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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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February 5, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Unpopular Dancer ' Can Learn at Home Diagram Explains Tango Steps, WAIT! A not hundred tango's a yard dash! A girl hates to dance with a man who rushes her, Apache fashion, around the room. Lots of men do that who aren't sure of their steps or how to lead. Are you? You could learn the steps from diagrams. $ $ $ Our 32-page booklet has complete dance instructions for men and women and gives footprint diagrams for the smartest steps --In the tango, rumba, Conga, waItz, fox• trot, Westchester, Lindy, Samba. Peabody, shag. Send your order to: READER-HOME SERVICE 635 Sixth Avenue New York City Enclose 15 cents in coins for your copy of HOW TO DO THE NEWEST DANCE STEPS AND VARIATIONS. Name ........................... ,.•• Addres___._i ............................______._______________2. IT OUT AND YOU'LL •  .m PREFER THIS Phenol derivatives. Nit Tablets are fferent--act different. Purely vegetable -'Ta combination of 10 Vegetable mgre- 000000.fo00ulat00 so ago. • -wea or canny coated, their action is.dependable, thorough, yet gentle, as _lons of NR, s have proved. Get a 10 • ,.L Lx)x. Larger econny sizes, too. CANDY" liBmor REG! Worthwhile Life Let us endeavor so to live thai When we come to die even the Undertaker will be sorry.--Marh Twain. • !i / Liking One's Duty The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in lik- ing what one has to do.--James M. Tarrie. May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action won,t& h__u_ £9o*, Improper eating Ira4 -y-zu---zt risk of expomzro and lnfee- on-*hrowe heavy strain on the work ot tar ktclneye. They are apt to heeDeD over-taxed and fail to filter exeem held [her impurities from the life-siriuS h You.mnT. ser nagging backache. I ne, cuzzme, getting up nighte, elg . paln, sweUing--feel eomttantiy ctre¢l, nervous, all worn out. Other of kidney or bladder disorder are morns- times burning, scanty or too freqmmS Urination. .Tr7 Do's P/t/.'Doa.'s help the • "kn_e have had more than half • t_ Of 1bUe approval. Are reeom- u. umca oy grateful unto everywher GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS His and Her Towels THESE smart His, Hers and Mr., Mrs., monograms show who's who and beautify your U ? 9  9 AHOTH00R , A General Quiz , A. ,. €,. c,. €,. €,. €,. c,. c,. c,. c. c,. c,.  e.. ,. .. e,. :J 1. What city is called the City of Magnificent Distances? 2. What is subsilver? 3. Crystallized fine grained lime stone is called what? 4. What metal has the highest melting point? 5. American aircraft carriers, are named after what? 6. What is the motto of the U. S. marine cores? The Answers l. Washington. D. C, 2. Subsilver is a term used by the U. S. treasury to denote small silver coins: half dollars, quar- tes arid dimes. • Marble. 4. Tungsten. 5. Famous fightirg ships and important battles. 6. Scmper Fidetis (always faith- ful). towels and pillow cases at the same time. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll fim:sh a pair. Pattern 6959 e ta s a transfer pattern of 12 motifs ranging from 5 by 10 to 4 by 5 inches; Illustrations of stitches; materials needed. To obtain this pattern send your order to: Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 82 Eighth Ave. New York Enclose 15 cents in coins for Pat- lern No ....... ...o NaITI, .,..,, o oo. oo.,, • H, •, oo,,., o,** Address .............................. " '-'/THE AIR. FOLLOW ] II DIRECTIONS. SOOTHE ! ¢7 7 DRIPPY MISERIES. I -  HOSE ;, IPENETRO,,,.,I Helpful Cripples New York city has an organi- zation, founded and operated by cripples, whoe chief purpose is to find jobs for cripples. It also finances the purchase of artificial limbs, braces, crutches, clothing and other necessities for those needing them to begin work. 6-] ic kled Pink// And why? Be- cause he found there was a way to relieve that aggravating gas, headache, listless- ness, coated tongue and bad breath from which he had suered, due to speUs ol constipation. He tried ADLERIKA--why don't you? It is an effective blend of § carminatives and 3 laxatives for DOUBLE action. ADLERIKA quickly relieves gas, and gentle bowel action follow surpris- ingly fast. Take this ad along to the dru store. Our Own We must not blame God for the fly, for man made him. He is the resurrection, the reincarnation of our own dirt and carelessness.- Woods Hutchinson. UNION MADE f THER['S A VALUABLE COUPON on the hack of every pack of P,lelglm. Coupons are good in the U. S. A. for your choice of many beautiful and practical premiums, Write for the catalog that describes them. • • o • " • " • " • • • o• " HERE'S WHAT YOU DO It's mple. It's fun. Just think up a last line to th jingle. Make Imre it rhymes with the word ?now." Write your last Line of the ilngle on the revere Bide of a :Raleigh package wrapper (or a faclo thereof), egn it with your full name and address, and mail it to Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., 1". O. Box 1799, Louisville, Kentucky, post- marked not later th midnight, February 14, 1942. You may enter as many last lines as you wish, if they are all written on parte Raleigh pack* e wmppem (or facdmiles). will be awarded on the mm ........ "lles are a larder blend, • And tkey pay a dbidend. o "nSnslity and apteu of the llne you write. Judges' decisions must be accepted an final. In eae of ties, duplicate prizes will be awarded. Winners will be notified by xnaL Anyone may enter (except employees of Brown & Wililammn Tobacco Corp., their adveg $,$t8, Or thei fe'He). An entrlee and ideas therein become the prop- erty of Browu & Williamson Tobacco Corporation. HERE'S WHAT YOU WIN You have 133 ehaaces to win. H you send in more than one entry, your chances of winnlng will be that much better. Don't delay. Start thinking right now. rtpm,... $1oN ld .... 00 SlZesof$1U0 . SUOamh 25 prizes of $S.00 . 125.00 ash IN Ik of s awt m \\; 15188 O YOU like to sew? Then here is a grand new pattern to try your talents on--an apron which is as simple to make as ABC! Pat- tern No. 1518-B shows too, an apron which is different, slender- izing, unusually becoming and as efficient as a modern kitchen! The shoulder straps continue as side panels and end as good sized, properly placed pocketsand the side panels are so shaped that they give a wonderfully slenderizing ef- fect right where you want it most --at the waistline! Side sashes hold the apron firm across the front, tie smartly in back. The straps stay up because Use a clean sheet of wrapping paper to roll pies and pastry on. It saves a lot of cleaning up later. Grease the measuring cup be- fore measuring syrup or molasses and the ingredients will not stick to the sides of the cup and there will be no waste. they are fastened directly in back and the wide side pieces give your dress full protection. $ $ $ Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1518-B is de- signed for sizes I4. 16. 18. 20; 40. 42, and 44 Corresponding bust measurements 32, 34. 36. 3. 40. 42 and 44. Size 16 (34) re- quires 2 yards 35-inch maleria]. 5 yards trimming--rio-roe or bias fold. Send yotW order to : SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Room 1324 311 W, Wackcr Dr. ChleaJo Enclose 20 cents in coins for Pattern No ............. Size ......... Name ................... .... ........ Address ............................. WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER RT lie ALS0 SO TABLETS, llle • IINI TABLETS, lie NONE FASTER -NONE SURER Barred Girls From Schools Although Indians were being ed- ucated at Harvard as early as 1642, the white girls of New Eng- land were not admitted to publio schools until almost 1800, or more than 150 years after the first onu was established• Best for Juice Always put *knife *in boiling wa- ter for a few seconds before cut- ting cake that has been iced. Then you will be able to cut without breaking the icing. $ $ $ Oven- burned dishes can be cleaned by soaking them in a solu- tion of borax and water• c e,s, c   • • • 2 A teaspoon of flour mixed with Radiant Sunshine the hot grease in which you fry A cheerful look makes a dish eggs will keep them from popping, feast.--Herbert. )00AoX w#m Yob 00AKE AT HOME. RBfDfBeR, r#£ ONLY V/T00iMIN$ /5 l BEACONS OF SAFETY Like a beacon light on the height--the advertise- ments in newspapers direct you to newer, better and easier ways of providing the things needed or desired. It shines, this beacon of newspaper adver- tising  and it will be to your advantage to foL- low it whenever you make a purchase. i