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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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February 5, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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? FOUR ........... J ., jl Don't Miss The BIG FREE DANCE AT BEACH CITY HALL FRIDAY NIGHT For the big group of Golden Valley boys who are leaving us soon We will serve a dandy special plate lunch that night. Try it -PARK CAFE- Let's Give The Boys A Real Send-off! Word received from Joe tVfcCaskey llz: i IH Bonnie View .A fair sized crowd ga,thered at the Bonnie View schol house Sat- urday night aud atended a party which was held there. The evening spent In playing, cards and danc- ing aud a pleasant evening was speut byevryone. Mr. and Mrs. joe Pesh Jr., and Jerry Pesl1 returned to their hvmaes lut week ater spending the week end in .B, ontan. They vi- m/ted at the home of the boy's sister Mrs. Jenes Burbank of that place. They also we to Big "I'hnr and ought  Charley Pesha's car Which had ben left there and which Jerry had purchased. . Akna Rollins of Olendlve ar- rived t te Olaf Abraham home last Ttsday and Is keeping house there at prent. Word has reached here tha Glenn akler who is in the Army at Wich- ita Falls, Texas has been discharged from the hostQl where he 'as a lat- knt for the ast few weeks suffering from arthritis and his many friends here will be glad to learn that he  mrov. Mrs. A1 Beeler of Wlux Is em- ployed st the J, S. Schauer home at present. Several folks from this vicinity at- retried a card party which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Law- fence Zinda, ,Thursday evening m honor of their eleventh wedding an- niversary. Mis Elsie Pesha, who is employed at the Park Oafe In Beach was a vi- sitor at her home Monday afernoon Harold Abraham who spent the past several weeks at his home has again taken employment at the Halvor DahI home. ates that he arrived at n army camp at Wichita Falls, Texas last Wednesday morning and he was get- ting along fine. John McCaskey who accompanied Joe to Miasoula, Mont., was lejected there because of poor eyesight and he returned to Beach. Miss Cecilia McOaskey returned m her lmme Sturday night ater being employed at the Robert Coutts home in Beach for the past three weeks. THANK YOU May we express our sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors who so kudly hauled our grain, and also to the American Legion and John Rais- ler for the lunch. Mrs. Ben Hess and children Mrs. E. D. Evans is on th--k list this vek I NOTICE Only a few days remain to get the famous Collier's Fourteen Month Sp- ecial which has besides Collier's, the American and the Companion, for only SL00. Regular subscription price $6.40 now, on February 20th $6.9, when the price of the Companion goes to $1250 for one year. See or mail me your check for $4.00 i],, so that you may get the benefit of ii this low rate. Any rates made by the i !.i publishers are duplicated by this ag-![! ency. {ii, DARWIN CROSSMAN li: SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY Beach, North Dakota I _ I ANNOUNCEMENT , On and after February 9!h. we will : :be located in our new chnlc in the i beo. McClellan Buildi£g, one half block north of the post office, on the ground floor. DR. E. A. NYMAN (Lady Attendant) HOG MARKET i :, I WILL BE AT THE I Wux Stock Yards all Day Friday • February 6th, 1942 " : :i TO RECEIVE, WEIGH AND PAY CASH FOR ALL HOGS DELIVERED TO ME THE FOLLOWING PRICES GUARANTEED TO YOU FOR THIS FRIDAY Medium Heavy Hogs, 260 to 280 Ibs .............. 11.00 per ewt Top Butcher Hogs, 180 to 250 lbs .................... 11.25 per ewt Extra Heavy Butchers, 300 to 400 lbs. ........ 10.75 per cwt Light Lights, 100 to 180 lbs .......... 10.25 to 11.00 per cwt Top IAght Sows, 250 to 350 lbs ................. 10.00 per cwt Med. Wt. Sows, 350 to 400 lbs .................... 9.75 per cwt Heavy Sows, 400 and up .......................... 9.65 per cwt market advances. Last weeks guarantee was $10.50 on owing to advances in markets $11.00 was paid delivery of .Hogs. Same square treatment to In _ [ I III J ] i i [ i " I _ li I I JACK BALLARD ,- THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS : THURS., FEBRUARY 5, [942" FR COUNTY WIDE CH AT ' 'HE CiTY HALL FRIDAY NIGHT l FEB. 6 l[ IN I I I I " F0R GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY'S 21 DR/00[I:_S WHO LEAVE BEACH SOON .......... ' ' : --- I1{11 I - - LET'S CI00/[ "Ftl[H A COOD SENi} OFf i i I I II I l THIS PAGE IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS Golden Valley Lumber Co. Cozy Care & Tap Room Oas Bar Odenbaugh Bar Mildrella Shoppe Miller's Grocery Vranna Auto Supply Park Care I Bismarck Grocery Doerner's Care Overstad Hardware C. C. Clark Beacon Oil Co. J. C. Penney Co. Gordon's Bakery Montana-Dakota Utilities II -- I Co. Twenty-one Golden Valley County. Draftees take their screen test in Beach Friday morning at .30 A.M. and then leave in a few days for Ft: Shelling for their Pre.lnduefion Physical. :i " . - ' I I I II I I M A DONA00ON WILL BE I'AKEN TO BUY THE, " BOYS CIGARETTES AND REF HMENTS |ii00 " LOCA[ , Mrs. E. F. Hbrook left on the The Vranna Auto Supply store has A birthday surprise party was held' ]morning train last Sunday for a six ben making some improvements dur- on Henry Thoemke at his farm home weeks vacaYion which will be spent ig the past few days .with the adding €,, of Beach Thursday evening of' ,Mr. and Mrs. Art Polls and daugh- t her old home at Brainard, Minn., o several new tables and shelves week. A number of friends gath - ° ter Arletta left last eek for RoS-|and while gone will also visit other xhich will give them a lot more ered to spend an enjoyable evening well. New Mexico, where he vill be points in Minnesota as well as the d,siay room for their merchandise, socially after which a birthday luncl' employed on n air base under con- Twin Cities. Mrs. Hasbrooks sister. Wm Wemett and Coach Lubick of was served before the guests dpar- struelon there. !Mrs. Elsie McDougal arrived here on Wibaux were Beach callers Tuesday ed. The Weclnesday Nlgh rdge elub]SaLurday from Bemldji, Minnesota afternoon of this week. A size,ble delegalon trom hiS met last week at the borne of Mr. and will assist at the Park Care Last week end X¢iss lVary Ethl county is in atOendance at the state and Mrs Chas Carlson. Following during Mrs. I-Iasbrook's absence. Gilman, who lass been employed in grain dealers convention being hel& the games the hostess served a dell-! R'alph Kusky transportation a[.,nt Chicago, and Miss' Rosalie Beckley, this week in targo. Included among for the Greyhound Bus Co., was a ,who is employed in Rochester, Minn., ttthose from .tahis county who are pre  clous lunah after which an hour was I Ecach business visitor Monday en- arrived in Beach. Miss Gilman .on, sent at the event are Manager I* spent socially. C. C. Clark left la Sunday for liU'.z of this week . Monday began work in the Farmers J. Alguie of the Beach Coop. C-ala - Lanslng, lVlh., "where he went to Miss Helen Nunberg .who has beeh & Merctnts Bank in Beach, having Co.. Oeo. Oech and wife, J. P. Hardy get several new truel. Enroflt¢ h0me]employed at Doerner's Cafe is on tacceped a position .there. Miss Beck- and wife, Louis Zieisdorf, Henry Feld" he will #op In the Twin Oltle for lle ck lt this .week alad ler...placeiY will rezmin for about a week husen, Martin Ueckert, Malger 'lt" d'M'd  d,e" mlwhil ks being filled by, Mjs Mary ,en,lOT ten. daYsvisit. 'Tuesday of this :gseof lhe Sentinel Butte Fatanet* here wlU s :|! ; l6on ]Deemer who arrived hom from Dick-{eek she went "to Sidney for a cou, evdtm;  his wife, Mr. and" Mr ventn. 1 plans  return here thi [inson the first of the week where, pie of days to see her sister, Mra Leonard Treater. Pat Mrly, VI¢ week end. [ehe Is attending DST. ]Ruth Jones. Rermtrom and George Hammotid, [ iii SA N ii!i i li gh F:! iii h A : ilil u il i has L p al, "Fie e Yg'e  . sl_ork hum ' mst pensj diffi¢ lvas, ed b cottr drle Ly read: aecic rcr bul the P llqul disti pac the ve To any pins acci in ' T cal for obv rfla 'to att sup bee Cre Ve be C t fa Ir st A tt U: let M tu: of th #h phi on can the