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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 9, 1950     Golden Valley News
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February 9, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l O JR (i6LDEN VALLEY NEWS, A6H. N. B THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, Beach Bucs vs. Hettinger Shooting Stars FEB.. 10th v= ............ - .... Elmer W~n,g retur~ned home from the Gov't: business trip to Ollie News M4ssoula Saturday. tte stopped at Bozeman, iMont., to v4si.t ,his son tqtmm Nu~m Allen, w~o is attending college there. Ronnie Shepherd and Hovcard S~ark were sttpper guests at the Mr. and ,Mrs. Oarl Rose .and Slater home Tuesday evening. ~avol were diamer guests at the My. and Mrs. John SlOper and itOt~dd Schouboe home Saturday. ! Oar{l were Baker visitors Friday. lVI~ke Va'le~bine's Das, a gay, reqOan$ie chapter ~n '~rhe Sweetest Story Evex Told." Give a heart-stea]dng glint . . . sovnel~h~g fra,nkly sen, timental chosen from oux heart-to- heart gists ~r V~len~ine giv4ng. Ax~ rexaeqnber your m~mey always buys more a¢ this friendly drug ~ore whether you buy Vale-atines or viCaznins . . . or any of youx daily needs for health, hygiene and persor~M ,~ppearance. Heart Boxes of Candy, (Beautifully Packaged), ............ 85c to $5.00 Lentheric Perfumes and Colognes, with Valentine Wrap. An ideal Gift. Valentine Decorated Stalionery $1.00 Valentine Party Napkins, ...... 15c Complete Assortment of Valentines priced from 1 c up. Bone China Cups & Saucers, $3.50 to $5.95. Double-Kay Salted Nuts, for your Val- • ), . entine Party, $1.39 lb. (Scrxcs 16) I[ National telephone union leaders are threatening that some CWA-CIO unions will strike early Wednesday, February 8. Bargaining with the union represent- ing Northwestern Bell employees started January 31 and is continuing. This union, Northwestern Division 45, cannot legally strike at this time. We do not know whether striking unions will picket any of our buildings nor do we know to what extent our employees will refuse to cross picket lines. In any event, however, we will con- tinue to furnish the best possible telephone service. We believe there is no excuse for a.n interruption of telephone service 'by a Itrilm. In the interest all concerned, we are urging all anployeea to remain on the job. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY / ] ]/t ] I i .L . I ! Beach Bucs vs. Belfield Team PRELIMINARY GAMES BOTH NIGHTS 14 Mrs. Carl Rose and Mrs. ByronI Mr. and ,Mrs. Bert Hudson and Hudson spencc "Monday ai~t.ernoon fDe~bert were visitors at the Sam w~th Mrs. George Rustad. 1 Fisher home Monday evening. Dr. Bush from Beach made a I Mr. ~tnd Mrs. Pat Pl~mmer mo- professiona~l call on Mrs. Kramer : toted to Glendive Tuesday. They Monday, and also called at th~ were callers a't Che Glenn Man- George Johnson and Kenneth Rusted homes. ,Mrs. Wartg 'and LeRoy were Tuesday evening visitors at the Bat Hummer home. Mr. and ,Mrs. Benny Jesfleld .and children were Saturday evernng visitors ~ ,the Victor Berg home. ,Mr. and ,Mrs. C. F. Shepherd ,and Larry were week end guests of ~rs. Mar~h,a Shel~herd in ~a, ker. Mrs. Willis Preston and IV[rs. Byron Hudson motored ~o Beach Thursday. They visited at ,the Herbert 'Singer home in the after- noon. they home. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rustad and sons en%ertained Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg artd fami,ly at dinner Sunday in honor of the Barges weddd~g anniversary. Mr. ,and ,Mrs. Bob Morrison and daughter were Beach callers Wednesday. Among Baker shoppers Satur- day were ,Mr. and ,Mrs. Gordon Rustad and el~ildren, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Perry and child- ren. ,Mr. a.nd Mrs. Byron Hudson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Rustad and Samily, Mr. and Mrs. George Rustad, Mr. and Mrs. Ber~ Hudson. We carry the finest names in plumbing and heating fixtures, including Water- man-Waterbury and American Stan- dard forced air and hot water furnaces. Our line of Crane, Kohler, and Ameri- can Standard bathroom f i x t u r e s and American Standard hot water heat- ers is unexcelled; why settle for less, when you can have the finest at such modest prices? Extra-special see our new Crane 19 x 17" lavatory, complete with built-in cabinet underneath with sh e I v e s, streamlined, and so useful! for those small articles that there never seems enough room for in the usual medicine cabinet! Rev. Knowles and iVIr. and Wal.ter Stowe, ~ho is en~ploy- , (Mr. arid Mrs. Lawrence Mrs. Elmer Wang and LeRoy ed at Marsh, spe~t Saturday a¢ ~and sons were Sunday di~ were dinner guests ,a~ the P~at'.his parental home. [guests at the Preston home. ! Pl~i~l:2rphr~s°~oe Su~d~rge Rus- andMr,M~ndndMX~rs.R°~RR~y C~H~nr~olnl' Doris Stark en#~erta,ined ,a4;S sleigh ride party Friday ev~" tad were amorrg those who took were sttpper guests at the "ray- hag. After an enjoyable ride, in the John Deere show in Baker lor W,aldron home Wednesday freshmen~s were served by Friday. evening, mother, Mrs. Ernle Stark. TRADE or TERMS 1947 Deluxe Fordor, Clean & Fully Equipped. 1946 Super Tudor, Extra Clean, Dependable. 1947 Fordor Sedan, Excellent Condition, Radio, Heater, New Tires. 1938 Tudor, Runs Good, New Paint. 1941 Coupe New Engine, New" Tires, and New Paint. 1941 F0rdor Sedan, Motor A-l, Heater, Radio. 1940 Tudor, This car has had care, clean, Motor Rebuilt, Heater, Radio, Appearance Extra Good. 1940 FORD PICKUP Ton, New Overhaul, New Paint, Ready to go. 1934 FORD V-8 FORDOR, It Runs!!- $37.50 OHNSON MOTOR CO. SALES "SERVICE Phone 10 Beach, N. Dak. Phone 156 Beach, N. D. I MP, RICET, AS ALWAYS, IS OPEN TO ALL AND I YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. "/'HANK YOUI Bring in your hogs for top market prices. I paid $16.40 per cwt., for top hogs last week. ALWAYS PAYING HIGHEST M.KRXET PRIC~ LIACH, N. D. I Mile East of Wibaux, on Highway 10 i EVE , 11 MUSIG BY DEVERK HERMAN and His Orchestra from Sidney, Mont. AI Dutton at the piano every week end you will enjoy hearing this talented musician. Dining room now open every day of the week, 6 p. m. to 2 a.m., including Mondays, and Sun., 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.