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February 10, 1944 |
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THE C~,,LDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, February 10,
DANCE! Golva Town Hall Monday, Feb. 1
Items of Interest picked up
]here and there by our News
reporters. We are always glad
to get your news Items.
Myrtle Stuart was an overnight
guest of Betty Lou Hollar Monday.
Win. Hollar was a caller in Car-
lyle Monday afternoon.
A1 Irons was a caller in Beach
Mrs. Bob Menke is on the sick
list this week.
Mrs. M. Shoen of Golva was a
Beach visitor Saturday.
Frank Hudecek was a Dickinson
visitor last Wednesday.
Rudy Lorenz of Golva was a
business visitor la Beach on Wed-
Edward Berg of Wibaux attended
the show in. Beach Saturday after-
Gladys and Hlld~ Granat were
callers in Wlbaux on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. George Kautzmann
of the Bonnie View community
were shopping in Beach Monday.
Judge John Rider spent Wednes-
day in Wlbaux visiting relatives
and friends.
Seeing ourselves as others see us
(loesn't mean much, for others
~arcely give us a glance.
Richard Knopp of Alpha attend-
ed the show in Beach Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Still visited
tl~elr daughter and family in Mar-
math Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe OsJod and
daughter of Wlbaux attended the
t~kow In Beach Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fletcher
and family were shoppers in Beach
William Geyer o[ Mlnot came
:Friday for a short visit with his
father, Henry Geyer.
Mrs. Lydia Harp, who has been
eonRued to her home for some
time with the flu, is up and around
aga~, feeling much better.
Miss Margaret Hardy left Set-
urday evening for Duluth, Minn.,
where she will attend St., Scholas-
tlca College.
W. J. Ray of Medora transacted
business matters in Beach last Fri-
day afternoon.
Mrs. Richard Weber and son
Dwight were weekend visitor of
Mrs. Florien Adams of Dickinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zabel were
shoppers in Be41Ch Tuesday and
Saturday of last week.
J. V. Klein of the Sentinel Butte
area was a Beach business visitor
on Wednesday.
Marvin Moen arrived home Sat-
urday morning to spend a short
furlough with friends and relatives
m Golva.
Harold Hollar and Leo Nlstler
from the north country are among
the new subscribers to the Golden
VaLley News this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kramer left
Saturday for Watkins, Minn. to
visit Mrs. Kramer's mother, who
ks ill.
Thelma Porter returned home by
bus Friday evening after driving a
car down the earlier part of the
Rudy Lorenz of Golva will leave
with a group of about 15 inductees
[or Minneapolis Thursday. He
plans to enter the Navy.
The name of Carlot Nellermoe,
who contributed $2.50 to the War
Chest Drive was omitted from the
last list published.
Mrs. Lyle Adams and daughter
Janice of the Bonnie View com-
munity are visiting relatives in
Dickinson while Janice is receiving
medical attention.
Jeanette, a new baby daughter,
arrived in person at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDonald
of Bellingham, W~sh. The Mc-
Donalds were formerly from Besch.
The Misses Frances E. Baker and
Lella Simonson left on Tuesday of
last week for Rochester, Minn.,
where they will consult doctors at
the Mayo C~.Ic.
Betty Quaale of Sentinel Butte
has been absent from school the
past few days with the measles.
Betty is attending high school in
Guy Cox and Fred Shipman at-
tended the basketball game between
MJnot Teachers College and Dick-
inson Teachers College in Dickin-
son on Saturday evening.
The seventh and eighth grade
physical education girls enjoyed a
sleigh ride Tuesdzy afternoon.
They used Mr, Schallock's sled and
horses, with Mr. Schallock as driver.
They all reported a good time.
A Buying Opportunity You
Have Been Waiting For
Mens ALL RUBBER 4-buckle
Dress or Work
Boys-Youths ALL RUBBER 3-Buckle
Womens and Childrens ALL RUBBER
Two Snaps
Mens-Boys-Womens Dress and Work
Mens Medium and Heavyweight Cotton
Rib Unionsuits, sizes 36 to 52
Boys and Girls Medium Weight Cotton
Rib Unionsuits, sizes 6 to 16 years
Mens MacDee Medium Weight Cotton
! ¢
Rib Drawers, Elastic in Waist~Ankle
and Over-Knee Styles, sizes 32 to 44.
Shop Early, as Stocks are Limited!
Since 1907
Beach, N. D.
Monday evening, February 14th,
the Lions and their ladies will hold
their annual Ladies Night Party.
The committees in charge have
engineered all the arrangements,
hoping that the party will have
its usual success. The Lions and
their ladies from Wibaux have
.been invited and the Beach Lions
will have some of their good
friends and neighbors as guests.
The ticket committee hasn't got-
ten the message to each Lion to
be sure and get their own
tickets and to arrange tickets
for the guests, so the ticket
committee would like any of
our good friends and neighbors
that have not been approached to
pass a gentle hint to any of the
Lion members that they would like
to attend. By so doing, we can
let Lioness Doerner know the exact
number of people who will attend,
which will help her in the tre-
mendous task that she will under-
take. The dinner starts at 6:45,
with entertainment and a dance
Sig Woodard and Dick Seques
were callers in Wibaux Saturday
There are some who do not have
sense enough to argue and some
who have too much sense to do it.
Lewis Odland, Sr. has been re-
modeling his house, enclosing the
porch. Mr. Odland also built a
garage on his lots this fall, which
will be finished in the spring.
Sgt. Verne Klppley left Tuesday
morning for his camp in Texas,
after spending the past twenty
days here at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kippley.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jorgenson
of Lisbon came Friday for a visit
at the home of the latter's brother-
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Sleight.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dickinson and
Miss Helen Dickinson entertained
at dinner Friday evening, honoring
I Douglas MaoDougall, SK2c, USNR,
I who was home on leave.
I Mrs. Don Kowalewski and baby
lof Fargo arrived in Beach the
forepart of the week for a visit
at the home of her" parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Enderle.
Dale Hathaway left Tuesday eve-
ning for Camp Farragut, Idaho,
where he recently finished his
"boot" training. He spent a ten
day leave here with his parents.
Ray Hamlin underwent an opera-
tion at the Bismarck hospital. His
mother is staying with Mrs. Vern
Hoffman while he is in the hos-
The seniors of Beach High School
rare really getting reedy for gradua-
tion. A class meeting will be held
soon for the purpose of measuring
for caps and gowns.
Quite an epidemic of measles and
flu have been going around Beach
the past few weeks. We hope
everyone gets over them soon and
this is all the epidemics we have
for a while.
R. D. MacDougall, SK2c, USITR.
lelt Tuesday evening for San Fran-
cisco, after having spent ~he past
week visiting his mother, Mrs. F. A.
Shipman, and his brother, Dick
Sleight's City Drug has in-
stalled a very good stock of vet-
erinary's supplies, and now have
everything the livestock and poul-
try raiser might require in the
way of medicines, serums and in-
Dinner guests at the Donald
Ulfers home last Thursday evening
were: Mr. and Mrs. Win. Klppley,
Verse. Clara, Ethel and Blllie;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lechler and
children; Miss Betty Hellemons;
and R. D. and Dick MacDougall.
An expert on family life writes
that it is generally known daugh-
ters are more expensive to their
fathers than sons. This is a de-
batable point, but there is no ques-
tion that daughters are often pretty
expensive to other men's sons.
The Garden Club was entertained
at the home of Mxs. E. D. Evans
Thursday evening, February 3rd.
The round-table discussion was led
by Mrs. Henry Thompson and the
members enjoyed a very pleasant
time, followed by a lunch served
by the hostess.
Sabbath School 11:00 A. M.
Church service 12:00 Noon.
Prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 P. M.
Youth has it~ fling on the screen
of the Rose Theatre where M-
G-M's technicolor musical, "Best
Foot Forward" is showing to the
delight of all swing fans.
Starring Lucille Ball in the role
of a Hollywood movie star who at-
tends the prom of Winsocld Mili-
tary Academy as a publicity stunt
only to find herself hiding from
public view for the duration of
the dance, the tune-filled film is
a delightful comedy of prep school
Tommy Dix, from the cast of the
original Broadway stage hit, plays
the youngster who invites Miss Ball
to the dance in a fan letter. He is
so sure she won't accept he also in-
vites Virginia Weidier, his best
girl. He reckons without the pub-
licity minded press agent, William
Gaxton, who sees a great stunt in
the invitation and accepts it over
Lueille's protest. The complica-
tions which set in when Virginia
arrives to find Lucille Ball mas-
querading as her will keep you
in stitches.
film is chock full of songI
hits, both from the original PlaY l'
and new ones added for the filmI
version. Harry James and his {
Music Makers perform several in-/
strumental numbers in addition to l
their regular chores.
A group of talented youngsters
make their movie debut in "Best
Foot Forward". June Allyson,
Tommy Dix, Nancy Walker, Kenny
Bowers and Gloria De Haven, all
recruited from the New York stage,
make auspicious bows. All are sure
to emerge as full-fledged stars.
Mr. and Mrs. John McDanold
were callers at the Leo Nielsen
home Friday evening.
There will be a card party at
the Bonnie Vlew School ~turday
evening, February 1~ to which
everyone is invited.
Miss Mary Reinholz spent the
weekend at her home near Sentinel
Lenny and Lavern Nielsen,
Wayne and Richard Pesha, and
Gerald and Duane Abraham have
all been victims of the measles
during the past week.
Mrs. Lyle Adams and daughter,
Janiee, went to Dickinson Wednes-
day, where they consulted a doc-
tor in regard to an ear ailment
which has been troubling Janlce.
i They returned home Sunday after-
noon. accompanied by little Lenny
Adams of Dickinson, who will visit
at their home for a while.
We wish to thank our many
friends and neighbors for the won-
i derful new start in hogs which we
I have received. This seems such
a sn~all way in which to thank you
~11, but we will endeavor to show
our appreciation in every way pos-
sible from now on.
I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stockwell.
City folks complain of noisy
streets, while out in the country
the silence gets on people's nerves.
Can you
Drive a Car?
WHEN YOU were a kid, did
you always pester to "go
along on every ride? And now,
do you get a kick out of han-
dling the wheel like a man?
Women with mechanical abil-
ity are need in the WAC at
once. Other skills are needed
too. And untrained women can
learn skills that will be useful
all their lives. 239 types of Army
jobs need Waes to fill them.
¢,9" Get full details at the near-
est U. S. Army Recruiting Sta-
tion (your local post office will
give you the address). Or write:
The Adjutant General, Room
4415, Munitions Building, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Flex• Bracelets, Lockets,
and etc.
New-- Beautiful!
O. L. Olsrud, pastor Tel. 154
Sunday School 10 A. M.
Services at 11 A. M. Sermon
theme: "Four Classes of Hearers".
The L.D2~. meets this Thursday
at 8 P. M. at the home of Mrs.
W. D. Schulz with Miss I_~ura
Sticka assistant hostess.
The church council will meet
this Friday at 8 P. M., at the
office of the Golden Valley Lumber
Evangelistic meetings are to be
held from February 22 to 27.
Sentinel Butte:
Sunday School 1:30 P. M.
Services at 2:30 P. M.
Mrs. J. W. Gardner will entertain
the Ladies Aid at the church this
Thursday, February 10, serving din-
ner at noon.
Rev. D. J. MacTavish, pastor
Sunday School a~ 10 A. M.
PReaching Service at 11 A. M.
day's observance. "And the
wondered that there was no
cessor." Isaiah 59:16.
V. H. Dissen, pastor
Divine Service 10:30 A. M,
Sunday School 11:30 A. M.
Junior Bible Class
Ladies Aid meets Sunday,
ruary 13 at 2, P. M. Lunch
at noon.
With ~ New Set of Moder~
Lighting Fixtures{
Complete stock of latest paPW~
Young Peoples meeting at 7:30 terns in all types, color~
P.M. and sizes, including fluoreP~
Church business meeting Tuesday cent fixtures, porch bracketS
a~ 7:30 P.M. , and yard lights. .
Choir rehearsal Wednesday at Also carry a complete
7:30 P.M. stock of wiring material,
A cordial welcome to all. wire, Delco Light Plants
~-V and batteries, washing
THE WORLD DAY OF PRATER machine parts, wringer
rolls, etc.
The women of every race and
continent will unite in one vast
sisterh~ of intercession on "The Glendive Electri~
World Day of Prayer", Friday, Feb- Harold Wester
ruary 25. Gold, Frankincense and
Myrrh have been chosen as symbols GLENDIVE,
when fifty countries plan for the
CARROTS 2 bunches
CELERY 2 bunches
CABBAGE new Texas, 1 lb.
Kiln Dried Porto Rlcans
sm • r.ram r.n.~ "IU•DHOTS"~L~ ~_" I
wag i~W (, eomTs) Vlld i
- 15
WALLEYED PIKE oE..,.. =25¢1 ~'~*"