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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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February 5, 1942
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/ THURS.. FEBRUARY 5, 1942 B lj'0u TII[AT RI: Beach, North Dakota " FRIDAY- SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p- m. "BADLANDS OF DAKOTA" CAST: ROBERT STACK, ANN RUTHER- FORD, RICHARD DIX, FRANCES FARM- ER,. BReD CRAWFORD, HUGH HER- BERT and ANDY DEVINE. Universal has turned out a big scale "history" western. A musical short and News Sunday- Monday- Tuesday MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. "Here Comes Mr. Jordon" CAST: CLAUDE RAINS, EVELYN KEYES and ROBERT MONTGOMERY. This pic- ture was rated best of the month when released. Comedy Wednesday - Thursday "SMILING GHOST" CAST: BRENDA MARSHALL, WAYNE MORRIS, ALEXIS SMITH, HELEN WEST- LY and LEE PATRICK. An entertaining comedy melodrama. Comedy and "March of Time" THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS regular meedng with Mrs. Guy I-][all Wednesday afternoon. After spending some time wLth their work and vLsit- "ng the hostess served a very nice 11 mch. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Scammon ansi children were dinner guests at the S'mon Hazelton home Sunday. T SSACH L cmma rotters ! ,-., Mrs. Kyle Sperry and small child-fBeach: ten we visitors at the Bert Sperry I Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. home o11 Monday a week ago. I Settees 7:30 p. m. We are glad to report that Mr..' Ladles aid, Mrs. Sleight's at 3:00 F. C, Johnson is now feeling mucntP' m. Friday. Mrs. George Bass and son Claude I better at the Beach hospital. } No morning service February 8th Mrs. J R. Off ford called on Mr,. !due to the installation service in Bel- were Beach vi.Sitors Friday. 'Art Kam'merer at the_ F. C. Johnson i field" Mr. and WIrs. John Trollope surged home on Tuesday,. Carlyle:. :o Glendlve Tlmrsday to visit th Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson and Services 2:30 p. m. latter's sister, Mrs. Pete Pederson who d,ughter were Sunday vlsRors at the NOTICE OF EXPIRATION ia a patiept at the N. P. hospital. Kvle Sperry home. Mrs. Trollope remained and had mi-I Mrs. Kyle Sperry informs us that nor surgery done gmturday, i Dale Ware is now Ln an army camp Mrs. Earl Baker and daughter Fran- z in California. Her brother Eugene ces went ,to Bismarck Thursday where Rtssell and brother in-taw Jack Hen- derson are in an ariD' camp in Wyo- rr ing. Carrie Smit returned to school on Wednesday ater an enforcel bsence of two weks. Kyle Sperry and Alred Sabin help- ed J. F, Crook with some work on his car on Wedneshy. Mrs. Kyle Sperry and small children were visitors a te Crook home meanwhile. Crayle Crook was on the sick li part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tusker and childre were Sunday visitors at the George Tusker home. Mr. and Mrs. BePt Sperry called at the George Tusker home on Wed- nesday, a week ago. Mrs. Tusker has spent a great deal of time in bed while trying to recofer from arthritis. while trying to recover from arthriti. Dorothy Gorrell /ted he mlsfor- une to cut an arm quite badly, when she fell and st-tck her arm on a coffee can. She was unable to at- tend school the rest of tl week. Antes Hudecek visited the Trotters school on Friday aternoon. ,Mrs. Ben Verdick ,has returned o her ,1ne to snd a few days. She has eaploymert at te John Rathbun ome. Divide the htters wen thru the Quain anl Ramstad cLic and Mrs. Baker too]: 1restraints. Their many friends hop Lo.h of them speedily recover from their ill health. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Ammrud and daughter visited the formers neice, Joyce O'Cenner of Carlyle Wednes- day ho was a patkmt in Beach hrspital. Mrs. Robert Anderson and children Howard and Elalne wcle business v.sitors in Glendive Frida}. Roy Mengel came up from Baker with some friends Sunday and visited his rphew, Russell Welsh at the Beach hospital. At the Pot-o-Gold drawing Sat- rctay afternoon Eva Job received %0, Mrs. ,Dalthrop .50, Halwr Dahl two $I.00 bills and Joan Watsan, Trs. John Lynch and Calvert Sta'x each received a $1.00 bill. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Red and grand daughter autoed to Beach aturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wattemitch and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Germann r)d daughter Eleanor autoed to Miles City Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed Waldo and get acquainted with Baby Waldo. Mrs. Waldo as formerly Ermina Germann. They came home Tuesday. Mrs. Louise Hilyeu received the sad news that her sh,ter, ,Mrs. Molly Wills Reece dled Friday at Long Beaca. Cal. We extend sympathy to Mrr, Bilyeu in the loss of her sister, Mr, and Mrs. Pete Bold went to Bismarck Monday where Mrs, Bold will have a check up a.t e clinic. Mr. and Mrs Dvid Dick and son of Wolf Po!nt and lr. and Mrs. Mel- vin Pederson of Glendive spent Sun- day with th? ladies parents, Mr. and Mxs. John Carlson. Mrs. Water Summerfelt has made many trips to Beach for treatments for an infected knee caused by a fall she had in Olendive in .December. The WCHS basket ball team won the game from Plevna last week with a score of 43 to 12 and won from Medora Friday night with a score of 11 to 7. Mrs. E. D. Welliver and Mrs. Fred Reinecke were hostess to the C. F. Ladies sid at the former's home on Thursday afterenoon. All enjoyed the program in charge of Mrs. Westmore- land and the hostess served a very nice lur.c, Ed and Taylor Cook were deliver- ing gas and oil at the Don Short ranch last Wednesday. Mr. Klingman, Mark Reimer and a friend came out from Belfield last Sunday and purchased a shetland pony from Gee. Wright whloh they took with them in their car. Howard Van Horn was a business caller at the Gee. Wright home last week. Matt Brown and son Arthur were callers at he Bill Sylvester home near the river last Wednesday. J. B. Goldsberry arrived ere from Priest River, Idaho and left or the ranch home of his sons Harr's and _1 Many from here went to Beach Death was due to a heart at.lack Sunday evening to hear the choir and was found in he cab of his Vrnon Golclsberry who reside near the river in BillLuga County. It has been three years since Mr. Golds- berry went west. Word ,was received ere the pest w?ek of the death of James Morris f Wirmtchee, Washington. He was the eldest son of Mr and Mrs. Henry Morris formerly of Westerehn, but now residing at Union, Washington. Ollie  team 22 to 14, Hcveer the hlgt sc5ooi boys were defeated .0 to 17. Mr. and Mrs. George Cox and Mrs. Monday fternoon Mrs. Ross Gum- Claud Baker were Beach shoppers •ron Mrs. Fay Shepherd, Mrs. Gee. Monday. from Concordla college from oor- truck whlh was perked at the side Rustad, Mrs. Albert Sherva, Mrs. N. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Blair and head, Mivnesoba and expressed them- of the road. JohnP°St Mrs.strommeBertvisidHUdSOnat theand R.MrS'E. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Malcolm Were se.ves as having thoroughly enjoyed the s'ng!ng. Mr. Ostffnout and Harold Brown a:n- home from Livingston last week near which place they were elk hunt- irg. Harold as successful in bring- ing one home. Plu--me- a ............. Charles Fletcher, George (Buzz) El- . hUms,-on,Lturda,;,s were eacn ford and Robert Carroll left Monday IY   '_ _ _ .Ifor the west for enlistment in Uncle Mr. and Mrs. :tmer ,ost, Gar Sam's service. All were seniors in Rost and Mrs. Christ Sherva d high school. supper  of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Morrison home. Refreshments were Stark Sturday. erved by the self-invited guests. ' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rusted of veral of the local ladies are now evening to visit the formers parents practicing for a home talent play, Billings arrived in ellis Tuesday "When a Woman Decides," to be pre- Mr. and Mrs. George Rustad. sented the labter part of February. Mrs Carl Thompson, Mrs. Everett Te proceeds will go to the Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Cox and sons re Beach callers Saturday. Sympat,hy is extended to the Morris family and other relatives. Earl Roberts and ,Don Wright re- turned Thursday from the Christ Hanson ranch at ,the rmuth of Bea- ver Creek where Mr. Roberts is drill- ing an artesian well. They are ex- periencing trouble lth the drill and well pipes as they are now drilling in solid rock. Mrs. Taylor Cook and children re- }malned in Sentinel Butte over the ltncis and Charles Plummer who deuglh%ers were also Beauh shopper.s lave been working in Sea'tile, Wn., Saturday. rrlved this week to spend a few days Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sluth and .stlng Wth their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schrader spent Monday in Mrs. Everett Plummer. Francis has Oi]ie. enllsbed in the Navy and left ScOur- I The Red Cross meeting wts held at day evening for Missoula. the home of Mrs. Pa% Plummer Wed- Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bryson were]nesday afternoon. It was well ettend- IIers Saturday. 8tmday aternoon Mrs Minnie Sor-led: .... ..... " ...... r. ann Mrs R E Morrmon ann eases ann SOns ox eacn vtsea a',M .... • • • _ ...... rs, oonn romme vsited Mee Morr- "Ser" .n :omnme this commun lls°n at the Beach Hspttal Saturday peep - • Y abtnded the President's ball at] Wibaux Baker Sturday evening A party was given at the Alqrt erva home Saturday evening In onor of Shirley's birthday The even- g was spent playing gmes and a lovely lunc was served. Plora Rose pet the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. earl Rose. Mr. and Mrs. N. Westcott, Miss] week end. F1ggins, Mrs. IAndqulst, L. Turbull] and children and the Chaslm Child- Garner ren from Beach were guests of Mr. anl Mrs. E D. Hasten and Jimmie Mr and Mrs. Torval Vieland and a a sleighing party Sunday even- Inez," Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Johnson lag. Some of the folks coming from and Halger, Mrs. Ed Jendro, Irving Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parker and daughters autoed to Beach Sunday afternoon. Harold Peterson returned last we. from he CCC camp near Miles Ci,,y where he has been employed. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Wtt of OF PERIOD OF REDEMPTION STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF C()LDSN VALLEY s- Office of County Auditor eacb, North Dakota To Dwain Esper, owner and the person in whose name the hereinafter de- scribed lands are assessed and to The Title Guarantee & Trust CO. of Los Angeles California who are the ag- ents for the Courier Mono- Plane Co. Ltd holders of a trust deed, conveyed to them by the owner of the land. You are hereby notified that the tract of land hereinafter describ- ed and assessed in the name of Dwain Esper for taxation for the year 1937 was on the 13th day of December. 1938 duly sold, as provided by law. for the delin- quent taxes of the year 1937. and that the time for redemption from said sale will expire n,inety (90) days from tbe completed service of this notice, to-wit: on May 6th 1942. Said land Is dsserlbed as fol|ows: Tlke East Half el the Southwest Quarter, (ESW)) Southeast Quarter of the Northwest QUarter (SENW) and Lot three (S) of Section Six (a) In Towsmhlp One Hun- dd Jorty Two (42) RansFe Oue Hundred llve (101 in Gol- den Valley County, North Da- ho. The amount for which said land was sold was $11.78. Subsequent taxes for the years 1938oI939 and 1940 have been paid. The amount required to be paid in order to make redemption from such sale, exclusive of the costs of pu,bllshing and serving this no- tice, is on this date the sum of $51.15. In addition to the above amount you will be required to pay the costs of the service of this no° tics and interest as provided by law, and unless you redeem said land from said sale before the expiration of the time for redemp- tion as above stated, a deed there- of will issue to the holder of the Certificate of sale for taxes, as provided by law. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 30th day of January 1942. (SEAL) MINNIE E. SMITH Auditor Golden Valley County, North Dakota Feb. 5-12-19 NOICE OF EXPIRATTON O1 PERIOD OF REDEMPTION STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA as. COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY Office of County Auditor Beach, North Dakota Antes Kelner, Black River Falls, Wisconsin. owner in whoe name the hereinaf- ter described lands are as- sessed" You are hereby notified that the tract of land hereinafter describ- ed and assessed in the name of Anton A. gainer, for the year 1935 was on the 8th day f Dec- ember. 1936 duly sold. as provided by law, for the delinquent taxes of the year 1935, and that the time for redemption from said sale will expire ninety (90) days from the completed services of this no- tice, to-wit: on May 6th 1942. Said land Is described a8 followst Tract A - K@ in the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section Pwenty BIx.. (,) .in 'Povshlp One Hundred lorty (140) RanKe One Hundred SIx (10) in City AereaKe, In Gol- den Valley County, North Da- kota. The amount for which land was sold was |6.92. Subsequent taes for the years 1936-1937-193.8-1939 and 1940 have been paid. 'Ie amount required to be paid in order to make redemption from suoh sale exclusive of tbe cost of publishing and serving his notice, is on this date the sum of $39.79. In addition to the above amount you will be required to pay the costs of the service of this no- tice and interest as provided by law, and unless you redeem said land rom said sale before the expiration of the time for redemp- tion as above stated, a deed there- of will issue to the holder of the Certificate of sale for taxes, as provided by law. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 30th day of January, 1942. (SEAL) MINNIE E. SMITH Audffor Golden Valley County t North Dakota Feb. 5-12-19 CITATION HEARING PETITION FOR I,PIRS OF AD- MINISTRATION STATE OF ORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY TN COUNTY COURT Before Hen. A. E. Kastlen. Judge N THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF ANDREW SOTNEK, DE- CEASED Robert Sonnek, Petitioner. Mr. and Mrs. Ekner ReSt were Sun- Beach were dJl;er guests at the John day guesbs at the clinton Baker Mgel home Saturday. home. 17v. and Mr& L. A. Westmoreland Mr. Elllas Deckert of Nampa, Idaho left Sunday for Chicago were they arrived at Ollie Friday evening. He v'i,l attend a convention t the Moody lms several days vacation between Bible Institute. meser Mrs. Elllas DeckePt accom- Mrs. L. A. Woodhouse is on the panied him to Enid for  weekend, sick Hat and is taking treatments Miss Anna Ekrem also accompanied I of Dr. C. A Bush in Beech. Her Fae 9ad will spend the week end may friends hope she has a speedy with reities in w. recovery. r. and Mrs. Percy took Ronnle Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Warden return- and' LueIla Manthey to their home led Su=day f:om BI ,IRngs Where they in (38,mdive Thurs&ay. They had spent [ pen the pt week. two weeks at the Bryson home. I Mr, and M:. C. A. Steele attend- June Billington, Gilbert Pstad and led church serwces in Beaoh Sunday hares Shepherd motored to Miles l and called on friends at the hospil. City Tuesday and returned Thursday. I Mrs. John Mttlla let Sunday for "Fne Iatter visited bhe clinic. ]her home in Denver, Colorado after Ray. F. N. Richert and lt Plum-]a two weeks visit with her parents. mar motored to Glendive Monday to Mr. and Mrs, Frank ORourke and and Jimmy, r. and Mrs. Lloyd Was- smart and Carolyn Lee, Fred, Walter and Dorothy Waasman were Beao shoppers on Saturday. Rlchrd, Marcel1, Doris. John and Edward Dietz were callers a.t the Fred Wassmann home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thorval Vieland and Iez Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wassnnn and Carolyn Lee, Walter and Dorothy Wassmann attended the show in Beach Saturday. Leo Nistler and Ted Stull were callers at the F. Wassmann home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Stull were Sun- California had never had a sletgR- ride beore. ,Dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Heaton after the sleigh ride Mrs. Chas, Kartis and daughter Hazel lft Monday for Rochester where the latter will go thru the clinic. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Oy took their daughter Jean and her room- mate to Miles City Monday afternoon where the young ladles were singing with the Concordla College Choir that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Osty en- tertained several members of the choir at their home for dinner Sun- day. day dinner guests at the Garage vs. Frances Sonnek. Superin- Mrs Chas Dahl was hostess at a[Stull home. tendent of the State Hos- birthday arty for her son Philip Mr. and Mrs. John Fakler and pltal for the Insane. James- tovn, orth Dakota, An- Sunday afternoon Oames and lunch Jackie, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Wmmmann I drew Sonnek, Mary Son- were enjoyed by all and PhiDp re- and Carolyn Lee, Mr. and Mrs, Ed nek Hess, Vincent Sonnek, calved many nice gifts from his many Jendro and Delaine and Jimmy were Paul Sonnek, Sarah Son- nek, Frank Snnek, Elleen ! friends, [Sunday vlslors at the Fred Wv- Mr. and Mrs. John Mirage1 and Ray I mann home. were shopping in Wibaux Monday and Mr. nd Mrs. John Stu11, Mr. and went to Im Beach hospital to visit ,Mrs. Lloyd Wasmnnn, Dorothy and their nephew Russell Welsh there. ]Walter Wasmnnn, Ted Stu11, Delalne Mrs. Claire Seaman was hostess tImong those who attended the show the Woman's club at their regular llrvlng and Clifford Jendro were a- meeting at her home Monday even-land dance at Sentinel Butte Man- lng. The regular program was dls-,day high%. ,passed with as a distinguLshed guest,  and Walter Wessmann and Mrs. H. W, Paterson of Billings, Sate V1or Renstrom were callers at the Corge Stull home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Fakler and son Mr. and Mrs. Wassmsnn returned Jaekle were supper guests at the Fred Wassmann home Wednesday night. with them to spend a couple days visiting at the Fakier home, Walter and Lloyd Waesmann were Golva callers on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. ristlanson and Mrs.  Medora, Mr. and Mrs, Glen Olma, ,etty .and Irene, Mrs. er. I. and Bner Jr. Mr.and m, Wal and  Wanann Sonnek Gelger and Mil- dred Blydenburg. Respondents THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RE- PONDEPPS: You and each of you, are here- by cited and required to appear before the County Court of the County of Golden Valley, State of North Dakota, at he office of the County Judre of said County, at the Court House In the City of Beach, In said County and State on the 25th day of February A.. D. 1942, at the hour of ten o'- clock In the forenoon of that day. .to sho'w cause, if any you have why the prayer of the Petitioner that Letters of Administration in the Matter of the Estate of An- drew Sonnek, Deceased, be issued to A. F. Irons, of Alpha, North Dakota, should not be granted, and you are hereby notified that the residence of the said decedent at the time of his death was at Alpht, North Dakota. Let service be made 0f this CI- tation as required by law. Daed this 27th day of Jenuary A. D. 1945. BY THE COURT .. A. F KATIEN ...... Judffe Of the CoUnty Court (JAI,/ ' .. JO KEOHAI • ttorney for ltitloner, neh, North akota, Jan |t . Feb  .. ": President, arrived on the train that day from Washington ,D. C. wtwre she had attended a convention of the Federation of Woman's elb and a National Ifnse Convention. She is a fine speaker and ave an interest- ing account of tlw conentlon and her interview With Mrs. Roosevelt. After this enjoyable meeting the host- e.s served a delicious lunch to I members and 3 guests. Mr. al . N. O.' Hazelwood Mrs. Paterson to Beach to catch the train far BflKMs.  st r lme, get the seats purchased by the local M. B. church from tle U. B. church in G4endlve. They, Harming Steen and Clarence Halvorson worked at the church Wednesday arraDglg them. A grou of people from Baker came to Ollie Wdnesday evening to play wt. with the Odd Fetlows and their .  followed the card friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wc41iver and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scammon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lynn and child- ren and Mrs S. Lynn were lng in Beach Saturday. After a ten day illness t home Russell Welsh entered the Jmhnstone 'Memml holil at Bech Wednes- day where he sumtttted to an ap- vy nY. m sad D club  tb! PA6E THRE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and M Ted Rink were Beach visitors Mon- day afternoon, NOTICE OF LEASING OP STATE AND SCHOOL LANE All unleased State School Lands in Golden Valley County, N. Dak., will be offered for rent at a Dub- llc leasing to be held in the Court House at Beach. in said county, on the 14th day of March. 1942 commencing at 1o a. m. o'clock. All unleased lands will be leased to the highest bidder, for a terms of three to five years. The first year's rent plus the legal ]easing fee must be paid in full on the day of the sale. A list of such lands to he of- fered will be on file with the Treasurer of said eonnty for pub- lic Inspection rot less thai two weeks before the day of leasing; also instructions in regard to the terms, etc., under which thee lands will be lessetL The Board o£ University School Lands reserves the rlgat to reject any and all bids. Dated at Bismarck, N. Dak., this 20th day of December. 1941. E. E. SW.aNSTO{N State Land Commissioner Jan 8-15-22.29 Feb 5-12-19-26 [ar5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE - TATE OF Agnes Dunnigan, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by undersigned administrator of the estate of Agnes Dunnipan late of the city of Beach in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all prsons havinff caims against said deceaeed, to ehlblt them wlth the ner vouchers. Within six moths after the first ptrbllcatlon of this notice, to said admin4ktrator at his r- dnce in the city of Baeh in mtld Glden Vlley County, or to the Judge of the County Court of On|- den Valley County, t his office in the Court Huse in the C*lty of Beach. Goldea Valley County, North Dakota. • rou are hreby, furqter that Hon. A. E. Kstle, Je of the County Court wlthn ar, d for the County of Glden Walisy, and state of North Dakota. fixed the third day of Auffuut A. D. I94, at the hour of ten o'olock in the forenoon of said ay, a% te Court ooms, in the Court House in the city of Beach in said Coun- ty and State. as the time and plae for hearing an& adjusting all claims agairmt the estate of the said Agnes DunnigRn, 'Deceased. whloh have been duly aud regular- ly presented as hereinbefore pro- vided. Dated January 15..4. D, 194. JOHN BROW'I Administrator of estate of Agnes Dunnlgan, deceased First publication on the 22nd day of January A. D. 1942. Jan. 22-29 Fb .5 Theatre Calendar CURRENT WEEK ROSE GLENDIVE0 MONTANA Now Showing THURS.-FRL-SAT.-? "All That Money Can Buy" from the story 'ne Dee8 and Daniel Webster" by Stephen Vln- bent Bent, with Edward Arnold, Walter Huston, Jane Darrell Si- mone Simon, Oene Lockhart, John Qualen, Ann Shirley, aad James Craig--startlir differen dram SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY OWL SHOW--SAT. 11:30--- Kay Kyser in "Playmates" with John Barrymore, Lupe Vek inny Simms and Fay Kelly. Get hap and haWpy .... as Kay and his cavorting cookies put the  ca 'Kaxniet" the Jam in  am the rumpu in romarce. WEDNESDAY ONLY 'hree Girls About Town" with Joan Blonde]l, Bim B, John Howard, Robert Benchley and Janet Blalr. Warning all Maltst Three wild women on the e! Iast seen headed for this thetre Come a your own risk! We can. not gtmrantee you again wrecked from laughter. OPENING NXT "Tarzan's Secret Treasm" with Johnny WeismuBer and Mar- garet Sullivan UPTOWN THEATRE FRL -- SAT. Donald Woods in "I Was A Prisoner On Dmril' Island" with Sally E]lers. (ALSO) Tim Holt "Cy¢|one On Horseback" • /