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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 12, 1942     Golden Valley News
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February 12, 1942
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PAGE SIX THE GOLDEN VALLEY NE,WS TIURSDAY, FEB. 12th, DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT SAM'S NEW ARCADE Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By MUSIC BY CHET GRIFFIN AND GLENDIVE, MONTANA Veterans of Foreign Wars HIS DIXIE LANDERS ROLLER SKATING EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT UNITED BRETItREN CtlUKCIt F. N Rlchert. Pastor lO:OO Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worsiip: Subj oct • rhe Last GTeat Battle." 7:30 Young Peoples Meeting. Wedrmsday: 7:3 Prayer meeting BiW, e study, Gal. 2. Thursday: 2:30 p. m. W. M. A. at the Jes Clark residence TRUTH about ADVERTISING METHODIST CHURCH Beach. North Dakota First go into the store of a mer- Grant $. Moore Pastor chant who doesn't advertise; it W are now entering the most probably won't be significant season of the ertre year, a very large store, the period of Lent. Len begins with Next go into the Ash Wednesduy, February 18. We b- store of a merchant serve Haly Ckmmaunion on Sunday, who does. See where FINE GOLD F YOU want to discover the hu- manizing influence of advertising, one of the extra dividends it pays you every time you buy, make this experiment: you receive the most courteous, the most attractive, the most gracious service and treatment. One of the big truths of advertising is that it not only saves you money Charles Roth when you buy, but also makes your buying more pleas* ant. The merchant who advertises has an obligation to uphold--the obli- gation of fair prices and better serv- ice. This obligation becomes the ideal of his business. Whatever the advertising says about his goods and his store he feels he must pro- vide. As a result, the intangible in- fluence of the printed word makes February 15. at 11:00 a. m. Sunday school, I0:00 a. m. Holy Communion, 11:00 a. m. Junior League, 5:00 p. m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Junior Choir, Wednesday, 7:00 p. m, AIt Ohoir, Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. Mcther and rs Banquet on "21tlursday, Feb. 12h. TO SUPPORT EGG PRICES IN 1942 Extended price support of eggs dur- lug the coming spring season of heaviest ,production is planned by the U. EL Department of Agriculture, te NDAC Extension Service has been in- formed, North Dakota poultry producers ex- panding production as their part in I ehurch Friday afternoon with Mrs. to 15 and W. C. H. S. team won Dun Stockwell and Mrs. Kterine from Baker with a score of 17 to By CHARLES B. ROTH Larson as hostesses. At the close of,28. Friday evening an interesting the meeting a very ntce lunch was gam between Golva and W. C. H. served. . S. e.ded in a score of 27 to 28 in Mr and Mrs. tZay Eiscn)art left Webo's favor; and the Webo girls takes place. Its employees, clear Sunday for Helena where they will defeted the Golva girls 14 to 21. down to the delivery boy, become attend a convention of ComW Super- E.B. Stair and son Stuart and ig the food-for-freedom ca, mpaign are itself felt in the courtesy, considera- assured by this step that no sharp tion and desire to serve of every son and Mrs. G!en Innce and son. In a prei:minry lske ball game the Pot O' Gold drawing The regular nreeting of the Trinity Tuesday evening Webo Rerves lost afternoon. Mrs. George Summe Lutileran Ladi.:s aid was he'd at theLo Sentinel Btttte with a score of 12 wen $2.50, Floyd Brenneise got seized with the inspiration the ad- intendents. vertising has set up. [ Mrs. Lut2 Meek is on the sick The reason for this influence of lthi s week. advertising is not hard to find. The t M. C Heckaman was brou'ht home advertiser is a leader, and every from the Glendive hospital last week leader has an obligation, and is now a patient at bhe Wgner, $i bills, Mrs. Ralph Jones, A. Warden and Ed Zinda each dollar bill. Mr George W.hit'taker, an old resident of this county, pa.ssed at the Wagner hospital Monday ing. He was about 84 years old had ben at the hospital t,e You as a customer benefit greatly by this indirect value of advertis- ing. You benefit in additional cour- tesy, additional consideration and in the additional value you receive for your money, because advertising has always been the one means by which prices have been brought down. The merchant who advertises sets hosp4.tal. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Witthoft from near Go!va were dinner guests atl the John Dick home Saturday. Mrs. Lawrence Cooper and daughter of Forsyth cane Sunday from N. Dak. where they had been visiting relatives and spen several days visiting here. Mrs. Francis Payne was hostess to 'he "Optimistic 8" brklg, e club ,t her himself up as a price and quality home Wdneeday and served dainty standard for the commumty. You refreshment. buy from him and receive the most for your money. And you also ,Mr. and Mrs. Win. Narum and receive the most in human values--- ohildren visited friends in Baker on in what a wise man once called Sunday. "the fine gold of business." Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gass and The time when business is the children wet to Billings Friday to pleasantest is when a fine sense of visit relatives. CaPvert Stair accom- mutual eonfldenee exists between anied them to Pompey's Pillar to buyer and seller. In helping bring visit his sister Mrs. E. Oood and this feeling about, newspaper adver, family. rising contributes something to bust- Mrs. Willis Fischer entertained the hess which is of as much value as" So and Sew club t her home Wed- its practical services, nesday. A nice lunch was enjoyed It contributes a mutuality of feel- by her uess. ing that gives business a character Mrs. Jack Ballard and son of Bill- .Pedeon autoed t Beach Thursday, five years. We ere unable to Phillip Van Cleave won the $5 at an obituary at this time. USED MACHINERY USED DRILLS--10 ft. to 14 ft. Any make priced to fit any pocketbook USED TRACTORS-Most any kind and any size i GOOD USED COMBINES-Now is the time to order a new one I Act Now! Order ALL REPAIRS FOR SPRING'S WORK IMMEDIATELY Some Good Milk Cows seasonal price decline will occur this member of his organization, and a trust that nothing can replace. year You may have noticed that when a Fine gold, you kow. The program calls for support o store begins to advertise something ©CharlesB. Roth. egg prices at a minimum of 85 per- a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thursday aftern'con. A wry nice lunch cent of parity to encourage expanded O'Rourke. ,,va cnjoyeo by all. production to meet wartime nds. Increased purchases of eggs witl be' Mr. and Mrs. T L. Parker an  A1 Roberts went to Oendive Sun- made when suppDes are the greater'; children and Mrs. Wm, Stei¢cr autoed day to el,sit his wife who is a pat- and prices are normally lowest, to Beach Wednesday. O1,M &hra'ham and his father S. Wibaux ] .bralmmFricay. were visitors from Beach [ The official board meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Staggs and M E. church was held at the E. B lr. and Mrs. E D. Wellver and Mrs. !$lr home Friday evening when all Sm.merfelt were vltovs in Beac on enjoyed a fine chicken dinner. lriday. [ A new beauty parlor was open,ed Mrs. J. W. Meyers Is vial.ring her last week in the Dahl building on niece, Mrs. lIph Page and amily at ]Iain Street, by Vonne Harms o Whitehall, Mont. !Circle. Her mother. Mrs. Westrum was E. B. Stair, Slg IN,detach and He- here from Circle helping her to get ,atrd Finkle were business visitors settle J, in ltirview Wednesday. Mrs ,.,:-ma Jones and Mrs. Ed Berg rs. Butterfield ws over frmn we: : "; o the Women's Socle- Beach Friday to attend funeral set- Vy -- ' -- r  Service of the M. tent at the N. P. hospital having un- dergonu a major opera, tion there last we{k. tuart Stair and daughter Camilla came from Falrview Wednesday and ings visited friends here part of last week Mrs Alger Meek plans to leave this ,week for Kansas City, Me.. to enter the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stair autoed to Circl, Sunday to help t2eir son S¢cuart celebrate his birthday anni- versary. The bowling alley, which parties from North Dakota opened to the ptblic in the Dion Building Thursday evening, seems to be a very popular visited relatives until Friday. I place of amusement. VLr. and Mrs. R. J Scammon and I Mr. and Mrs Burton Welsh brought son and Mrs. Louise Larson wereltheir sun Russell home from the Beach visitors Sunday. Beach hozpiVal Sunday and he is re- Mzs. L. A. Woodhouse and sons :coxring very nicely from his recent wre Sunday dinner guests of Mr, I appendectomy. and Mrs. Walter Sumerfelt. ] ,Mrs. Lester Parker entertained re- Siner Pederson left Sunday for I latives at a birthday dinner Tues- 1 Miles CAty where he will attend a]day evening, in honor of her soul overnment school and kern welding. Eddie's svent birthday. Mrs. Fd Reinecke, Mrs. lay Elsen- Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Bush and Miss i bert and Mrs. Bur'n Welsh were Figgins were over from Beach Men- vices for Mr. John Hldick. She was E. c .... A .. the church parlors on :!alters at the Beach hospital Friday. day evening calling on friends. .Ir. and Mrs. Leslie Baird and , Loren Watkins spet the week end -: "yi, t h relatives a Forsyth. ANNOUNCEMENT NOW OPEN Our New Clinic on the ground floor of the Geo. McClellan Bldg. block north of the post office. DR. E. A. NYMAN (Lady Attendant) ialillmmlalmmialliliaimamiiai|aaiiiallaaaii|aaia! i ummmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmnmmlmmnlmmmmnumHmmu ; "Keep 'em Flying--Buy Defense Bonds" i i lllllllmmnnlnlnnmnilmliUmUlmillillUmilmnEii [] SPECIAL-- - SATURDAY ONLY Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lynn a:d child- ran and M:rs. S. Lynn v.m'e Sunday . dinner guests at the Glenn Scammon aeme. : Billy Mcl: took his little ctaug,hter re Beach Wednesday to have den.hal I work done. i Mr. and Mrs. George Petcoff and son visited Mrs. Peteoff's mother, Mrs. Chas Schade who is a patient at the Johnstone Memorial hospital in Beach. on Saturday. Clarence Pederson was a week end guest of his friend. Eugene Staggs north of town. Mrs. Clem Parker is a patient at 'the Wagner Hospital suffering wih quincy. leers. Clarence McClain returned on Friday frcrm Staples, Minnesota where she visited her aged mother and oher relatives. She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs .Klos and son, and two nieces, Mrs. Kward Payne and HAVE .FUN TONIGHT 2:00 p. m. to Midnight Large,-Juicy Hamburger Served on Toasted Bun COZY CAFE | WHEN YOU ARE IN THE MOOD FOR FUN AND AN EVENING AWAY FROM HOME, VISIT OUR NEWLY DECORATED COCKTAIL LOUNGE OUR LADY CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST BOOSTERS COWEE'S COCKTAIL LOUNGE ,,,n Some Good Young Grade Bulls - I USED CARS & 1938 Plymouth Coupe 1937 Nash Sedan II TRUCKS 1938 Chev. Coupe 1938 Tudor Olds. One 1934 ton and half Dodge Truck Some Other Good Buys Golden Valley Harvester Co. C. C. Clark, Mgr. Beach, N. D. Parris-Dunn Direct Drive 6-12-32-110 volts CONSTRUCTION IS OUR KEYNOTE SIMPLICITY OF NO Complicated Governor NO Brakes NO Gears NO Collector Ring Bushes NO Broken Tail Vanes NO Broken Propellers A Size for Every Purse and Purpose All Units are equipped with the famous "Slip the Wind" principle nature's own governor TURNTABLE ASSEMBLY LIFETIME COLLECTOR RING The all metal collector ring is full-floating, self adjusting and non-arcing. No brushes to re- place. Frost will not damage. LIFETIME TURNTABLE BEARING All steel, wheel type bearing. Not affected by dust, sand or sleet. Turns freely. Does not require oiling. UNIVESAL TOWER ADAPTER Interchangeable on all 32 and 110-volt Parris Dunn chargers Vranna Auto Supply BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA GOODMAN FARM ELECTRIC, GRAND FORKS, N. D. DISTRIBUTORS