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February 9, 1950 |
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14 Music arl Moen s .
| returned from New SMem Wed., { Alfred Ma~ti'nson tmme Saturday i Sunday ,a~ternoon wisiCors at ,the I t tin ,. ~T | l fortune ix) break down his truck,. Ll~yd were afternoon callm W[
• • , the P. V. M~)ore ,home recently.
|where they had been called by ~a,[tern~oon with Dorothy M,artivi-'Bert VCaldM home. t [I - ~ h~ l~ y ,," ~l~ • m~,~' ~lllw
tirol Butte L the death of Mrs. Wivtzfeld's[son as ,hostess, assisted by her Mrs. Be~th, a Wald,al .a,nd Mrs. arouers l ews on wed evening, he, as T- ~'a" "~a-'-er "a-~'" "
[ mother. I mother. ', Susie OoldSbe~,y v.isited IMrs. [ | | J wi:fe and son Bobby were on their ! Thu,rsd,aar even in~ vial,tars at
..... L itway to Trotters. "Bhey spent ,the '~ George Tasker h~ne.
| Mr. a~d Mrs. Jesse l~hi.ll~ps, ~ ,~Vhke Thezsen was a Dickinson. John Brown Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. r. crook, cot ,~ - ° "~
. n W.ischow, who is employed ' the Cecil Tangen, and Ed. Cook i caller Friday, ~here he consulted i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mien le~t =-- - - --= : - - - ~---=- ..... night .a,t the P. V. Moore home. i Mr. and dVlrs. Fred Ellis ,a~
f.amiHes, James Baulas and Mar-~ a phys,iei~n. !lMonday for Miles City, Motet.,Mrs. Bob Stevens underwent aOn Thursday Phillip Moore took children were Thursday ev~
• w~fford CRy, spen, t ~he week tin Kamstra were Wednesday l Mr and Mrs Bud Meyers a~d where Charlie will be employed, go}tre .operation at the Beach~trim to t,own to get repairs; so lvisitors at the Gene Gunk~
ebd a't his home here. " '
The Boys 4-H Clu.b met at the evening dinner guests at the family, and Mr. and Mrs. John~Bob and Bill wi,lA stay w~th ~l/hospital, on Tuesd,ay. We under- t~h,a.t Uhey were able ~o retu'rnihome.
Laura Odland, Jr., home north of- Klein'were Sunday visitors a.t the : aun~t ,in Beach, and Clara May~ sPand that she is to return home horne on Thursday. [ Due to severely c~ld wea4~hei,
float. Bohn home Saturday ,after- /Zeach. ~;corge Franzen home. ~. i,,vi~h her grandparents, ~Mr. azid on Sunday or Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Russell i Mrs. (;rook ~nd Freddie spent
li~l~" Ernest Nelson was up from