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February 9, 1950 |
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Bus Lines, tkat operate beginrflng .at 2:30 p. m.
Dickinson .and Willis-
axed also a south route. Era- MRS. WM. QU&LE TO
of the bus 1,ine ,had miss- SPEAK OVER KDIX
and officials were con- IV~rs. Wil, ltiam Quale of Oar-
a search for his .body, lyle, Mont., will appear on_ ~e
r~e~r to where his room had Dickinson radio setatlon KDI~
located as possible, nex.t Tuesday, ,Feb. 14, .when she
elderly unmarried man will present the topic of ,the
a resident of the St. Womens Missiormry Federattort
~otel for twenty years, at 10:30 a.m. Norris Peterson, o~
a person with regular th4s ei, ty, will be soloisL
usually re r g abou
P. m., and was not seen
egain. As far as we can IN SEED GRAIN
Mn, he ,has no immediate Preventing smut ,and other dis-
hes in t~vis area, but it is ea~es in oats and barley Is ,an
.~ two sisters and a brother easy way to ma~e money in the
led him in death. His only opinion of W. E. Brentzel, NDAC
living relatives are two plant p~thologtst. O~. tl]e other
~, G~ace and Ruth Trum- hand, says Brentzel, ~-~owlng
hOWever, their present ad- disease-in,fected seed is the sure~.
~ere unknown, way to obtain a poor crop o~
.to. the Pt~ee-T~bin funeral , !. "
, but date of the funeral
tot been decided yet, how-
~fleials expected Cd~at
M serv4ces will be conduct-
F fellow .Masons sometime smut, ,but they may be suscept-
ible to other races less eommcm
~°~a~thile, a meefl~-g was in this region. Treating .the seed
~Y in Dioldnson concern- will ,help keep these new ra
ePem'don of ,the Carport- of smut from developing and
)rt, wlth Roy Herhu- spreading, Brentzel suggests, in
t nee agent, participat- oats and also in barley.
.~ ~ans, and the regular Smut of oa~, both Ivose and
~ the line was going covered, can be overcome slmply
! I, until more definite by applying a good fungielde at
~ts cam ,be made for the recommended rate listed on
.~l operation, the container. Barley seed may
~ ~ of the St. Charles carry covered smut and two
-~s Dieklnson without kinds of loose smut. "Phe covered
i ~te of any ldmd, but smut ,and one of the loose smuts
~o3 may not be h~o may be overcome simply by ap-
If th~ huge drive for plying a good ~ungicide, but the
n,~ mr: continues as fungicide must be mixed cam-
as Its start, fully, according .to directions.
......... .:/&.
The concert debe for Chloe Wednesday, Feb. 15, speci~ali~ts
Owen, lovely young Southern of the North Da~ko~a Extension
years in ~he Marine Corps, arid
~ter Ms diseh,arge, resumed his
studdes, finishing one semester
early, because ,he went to sum-
mer school tast summer.
Former residents of Golden
Vatley County, now living or
spending ~he winter in Califor-
nia, will gather t,his Sunday, Feb.
12, in Long Beach, where" they
will ~hold thei'r annual Dakota
picnic, according to Herb Finne-
man, ~ho sends us the above in-
formation from Los Angeles.
(Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hollar le~t
this Wednesday morning for In.
ctiana, where they will visit rela-
tives and friends. They plarmed
to be gone about three",~ weeks,
and rrmy go as far as Florida.
[ The Weather [
Great change in the weather,
much warmer, here last Thum-
~ay, Ground Hog day, and sunny,
so those who believe in the old
proverb ~bout the ground h~g
seeing his shadow meaning there
will be six more weeks of win-
ter, are now resigned to just
wai~ir~g! Slightly cooler and
cloudy Saturday, 30 F. ~t noon.
Warm and sunny Sun4ay and
Monday, much of our snow dis-
appearir~g. Continued warm and
cloudy Tuesday, with this Wed.
nesday finding the sun out in all
its early spring glury, and incl-
dently giving a number of local
residents that far-away look,~,~that
some diagnose as spring f~'~!
Rhame..'Sentinel Butte, Terry and
Beach. w~th the drawings to
made this Friday night during
the Hettinger vs. Beach hlgll
school game.
On Thursday night tour games
will be played for the first round
of play, and on Friday night
games willl,] be played to deter-
mine what two teams will enter
the finals and ~he consolation
game for Saturday night.
This Annual tournament has
proved to be one outstanding
sports event, ,and officials ,are
going all out ,this yea~ ,to put on
one of the best basketball tour-
rmments to be held in I~he e,ity for
some time.
Supt. A. R. Miller of the
high school met with 23 oth~
educators composed of rela~.
~enta.t'i,ves of the School Offiee~
Assn., Paxents-Teaehers Asia,
and superintendents at ,Bismarck
last Saturdey, where they 'had
salary meeting.
This Monday and Tuesda2t
members of the North Dak~t&
School Administ~atom met ~x It
school administrative meeting,
Supt. Miller returniwg home tl~t
ft. C. Penney marmger, Glen
Wolf, Orvil Burd~ of s~
KDIX, County Agent, Christian-
son, ,and N. P. agent, C. ~ Ctm~
ningham of Dicklnson, were ~11
Beach business callers Wednes-
day mor~Irtg~,~, of this week, and
[while in our city ealled at the
News ,for a brle