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February 10, 1944 Golden Valley News | |
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February 10, 1944 |
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Do You Know Them All?
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of the Persons Whose Pictures Appear Below
Feb. 1st, 1944, 9:00 A. M. The
Board of County Commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment with com-
missioners Tescher and Odland pres-
ent, Commissioner Wosepka absent.
Mr. Grenier, Chairman for the
War Bond Drive and Mr. Edkins,
member of the committee in'charge,
appeared before the Board of Coun-
ty Commissioners in the interest of
selling War Bonds to the County,
and the Board agreed to purchase
Bonds in the amount of $20,000.00.
Commissioner Odland offered the
following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, Golden Valley County i
has accumulated approximately $31,-
871.99 in its Farm Land Contract,
Fund that will not be used for an
indefinite time--
And, Whereas, the National Emer-I
gency War effort demands all finan-
cial assistance available and it is
the desire of this board of county
commissioners that material aid be
given the United States Government
in its war emergency by purchase of
bonds with sucl~ idle funds:--
Therefore be it resolved that Twen-[
ty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) of
such funds be invested in the
percent Treasury Certificate of Series
B-1945 as described by the Treas-
ury Department of the United States,
by purchase of two of said certifi-
cates in the amount of $10,000.00
Commissioner Tescber seconded the
motion and commissioners Odland and
Teacher voted "aye" Commissioner
Wosepka being absent. The motion
was declared carried.
12:00 o'clock noon the board ad-
journed and reconvened at 1:00 P. M.
with commissioners Tescher and Od-
land present, commissioner Wosepka
Mr. Boyd, Secretary of the Medora
Grazing Association appeared before
the Board relative to the renewal
of the lease on grazing land owned by
the county and which land was
leased by the county board to the
Grazing Association in previous years.
It was agreed to continue the lease.
A duplicate tax deed on lot 3
block 14 of Woodhull's 1st addition
was issued to Michael Murphy, he
having lost the deed issued to him
on Sept. 7, 1934.
A tax deed was issued to H. E.
bailey covering the E~SSWI,%, SE%;~-
NWl,~, SW~NEI,'4, and SW%~SW~%, of
section 24-142-104. He having pur-
chased the land at the appraised
price of $265.00.
Lot 7 block 8 of the Original Town-
site of Beach was sold to Dr. Gap.
A. Johnstone for the appraised price
of $800.00 and a tax deed was issued.
The following bills were audited,
approved and ordered paid by the
board of county commissioners, sub-
ject to personal property taxes due
and delinquent.
James Donaldson, Registration
of births & deaths ........................ $ 21.75
G. E. Richmond Coal for court
Thomas ~;escher"Co'ai"fo'r''c'oun'-" 14.11
ty shop
Occident E'lev'at'or '"" "co:- "'"'Coa'l 18"25 ~
O.P.A. office & commodity
building ............................................ 18.67
E. J. Taylor 2 copies Vol. 72
N. D. reports ................................ 7.00
Ovide E. Grenier Salary &
expenses for Jan ......................... 147.83
Globe-Gazette Ptg. Co. Sup-
plies ....................................................75.45
State Auditor Care of Feeble
minded patients ............................ 113.23
State Treasurer Care of Insane
Treasurer of"Goiclen"Valley-C'o: 231.28
I Monthly expense bills ................ 44.37
Ray L, Zinsli Mileage ................ 78.77
E. P. Getchell 45 copies of
Beadyprint service ........................ 5.44
Guy Lee Expense to Bismarck 12.16
N. D. State T. B. Sanatorium
Care of county patient ............ 33.10
Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Jan.
service ............................................... 23.82
Public Welfare Bd. of N. Dak.
Old Age Assistance ................ 65.1~
Public Welfare Bd. of N. Dak.
Aid to dependent children .... 147.00
Dakota Tractor & Equipment
Co. Repairs .................................. 82.37
Homer Madison Gas and diesel
fuel ' 128.09
Paul A. Thomas Prisoner's
board .......................................... 6.80
Tractor & Equipment Co. Re-
pairs .................................. 95.15
Ed Koshney Repair work . .. 79.80
Arvid Abraham Repair work . 77.30
Lewis Odland Commissioners
service .......................................... 6.10
M. C. Teseher Commissioners
service & expenses to Bis-
marck ................................................ 27.86
Cmmissioner Odland moved adop-
tion of the following resolution:
WHEREAS, personal property taxes
were extended against certain lands
by direction of the board at its
meeting of February 3rd, 1933, and
such taxes remaining upaid are
an obstacle in the transfer of such
And wbereBs, the persons against
whom such personal property taxes
were assessed are deceased or their
iwhereabouts unknown and such taxes
remaining unpaid are uncollectible,-
Therefore be it resolved that the
personal property taxes so extended
by order of the board on February
8rd, 1933. and now unpaid be can-
celled, and .the auditor and treasurer
directed to cancel such extension of
Commissioner Tescher seconded the
motion and commmissioners Odland
and Tescher voted "aye" commis-
sioner Wosepka being absent, the
motion was declared carried.
Commissioner Odland moved adop-
tion of the following resolution:
Whereas certain checks issued by
the Treasurer of Golden Valley
County more than six years past
have been lost or destroyed and
were never cashed by the payees
thereof, and no demand made for
payment thereof, and such items are
an unnecessary burden in bookkeep-
in ,--
~herefore be it resolved that the
treasurer be and is directed to can-
eel on his records and issue mis-
cellaneous receipts for each, of the
following outstanding checks,
Check No. 10882, dated Feb. 25th,
1923, payable to E. J. Curtin, drawn
on Bank of North Dakota. in the
amount of $128.60;
Check No. 13662, dated April 22nd,
1926, payable to Central Mortgage
Co., drawn on ~anK of North Da-
kota, in the amount of $44.20;
Check~ 806, dated April 25, 1933,
])ayable Willis Close, drawn o~
1farmers & Merchants Bank of Beach,
amount of $27.55;
Check No. 915, dated August llth,
1933, payable to Golden Valley
County Auditor, arawn on Farmers
& Merchants Bank of Beach, amount
of $11.39;
Cheek No. 13792, dated .May 26th,
1926, payable to Investment Service
Co., drawn on the First State Bank
of Golva, in the amount of $5.42;
Check No. 137, dated August l~h,
1932, payable to Robert Sonnek,
drawn on the First State Bank of
Golva. in the amount of $.61 cents.
Commissioner Tescher seconded the
motion and commissioners Odland and
Teschcr voted "aye" commissioner
Wosepka being absent. The motion
was declared carried.
The Board adjourned at 5:00 o'clock
P. M. and will meet on March 7th,
County Auditor.
Golden Valley County,
North Dakota.
The North Dakota Workmen's
Compensation Bureau's b a I a n c e
sheet for December 31, 1943, shows
Thursday, February 10, 1944.:
an increase in footing over that
of December 31, 1938, of 39 percent,
according to figures given out by
bureau chairman Adolph Michelson.
On December 31, 1938, the totals
were $£663,795.08, and on December
31, 1943, they were $6,483,584.52, an
increase for the five year period
of $1,819fl89.44.
During the same period the sur-
plus increased from $118,774.03 to
$660,615,47, a difference in favor of
the present administration of $541,-
Michelson at the same time an-
nounced that the bureau from time
to time had lowered the basic
premium rates and that this re-
duction during the five-year period
amounted to 33.6 percent.
The bureau had $324,597.89 in
cash on hand on December 81 and
$5,331,300 invested in bonds, mainly
U. S. government bonds.
The profit and loss account
shows profits of $202,815.47 as of
December 31.
People who advertise freely often
have to enlarge their business
places to aceomodate the increasing
trade. They will not probably
-- V.--
George A. Johnstone,
Lillian Cole. the unknown
heirs of Daisy Foster, De-
ceased, the unknown heirs
of Lenora Ham Peall, De-
ceased, James C. Horn, Paul
D. Horn, Even B. Horn Kruse,
Mollie Horn Burgess, Cecil
Hom Willey. Raymond Fos-
ter, Rex M. Foster, Reese Fos-
ter, R. R. Halstead, Halstead
Corporation, a corporation,
First National Bank, of
Dickinson. N o r t h Dakota,
h corporation, John Gilbert-
son, and all other persons
unknown claiming any es-
tate or interest in, or lien
or encumbrance upon the
property" described in the
You are hereby summoned and
required to answer the complaint of
the above named Plaintiff, which is
on file in the Office of the Clerk
ol the District Court of the Sixth
Judicial District in the County of
Golden Valley and State of North
Dakota, anti to serve a copy of
your answer thereto upon the sub-
scriber at" his office in the City
of Beach in said County and State,
within thirty (30) days after the
service of this summons upon you,
exclusive of the day of such ser-
vice, and in case of your failure
to appear or answer as above re-
quired, the Plaintiff wilt take judg-
ment against you by default for the
relief demanded in the Complaint.
Dated at Beach, North Dakota,
this 3rd day of February, 1944.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Office and Postoffice
Beach, North Dakota.
You, and each of you, will please
take notice that the above entitled
action is brought for the purpose
of quieting title in the Plaintiff
and depriving you, and each of you,
of any and all interest in and to the
following described lands situated in
the County of Golden Valley and
State of hTorth Dakota, via:
Lot Seven (7) in Block Three
(3) of the Original Townsite of
Beach, North Dakota, as the
same is platted and the Plat
thereof on file and of record in
the office of the Register of Deeds
in and for Golden Valley County,
North Dakota.
and of determining adverse claims
thereto, and that no personal claim
is made against you unless you
appear and defend in this action.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Beach. North Dakota.
~Feb. 10, 17. 24, March 2, 9, 16. 1944)
NOTICE is hereby given by the
undersigned. Executrix of the Last
Will and estate of Lou C. Hathorne.
late of the City of Glendive in the
County of Dawson and State ()f
Montana, deceased, to the creditors
of, and all persons, having claims
against, said decedent to exhibit
them with the necessary vouchers
within six months after the first
publication of this notice to sai~
Executrix at the office of Johr~
Keohane, her resident Agent, in the
City of Beach in said Golden Valley
County, North Dakota, or to the
County Judge of said County.
NOTICE is hereby further giver~
that the time and place fixed by
the court for hearing and adjusting
such claims are the 15th day of
August, 1944, at ten o'clock A. M.
in the Court Rooms of the County
Court in the Court House in the
City of Beach in the County of
Golden Valley and State of North
Dated this 28th day of January,
Attorney for Executrix,
Beach, North Dakota.
First publication on the 3rd day of
February, 1944.
(Feb. 3, 10, 17, 1944)
All unleased State School lands in
Golden Valley County, North Da-
kota, will be offered for rent at a
public leasing sale to be held in the
Court House at Beach in said
I¢ounty, on the 6th day of March
944 commencing at 10 A. M. o'eIoek.
All unleased lands will be leased to
the highest bidder for a term of
three to five years. The first year's
rent plus the legal leasing fee must
be paid in full on the day of the
A list of such lands to be offered
will be on file witlj the treasurer
of said county for public inspection
not less than two weeks before the
day of leasing.
The Board of University and School
Lands reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
' Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota°
this 4th day of January 1944.
State Land Commissioner.
(Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3, 1O, 17, 24~
March 2, 1944)
I i
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