for ]rer a very enjoyable vation, t expected home this week end. l| l lI : nrolhuentforgroundseriee, and l8, " ,t APPLES Wine a II|PANCAKE FLOe.} " ,rA.ght dut [. _The Civil Aeronautics] .Yiends came glfts February, States Atrney Guy Lee who has]' , s ps ... 20 lb box 95c . . : lu,ei;,Urivorte. a,,. perce n_, 16€h and wished Mrs. Daisy .ice a |,been confined to his bed with an ] | It Pantry Pr,de.  a, 'hilippine reputsed continuous at-]- --  .  ' 'ne war eron'J " "" ' ']a PPY , y. 'After lunchern the, l ateack of pneumonia has been recov-] | ,,  _ 2 - 31 b gs25" ..... " ' . [ fternoon as spent playing Chinees,ering slowly and his many friends] bweet Fotatoes 4 lbs. 23c b. a cn. MacArlur's ops n the|checkers t hope h will soon be ou again.  I .......... : ¢1 ,cks 'by the ertemy, throughout the   " SOUP ' N 'eek. Enemy loss. dfi,.ing the week I , I LE d lg : ] ! TTUCE, SO|l .. 2 e. heads 17c Veg or Tomato tl IHflMP.0000N.00 Fflfi00 Mfi00}lFl i i CABgA t i . "" 1/ ' oo A 1 E #[ ] No. 1 can, 4 for 2 = err Isiln,., man; leet auiliaris:,| --|| l|'i'J"" ] |""" 'I"''|'IL-| I''  , -J[ * ......... • .. |". *)C -'' _' I | |  'Wl Vo tranetorts :had probably a third, l| We Ellver m..,.. =. ill }1|.., i e, i}/,,: r tl din' ":;:;::::liI ll]000;.i:a D|]¢ WINESAPS or ¢}a ' u.__ ao. etchu,, __el__ .... oz. _o__e __c avy: ....  ORANGES "" I!I Sp" d tl " " " i{! , bags 2 ,. t00on ,n hlsto.r of nearly $24 9 sweet, llllCV 2 doz 47c 1co erring ..... 5 lb. jar $1.000 i i 'tnon in lrect csn app1prlatlol Ii J J "'" I| ! l II ,.,,.--.-- ........ i nd $4 b[llon in contract authorl-]I " It I .......... | II riAwmstet¢, !i: a oo, ,o, ,.,, I'I Dep " endon Coffee 3 lb. ba 57c )0,000 m,n have enlisted since Grape Fruit, Texas pinks .. 6 for 25c , • .... g [[[PRESERVES 1" " ", tk on Pearl Hanmr, and the Mar- Ii " a . __ I[ ! .... ! I|   ,. 18K COFF Pure. " " '° "°" - g-. i!I Camav Soan . 3 cakes 19c I11 ,ryes an r r Three d tr  , • x,. J¢t 4,/ I J I-  L : a • - o-I! ......... 5 I, ! " .... " " " !lI o. a m ad one battleship Wev ha, unch I I " ............ II I ! III I I-- -- c ad 'tWO more deroyel# a one |! w & -lal & 11 * * e' ,, 11 * '' I| i  • • ] • t*l • ] I I JAM, A good lmltatmn ... Z lb. jar I t Uxyaoi. lge pkg. z00e, giant 63c tin ruunn .u,u. II ............. I I , a  IIU Dill# IU ill I " 3 lb bag 19c fi L/iIUL " ,SunRich. military and navl stalls sit in Wush- Wnite house a jok't autormation United States Information ervice o -or minor su:'gery and left the r.xt for a $500,00,000 lmn to China. Pr- expand its facilities so that visitors d,w. On February 5 four patients were |dent Iocsevelt said €he money will shall have one central place to which -ntercd: Mrs. Wilbm" Hammond o  rnuke it possle or the Chinese o they can go for directlon and inforo Carlyle had treatment and left the purchase numerous war materials row|ion.' The President said because nx day; Mr. Peter Wilson of Beach both in China and in other untries. 'many businessmn and otther citizehs was feeling much better when he He said he toan ould be a definite "are coming to 'Washington in in- went away this morning; Gerald Har- relief for the Chinese financiM struck- creasing numbers seeking infmrmatt(m dr, son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. tare strained by he long war with and the assistance of their Govern- Hardy of Beach and Marvin Bret- ment--; has become more and more} tin. son of Mrs. Ray Kramer of Sen- J. S. ;hrouh te RAF h'as droppJ [bus': ...... -ca the Government o.- a second pamphlet over several oo- fici -,".o .....  :ive authoritative an- cupted French seaports in the "big° swr gt pmph/t brrtng job ever done"  necessary t,ht there be an intffra- The firs pamphlet, nnounoed 9)bout ticn of the various offces having dir- e month ago, sressed the trad'.r/.onal oct, ten|act with the public, and that friendship between his country and their activities be coordinated under France; the second told of .the rapid- the direction of a central office" A3[F: d,,signed toughest pilots in the world annually for ,the Navy and ,Marine will be, put into operation ,by May I, Navy ecret,ary Knox %nnouneed. tlons for training aa'e now )eing ac- ceoted. Mr. Kiox sked U. S. hl:;b school youth to aid he Navy by pro- ducing 500,020 airmft models of 50 different lYps of ¢ighting planes u be rangy estmation h gunnery pPacti and for training civl, llans in aircraft cognition. Th,.., Defense invited aviation enthusla,s to participate in the Air Patrol hlch is seek- ing Sixteen years is the min'lmurn age for enrollment for ground service, and 18 for flight duty. The Civil Aeronautics Administration rported a 60 percent Increase in private ,flying during 1941 The War Front; . Philippine cocks by the ermmy thyoughout the week. Enemy losses during the week included mined number destroyed in the air nd on the ground in an aback on Jaarase occupied Murshall and GiN ert Islands, many two traneports and probably a third. and an en'ny ,arship torpedoed. U. S. losses were 13 plunes, bwo tankers and tWO Marine Corps reported 1,294 officers and men mllng or risoners of war. The Hou pased nd sent to ,the Senate a lll to continue the Pay of persons In te armed forces and civ£11an employees of New for a y after reportd miss- ing, captured or interned. Navy: prlatJon hill in history of nearly $24 • bflllan in and $4 bllllon in contract authorla- tions for the vy. The Navy said 100,000 men have enlisted since the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the Mar- ine Corl ivas paed he 1{}0,000 man ,maxk In officers and men, both re- serves and regulars. Three destroyers and one nd ,two cruiser will birthday.