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February 10, 1944 Golden Valley News | |
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February 10, 1944 |
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Thursday, February 10,
Mrs. Leroy Preiss visited here
Thursday and Friday.
N. Haselwood made a trip to
Billings last week.
Francis Baker made a trip
to Rochester last week for a
~.'~. Predericks and children of
Helena are visiting at the E. Knoop
Mrs. Clarence Shider of Meril-
/an, WAS. was a weekend guest at
the Arleigh Meek home.
Mrs. Louise Larson entertained
her sewing club Wednesday after-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beeler and
Renee were dinner guests Sunday
at the Ray IJawrence home.
Mrs. Robert Anderson and Mrs.
Rouel Welsh served lunch at Red
Mrs. Jessie Schell and children
of Dickinson spent the weekend at
the Alger Meek home.
Mrs. Guy-Hall and Mrs. Ross
Bixby attended a district Red
Crc~ meetlng at Dickinson Friday,
Miss Hladick has been helping
With the nursing at the Beach hos-
pital for the last few weeks.
Those in Beach Friday were
Mesdames Ray Elsenbart, Burton
Welsh, Randy Meeks and S. Nodlun.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall of Sen-
tinel Butte visited at the Guy Hall
home Monday evening.
Mrs, E. Welliever entertained the
So a~ad Sew Club Wednesday after-
Mrs. Minnie Meyers came from
Bt. Paul Thursday to spend some
time With her mother, Mrs. M.
Teeters, who has been ill.
Mrs. Ray Scammon and Mrs.
Louise Larson entertained the Lu-
theran Ladies Aid Friday afternoon
at the Scammon home.
Mrs. Tena Payne and Marlin
returned from Dickinson Sunday.
Marlin is recovering nicely from an
The Womens Society of Christian
Service was entertained Thursday
afternoon at the church basement
by a committee of ladies.
Mrs. James Grlffith entertained
the Optimistic Eight Bridge Club
Thursday evening. Scores were
won by Mrs. Arley Helvlk and
Mrs. Wallace Scott.
starring Pat O'Brien with Ruth
Warrlck and Robert Ryan.
Tough, lovable, fighting Ameri-
can . . . Frank Cavanaugh, the
iron man of American footbalH
The thrill-packed fighting career
of a man who took time out to
go "over the top" with the
boys he's led to gridiron glory!
OWL SHOW SAT. 11:30 P. M.
SUN. MaN. TUF~.--
s~rring Lucille Ball, Harry
James and his music makers
with William Caxton and Vir-
ginia Weidler. The picture that
makes you young l A musical
honey! Direct from its sensa-
tional Broadway run! Packed
with song hits . . . roaring with
merriment . . . dazzling with
gorgeous girls! It's TECHNI-
With Jimmy Lydon as Henry
Aldrich. When Henry starts
swinging . . . the whole town
sw~s! . . . at him! It's a
Jam session, with Henry in a
Jam, as usual! Laughs galore!
Claudette ColM% Pal-
ette Ooddard with Veronica
Lake. The first great picture
of our women under fire!
Don '~Red" Barry in
Also Eric .Portman in "84~UAD-
DEVII~ OF ~E WESt~ Chap-
tar No. 8.
Mrs, Ell Schwartz, Mrs. E. Erick-
son, Mrs. Bettendorf ~md Mxs. Slet-
ton called on Grandma Woods
at the Beach hospital on Monday
Jack Eldridge passed away at his
home Sunday and funeral services
were held at the Christian Funda-
mental Church by Rev. E. Goossen
Tuesday afternoon,t
At Beach last Tuesday the Junior
High score was Beach 1, Wibaux
8, and the high school game re-
sulted in a score of Beach 26,
Wibaux 19. The Wibaux High band
played during the game, led by
Miss Fezenmyer.
Mrs. Genevieve Houghton and
Frank Beeler were united in mar-
riage Wednesday evening at Glen-
dive at the Methodist parsonage
by Rev. L. Ortmeyer. Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Miller ~ere their attend-
ants. Sgt. Frank Beeler arrived
home on a 15-day furlough from
Fort Nelson, B. C. Tuesday.
The Lions Club met Monday eve-
ning at their regular meeting at
the Sutherland Oafe and had din-
ner. Before the business meeting
six Junior high girls sang and
Victor Dahl gave a talk on Boy
Scouts. There were two Lions Club
members from Beach and a visitor,
Bob Hall, from Sentinel Butte.
The Womens Club met at the
home of Mrs. J. D. Cullen Monday
evening. After the business meet-
ing Mrs. George Petcoff gave a
paper on "Montana Resources",
Mrs. M. P. Ostby presented a
musical number and Miss Lois
Storkel also gave a musical number.
The hostess served refreshments
after the meeting.
Pearl Klrkpahdck, Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. George Geary made
a trip to Dickinson on business
Friday of the past w~ek.
Mrs. Julius and Marlene made a
trip to Glendive on Thursday of
the past week.
Frank Schrum returned home on
Thursday from Albany, Minn.,
where he was called by the death
of his father.
The Misses Lenora Hartse, Do-
lorous Fasching and Eunice BcelUke
have been on the sick list the
Mrs. Hans Haukaas was taken to
Me Beach hospital on Thursday
morning. She is feeling much Ira-
K. J. Higgins returned Wednes-
lay from MJnnesoba, where he
spent the past week visiting with
Pvt. Harold Larsen left Friday
morning for Fort Dix, New Jersey
after spending the past week at the
home of his brother, Julius Larsen,
and family.
Quite a number of people attend-
ed the dance in Golva Friday eve-
ning, despite the snow storm. The
proceeds will go to the girls' and
boys' basketball teams.
Norbert Schulte left Wednesday
night to return to his army camp,
after being called here by the
death of his father, Lawrence
Mrs. Mary Wise has moved into
the Maanum house in Golva dur-
Ing the past week. She plans to
make her home here in Golva for
a while.
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Susa were
pleasantly surprised Sunday eve-
ning when friends and relatives
gathered at the Golva Hall to help
them celebrate their 25th wedding
Just before lunch a mock wed-
ding was performed. The wedding
consisted of Eddie Kouba as
the bride, and Mrs. Julius Larsen
as the groom. Their attendants
were: Mrs. Mike Schwagel as best
man and Frank Kreltinger as the
bridesmaid. The bride's mother
was portrayed by Simon Schmltz
and the father by Mrs. Oswin
~mfltz. The flower glrl was
Julius Larsen and the minister was
Tom Wosepka.
The card party at the Little
Beaver school will be postponed
until Friday, February 18, due to
Mrs. ~t Stecker, pres.
There was an old saying that
children should be seen and not
heard. If those kids grew up and
managed business on that basis by
failing to advertise, the results were
not probably so good.
There is a true old saying that if
I .... 72 : =:=
George Tasker has recently pur-
chased a new tractor.
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Sperry motor-
ed to Sidney on Monday.
George Tasker helped his sister,
Mrs. J. E. Metoalf, can beef one
day last week.
Teeh. Sgt. C. C. Omley informs
us that he now has been awarded
his second oak leaf cluster.
The Arvid school is closed inde-
flnnitely, as some of the pupils
have measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skaar and son
Sig and the Kyle Sperry family
were Sunday dinner guests at the
P. V. Moore home on January 30.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Crook and
Freddie were afternoon callers at
the George Tasker home Monday.
P. V. Moore went to Beach on
Saturday, when he took a pig to
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf and
sons were Sunday visitors a week
ago at the George Tasker home.
Tony Leland and his hired man
have been busy putting a fence
around Tony's section north of
Ray Tasker is busy nowadays
tearing down the house up north,
which he will move down here and
The Mocres recently received a
letter from Corporal Nels O. Nel-
son, in England. He reporus that
he is well and still training.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and
Miss Clara Slmar were supper
guests at the J. F. Crook home
on Saturday.
Carol Moore is ill with the
measles at the home of her grand-
parents. We wish her a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and
Doris, Miss Clara Skaar and Mr.
and Mrs. John Anderson were din-
ner guests at the Kyle Sperry
home on Sunday.
Jack Tasker took his niece and
nephew, Joyce and Buddy Leland,
to their home from the Leonard
Leland home on Sunday, a week
The wind on Friday night drifted
the snow quite a bit. On Sunday
the mercury rose to over 40 degrees
and with the wind, it certainly
softened the snow.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Nellermoe
and baby went to Beach Monday.
Mrs. Nellermoe had a checkup at
the hospital and the baby had
an examination. The doctor found
that she has eczema. We hope that
she will recover soon.
Miss Hazel Vinquist injured her
hip while at school recently. A
doctor was summoned, as she was
almost helpless. The doctor said
that a bone in her hip was dis-
located. She is much improved
now but still feels the effect of it.
The Pleasant Valley Homemakers
Club held its regular meeting on
Wednesday, February 2nd at the
Glen H~thaway home in Beach.
Dinner was served to thirteen
members, their families and several
guests. After a short business
meeting the social committee took
charge and the annual card party
was enjoyed, when progressive
whist was played at eight tables.
High prizes were won by Mrs. Win.
Zabel and Harold Feldhusen and
low prizes by Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Welsh. The next meeting will be
held at the Ernest Zlelsdorf home
March 1st.
Mrs. R. H. Welsh, secretary.
Buy WAR BONDS today!
If you want ~o buy or sell
seme2hlng; if you need help
or want a Job. you can get
zesulis from News Want Ads.
No ad accepted for less than
25c per insertion. A servlce
chsrge of 25c wlU be made for
"blind" ads.
FOR SALE--V-Mall stationary at
the News office. 5-tf
liston, N. D., March 8, conducted
by Fred Reppert, nationally known
auctioneer. 20-4tp
WANTED---A ring gear and pinion
or a whole rear end for a 1928
Chevrolet truck. G. E. Schallock,
Beach. 20-1tp
FOR SAd[,F,--41 head of mixed
lambs. Reasonable price if taken
at once. Also fresh milk cow.
Jos. Downs, Sentinel Butte. 19-2tp
FOR SALE---One registered Short-{
horn bull calf, 13 months old,[
dark roan. See or write Koubai
Brothers, Alpha. 20-2tp {l
F-~ ~verton~---e ~ wit----hli
B batteries, good as new. John
Brettin, phone 171"20, Beach,
N D. 20-2tp
WANTED---Experienced wa i t r e s s.
No night or Sunday work. Good
wages. Apply at Cozy Cafe,
Beach. 19-tfc
FOR SALE--1940 Chevrolet fordor
sedan, hvater and radio, good
rubber, Inquire at the Golden
Valley News office. 18-1tp
ESTRAYED-=3 whitefaced Hereford
cows and calves. 1 whitefaced
mooley bull, branded Diamond 6
on left hip. Notify Pete Kramer,
Wibaux, Mont. 18-3tp
FOR SALE--One complete set of
press drill wheels for a 14-foot
drill, like new, with weight box
and springs for presser. H. B.
Finneman. Golva. 19-2tp
FOR SALE--Good prairie hay, can
deliver; also Berkshire Duroc
Jersey bred gilts, your choice.
Fred Buldhaupt, Beach, or phone
2Pll. 18-tfc
FOR SALE---1941 Deluxe Plymouth
coupe, radio, heater, and 6 ply
tires. 1938 4-door Plymouth
sedan, heater, good tires. Logan
Auto Service. 18-3to
a limited number of Ben Huset's
1944 weather forecasts. These
should be of special interest to
farmers and stockmen. Golden
Valley News office. 18-tf
USED CARS--We have a few used
cars for sale: 1941 Plymouth
coupe; 1941 tudor Ford; 1942
Deluxe Plymouth coupe. You do
not need a certificate in order
to buy any of these cars. Dakota
Implement Co. 20-ti"c
FOR SALE--A number of choice
Guernsey and Holstein heifers.
They are all from high producing
milch cows. Can be seen at the
Dr. Johnstone farm 10 miles
straight south of Beach. I.W.
Christensen. mgr. 18-4tp
PERMANENT WAVE, 59c--Do your
own Permanent with Charm-Kurl
Kit. Complete equipment, in-
cluding 40 curlers and shampoo.
Easy to do, absolutely harmless.
Praised by thousands, including
Fay McKenzie, glamorous movie
star, Money refunded if not sat-
isfled. Woodward Brothers Drug,
Beach, N.D. 10-10tp
FOR SALE--Royal Typewriter rib-
bons. Golden Valley News
office. 5-tf
FOR SALE---Good red boar. .See
or phone Hugh Sclunitz, phone
15F120. 19-2tp
FOR SALE--10 x IZ brooder honse~
or will trade for milch cow. Har-
old Fosjord, Wibaux. 20-1tp
LOST---Car chain between Re~ch
and Golva. Reward if returned
to A. J. Streitz, Golva. 20-2tp
FOR RENT -- Furnished modern
apartment. Anderson A p a r t-
ments, Beach. 20-2tp
FOR SALE -- Purebred Hereford
bull; 4 milking Shorthorn cows,
2 milking. Fred Nlstler, Sentinel
Butte. 20-2tp
FOR SA~14 ft. Case drill with
power lift; one two-bottom Oliver
plow. Lloyd Weinrels, Golva,
N.D. 20-4tp
STRAIqED--A yearling whiteface
Hereford steer, branded DX on
right hip. Information leading to
recovery will be appreciated. J. J.
Johnstone, Sentinel Butte. 20-lip
Mrs. Fred Wassmann, CoT. {
.-- _ _-
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassmann
were Beach visitors on Tuesday.
Art Underwood was a caller at
the Fred Wassmann home Sunday
The Alpha Ladies Aid wll]
with Mrs, Herman Brockmeyer
February 17th.
Little John Underwood
home from the hospital on
nesday after undergoing an
tion. Everyone hopes that
will soon be able to be back
school again.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyde Wassma~
and Carolyn returned home
after spending ten days at
John Fakler home. Mr. and Mrs
Fakler went to Bismarck to
sult a doctor and Mr. Fakler
his glasses changed while he
Mrs. F. F. Schmeling entertalne~
the Golva Sunshine Society
her home on Wednesday. Six mel~
hers were present. The hoste~
served a nice dinner. After
meeting ~he afternoon was spent
in visiting. The next meeting
be with Mrs. Laura Strahon
March 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassman~
entertained at a birthday dinner
party given in honor of Mrs. Jol~
Fakler on Sunday. Those prese~
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassma~
Mr. and Mrs. LOyde Wassma~
and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Jol~
Stull and David, Mr. and Mrs.
John Fakler and Jackie. All ea,
joyed a lovely dinner, and tbS
afternoon was spent in playl~
cards and visiting. All left wish-
ing Mrs. Fakler many more hapP~
birthdays, j'
According to scientists the ID-
trinsic value of a human body iS
about one dollar, but they 1~
never discovered anyone who wantS
to buy one,
otel -POWers,
We have some 5,000 pieces, and
1,000 different parts of Allis-
Chalmers Repairs in stock now.
BUTso that we may be able to
increase our stock, and so that
our Branch be enabled to have
Sufficient Stock early, we must
have early Orders.
you support and back up your
ho e town, your home town Don t Neglect to
support and back you up.
Get that Card to
QUICK RELIEF FROM me N o w, with
lro tCH ULCM your Allis-Chal-
mers Equipment.
Mm4 Naip er It Will Cast Vu Netid~
Allis-Chalmers Dealer
February llth and 12th
Will take as many hogs as you may deliver. Last
week was able to pay $12.20 for top hogs, but will
guarantee the following prices this week, paying more
if the market will permit.
TOP HOGS, 210 to 300 lbs. - - $12.10
185 to 210 lb. HOGS ........ $11.50
170 to 185 lb. HOGS ........ $/1.00
140 to 170 lb. HOGS .... $9.50 to $11.00
SOWS, all weights ......... $10.00
Feeder hogs or hogs under 140 lbs. bought at $9.00
per hundred.
You'll Always Get A Square Deal With,,-
Beach, North Dakota
Phone 40