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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 9, 1939     Golden Valley News
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February 9, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Golden Valley News 21 eIUnuatlon of The Beach Advuce and The Beach Review W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle Editors and Publishers & weekly published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. tstered as second class mail matter at the Postoffice at Beach. North Dakota. October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 1897 Advertising rates furnished upon request Q a0becr/ption price $2.00 in No. Dak., Minn., Mont., and So. Dak., Elsewhere $2.50 NOTICE MOYI~M OF BXI'II~TIOM OF S&X~ Richard Moore, 1934- 1998. W~ of Sec ..... 22 47.23 Richard Moore, 1934- 1938 W½SE~. Wz~- NE'A of Sec~ ............ 22 27.78 Ralph Moner, 1953- 1988, All of See ..... 26 124.25 Richard Moore, 1934- 1938, 8W~, SEzA. SEINE%, of See ..... 28 53.04 Richard Moore, 1924- I938~ All of See` .... 29 95.85 O~. Moore, 1994-1938, N~/ of See. ............. 92 2?.|0 Gee. Moore, 1924-1088, SI~K of 8ec ............ H |?.59 Richard ~gocre, 1024- 1058, N~%NW~ of , Bee. ......................... ~7 89 8.27 i m -rd 1,9i- " 20$.. ! ~" 1935.~ of~ __ 84 82.08 BIAOH TOWNSHIP Im~-l~ Record Own~ ~ Amt. Dese ripuon anti, ears unpsid CMaL H. ~a/th. ZOU- 1 ~S. NWK of ~ | |0 .91 2~$4-19n ~ ? $ ic~.. " ...~ .... 1 lj.48 for, 1884-10|8. 8 ~A . 143., £;~o0r|ptlOn and :F0amJ unDma ~. ~ The~. 19U- fill. Lotl 1 tO 14 f~ BIo~ ......... --~ 1 38.48 ~0ss, ~tm la" and ~9 in ]~lo~k ..-- 1 8.H J. ~ Thelan. 19N- ZII8-L~w 1 to 11 in lI~I~ Lotl 9" and 1 , ~ 21~k ._._~.._ 9 S~4 A~ M." DtlilV~ 15|8" 1~, L~.s 2-1-4. oz ~ , $4 . 1~1-I958, X~ot 4 of ............ . .......... : 84 141.22 BleACH ,rO~VNmHI]P 14~.I~ Description and Years Unpaid Record Owner Sec. Amt. Rufus E. Arnold and Ellen J. Arnold, 1984-1933, NE% of Sec ............................ 31 235.82 L. ~nd Meda ~. Arnold, 1934,-1958, 8]©~A lees 1.02 Road R-W' ~ See. sx 97~.. Win, ~rt~andan "~ ATnold, 1984-I$$~. Tract A-118 In N~V~ of See ......................... 28 10.85 Max and J. W. Szu- dera. 1930-1938, SW- ~SE~A of Sec ......... 33 189.95 Albert 8zudera, 1930- 1938, N~V% of See. 32 659.12 BEACH TO~NgHI]P 140-100 Record Owner I~. Amt Description and Years unpala Pmter H. Sehieffer. 1924-1958, NE~ of 13 204.77 Peter H. Sc~hl~f fer~ 1994-1888. SE~ o~ wS~_..~ ~.~i~....i~. Is 230.41 1938, All Tract' A-63 In S]~% of Bee ......... 22 24.49 Gee. FletCher, 1933- 1938. Lots 1-3.3-4 Woodhull's Acreage In Sec ....... ..~. .............. 23 8.52 3P~obert , Hamilton; 1934-1938, Lots 5-8 in WoodhuWs ArceaKe ~c ............................... $3 3.78 SENTINHL ~o~HYP 38~.1G~ RecOrd Owner See` Amt. Desoription and Years Unpaid Gee. B. ~mlre. 1933- 1938, NE~ of See• 18 77.18 Gee, B. L~mlre, 19X3- 1938. N~SE~4, E~- N~V~ of Sec ......... 18 135.84 J. ~. K3eln. 1931-1938, Lots 1-2-3-4 of See. 18 07.66 Win. P. ~ollds. 1931- 1938, W½ of See ..... 24 102.47 SI~NTINEL 5[~)WN~HI]P 180-104 Record Owner ~, A~t. Dosoript~on and Yeara Unpaid Jennie Triter. 19g~- 19S8, S~1~, Lots 1-2 of See ............ 6 51,74 Jennie DempSeo~~ ~- 14 1 1938, NE~A 89.94 Van San~ Co.. 1934- 1938, E%SW~ Lots 3-4 less 4.00 A. 'R-W of Sec ......................... 18 52.52 Arthur W. LatteraIl, 1930-19~8, E½NW~, I~e 1-2 less R-W of ~ec ......................... 18 187.01 Arthur L~tterall. 19- $0-1938. NE~ oz See ............................ 18 238,65 Arthur W. Lattera]l, 1930-1938, 8]~4 of See~ ............... . .......... 18 302,69 Mary Lee et al, 108~~ 1938, NE~ 0f'Bea~--~' ~ 14~0.42 Edward S. ~U~S~.9, 1~- ". $4-1938, NW~ o~ ]~c .............................. 20 144.10 ward S. Qua~le, i984-1988, s½NEK, See. .............................. S0 24.S$ SI~NTINEL ~W]P. 140"104 Re~sorid Owner 8oc, Amt. I~tton and Unpam Years Clara ~rli~V 19~-,3 I~ S , - 10- 1 of , ,. .......................143.94 , ,822 Clyde k;FQr'"" 19a4: 1088. Lot 1:'2-8-0 of ....... . ........ 4 131.22 Clyde Me~0rs, 1~: 19._Lo19.? of , 2744 H 1.4.10 , E½of ~e~ . .......... = 8 98.53 Joseph A. Wrf~ 19 81-1988, Lot 1-2-9-4 of Sec ........................ 6 254.57 Bureau of HdueaMen, 1021-1938- Lot ~-~-0 10 less S.02 I%-W of See...=~: 9 280.18 ~W NE ' [ O_~W. wood ES , 1990-1088. 1~ of I0 268.28 l~t of ~ he en ~611~ C~UnW for Tax ~e~s: 10 180.82 10 82.58 THE GOLDEN 1938, SE~NE~ of See ............................... 24 20.68 Chas Johnson 1934- 19~ S½NW'~. NW- %S~%_ SW%NE% less R-W of See ..... 24 100.59 Chas. C. Bobn. 1930- 1938. S%, NE% Sec. 27 1355.80 W. A. Bohn, 1930-1933 N~V~ of Sec ........... 27 594.33 William Roesler 19- 30-1938, SE~' of Se~ ............................. 31 413.13 Mrs. Della H. Wade- son, 1931-1933. NE~ of See ....................... 31 317.45 DELHI TOWNSHI~ 141-104 Record Owner See. Amt. Description and Years Unpaid Mary A. Evans, 1934- 1938. SE~ of Sec ..... 1 85.36 Mary A. Evans, 1934- 1938 NE~ of Se~...- 1 83.61 Mary ~ Evans, 1934- 1938, ~. of See.- 1 88.00 Elmore 8. Hoyt. 1934- 1938, NE% of Beck_ $ ~2.17 MUwaukee Downer Coll~o 10~4-1938 of ~. " 2 I0~.0I John ~ St~'~-~. "~ -1988. SE~W¼, SzABE%, N~HE~ of Se~ ................... 3 417.83 Carlson an~ Frlda Ca~rlsoa Jo- hanson, 1034-1088 ~ of ~ ........ 6 130.80 AJ~rd Oaxlson and ~eri~ Cs, rlsaa Jo- hanson. 1184-1835 SE%~W% Lots S- 4-5 of Se~ ............. 8 201.70 Trust@ee First State Bank, Z,o~Amto~, 19- $$-1988, 9EK ~ef be. 12 lS2,49 Trustees F4rat State Bank Low n, 19- 34-10 . . .......................... 18 123.$0 ry A~ Evans. 1984- Mary A. Evans 1884- 1998 N~N~,' SE~ of 8~ .................... 18 $35.~0 A~ H. F.~stlen, 1992- 1988, SW~ ot ~ _ 18 191.0~ J. E. Rlehm~rdson ~t al, 1914-1~. " All lees N~V~/ aad Traet of ~ee ................... 21 25L80 Wrn. Relekho4~f. 1824- ...... " ,8 118.. A~ J. Wr|~ht 1984- 1988, ~m¼ of 26 14.~ Frank D~vJdson et ~, 1989-1888, B~ of ~ 3? ~H~.02 A. ~ ~.~stien, 1098- 1938 NI~ of Be~ 28 104.15 A. ~. Kastten. ~10U- 81etors of Merey, 10- ~,~ 1. 035. l~M~ of mld;" ~i~'~;fi~-"~5~= 20 171.81 19u, s~¼ or See.__ 88 135.74 Frances I~ X~videon. 1020-1098, ~N's£ of Mee ........................... 8I 430.?8 Northland R~tltv Co. 1914-1928. N~qT~ of ............................... 94 08.29 1591-1989, of tqee ..................... 84 8~92 T. ]~. Hudson• 10~- 1088, NI~ of See ..... ..84 4~LS0 WANAGAN 'I~W~NgH]fl~ ~-1~ Owner ~ See. "Amt E~se~Ptlon and Y~re UnDatd Win. Relekhoff. 1934- 1923, E'A ef ~ec. ? 129.72 DIVIDE TO~'NMHIP 14~-108 Record Owner ~. Amt. Description and Unpaid Years Ma~h F. Theisen et, 1930-1938. SE- % of See ................... 4 116.0~ O. ]8. Sunde, 1980- 19~, S~ of Sec ......... 9 120.74 ~lward P. Coyle. 19- 94-1988. All of See... 18 80.81 O~or~ge C~yle. 10~1~- 19~, ~'A, ~I~A- NW~ of $o¢ ............. 14 47.83 George Coyle. 1933- 1933. E~SE~, NW- ~/SE~ of Sec .......... 14 19.21 Elmore S. Hoyt, 1924- 193'g E½SE%, s~- NE~ of gec ............... 18 30.42 John Rathbun 1929- 1033. ~'~, sw- of £~e ......................... 22 98.82 C~IKK ~OWNIHIP 14~-104 Becord Owner ~ Amt. Descr~Dtlon and Year~s Unpald E. A. Engebretson, 1934-1938, S~S~ of Sec ............................. 8 ?2.29 1~ J. Diets 1934-1938 N~NEZA of ~e ....... : 24 Z6.02 ]~ J. Diets 19~-1~. 4 Of ~" 14 136.. A~ar CarlsOn, 19_$0- 1988. N~V~A of ~. 28 812.13 A. Carlson, 1984-19&S,~ N~ of See ............. 20 113,10 Maude Barnee 1932- 1088, S~NW~, S~- NE~ of See ............. 92 10~.47 OKIGINAL GOLVA ReCord Owner Blk Amt Years Unpaid and Description Dunbam Lumber Co. 1929-1938. Lot 17, Block .......................... 11 6.07 Dunham Lumber Co. 1939-1938. Lot 18, Block ........................ 11 6.07 Dunham Lumber Co. 1929-1933. Lot 19, Block ........................ 11 3.07 Catherine V. Madison, 1929-1938, Lot 12, Block ........................ 12 14.83 A~ L. Martin, 1932- 19&8 Lot 9, Block 15 3.03 W. W: Page, 1981-1938, Lot 21, Block ........ 15 2.65 W. W, PaKe. 1931-1988, Lot 22, 181ock ........ 15 2.65 W. W. Page. 1931-1938, Lot 23, Block ........ 15 S.44 Gee. Fischer, 1950-1998 Lot 11, BlO~k ........ " 22 40.32 Gee. l~ischer, 1980-1938. Lot 12, Block ........ 22 4.80 ~Ass-v~.-c.-~.d ~oLva Record Owner Blk Amt Years Unpatd and l~serlption Pearl R. Pa4~o. 1930- 1938 Lot 7, Block.. 3 113.26 Pearl "R. Page. 1930- 1938. X~yt 9, Block .. 3 1.52 LONI~ TRI~ TOWNSHIP I[88-106 Record Owner Blk A~nt Years Unpaid and Description John Shuh etal. 1928- 19S8. 0W~ of see. 1 582.65 John Shuh, 1928-19~8, N'W~ of Sec ......... 1 5~.10 C~arles R Wilson. 19-~ ~888. NEK of . ..........................10 841.72 Nancy A. Hollenb~ck, 1, 18,.88 ~'neet Waikar 1888- 1938, NE% o'f 8eo... 14 |78.S? M~o~s Vandale, 19- 84-135~ N~ of ~ 29 3t30.84 Anmt Moyer et m. 1890-18~, I~W~ of • See ............................... 2? 810.80 Gerhardt Fischer, 19- 21-1938. E~ of See. ........................... 38 889.17 Vloh~ Heath. I934-10- 98. 14~ of See ..... 88 274.01 LONB ~ q[~V]P, l~S~t~ Record Owner See. Amt 24 180.41 VALLEY NEWS 1938 All of Tract A- 97 i~A SE% of Sec. 25 4?.20 LONE TREE ~V]P. 1~-10~ Record Owner Sec. AmL Susanna Finnema~, 1934-1938, E½ of Sec ............................. 1 350.59 Susanna Finneman~ 1933-193~, SE~ o~ Sec ............................. 2 171.66 Susanna Ftnneman, 1934-1938, S~NE~, -Lots 1-2 of Sec ..... 2 89.56 Susanna Flnnem~n. 1934-1938, NE% of Sec ............................. 3 233.91 Elizabeth Wiebe, 19- 31-1938. SE~A of Sec. 10 211.70 Peter Thompson & James F eltenborg, 1932-1933. S½ of Sec ............................... 13 480.40 Albert Skoniczny, 19- 33-1938, SE~ of Sec ............................. 18 189.47 Andrew Sonnek, 19- 29-193~, NEzA of Sec ............................. 23 730.59 John Haigh, 1931- 1933, NE~ of Sec. 27 239.47 LONI~ TRE~ q[~v~, 11~-101 Record Owner Bee` Amt. Wm. Reickhoff & CO. 1934-1928. Lots 2-3- 4 lesa 8.37 ~-W o~ Sec. ............................ 10 ?0.8? John H. H~.Igh, 19S0- 1938. SE~ less R-W of 1.51 A. of Sec ..... 23 229.25 John H. lq~/gh, 19~0- 1938. SW% of Sec ..... 28 252.34 GARNER TOWNB]~[]P 188-104 Record Owner S~. Amt. Deecripfion and Years Unpaid Nicholas A. Lnndin, et al, 1935-1938, S- W~ of 8ec ............. 6 104.~3 Nlchola~ A. Lundin. e~ al, 1933-1938, S- E~ of Sen ................ 9 89.23 Nicholas A. Lundln, 1938-1938, SWZA of See, ............................. 7 218.84 Nicholas A. Lundin, 1933-1938. SE~ less Tract A-87 of See... 7 319.03 Nlcholas A, Lmndin, et al, 1933-1938 8- WK of See ...... ~ ....... 8 187.49 Joseph P. Dl~4s, 19- 941.1135 1~%~ot B~ 15 107.87 Joseph P. Diets. '1g- 34-1928, ~ of 8ec. .............................. 15 115.49 J~eob B. Loop, 19- 34-1938, W~ of Sec. 27 233.85 F. D. Halgh, Trustee, 1930-193~. NE~ of See .............................. 99 241.96 F. D. Haigh, Trustee, . 941., Wn~ F. Reickhoff~ 1994-1928. 8E~ of See ............................... 90 184.99 Elmer Howard, 1928- 1038. SE~ of Seo~ .... 32 6"/7.?8 Bank of Nort~ Da- kota. 1090-1938, NE- zA of See ................... 94 342.81 IULLION 5PO~rNIil]P I~-1~ Record Owner ~ec. Amt Elmer Howard. 1024- 1988, 8W~NW~o NWHSWH~ of ~.. 4 ,5S.69 8umtm~'~,:-Fi~ueenann, , ~C ............................ . 8 218.99 Eddie Jendro. ct _~, 1084-1089. WS/sN~,- %. W~SW~'of Se~ 8 91.94 E.~. Howard, 1994- 1938, W ~tSE~(~, ]~- ~SW~ of Sec ......... 8 140.06 Lewis Drewnlak. 19- 34-1938, N~V% of Sec ............................... 22 239.49 Edw. Faschlng, 19- 33-1939, SE~ of See. .......................... 22 252.S0 Eddie Jendro, 1934- 1938, SE% of Se~ .... B0 152.38 Edw. Elde. 1934-19- 38. W~g~VK ~e.... 32 q|.80 *rO~WNSHi)P 1.~sa-10~ Record Owner SeC~ Amt. Description and Years Unpaid Ed Fide, 1934-1938, Lots 5-6-11-12, of S~c ............................... ~ 116.30 J. C. Chrlstensen, 19- 29-1938, Lots 3-4-5 -6-7 of Sec. .............. 4 4S9.81 John Herr~ 1934-1933, N~ of Sec. .............. 13 2?5.33 Jbh~ Herr. 1984-1938, SW~A of S~ ........... lS 81.08 Joh~ Herr. 1934-1998. SE~ of See. 18 ~?.33 Carl Erlcksm% ""1930"~ 1938, W~ of Sec ..... ~2 160.51 Gilbert P. Erlckson, • 1929-1938, E~ of Sec ............................. 22 200.44 Charles F. Zln, n. 19- 3~-1938, 8~V~ of Sec ............................... 20 60.?5 TO2~NgHXP 180-10t Record Owner Sec. Amt Desorlpt/on ~ Years UnZmM Ruth D. Wyiand. 19- 33-1938. SE% of 8ec. 1 100.71 Henrle~t~ ~cob~en, 1931-1938, All of Sec ............................... 11 695.64 Miles I. Stowe, 1934- 1938, SW~NW~A, W~SW~A, NE~SW- of Sec ................... 34 88.60 Charles F. Zlnn. 1982- 1939. NEZA of Sec. 85 51.61 TOWNSHIP 138-103 Record Owner Sec. Amt Description and Years UnpaLd Sidney T. Connell, 1933-1938, All of ~ec ............................. 13 158.29 lra R. Tabor. 1934- 1938, E½SW~. LotS 3-4 of Sec ............... 30 90.10 OiUGINAL BEAGH Record Owner Blk Amt Description and Years Unpaid Nlc Scbmldt. 1932- 1938 All of Lot 9, Block ....................... 1 236.90 Tom L~ Smith Est. 1926-1938, All of Lot 18, Block ............... 1 322.?0 Anna Moyer. 1931- 1938, All of Lot 8. Block ...................... 3 1312.91 J. A. Miller 1922- 1938, All o~ Lot 6, Block ......................... S 574,48 Caleb C. and Vl01a Heath, 1938-1989, N~ of Lot 18 Block 4 83.44 Hen~ WoJoh~ 1922- ~_~8, s~ of Lot 10. ]mock ....................... 6 79.18 J. S. Ulfers 1930-1938, All of ~t 8, Block 7 1872.$$ Golden "Valley County. 1928-1938, All of Lot 11, Block ............... ? 1209.88 l~lph 8Uteker, 1934- 1938, West 32 feet Lot 12. Block ........ ? 192.45 HUNTI~R~S IrlR~ . BI~k(~H Record" OWner Blk Amt Description and Years ,Unpaid J. G. Pe~ll, 1921-1988 Lot 9, Block ........... : $ 188.98 J. G. Peail,1921-1935 8 0 Lot 10, Block ...... : 2 18 .8 Ett~ B. C'~rk, 1929- 1938. Lot 18 Block I 56.18 ~tte 13. Clark: 1839- 109s Lot 19, monk 2 48.99 C. ~: Clark. 19~0- 1958, Lot 1. Bloek ? 842.17 B, G, LlnEer, 19~0- 1188. LOt ?, Blook 7 80.34 Mrs. Auna Meyer. 19- 91-1089, Lot 8, Bio@k 8 48.?5 Mrs. Ant~ Meyer, et al 1031-1953. ]~Ot 9, Block ....................... 9 860.5~ H. ]~ Heath, 1932-1998. Tr~ot A-31 part of Lot 2. B~0ck ............ 11 99.08 W. H, WoodhuU, 1928- 19~9.,'1~a~t A.98 Dart of LOt 4, Bl0ek .... 11 2?0.42 Record Owner . " 21 Amt De~erlplfonos~n ~nd ~ears UnDald I~ D, _I~ .1 8@-1 - $8 L0~ 8, Blook 3 $4;4(~ E. ~. Logan, 1929-10- 38j 1.~ i0, Block 3 34.46 E .D. Logan 1930-19- 38 Lot 1~, Block 3 34.46 E. ~). Logan, 1930-19- 38, L~t 12, Bloclc 3 35.4~ Frank J. Fi~tzgerald. 1934-1938. Lot 3, Block ........................ 5 9.10 Frank J, Fitzgerald. 1934-1938, Lot 4, Block .......................... 5 10.61 Christian Larsen, 1931- 1938• Lot 10. Block 5 182.04 M. F. Smith. 1930-19- 38, Lot 7, Block .... 6 63.70 L M. Bartholomew, 1931-1938. LO~ 3. Block ........................ 7 22.49 L M. Bartholomew, 1931-1938, Lot 4, Block ........................ 7 22.49 Ed Dailey, 1934-1933, Lot 7, Block ........ 7 17,71 John A. Bee Estate. 1931-1938 Lot 1 Block ..~'. ................... : zs 192.88 John A. Bee Estate. 1930-1938. Lot 2, B oCk .......................... 13 80.37 HUNT]F~ FO~, B]F~CH Record Owner Blk Amt Description and Years Unpaid W. C. J~k3huls, 1994- 1938. Lot 10 Block.. S 133.4~ WOODHULI~ Ir]DKST, ]8/~CH Record Owner Blk Amt Description and Years Unpaid M J. Maher, 1935-1088 Lot 1 Block ........... 2 825.8? M J. Maher, 1928-1938 Lot 3 Block ........... 2 16.e0 M J. M~her, 1928-1988 Lot 3 Block .......... 2 18,80 Nellie McNlece, 1929- 1938, I.~t 9 Block .... 2 40.?9 W. H. Woodhull. 19- 28-1938, Lot 3 B~oek 8 14.04 W. H. Woodhull. 19- 28-1938, LOt 4 Block 8 1£04 W. H. Woodhull 19- 28-1933. Lot ~ Block 8 14.94 W. H. Woodhull. 19- 2S-1938. Lot 0 Block 8 14.04 W. H. Woo&hull. 10- 28-1938, Lot 7 Block 8 17.14 W. H. Woo&hull. 18- 28-1@28, Lot 8 Block 8 19.24 W. H. Woo&hull. 19- 28-1938, Lot 8 Block 8 11.91 W. H. Woodhull 19- Ig-1938. Lot 10" Blk 8 11.81 W. 1~ Woodhull 18- 98-1938, Lot 11" Blk 8 11.81 W. H. Wooffhuli 18- 28-1888, Lot 1~" ~Ik 9 11.$I W. H. Woo&hull 19- 28-1938. Lot 13" Blk 8 11.81 W. H. Woodhull 19- 28-1928 Lot 14" Blk ~ 11.91 H. Hubble. 1929-1988, Lot 1 Block ............ I 11.81 H. Hubbls, 1999-19~8. LOt 8 Blook .......... 9 11.$1 H. Hubbl*. 1929-1988. Lot I BIO~k .......... 8 11.01 H, Hubble, 1820-1888, Lot 4 Brock ............ 9 238.32 H. Humble. 1929-1928, Lot 5 Block ........... 9 11.91 H. H~bble. 1929-1988, Lot 6 Block ............ 8 11.91 WOODHULI~ 8~f~ON~, ~A~ Record Owner Blk Amt Des~rtvtlon and Years UnDa|d W. PL Wo~hull. 1028- 1938, ~t 19 Block .... 1 8?.013 Gllbe~ Hriekeon, 10- 98-18I~I~.X~t ':8 ]~oek I 64,64 c. 1981- 1939. Lot 11 Blk .... 4 9.94 Record Owner Blk Amt Description and Years Unpaid B~zie Welch Wilson, 1931-1938. Lot 3 Blk 10 26.92 Harley Salzman Post No. 5, 1931-1938, Lot 16 Block ................... 10 358.12 T. ]3. Lassell, 1924- 1938. Lot 18 Block.. 12 5.73 NI~AR'S ][~SURIF~Y Record Owner Blk A~t Descript'on and Years Unpaid Frederick LesSor, 19- 28-1998. Lot 17 Bl~k 83 87.99 MIKKEL$ON'S FIRST Record Owner Blk A~t Description and Years Unpaid Henry Weinreis, 1933- 1938. LOt 1 Blk ........ ~ 8.18 Joe Weinreis, 1089- 1988, Lot 8 Block_.. I ~.$4 C. J. ~/de, 1982-1938 Lot 5 Block ........... 8 105.52 C. J. FAde, 1930-1038 Lot 8 Block ............. ~ 2 27.22 GLi~N HAVEN ~A/L~ Record Owner Blk Amt Description and Years Unpaid Mrs. M. Byers. 1934-19- 38. Lot 6 Block .... 8 1.44 G~ey & Street. 1924- 1938, Lot 12 ~lock 18 1.44 Corbstt Howard~ 1983- 1938, Lot 1 Blk ........ 15 1.91 Ck>rbstt Howard 1833- 1938, Lot 2 Block .... l& 27.48 Corbett Howard 1988- 1938, Lot 3 Block .... 15 1.81 C. J~ Wagonbroabh 1933-1929, Let 13 Bk 28 1.89 I~I~HAIt~$ HEIGI~rS, B~ACH Record Owner BIJ~ JLmt D~tcription and Un&%id Taxee P.P. Wicka, 1934- 1933. Lot 8 Block .... 1 1.44 RICHARD'S Ia~R~T, BBACH Record Owner Blk. Amt Description and Years Unpaid Mabel Golden, 1930- 1938, LOt 4 Blook.. 2 44.61 OPJGINAL SEN~r/NEL BUT~t~ Record Owner Blk. Amt. Description and Years Unpaid C. J. Wefser et al 1934-1938. North 2~ Ft, Lot 13 Block ...... 2 33.50 Sam Conboy. 1934- 1933, Lot 3 Block 4 9.70 Sam Conboy 1934- 1938, Lot 4'Block .... 4 6.70 Sam Conboy 1934- 1938, Lot 15'Block .... 8 2.83 HUNTHR~ SI~OND Sentinel Rutte Record Owner Blk. Amt. Descrlnt~on and Years Unpaid ]Pay Zdnsli. 1929,-1939, Lot 2 Block ............ ~ 165.$9 ROBINMON~ Melt/nel Bw/te Record Owner Blk. Amt Description and Years Unpaid John %'. ~leln. 1952- 1938 Lot I Block .... 4 136.25 Glve'n under mY h.and and the seaI of the Oounty Auditor. Golden Valley Conner, this 2$th day of January, 1999. E E MmNI .~ County Auditor of Golden Valley County, North Da- kot~ J~m. B6 ;Feb. 2-9 .NOTIO~ O1~ IA~ASlNO O]~ STAqPM S~HOOL LANDS GoAII nnle~lled B tate School Y.~ds |n en tley uountY, N. D., will ~S offered .for_ reni at a publle mmnng to ne ~eld In the Court House at Beach in said County. on th6 19th day of March. 1980 eom- menclng at 1.0 It. m. o'clock All un1~u~d lanas will be lem~d to ~eee ehifoheet, bidder, for a #.4~m Of re. .=iv? years. The first al's rent pine the le~l lea~lng paid fn full on the d~ A list of sUCh lands to be offered will be on file with the Treasnrer of said eounty for publio lnsDee- tlon not less than two weeks before pe day of leaslnI, also Instructions n r$gard to the terme, ere. ~nder whleh these lands will ~ ~ed, d Th0~o~1~ of . UnllNg~tty an so~ ~a.~.r~r~.~ ~ht to OLE ~ STRAY, S~ L~nd Commiuion~. Jan. 15-29 ~ek 2-9-19-|8 Mar. 2-9-18 * THURSDAY, FEB. 9th, GOLVA The Golva basketball teams to Medora Frday nght where grrs team won by a score of 21 to The boys' team lost in a contested game by a score of 15 to Professor Dooley, Ed Fischer and Halgh took the teams over. The town team played the independents on the Golva floor day night and won the game by point. Miss Adeline ~scher, Christ i sehrom and Marcella Fischer home Friday to spend the week Mr. and Mrs. Ed FLscher took girls back to D/ckinson Sunday ternoon. Frank Burda of Dickinson was town Thursday. Dwight Snow of Beach was son guest of Ed Fischer Mrs. Sadie P84~e entertained for benefit of the Sunshtne Society Wednesday but owin~ to the weather, no one from any attended. Mr. and Mrs. Frank bee, Mr. and Mr& Norman gM~esdames Menke, Madison, COvert, and Alice l~sehe~, Mt~mes Weinrels, Dorothy 8chulte, and Moen were dinner guests. The noon was sent socla~ly and no ness was transacted. Mrs. Andrew Peterson returned 8~turd~y from M/nne~polLs where had spent seven weeks at Omaha and Mlnn~lts. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moen went Beach Monday to consult a /~n. They have not been feeling for the past week. Miss Dorothy Plscher sod P/w.lmr Were supper s51ests c~ ~oen Wedne~sy n~ Tessfe Fischer had as her ~turday night Dolores 8ehouboe. Little Patty Ebdgh has been ms sick list the past week. Mtss Janet Ferguson and Mm. ins Lsrsen were Beach visitors day. Louis l~schh~ rece/ved the news of the death of his father lived in Minnesota. ms many here extend sYml~thy. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. K/~/tiner sue~ of the JoUy Whtst Club urday rdSht, at the C~z~e home. The d~nce for the benefit of town basket~ll team was wen ed and a good time reported. attended from Sentinel Butte Beach. Mr. and Mrs. George son Harold and MiSS Patsy of Sentinel Butte were guests at Funk home Sunday. Miss Marguerite Krei~ Beach visitor S~turday. Allan charles, Jr., celebrated birthday Monday afternoon very enjoyable party. Mr. called for the little folks in his and brought them safely home A delicious lunch was served by O°naffee and Alan received Games were played and the folks departed wishing Alan more happy birt~d~ys to come. The ladles of the Altar Socie~ expecting each of you to b~ at their dancing party at the ha]~ on Feb. 1~. This will be dance before Lent. Mr. and Mrs. Pete d~u~hter were in Beth Monday Zssdora had dental work don& Pete WeinreLs and family guests at the John ~hmeling Sunday. HURRY. BEFORE rF8 TOO Take Advants4~ eg the MaS"as[ne~ feted by the News. GLASSES OPTICAL GOOD8 OF ALL Reading Glasses, 3~¢-86.00. Frame Glasses, $3~50-$15.00. Rimless Glasses, $10.00-$15.00. Round, $1.00, Fancy shaped, kinds of repairs on hand. Send marl; returned the following Proof Goggles, none better, ored Glasses, 25c-q5c. 8trinp and repairs for all ~ents G. GXLBERTSON, OI~[~A~ 8PECIAMLST Beach, N.D. Block South of SAI, B o~ L£ND unaer authority ~ an orde~r of granted by the ~0nor~ble Ch~lmers Referee in ] in the Di'etrlct 4?,ourt of States for the Northern Iowa, Eastern D v~ ter of the ]~state of dated ash at pr/v~t~ sale to bidder for on rug~r~ o'~ confirmation of tho 10wing deseribod lt~ds. Sead~wnst