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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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February 5, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i THURS.. FEBRUARY 5, 1942 i ; II I II 1 III I I I ANCE AT i SATURDAY NIGHT, FEB. 7th THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS A PAGE FIVE LE I I Ill Ill i HALL Music By Joe and His Jap Chasers Blood Storing Sys ,:u, products, it would require Attends Meeting =v,o =. .=, - I20.OC0000 bushels of grain. Aczordin: to the farm statistics for 194{)-41 Adopted By oo,,o by the North Dakota De : F R. Smith returned last week from CLASSIFIED ADS partrr:2nt of Agriculture 171.491,394 bushels of grain and 14.-io£ Standard Oil sales experts and Beach Hos-;ta! lo:,orsatwhih plans were discussedi FOR SALE--19,4 Chevrolet coach. 279,S60 bushels of potatoes were pro- to assist the public to kee-) mot,r IOood shape, extra good tires. See or  I, BJL -It duced in Ncrth Dakota or enough t9 cars and trucks running under war i }make more than twice the nation's time conditions. Mr. Smith reportstmritei Jerry Pesha, Beach. 19-Stp A revolutlonary system of storing present supply of raw rubber. At pro- human blood plasma for transfusion sent the most synthetic ruth,or i: inthatconsunptionWhile thel ofiS sOmegasolineSlOwing up : FORshape,,Tudor.lf takenln ,been adopted by the Beach hos- make from petroleum, cotl or casing- because]good has P:l, t was announced here today, head gas. of tire rationing and other factors, soon Inquire at News 19-lip "['t:e local institution has obtained service staNons are being called upn ]vophi:ized plasma to be held for era- i more and more for lubrication jobs.' machine.FOR SALE--OneA bargain J, felectrfmtaken Rtwashingonce. ergerc:y use in patients suffering from tire repairs, and other ervices design- Mrs. Emma Kettner. Beach. N Dak. shork due to blood or other causes. Th8 unlque features of lyophilized human blood plasma are tha the Dmsma is supplied as a dry powder in e sealed vacuum-vial and can be kep 1or at least five years without refrigeration. Fresh blood plasma must be refrigerated, whioh is ex- Pensive and makes transportation difficult. In son cities, power failure h caused complete loss of refrigerat- ed blood and plasma anks which, of course is obviated by the use of dried plasma. Trained Auto and Diesel Mechanics WANTED TO B2 White Gint Welders, Top and Body men in great cockerels. ri S_23mi. Beach. 18-if demand, A hort, practical course, FOR SALE--One 7%x12 truck box, will prepare you for a good job. Free:rectory built bed with new floor. atalog. HANSON TRADE SCHOOL. Floyd BosstTnan, Golva, N. DRk, 172tp Box 1780-X, Fargo, N. Dak. 18-4t FOR RENTRom wl'th gas and For Sale ,,,o, c. H Clark 18-3%p BEDROOM FOR IRJNTMrs. Ja- WI/2NE1/, Nlfi2SWl/t and NW1/, all mes Rafbery, eech 18-2t1 in Section 10, Twp. 142, age. 103, Gvlden Valley County, North Dakota. FOR SNo. 2 ,McCormick A. J. Blower, Liquadator, Dickinson, Deering Cream separator. Priced to Sp ilS g North Dakota. l%8tcsell. Wayne Smith, Wtbaux,Aont.lSf C a on ed o keep cars in good operating 19-1tp 19-2tp " TRACTOR REPAIRS ii We may be gone for a long long time We will miss our pals. maybe lose our gais, But we'll do our bit for good old U.S.A. "God Bless Her" The Japs will really know when we gel; over, We'll wreck the rats and put them emy to stay. Won% the Rising Sun look sweU tn its new berth, down in hell, And then we'll all come home to you. Words and Musi by Joe Maher Lyophiled plsma may be keut ready for use in operating rooms, the accident room, delivery or supply rs, and it may be carried in am- bulanvm for administration wherever the emergency demands. Te dry Pa is qtdckly converted to the liquid state by the addition of steri distilled wter, supplied with each pack.go. Valuable time is saved by the fact that the plasma may be • iven to patients of any blood type. To 'Patients who hae been receiving MARKETS any of the sufan|lamide drugs this Flax plasma is extremely valuable, because accurate blood typing is not possible 1.97 in these eses. condition. Customers are paying more, Following are the words to asp- attention to changes ef oil Rt proper I FOR SA.%bout 3{) pullets. Frank ecial song, which has been written, intervals than ever ,before. KreFcinger, Beach. with special music by Joe Maher At the ,Dickinson conference the of Beach for the big free dance in Standard dealers agreed that the life WANHOUSE WORK by the Beach Friday night of tires ,already on cars can be ex- hour. Alice Jones, Uetz Apartments. "We'll All Come Back To You" tended much longer than they are ltp usually run if special attention is ZOSTWhlte Spitz pup. Answers to We're on our way to leave old Golden paito proper inflation and to switch- Valley. ing the tires at intervals so as to name of Peggy. Reward. Please re- distribute the strain upon them eq- urn to Patsy or Jerry Haigh, tally. rvice stations will undertake GIRL WANTED--To held With to inspect tires for their enstomers housework. See Mrs. Howard Hardy, and edvise hem when and how to Beach. 19-f obtain necessary repairs or to have recapping or retreading done. Plans have also been made to distribute a leaflet in which motor vehicle op- erators will be advised of the various steps they can take to make ,both tires and cars hold up much longer than they do under normal condi- tions. "FOUND--Purse containing money. Owner may have same 'by identlfiea- tian 'and paying for this ad. 19-1t I)R SAg--Small farm with Im- provements. Ixmated in Golden .tey coury. Inquire at INs office. 19-2tp Courty Judg A. E. IEastlen, has FOR SALE--One registered Duroc male hog, Paul Mogle, Beach been designated as the Eplosivesj 19-It Licensing Agent for C'olden Valley I ' County under €2e Federal Explosives, IOR SALF.House on my farm. See At of December 26. 1941, which re- Pll Mogle, Bezch. 19-It gulates the purchese, sale end use APAR'lENT FOR RNTAo will of explosives during e present war Our Stock Is Limited But We Now Have A Number Of New Tractor Sleeve Assem- blies, Gaskets And Otr Tractor Needs. These Repairs Are Hard For Us To Get So Come In ,._ . ] W'neat ............................. 92 e yophiUzed ,plasma has been]Barley 42 to 48 emergency, take school boys for board and room. eaPefully chec ..........  ........... Mrs. Julia Kalkman, Beach. 16-tp f . ked and cross checked I Oats ............................ 39 Upon receipt of formal Oertificte of appointment further rmtice will YOUR BABY deserves the best----- I l! or szerility. It is also .pointed out telRye ..." .........................  EarN! obvious advantages of the dried plas-]Corn ....................... 55 . be given relative o rules and regu- Hein stained foods t your grocers. ]] .toma thef°r a,dbringmgof vctimsransfusi°rm" .of ciwltanqUtcklYdis I No-TF--T-HIRD" REG-IS-TRATION lations. 14-6tp ili d asters, and he added that large I FOR ELECTIVE TRAINING iiIiIIIIlIIIllIIIiIiiilIlllmilllmllllilmllmiilli supPlies ofthismaterialhavealre - ' AND SERVICE YRANNA AUTO SUPPLY ady I lmmlllllmllmmglmlllllmlmll|lil]lll]llllllllllll I ti een supplied by the American Red] .... t - • i[[ Or.o. to the Army and Navy L o-I The Presiaen of the Umbed Sta es • . i! pnillzed plasma is carried in hospi:lslhas by Proclamation fixed Monday, I "Keep 'em Flymg Buy Defense Bonds" | ii} DELCO DEALERS on u. s. battleships and in Army lthe 16th day of February, 1942 for == !; | HmHmmHHmgmgmugHmmmmmnmmHmgmHmmmmm, | [ii Paris Dunn Direct Drive Windchargers i::i Cmps and Army hospitals throughout ithe registration of' all male citizen .... the country. ] of the United States of America, and • •  • "'" • ,other male persons for selective train-I I ; iiii, " S...,,.,.&L__.* . .. ling and service who have at, rained - SPECIAL yntne[lC fiuooer I their twentieth anniversary of their l'i I "lI i ._ Iirth on .oeember ,t, ,94, =d have i| l May Ro M,J,, F..,.-,not attaine, the forty-fifth anniver- . BY SPECIAL REOUEST FOR _- ] ±wlttLb lltPlll I sary of their birth on February 16Lh. • IL • l ' 11  1 [19t2, and who have not previously I m t I registered. _m SATURDAY ONLY ] :. uaK. rroducts . ] in the following named places in Gol- k interesting to North Dakota citi-] den Valley County in charge of the letns is the information received bylChief Registrars named below: 2:00 p, m. to ITIIU lHt'Jn "J-" e| Math Dahl, Commissioner of Agricul'-] Henry, Pearl and Powell precincts,  L I j tare and .Labor, of the possibilities[in Guy School house, Ed. Wentland, i or making synthetic rubber out of[Registrar. 1[ | • 1" / •[ I the grain and potatoes produced in[ Delhi, Divide and Elk Creek at m- are,__c " J-'mcv __ _ _-i this state. ' sidence of Fred C. P#obertson, Regis- == vers}tyDr" L.of ,M" Christenson, Ames Uni- trar. Served Toasted Bun •=ll Ioa. recently appeared: Saddle Butte and Elmwood, in on " i Women's Spring Coats and Suits wommlttee in Washington D C with ckert, Registrar. [ tle following interesting data. , Sentinel. W.anagan and SentinA 51 .[  $1 ,. , Rubber can be made from various Butte Village, in Sentinel Butte Hall, I mrm prodtmts such as wheat grain Ernest D. Nelson, Registrar. I 0.90 .sOrghum, beets, sweet and i Beach Civil No. 1, in Chandler  potato tubers containing sugar, School house, Frank Zook, Registrar. COZY CAFE _= i i,. carbohydrates and solvents! City of Beach NO. 1 and Beach Excting new fashions wth all gncultural roduct i , N 2 in Cout Room in Beach P s w II make syn-',Civ'l o , " ' " . . i the lift of the new season! thetie rubber at bout one half the'M P Lovgren, Registrar. Where you alway find the crowd i o for sport, casuu, l, or dress usual syrtheti-rubber cost. ' i city of Beach NO. 2, in City ll OOeaSiOus! SmR monotones and __r. Ohristemson estimated that a' H. H. Halstead, Registrar. pastel colors in gay plaids. 0 ton plant woul e Tre and Garner in Town " d ost $75{),000. i Lone e , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIII Four thousand bushels of grain would:Hall in Golva. Victor Renstrom, Beg- make 20 tons of glycol, or about 10 istrar. ons of rttbber. Plants coult be built Bullion, Bull Run, Stoddard and on a 10-year amotiatlon plan. It Would take three months to prepare for the construction and an additional three months to construct a semi- commerial plant. He Stated thRt eech Patt cOuld be in full o1=eratlon with- in a year and could produce 100 a day. The Nttton,s present inventory of rw rtber is 0.000 tons. To make a eqUal amount of rubber from ari- Williams at residence of Jerry Kouba, Registrar. Registration places will be open at seven o'clock A. M. and will remain open continuously until nine o'clock P. M. on Registration Day. C. O VOPN Chairman, Lcal Selective Ser- vice Board in cltarge of Reg- istration. lb. §-12 US[D MACfilN£RY One Good Used "CC" Case Tractor with Cultivator, and Mower Ev ' :-,..:. i- ., One 104t. Wheatland Side Plow :i;: y:w|: I at the.:, • : a.¢adoad:'o;:i-eY::i¢mahinerylii D A N C E the way which Will : ve soon. i  in Beach this Friday .night forlthe D'scHarr°ws'Pl°Ws'!Whegtland Plows and Cultivators and Drills besides Boys who are going into srvlcy " other items " ' Let's turn out ?nd show them a good time WILLNEw CAsEALSO TRACToRsHAVE A CARLOADHERE SooNOF You boys are invited to the Cozy Cafe for DON'T DELAY! See me now for a treat on the house before you leave--Just ask for Ralph or Hub. .... your next Falls Combine C 0 Z=Y C A F E AL LONGBOTTOM "Buy Your Stamps Here" "Your Case Dealer" Us ]Peey's Easy Lay-Away! , In Plaid Or'lqaiml . Women .. Coats sv00o .: " You'll. fd fle :type you want for every purpose! 8mly tailored ftted reef- ers, casual wrp-arounds or beled styles. pring colors in soft pastels. For Spring! .  ,. + .. , !i: .... .} GIRLS [ COATS i select her girl own coat from '";:::: our vard se- lectlon! Light colors In Her- Ingmne and plain fabrics, Princess or double breasted styles.  to 14. Others to $29.75 Women's Smooth Fitting RAYON " .,.. UNDIES  35e Fine " knitted rayon that ashes so ms- fly and needs no ironic. Tea rose. -   Styim.. . :WOMEN'S SHOES, Styles for every pu- d, a pose and eeeon! 5,, [ Smart a Infy! '4 *  You'll Like These SHORTS S][ET8, BRIEFS " r 29c ca. at!  Cob or .broadvloth ,  : Fc:t!,er Quality fro- '. Boy S Sizes ........... ":'.   MEN'S SLACKS 2.98 3.98 4.98 Smart ety]es in many colors and fabrics! Tee qualities at three opular Prices to fit every p, Well tailored, full out #trust