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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 10, 1944     Golden Valley News
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February 10, 1944
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body Ley ao Thursday, February 10, 1944 m THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS | =SENTINEL BUTTE Joe Strietz visited at the Leonard Strletz home Sunday. Mrs. E. R. Kennedy called on Mrs. Petersilie Sunday evening. Mrs. Ernest Nelson called on Mrs. Vic Johnson Saturday. Walter Christianson of Medora was a business caller here Monday. Mrs. Ole Waldal was a business caller in Beach Tuesday. Inga Carlson called on Mrs. Petersilie Saturday evening. Phil Cook and Mary Zinsli were mhopping in Dickinson Saturday. Miss Myrtice Olson was a Beach visitor Saturday, Miss Mary Tibor was a weekend visitor at her home in Hebron. Mrs. Ray Zinsli and Miss Leona Bublitz were business callers in Beach Tuesday. Lorraine Sneed, Dorothy Hess and Marion Gardner were Dickin- son callers on Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hogoboom took Peggy to Beach Sunday, where she had the cast removed from her shoulder, which she fracturec some time ago. Mrs. Olga Lardy entertained al cards on Saturday evening for the Mesdames Agnes Hogoboom, Oladys Hanson, Alma Rink and Clara Wagner. Loraine Sneed arrived Tuesday from Seattle, Wash. to spend two weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Petersilie and her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Benny Jesfleld and son were supper guests at the Charles Madler home on Saturday evening. Mrs. Bert Hudson and children and Mrs. Ross Cameron visited at the John Sliper home on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A/lie Ferrel and Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Perry of Cabin Creek were in Ollie Saturday and attended the wedding dance that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baker spent Miss Dealing was a weekend guest of Gwendolyn Fulton. Pvt. Mervin Moen returned home Saturday on a furlough. A. E. Scheffer of Carlyle shipped a load of horses east Friday. Dicky Jacobson has been on the sick list the past week. Ermogene Fulton of Glendlve was a guest of Jean Hartse Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Bob Carew has been in the Beach hospital with an attack of flu part of the week. GI~yds Hanson and Mrs Ted Rink, several days at Baker last week. Mrs. Harry Abrams has been and families. Mrs. Baker remained until the end staying at the Tom Fulton home The Mesdames Olga Lardy, Bert of the week at the home of her this week. Waldal and Neff Hogoboom were parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fergeson. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Neary motor- afternoon guests of Mrs. Paul Mrs. Fay Shepherd returned ed to Glendive TITursday on busi- Wagner Friday. Bridge was played home. Friday from Billings, where ness. and a nice lunch served by thetShe had spent the past three weeks Mr. and Mrs. Bob Klnsey of hostess, t visiting her sister, Mrs. Carl Berry, Cabin Creek were shopping in Car- Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom en- and family, lyle Friday. tertained at a 6:30 Chow Mein sup- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rustad and Jim Gannon of Wibaux was in per Sunday night. Those present!family were supper guests at the Carlyle visiting his wife on Wed- were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall, Mrs. Ihome of Mrs. Everett Plummer on nesday. Alma Rink and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Senford and Wagner. t Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wang and daughter returned home Wednesday Among those who attended the sons and Mrs. Pat Plummer and from a visit in Minnesota. basketball game and spent the day Douglas spent Sunday at Beach Corp. Walter Kneugen returned in Dickinson were Jennie Lambert, vmiting Mrs. Paul Thoemke and home Saturday from Harlinger, Mrs. Otto Petersilie came from Helen Higley, Mrs. Hazel Reed, infant son. Lee Mr and Rev. and Mrs. L. G. Wetzel and Mrs. Ed Cook, Guy anti Marlyn[daughter left Monday morning for Mrs. Herman Deitz I Circle to attend the mid-year con- the Beach hospital Tuesday to spend a week at home. Andrew Carlson and son John were Glendive business callers on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson and family were Sunday guests of Mr. i Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wyckoff are the proud parents of a baby boy, porn at the Beach hospital Monday ference and also to visit several days with Mrs. Wetzel's grand- mother. Texas for a few days furlough. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Martin and Clayton Loop were dinner guests at the C. M. F~lton home Sunday. Clayton Loop was a visitor at the W. L. Hammond home Thurs- day night. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Martin were and Mrs. Charles Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall spent Sat- ttrday evening at the Guy Hall home in Wibaux. Mrs. Olga Lardy was a Sunday afternoon visitor at the Otto Peter- silie home. Mrs. May Fisher and Clara May were weekend guests at the John Brown home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stockwell knd family were Sunday guests at the Charles Bohn home. Bill and Cecil Adams were sup- l~r guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 19~t Sunday. l~aul Wlschow returned from Dale, Wis. Sunday night, where he '#%sited his mother, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waldal and Darrell visited Mrs. Bertha Waldal ~Unday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders were Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Post Thursday. Mrs. Ed Deitz and son returned home Tuesday, after having spent several days in Beach with her lmother, Mrs. Vera Wassmann. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall enter-] tained Friday evening for Mr. and ~rs. Paul Wagner, Mrs. Alma Rink and Mr. and Mrs. Neff Hogoboom. The boys basketball team went to Dickinson Saturday, where they ~*et the Model Hi team, only to be Iiefeated by a large score. Word has been received here that Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Martin have purchased a home in North ~Iollyw0od, Calif. Mrs. Harry Smith and Bonita are Visiting at the home of Mrs. /~mlth's mother, Mrs. Lindstrom in Cv.rlyle. Mr. and Mrs. George Franzen a~d family were Sunday dinner guests at the Lawrence Klrkpatrick home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haugse and tantlly and Lois Honnold attended the show in Beach on Sunday al- to'noon. 'Mrs. Scherle and family, Mr. and Mms. John Brown and W. T. Brown ~;~re Sunday evening callers at ~[rs. May Flsher's home. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Carlson and LYIhn, Inga Carlson and Mr. and ~'s. Walt Dixon and family were ~Unday visitors at the Ernest Nel- ~a home. Mrs. Catherine Belmont and Mrs. 8ehroeder of Beach were dinner guests at the Charles Bohn home ~d supper guests of Mrs. Mike eisen Monday. Mrs. Wm. Gardner will be hos- ~to the Lutheran Ladies Aid in church parlors next Thursday, ~bruary 10th. Lunch will be serv- ed at noon. Mrs. Clam Wagner entertained ~/~ rs of the Study Club at _ ~ regular business meeting on Tttesday evening. Roll call was "¢aPOnded t~ with a current event. ~.t%er the business meet~mg an in- ting monologue was given by • Edna Sanders. j morning. Mrs. Ura Wyckoff is as- I sisting with the housework and caring for the other children while Mrs. Wyckoff is gone. Sgt. Roy Berg arrived Thursday from his camp in Louisiana to spend a short furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Berg, before being transferred to Cali- jfornia. He is in the paratroop division of the armY. Mr. and Mrs. John Honnold, ,Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mikelson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haugse, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook, Mrs. Hazel Reed, Jennie Lambert, Helen Higley, Myrtice O1- son and quite a number of high school students attended the bas- lketball game in Beach last Tues- day evening. Mrs. Ed Cook entertained mem- bers of the Congregational Aid and several guests Thursday afternoon. Mr. Mikeison showed pictures of their deer hunting trip last fall and several other pictures of in- 'terest. Mrs. Hazel Reed modeled the grass skirt which (}wen Cook recently received from Lester Dempsey, who is now somewhere in the Pacific. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Cook. The Altar Society sponsored a card party at the hall Wednesday evening with ~t good crowd attend- ing. Mrs. Neff Hogoboom and Otto Petersilie won first prizes and Mrs. Ervin Ueckert and Math Tescher won second prizes. For the chil- dren, John and Paul Scherle won first prizes and Josephine Zinsli and John Schmltz won second. Math Decker was the lucky win- ner of the door prize. 0LLIE NEWS Miss Marjorle Dealing was an overnight guest at the charles Fulton home Saturday. Mrs. George Cox and sons spent several days in town last week be- cause of bad roads. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shepherd were business callers at Baker on Friday. Mrs. George Rustad spent several days last week at the clinic at Miles City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson and family were sunday visitors at the Joe Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schouboe visited at the Carl Rose and Ernle Stark homes Saturday. Miss Nellie M~y of Ismay and l~va Rost of Baker spent the weekend at the Norman Rcat home. Emil Ferrel returned home Wed- nesday from Wisconsin, where he had spent the past two weeks visit- ing relatives. claud Baker motored to Baker Friday afternoon for his daughter, Cleo, who spent the weekend at her home. BUL~ 420 BULLS 420 B~ ANNUAL HEREFORD BULL SALE Friday, Mar& 3rd, 10 A. M. HERD BULLS !~ANGE BULLS From Montana's Foremost Hereford Herds. You can get horned or polled Herefords raised in the rough outdoors. Don't overlook this one great opportunity to get bulls for your range cows or a show bull for your Show Herd. Billies Live Stock Commission Co. Billings, Montana The Nation's Largest Range Bull Sale UCTION DAYS: Cattle, Sheep, Hogs--Mondays, ednesdays, Fridays. H0rs~ ~des Fridays also.- 0gs bought every day. The regular PTA meeting was held at the schoolhouse Thursday Sunday evening callers at the H. B. evening. It was decided at the Flsk home. business meeting to lower the rol- Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen of ler skating fees. .A short program iPlentywood visited at the Ham- and a lunch concluded the evening, mond home from Sunday until Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schouboe i Wednesday. entertained at a wedding dance at Mrs. Tom Fulton entertained the the hall Saturday evening. A large IU. B. Aid Thursday P. M: at her crowd attended in spite of the home. A nice crowd was present bad roads. A lovely lunch was and a lovely lunch was served. served by the hosts at midnight. Donald Lundero left Wednesday Mrs. Robert Conn visited at the l for the Marine Air Corps. He Joe Baker home from Wednesday will be stationed at San Diego, until Sunday, when she and Mss. Calif. Tom Conner went to Baker to visit with Mrs.. Dan Cox. Robert J. Corm has been sent to Buckley Field at Denver for an indefinite period of time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Madler and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shep- herd and family and Mrs. Victor Berg and daughter were dinner guests Sunday at the Nornmn Rost home in honor of the birthdays of Rosie, Murril and Murvin Rost. Mrs. Ross Cameron received word Sunday of the death of her father, Mr. Smart, of Hawley, Minn. Mrs. Percy Bryson took her to Beech that evening,_where she entrained for Hawley to attend the funeral. Mrs. Hubert Rustad entertained at dinner Saturday night in honor of Hubert's birthday and Mrs. Vic- tor Berg's wedding anniversary. Others present included Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd and family and Loranne Berg. Rev. and Mrs. Bergland of Glen- dive, Rev. and Mrs. Goossen of i Wibaux, Rev .and Mrs. Kenney of Beach, Rev. and Mrs. Allen of Baker, Mrs. Frank Fulton of Glen- dive, and Rev. Howland pf Great Falls were dinner guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. L. G. Wetzel Friday. Due to the snow storm that afternon the burning of the mortgage and program at the U. B. Church was postponed until the following Thursday, February 10th. The potluck supper was held at the church Friday for those who came, but no program was given. V~ CARLYLE l WS Melvin Hartse returned home on Wednesday evening from Glasgow, having to wait for repairs. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartse and son Cliff left Tuesday A. M. for Galen, to visit their daughter Har- riet for two weeks. Quite a few from Carlyle attend- ed the wedding dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Roland Schoubee in Ollie Saturday night. Bud O'Conner of the U. S. Navy is here visiting his brother and family in Carlyle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Conner, and his brotherin-law and sister in Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Helgeson. Iray Kneugen, who has been staying at the Knudson home near Wibaux, returned home Sunday to visit with his brother, Corp. Walter Kneugen, who is in the armed forces. ~'V'~ ESTRAYED There came to my place a big white-faced cow, branded reverse CH on left hip. J. V. Klein, Sen- tinel Butte, N.D. 20-3tp V~ Reporters who write up weddings often remark that the young couple are embarking on the sea of matri- mony. If so, some seem to get seasick in a short time. iii TUNE IN Every Monday Night at 8 p. m. (MWT) And hear a discussion of matters of vital interest to North Dakota by well known citizens. KFYR--Bismarck Attention[ Farmers and Stockmen You are invited to come in and examine our new stock of veterinary's supplies. We feel that it is complete enough to take care of your every-day veterinary needs. If you are in need of advice, we are prepared to diagnose your chicken and livestock ailments. We have a very good supply of animal and poultry vaccines. We have a Globe veterinary calendar which we will be glad to give you. Ask for your copy! WE LOAN SYRINGES SLEIGHT'S CITY DRUG __._ N. DAK. BEACH, PAGE FIVE J People are looking for the road to success. Some of them have the idea that it runs down hill. They used to tell about the "dogs of war". In days of meat shortag,e some hot dogs of war work in well, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12th WILL BE SPECIAL um AND This will be your opportunity to buy bottles of Rum and Gin at Special Low Prices at the Cozy Tap Room Take advantage of this special to lay in a supply. With the new Federal tax coming up and the scarcity of all kinds of liquor, you cannot afford to pass this up. COZY TAP ROOM Beach, North Dakota February Clearance! To Make Room For-the-New Women's Winter Coats PRICED IN 2 GROUPS 10 only REAL VALUES at $8.00 8 only VALUES AT THIS PRICE $11.00 MEN'S PILE LINED COAT 12.00 Fine quality combed cotton shell is Zel~n processed for water-resistancy l The deep pile lining and col- lars are 100% wool with cot- ton back for rugged warmth with lightweight comfort. Fly front and four roomy pockets. Belted sleeves add extra good looks and comfort to this heavy-weather Jacket. Sizes 36 to 48. ii in I BOY'S PILE LINED COAT 11.00 An amazing price for such a sturdy, heavy-weather coat that gives extra warmth with- out uncomfortable weight! The poplin shell is Zelan treated for water-resistancy," the lining and collar are of deep-nap all wool pile with rugged cotton backing. In mackinaw length With four roomy pockets, neat fly front closing. Tan Poplin, brown pile, Sizes 8 to 18 year~ VALUES in Every Department! BOOKS western, mystery and fiction - . FURLOUGH and UTILITY BAGS HEAVY WATER TUMBL ERS set of eight WOMENS COTTON SLIPS all sizes . . WOMENS FLANNEL GOWNS 16 to 20 - WOMENS CREPE GOWNS .... MATTRESS COVERS large size - - - MENS HEAVY CANVAS GLOVES - - MENS CHOPPERS soft and pliable - - MENS MOLESKIN PANTS all sizes - - -