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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 9, 1950     Golden Valley News
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February 9, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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- 4¢ THE VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N.D. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, PAGE EIGHT Jc, AI. Nzws le ~LOlI~S /I]~me From Tril~-- Mr. and Mr..'. Wendell Youc}ls ~turned Ire'me t'his week from ~l~*~iI• v:~(,:tli01-) trip oul \vesl, ~e~ch Viait~a--- Ernest Nelaon ~ar~d P, atfl Wis- e how were Boach business ~allers and visitors Mov~d, ay morning of this week. Mr. Nelson 'had c(m~e up from Bisn~arok to spend the week end vxiSh friends and rela- tdves :and on Monday ,a~ternoon was s-cheduled to ~be ,in Dickinson ~o be held there that afternoon. Commdssion for a special hearing 1o be held there that afternoon. Mr, Nelson reports that Mrs. Nel- ~..n is visi, tin,g ,l~heir son John at Madison. Wiaconsin, .and l~h~l Mrs. John Nel~m is ,oeutm~ating from a recent illness. , fhazf~e':): -- ':n~>,}i~,d. kvhOI'(~ !]{' had ~1~1 -; ul:l reddence. To R~L DIr. M~t.--- Mrs, Ru'by Doerner left this • Tuesday mormng via ,bus ~or Fargo, ,~here s.he will ate:end North Dakota State Re~tauran¢~ AssociaHon Board Of Directors meeting, in her capacity as one :)f ~he newly elected .directors. Afterw,ard, she will visi~t her son Jirnmie. a student a,t ~he Un,iver- sity o£ N. D.. and another son, Bob and x~ife, who .are making their hm~ne an Grand Forks. Beach Visitors-- Mr. ~nd Mrs. Chris Siverts of Glen'.iivc. Mont.. and th,eir new "::,b~ daughter, Kristee Lee, -~ ,ep~ i.',us Tuesday in Beach. l:~a: oil old friends. Mrs, St- " ~.. ~he former Mrs. Mary b: n l,m~,, a re:ddenl of the V," , h':'! t i':l (O~i~klF*iIy, laler !~ ";if2 ill ]?t':tC,11 t'~OfOl'O Dqovlng to ', :!endive. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 'EM ALL TAKE YOUR CHOICE 14-OZ. CANS I [I 46-0Z. PINEAPPLE CAN WELCH SHELLED CHARMIN GRAPE JUICE Walnut Meats Toilet Tissue qt. bottle 40c 8 oz. 39c 4 rolls 27c ARMOUR STAR MEAL READY LUNCHEON MEAT I2-OZ. CAN DEPE.NDON WHOLE BEAN I-LB. GROUND TO ORDER BAG i TEA BISCUITS DOZ. IN PACKAGE, BAKE FOR 'EM IN 7 MINIFrE~ EX~FRA STANDARD WHOLE KI~RNEL OR STANDARD CREAM STYLE STOKELY'S FINEST 14-OZ. BeT. RED OWL EVAPORATED [GREE C~.I~$;T alIG T;qNDER SWEET PEAS 9 17 oz. cans 35c MY.T-FINE ASSORTED FLAVORS PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING PURR VEGETABLE SHORTENING ] SF.RV iT HOT LB. TEXAS SWEET MARSH SEEDLESS 10 for ........... WASHINGTON WRAPPED WINESAPS 20 lb. lug ........... JUICY FLORIDAS ORANGES dozen 32c DELICIOUS CRISP CALIFORNIA PASCAL CELERY bunch 21c $1.59 GARDEN FRESH CARROTS 2 bunches 19c Leaving Town-- L~r. and Mrs. Ed Kve~h *have sold their residence in Beach, and plan to leave ~he middle of the re(ruth for Eugene, Ore., where they win make their I To Kallspell-- them; they are to operate a night New Car-- Mr. and Mrs. Kenne~h Son.rick' club there together, cal,led tfi~e John (McCaskey is d~ivir~g ~ leR for their new home ,in l~ali- Dixie Inn. brand new Ford sport coupe .I~ spell, Mon,t., this Tuesday morn- chased this week from the Jolt" ~ing, and were accompanded by Ill At Home--- son Motor Co., of this cry. Mr. Sonnek's pavtner, Ted Miss Frances Zook ~as con- future home. T~eir home has (Wh,i,tey) Nyman ,and wiLfe of fined tO her home fer .a few d~ys Miss Ruth Weigum is ,a been purchased ,by Mr. and .Mrs. New York CRy, N. Y., who ,ar- with a touch of pnSu,monia, ,bu,¢ employee at Gordon's Ba, k¢~/! Tom Wirtzfeld ofthe Sentinel rived here i.n their car to n~ake is now much improved. She is,.'an having started ~here Vhe fir,jt d Butte eommuni.ty, who plan to i the balance of thetrip wi¢h employee of the Beach bank. the week. t move to Beach in the near " future. YOUR DREAM Theatre NF.AC, H. NORTH D,'- K':Y~/" Fri. - Sat. Regular Matinee Sat., at 2:30 One Show each night at 8:00 p.m. "Sergeant York" GARY COOPER, JOAN LESLIE. ] You won't ~ant ~o miss *he Te-issue of .this great picture. A story o£ World War I, based on the "Di, ary o~ Sgt. York." NEWS Sun. - Men. Sunday Mannee "The Great Dan Patch" DENNIS O'KEEFE, GAlL RUS- SELL, RUTH WARRICK. There are scenes of racing, training and grooming horses in this picture of h.avne~s ~aci,ng [h,at rakes place ,a.t the turn of the century. Short -- News Tues. - Wed. - Thurs. "Tulsa" ROBERT ~Es'roN, [tAYWARD. SUSAN Th'is dram, a of off makes ~rt exei'tin,g {i~lm---Vhe roaring boom town in Techrficolor. "Excellent" rating. Short SEE WHAT a lovely, stremnlined, wol,k-saving kit- chen you when you al,range these standard Youngstown l{itchenai(lers and cabinets! {Note how well they go with youl` pl`esent range and l,et'l`igel,a- tel,.) Everything you need for preparing the meals and do- ing the dishes--right at your fingel,tips! Yes, you'll sail through your kitchen chol,es when you have a modern, step-saving Youngstown Kitchen. We can arrange for payments to fit your budget. RAISLER LET ELECTRICITY CUT YOUR FARM PRODUCTION COSTS- Beach, North Dakota US If you did not receive a Coupon Book in the mail. Stop in, we have a few Books on Hand. OELERICH Flap Jack Syrup, 5 lbs. 6% HAPPY HOST COT 2 CANS 6 CANS 31c 90c PINK RECIPE SALMON 1 lb. can 39c LYON BRAND SARDINES 2 cans 19c WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE 2 pts. 51c LARSEN'S VEG. ALL 16 oz. can 17c LIBBY'S Fruit Cocktail 17 oz. can 23c i CHARMIN TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 29c SUPER VALU "r,l~M FIL~SH" Frults & Vegetables TEXAS PINK SEEDLESS Grapefruit, 5 for .... 29c TEXAS 288 SIZE Oranges dozen ..... 33c SPANISH SWEET Onions, 2 lbs. ....... 17c SUPER VALU TASTY THRIFTY OLD FA~HFUL -- WRAPPED BACON SQUARES, lb. 22c PIERCE'S "NO JAr" SKINLESS WEINERS, lb. 43c LOIN END PORK ROAST, lb ..... 43c DAKOTA MAID FLOUR 50 Ibs $3.50 100 Ibs. $6.59 DAIRY LAND Cheese 2 lb. box 18-K COFFEE 1 lb. bag )