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February 9, 1950 |
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-* ¢ !!
BEACHITES ATTEND [The ¢~nven~tion Chis year drewI e ~ * GRASS BUILDS SOIl.-- the home of Mrs. Fred Nell with AUXILIARY HOLDS ]FFA YOUTHS REVALUE
GRAIN CONVE~ON Ia r~ar-vec~rd ~:row.d, in spite of'[ - With Your ] Henry and Uaverne Hildebra~t t.hi~teen members and ~hree visi- PARTY FRIDAY EVE [GILTS DOWN T? $50.
Ix~e Rice, manager of the Beach I the f~ct that many ,a%tending had
Co-op (;rain Co.. H~arry H, alstead,, difficulty gebti.r~g ,t'here 'because i County Extension [ of Boa,h, eoopera rs w~th the tots present. Mrs. Fred Noll ~'adI The first in a series of four 'FFA members, at r.heir reg~l~
Golden Valley Soil Conser~a*ion Mrs. Homer M, adison .preser~ted progressive vCh'ist card parties meeting last Monday evenit~
:of the fri~gid weather ~nd bad
James H.ardv, and Martin Ueck- ~driving conditions. I Agent I District, have esta'bl.ished a grass the lesson on ~ancy rolls and i was h~l,d .here ,a week .ago FN. Jan. 30, rm~ned l~Verrm Nielt#
rota,tion with .their regular crop breads. Fifiteen differer~t kinds of I eve., mt ~he Le@ion HaLl. A grand l$.o head the s~.Ning of a,!l-o~
¢rt, adl of tjis ci~ty, attended ~he Mone~tm._
Gra,in D~>ah/rs C~nvention in Bis-~ By "R. M. Miller The g~ass-legume [~ta- rolls were m,ade. A con,tribu~ion Jprize vcill be awarded ~a¢ ,the last I sign earas, ,aria ,also aewamec ~ff_
marck that was 'held Monday Agricultural Meeting tion has checked erosion and is of $10.00 was made to the Mar~h I party. Mrs. louise Gardner, Mrs. 1 gifts out on rev~flving hog P~
~h:rou~h W(M., 2 weeks ago,' Last Tue~d,av, ~u[ e 1,oral cafes'Farmers
-~thers from lhis eommun~iCy d::nalcd all ,the money they book A farmers meeSing will 'be held bu:Hding u,p the soil fertili,ty, of Dfmes. Mrs. Hovcard Hess will Lydia Brunsvold Mrs. Glendon~ jeets from $65. down e0o $50.~
were Guy Curl, Don Hammond in on coffee sales to ,the Mca,veh on Wednesday, February 15, in Total production has been ,in- be hostess a't the nex, t meetir~g Gordon, and Miss Clara Kippleylis expected ,that prices of t~oY
the American Legion Hall in creased ,and farmir~g h, as been on February 16. I shared hostess duties; high iehieks wi]~l be available to t~.
,amd Fqovd Bo~serman, of Golva. of Dimes Fund. l~oach, to hear snecialis~s of ~he made easier,Henry- IHldebrant • • . • • i prize was won by" Mrs Helen Gil- ~ubHc very soon; the first b~telt
....................................... i man and low ,by Mrs. Dorothy f the season is to be March lg
N(~rth Dakota Extension Service st, ated. HAPPY VALLEY Th(mapson. Da'te of ,the second The youths decided to purche~
di-'cu,:~ *~ho ]a~est in ~rasshopper Durinz a period of 35-,I0 years tIOMEMAKERS CLUB ~ame in the series will be a,n- ear corn from Herb Michels ~
c~mtrol. Hvestoek foedin,g, tractor all 'their cultivnted land will Mrs. Donald Metcalf. See. ~m-,ncod by cards mailed to feed ,to ,the wildlife tha,t
m;~i,nlonance and Vhe use of oleo- have been ill grass-legume rota-
Iricilv Startin~ at 10:00 a. m., tion. Mrs. KenneVh Woseptca was m(.mbers, shelter about the school grounds
' Theodore W. Thorson, teehnici-hostess to a reeen, t meeting of the --- i --
Febru, arv 15, the meeting should an of .the Soil Conservation Set- Ila~ppy V.alley Club. Perfect .at- P,an Wedd,ng--
be of tere t to farme Mary ohn on and eete W.L. ECKES
~anchers i,n 4he area. ",ice says .t, ha~t he ~ould like to tend,ance was had at .this meet-
Pete Schillo, president of "the see more farmers include 'a' i ng. No project lesson was given, Wirtzfeld, b~o~h of the Sentinel; ATTORNEY AT LAW
Beach Lion's Club. ~a local service grass-legume rota.tion i,n ~heqr but i~t was decided ,to 'h,ave the Bu~tte commun,ity, are to be mar- I !- m ,-~ • _.
cropping system, food project lesson at the next tied Feb. 14, ,at the Sen,tinel Butte' Income Tax il~ervlil~
orgar~iza~ion that is * * * * * meeting, which will be ,held a,t Catholic church, and are .to g~ve', PHONE 133
the me.ring In cooperation wi%h
Valley Coma.ty Ex- SPECIAL CLUB MEETING-- th.e home of ,Mrs..Reinhardt Pis- a weddi, ng dance there a~ the Beach, N.
~hall that eveni,ng.
~he Golden
tension Service, ,says that coffee Joan Gtecker, secretary of the cher.
and d, onu,L~ will be served during Neach Lucky Clovers 4-H Club,
the a, fternoon to %hose a~tendl~g, i states t h,a¢~ a special club meet-
. . . . . ing will be held on Febrtmvy 13,
REPAY LOAN-- ]at ,t!he .home ,of Doris Ne}s~, m All
members are urged to...attend.
GOl,denwest Electric Coopera-] Impovtan, t!
tire, Inc., servir~g Golden V~lley . . . . .
Cou,nty, North Dakota ~avtd Wi-
baux County, Mon, tan~a, 'has made C L U B N 0 T E S
advance paymen, ts ,totaling $25,-
000. towards retiring the inflebt- LONE TREE
edness ~f the cooperative ,accord- HOMEMAKERS CLUB
in~ t~ Charles Jewett, manager. Mrs. lames Kreitingero See.
Jewett says tha,~ by malting ad- The club met on J,a,nu, ary 19. ,a¢~
va,nce paymen, ts. i,n~erest on the ..A-~ak~~.~.A.~
loan is reduced, thereby ena'bltng v'~'~--~,'~w~"~-'~'~'~'~'~-
A Hearty
Welcome Always
Awaitt You At
Economlcd .
the loan ~,o be repaid sooner. The
first regular payment is not due
un, til Au,gust 1, 1950.
In 1948, the Golder~west Elec-
tric Coo,pe~ative, Inc., ~anked 46th
i'n KFllovca*tt ,con~sumptlon of the
972 eoopera%ives in ,the Urd,ted
States. ffewett says ,th, a~ ~Is is
l~igher ,than any other coopera-
~i,ve in Noah Dakota and ~the
second h,ighest in ~Ima*arm.
During January, 624 members
used ,a,n ,avera,ge of 378 l¢111ov,~a'¢ts
,of 01ectr~eity, ~h~s re~ur~ed ¢~he
cooperative $12.18 ~eve~ue per
mile, Jewet, t sMd.
* * * $ *
Beach, North Dakota
Starting At 10:00 A.
Gee. Strum, N. D. A. C. Livestock SpecialisL
Wayne Colherg, N. D. A. C. Entomologist.
Seb. Vogel, N. D. A. C. Agriculture Engineer
Art Schulz, N. D. A. C. Agriculture Engineer.
Call Local
When you want to
SELL your farm, see
Barney Piesik.
When you want to
BUY a farm, see
Barney Piesik.
When you need a
LOAN on your farm,
See Barney Piesik.
At his office,
Beach, N. Dak.
Door Prizes of $5.00 -- $5.00 & $10.00
At 5 p.m., 9 p. m., and 12:00 Midnight
On Monday and Friday Nights.
Wibaux, Mont.
Lawrence Hoffman,
NOW. *.. the most powerful truck engine
ever offered you ... LOAD-MASTER "105"
Here is power aplenty-the Load-
Master 105-h.p. engine--the new
heavy#uty engine in the most
powerful Chevrolet trucks ever
Here is value aplenty-the fa-
mous Thrift-Master Engine-now
stepped up to 92-h.p. to give
more performance in the light--
and medium-duty field!
Come in and see throe
greatest Chevrolet power plantS.
Whichever suits you best, remem"
ber this: Chevrolet's your buY
with more power than everl more
value than ever!
Saves You Time.the Hilk • Saves You Time on the Getaway • Saves You ~
ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS .................
• . . . . .
L,**,,,. • P,,,o,, t.A.,,. • PoeutAe.rv L.,..,, • Ph¢,
Phone 74
Beach, N. Dak.