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February 5, 1942 Golden Valley News | |
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February 5, 1942 |
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DADI00L/I00AI.L'" "" "" "" ' ,,.' D00C¢00NSO00 MODEL n00Gn
This is a conference game BEACH HIGH GYM-Preliminary gain
----I ........ METHODIST CItURCII , Contract to bet-e¢t .a-i'il---l% i--- -'"
uO laxes tome ,ue .eao North Dakota 11942 to April 1st, 1943. :' .... - "
! Grant S. Moore Pastor I All bids are to be sealed and a cer- ;
.i.'.an! Mrs'_'Fra.nk__ -kler a"di ]d. | To V#,-in Race Relations Sunday Feb. 8Lh I tified check of One Hundred Doi-' TWrr / -iTplW-T mel[fw-l- .w,-ar- Ne
uaugner oonna xae lels; tlnay xort. lTl(ll. Jl..LIIL3 ILIDg:glL Sunday ..... school, 10:00 a. m. lars :$100,00 must accompanv eacu', i --._-
Portland, Oregon, where t.ey willy,- 1 Preaching service 11"00 a m Ibid. All bids to be addressed to the I WAI'I'ED IIOE HU
sit thmr cnildrcn who live mere. Tney I -- . . L . " " " ! ., ..... "
........ Pile m cnanges made by the l,ast, Both the Adult and Junior Choirs oun:3 Auolor of Golden Va:ley, I
" - ,. '..]session of the legislature lhe 1941 will sing for this srvice. Y • - . ="
..vt Lo be gor:, about a month " . - : _ _ -..
Count and to be filed not later than !
• Mi Miklred hmz,, has accepecti,ta x will not be due until Marclx 1st, Junior League, 5:00 pm. i10:00 o'clock A. M. March 3rd, 1942, : I --
ner overnmen e, ppointmen as '[1942 i:stead of December 31st, as Epworth League, 6:30"p m. lat which time bids will be opened. | O'.**rt r.r {]] -.... ,.,F
enographer, for te Selective r*'been up to this year Junior Choir Wednesday 7:00 p m ] All certified ch'.cks will be return -i ] 1 UaLOtlitb tU tly qhll.t ].Vl thYVL, 9 A
Heactquarers oz .oiaen vauey. Goun-] There will be allowec1 te usual Adult Choir, Wednesday, 8:00 p. m.]ed to the unsuccessful bidders ira-:| F __ __
ty, Miss Schmitz formerly em-]5 percent rebate for early payments The Woman's Society of Christian]mediately after the opening of the :i • . • . trea
ployd as typist in tne Gouny &g-lFive percen(rebate will be allowed on Service will meet at the Parsonage]bids and the certified check of the I a%P mar an Inn nlPlmp hnflr alo'hnft truth
ents office on Th r a ftern n 1 lllVl vl by 1i1, li,tr v v%..,1 lllll
• IReal Estate Taxes of boh install- u sd y a co Mrs. Wallace I successful bidder will be retain.d :it:- r ,G , , duct]
• " " h e' ' ' '' ' " *" " ' '
Freddie Dmkrmon retu.nefl om merrts are paid before April 1st, of and Mrs. Moore, hostesses. ]til tl:e fhng and approval of a con- I ter ,
lst week end from the Twin Citrus
.... : Ithe year it is due. No rebate will be Itract and the filing and approval by I -t t, den
= w=oo. ,.o, =,o = = FRIDAY NIGHT FEB. 6th
• . ' . fallowed on Perrml Property, Special Social hour will meet with Mrs CI-J the Board of County @ommissioners, : IU t" Z::" lh¢ '-
spent te pas¢ mont.n or more vl-tAssessments such as hail tax, sewer arence Overstad next Tuesday, Feb ]o a bond in the sum of One Thou-I ., try .r.
]tlng retaves and rtenas. I tax or lrrlga, tion tax. 10. There wlll be a Valentine ex-] sand Dollars ($1000.00). I ,
Ttmaday ertmon I_ly Pmme, de-[ The penalty dates have been ch-change. [ Bidders are requested to be present I 1
luty stae director for Deffense BondJaig,d acoord.ngly. The first install- - |at the opening of the bids. !| K' Arll ll'll7lFll m_/ lrl llrrw'w
tmles, ln.-and held a welllment of rea,1 et¢0ate, special assess- NOTICE FOR BIDS ] Tlm Board of County @ommission-t ,kl. 9 r. tn al artwt
avtemle meeting for cue p or linen ant personal propery taxes __ l ers reserve the right to reject any!|
$fe0tlrtg an organition for tmle of are delinquent May 1st. 1 percent Notice is hereby given that the [ or all bids. - I |
bonds in this county. [lt. Tlaen on October 15taL 2 percent Board of Courrty Commissioners of I Dated at Beach, North Dakota, I |
Win. Bundren of Bech observed his I added June ls July 1st and Angust i Golden Valley County N ot.,,+olthis 4th day of February 1942 t D |I ]IT]%I.T ][ E)
nd birthday last Saturday. "Pretutlis added, making a total of 5 per-will recelve sealed D!ds f;hp?:mary MINNIE ; : ,: n. ,. :,u:L, uyer
for a sp.lal dner that day were ]cent penalty on the first half after Electtvn Supplies, General .leionl County Alditor||
.r. ana as. Jonn iue a_a ran!October 15th. . . . , Sulplies, Record books, Legal Blanks] Golden Valley County | L.
oI oolva ainu :onny Lsner, Tommy I Tlae second tnstllmen oI rea es-, and oSlee supplies F. O. B. Beach | North Dak'ota} [
:Fisher and Dorothy Fisher. It ate taxes is delinquent October 1st, :North Dakota. ' Feb 5-12-19-2 |- -
Iiss Christine Wolf of Straturg, when 2 percent penalty is added ,. " Im
N. Dak., is vlsiing with r. and I " i m l
Mrs. Carl Burckhard of Beach, ar-t ST. PAUL'S LUTHIAN CHURCH : '/
riving here la Tuesday. She is a V. ltL Disse Pastor •| I... I... * .......
sister to Mrs. Burldard. [ -- mm} ' II' .11' n t } II,
Word'h ben received here that Divine Services t 10:00 a.m. . -- - i-- ill 1' 11 L l ]L A J.
Vernon Brockme:er, aon of Mr. and[ Sunday school after services. ! 114 P & i •/ "
Mrs. AUgUSt BrokmeYer of Beach, t The Ldies Aid meets Wednesday , /Oi ll ll. A.. g'Trlr I'..TT
who recenCly enlisted in the Air Oorps lnoon , February II. := v v V ms V •| i4,| ,!1 i,|| H| ,| ,
_ _e_ _._t on-_ a h .... d d,. ....
Word ha len' received here that I n . ,ee
Miss MatrianGeyer, formerly of Beach ff|VT| . "1"1 tn I i e' i' ,I
Was recertly nrried to Marion] ynlLLJ.l, qll±lLJ t m i ] n mm n m nm tim nun, [] m "-I
Prlend of Seattle. S e iS the dugh- --fx.r ---,--- = V [] ! m • n u v h -
former Bendix residents. I I i
• "1 Let s turn out and show our boys a
[] 9 : " "
=r and Mrs H A :Bttry and r " OUR I " .
and " Mrs. Ot 'Joh,lson were six U " n l ...a tim- l...f__ .L_ I .... i
o c]ock dinner guests of Mr. and m ......................... m,g ut .HU UtIOI-C LIIC¥ ICaV ::
Mrs. Karnes JohnsOn on. Wednesday. _ , , l'gl ANI|TH.' £1L/N#lh'k flV • ( " i
.P IN |! ollow the crowd to Doerners Cate
..... , NI • !
,lilt NEW ITEMS ADDED. BE SURE t o .. . .
' ' ]lit| |!l tor your ltance Luncheon
i T,000,PS0NS [000 00lg00ll[Tii,L TO VISIT OUR STORE THIS "-
i. ! • I
• I
l Jollv Good Time Is Assured lllW" D..,., p.-. s,
ORANGES, Fcv, le. ...... 2 doz. 4% iil l | " i
!I ', ' ':it , n I DOERNER S *CAFE II
:, APPLES ............. .. ,. box 98e :,,. D I C K I N S 0 N S ..
Ni :"i DEPT
TOASTED WHEAT 3 lge. pkgs. 2% :!!! S T O R E ".-
", 3 ,. Smce 1907 .
i!l CAKE FLOUR, IGA 2 lb. pkg 2=c ili= . l ^ _,,,.,. :
Graham Crackers, NBC. 2 lb. box 33c i!i _ i :,?
![ "' G-00LHON BuT t'°r
Carol Salad Dressm ..... qt. lar 3lc j:i | m m .Pm A m 'o'
Ii00:' . . "" 'IL00K',, /gese uver' -'--=- '*"
Peach & Pear T, dbltS .... 2 cans 27c !!, • /, oz l/'/, i ::
i - 'll: " ' i J 'LL" ° 'i ",re
...... , 'j °" =, .li'00 =
r:Balls._ Gorton s ...... lb. can 25c ,! Laundry Soap Salad Dressing
M1 Kinds Meats, Fruits & Vegetables i! 6 giant bars 25e qt.,,, jar 29e " - _- -- I ."t
...... --F Y Y
n nm./l Every lb. guaranteed l-lb. 30c, 2 lbs. 59c ------ -- -:---::'--: '
] THE S T E A K i/I a pRANCeS : ',°'
latine Dessert | Syrup
: .:-_-:--.:._ [! • Fu 1 o Rich Golden Juice. / "
Robb-Ross Assorted Lo Cabin Start the day right with a glass '
! II, I ' of th:! health-giving Juice ' doze Zac J=
I : IT'S Ill 6 pkgs. 25c | 40c size only 33c HEAl) LETTU(E Z:?::" 9 heads 19c
H TRY i |/I , .... ' ......... I
m " ' ' n,a 98c Johnson s Glo-Coat and 23c John- SWEET POTATO € A nLo 9:. i
..... DELICIOUS , . o .. ,. t -.o..,.,,
I ..... i !tl sons Shin Up, Both for only .... $1.00 .
_, _ PPLES, Wlnesaps ...... 5 lbs. 29c
I .... / gig ammet n Cake Flour ,, . " : :,
I : Ill -=, "- ! so,:,,. Macar0m or Spaghette ._ 5 lb box 31c [ "'
| SIZZLER hi| l-lb. can 16c il 2 3-4 lb. box 25c i . , , e
I Ill" " harvest vueen tonee [
i L ii: Ill NOODLFWlde," fine" or medmm--" 2 lbs. 59c 1 lb. 30c 5 lbs. $1.39 .
1 l[ To st:;lai::ags f°22:TC£e" i" " 2"5e Bartlett Pears ...... No. 10can 53c ;!! =
COZY CAFE l/ a:.hestw. .,
l -, ; L - ' ml l-lb. box 21c I l-lb. box 21c 5 lbs. 32c 10 lbs. 59c j
O • O , KINGANS ;ii r:
[ ,sometmn lou lira IlJ R[YNOLD$ [00D STORES .......... '1:
t About to Your Friends Luncheon Meal . 12 oz 29c
..... In in n ' I --
| 6-m " T. ,, , ,, .. ll IWI h I, In h, s.., we rese e me rht to limit quanuttea, i[
U usuy xour Lmtense tamps uere'" /I we venver nree Yhone a
to i