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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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February 5, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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¶ "PAGE TWO THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle Editors and Publishers A qmek  evm-y Tnumdsy at Beach. North I)sx. E0ered as clam ammter st  Postoffioe t Beach, North Dakota. October 7, 1936, ureter he act of March 3, ISg"/. AdverUsh ratee tarnished upon requeet. THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEW week end gust of  Violet An- thony. Mrs. Cole Mattte, Mrs. Volney Sch- mailing, and Mrs. Ssnford n were callers of Mrs. Pete Weinrels on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt Fischer were Sunday visitors at the Gerhardt ants absence. ! ..-1..1.. r. and Mrs. me F,unnan of[ qdllyt Golva were visitors In town on Men-! . _._ " ...... ,v | Chanes lltron acconpame mnz "-': ....... t--e io |Jacobson to BillIngs Thursday morn- ¢uss -mree an instructor m n -i ......... eal High school has been a vlctlml ing to ormg nm car wnere 1 nas oeen of a very bad cold and on Monday repaired. she went to Dlckhson by train to x. and Mrs. &omer Owens of THURS., FEBRUARY 5, 194 uba City, Ca;., kt week due to t illness of their father, Stun Fisher No word as to his condZtion  beell received. The Carlyle basketball boys wer defeated 22 to 12 by Mildred Saturday nlgt. The UB ladies aid will meet at t prloe $20 in N. Dak., Minn., Molt., and S. Dak, Elsewhere $2,50 lcher home. Alpha Mrs. RoIne 1sching and son Le- Roy went to 13ckinson Monday to ,oonsult a Doctor. DeRoy had he mis- fortune of havL a horse fall with Golva Mrs, Bert Covert entertained number of friends at her home Mon- day afternoon. Wlist was played at three tables and prizes went to Mrs. consult a doctor about her condition ,, The Jolly Whist Club was enter- and will remain a few days at the tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.  hospital tere. George Gearey Saturday evening. All I A brother of Mrs. John Sanders, members were present and guests 1 Harold Braaten of Bfield has been were Mr. and Mrs. Cole Mottle and nmking a pleasant visit the past week daughter Audrey of Oolva and Mr. a the John Sdnders home. and Mrs. Bing Bakken of Baker, I ;,Irs. Mike Thiesen was hostess for White Sulpher Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Hrold Owens and dauplter Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs Reese Owens of 1And- sey were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Owens of Car- lyle Sunday. Miss Marion Marchinok spent Thur- slay visiting at the Carlyle high sch- ool. home of Mrs. Claude Lund tod (Thursday). Russell Miller was a Clendie eall Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. Chat Stewart we$ %o Beach Thursday and again Satur, day on business. Mrs. Alvin Woodsend returned hor aim a week previous resul¢ing in an injury to one of his legs Maurice Hogoboom and Harold Zie- barth were callers at Wm 's ranch rtear Medom on Wednesday. A J Ziebarth returned Mon- day from a ten weeks visit with her daughter and husband t Lincoln, Nebr., and to get cquainted with • he little grandson. This is the first randchfld and so te Ziebarth's are ery l%appy, Andrew Paterson, first, Mrs. Reinzie Hammond second and Mrs. John Ts- chlda traving prize. Those present we Mesdames A. Peterson, J. Ts- chidu, E. Sheen. G. Curl, F. Schou- boe, A. Schfer, G. Gearey, G. Ham- mond, H. Shoen, C. latie, and R. Hammond. A fine lunch was enjoyed with several husbanis and daughters as late guests. Rieard and Deve Fisher were called est the first of the week by Montana. Eight games were pluyed#the Get to geth, cr club at her home and pries were awarded Mrs. Bert!on Friday af, ternoon. Several mem- .Ur. and Mrs. Oscar arln, Mr. and ....... Mm. " Olarln, Mree K, ed mer oub6 arid Mr. rs. Otto $m wm 8mlay din. e at the Farne Johnson • d Seherman drove to each Sun- day aftera taking his children back o school. Ms Grace Reflly spent the week end at her home in Medora. Several of the your folks from Alpl attended -the dance in Medora Friday night. Mapllld and Deloris Fasching spent the week end ith home folks. Read|n Glasses .... 50e to $6 Cold Glssees ........ $10 to SIS.S0 Double Vision Glasses $3.50 up GLASSES FITTED Optical N.D. The Catholic Study club me€ Tues- a message stating their father Sam Kno p ]was very ill The boys left Monday .dty with Mr, and Mrs. John p , A large crowd were present and at i afternoon for Caliornia and friends the close of the evening Mrs. Knolyp jure hoping to hear good news soon. served a delicious lunch.  The Oolva Sunshine society will sxnes Sonnek as been on the linear .Wednesday lbruary @th with lit and out of school a few i Mrs. Anorew ecerson. days. Johnne Fisher arrived at Beach Meurlce HogOboom and Harold Zie- Saturday from a trip to Minneapolis. brth drove to Eklake on Thursday Friends regret to hear of te ill- to bring home a load of sadust ness of little Marlyne I.erson who Ls r lcklng ice. [unaer the DecOrs care at Baker, Mm-. John Irons taught school t Mont. the Carew school Thurs,. y and Fri- [rs. George Hammond and Mrs. day. I Reinz/ Hammond were callers on Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hagen, Mrs. Mrs. Joe Moen Sunday. , and Mrs. IM l.3er- 1 Mrs. John  is reported on man drove to  and Di th sl list this week.  m BeHield the, visit-' Oolva, frleads *are pleased to wel- ed .Mr. and Ml Wrner NIstler, come Mr. and Mrs. Theo Manum Mr. ad Mrs. ft. A. Bury and Mr. back to their home, They returned the Mrs. Otto hnaon were s/x pat week. o'e0ek dinner Kueg of Mr. and Mr. Henry Deberry of Dickinson, Karnes Jokon on Wednesday. made his usual monthly trip to the Golva Air Port Thursday where he A/no Srs in   and Frank Schouboe are lrlng were Mr. and Mrs. Ed 8chermzn, engine Richard Knopp, Mr. and Mrs. Wm [r. and Mrs. Fred les of Mell- il and M.s.  Old, Mr. erie. S. Dak.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mrs. A. fon and ar, la,kowskl and children of Kensal, Mr. nd Mrs. A. J. Zieh, l,rold N. I)ak. Minnie Schulte of St. Paul, sl Annanelte. Mr. and Mrs Peter Mltmesota arrived the past week r,o Rk4,en were ahoppers in Beach on "l'uedy and also vsited with the Paeal Thonms family r. nd Mrs. H. A. Bury were buslnes callers in D/ckinson on Thur- sday. Mrs. A. A. White entertained the BirLhdy clu at her home on Thurs- Oudley Fulton was carrying mall day. There was u large crowd in again on route two Friday wile Mr. aendance to enjoy the fine dinner C. M Fulton went after his car which prepared by ,Mrs. White assisted by has been going through repulr ser- Bese Gamroth. The afternoon was vice following their accident on way taken up with the business meeting home from the west. end a contest which was put on by Mr. and Mrs. Law MvIangal were the hostess and won by Edith Oarew and Violet Fasching. The club ap- pointed Mrs. Ed Shoen and Mrs. T. A, WosepR to visi.t the serving room in Beach and offer our assistance rth sewing or knitting for the Red Cross, Meeting adjournd to meet next with Mildred Wosepla. Mr, and Mrs. Leighton Nunn and children called at the Otto Johnson home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn and cttildren called at the Otto Johnson home Thursday. Mrs. Wm Oarew ,and two duugh%ers oame out from Oolva Friday to spend the week end at the farm home. Peter Hagen was grinding feed for Gust Burke on Friday. The A. F. Irons home was the esne of a pleasant party Friday night when neighbors and friends met to surprise Grandpa Irons on his eighty seventh birthday, The eve was spent playing games and visit- lng. The birthday song was sung and the guest of honor was presented with a gift of silver. After which he favored the guests with several _o_.c_ NEW liIous lunch which the ldles rought anrd served. We then dparted wish- Ing Grandpa many more hapy re- turns of the day. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Smeby, Gust Burk and Josephine Wojahn went to Medora Dturday vhere they attend. TAX ed a meeting of tlw grazing assoc/- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White were hopers In Beech Saturday. Leo Nlstler was a Sunday dinner • , .., ALL TAXES BECOME DUE Al and  ment on the AI- nocr Sunday and me,! er J i '--" MARCH Covert and Mrs. Bing Bakken. 1st and 2nd. Cole Muttie and John Tschida 1st and 2nd for e men. A lovely lunch was served and a very plea- sant evening spent. Miss Marjorie Funk left Thursday for a vacation trip to Seattle Wn. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Curl, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Douglas and Mrs. Frank Sehouboe were shopping a Glendive Saturday. The U. B. Sunday school of Golva fourteen attended and a very pleasant met a, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe February 1st. About bers were absent due to sickness., A flower contest was given by the, hcst,ess in which Mrs. C. N. Haugse! and Mrs. Ted Rink were prize win- ners. Mrs. Rink also won te door prize. Several of bhe ladies of th? club are busy knitting for the Red Cros and it is thought that several more will be following the example. A celicious lunch closed an interest- ing afternoon. The next meeting will be the social meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul Wischow on February 13th, Mrs. Schultz has been assisting with macing held. Next Sunday they will le work in caring for &uy De. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Owens and from the Beach hospital Thursdayi daughter Judy attended the show in I She .had been threatened with pneU" Baker Wednesday night. I m°nm. Steve Goroski of the Carlyle vicin-l---- ity was taken to the Dickinson hospi- I tal recently re he was operated I #gt! on. ! kJPlJ[J A whist party was held ut Carlyle Thursday night. Golva won by four points. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hae, Mrs. John Hartse and son Harry and Law- rence Hartse spent Sunday afternoon at Julia Fisk's. Henry Gannon who has been em- ployed at Gladstone was transCerred to Lindsay. Montana whet he will hold their meeting at the OGle Mottle Frmnds of Guy's will be pleased to worz at the depot. home. learn that he is slowly recovering. Dick and Dewey Fisher were called Mrs. Oscar Clarin, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. P. A. Lardy entertained the Pete Thompson, Mike Schwagle, Carol]Catholic Study club at t Matt Diet: Hudson and Henry Rising were a few l home 'uesday afternoon. I of tlve many Beach shopers from Ool- I Mr. and Mrs. George Wasepka and[ va Saturday. family were Sunday dinner guests at[ Mr. and Mrs. George Gearey were the Paul Wagner home. [ bttsines visitors et Wibeux Frldy. Pot of Gold winners last Saturday I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe and were Crolet and Louise Bohn and[ daughter were afternoon visitrs at Mrs. Wlll/am Shock. e A. Seheffer home Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Byron Hogoboom, Mrs. | - Wlllm Cu-dn-m-.d doucher,. Mar- [ ion and Lorraine Peterailie were a-| S ntin 1 B mong th°se from here wh° attended i e e utte Concordla Oollege Choir Ooneert In! Eddie and Keneth Hove]and of Beach Sunday night. Rothsay Minnesota arrl,d In Sen- Mr. and Mrs. George Wosepka went tInel Butte on Monday nixie. [lhey to Miles City on Friday to make a spent a few days visaing at the Loule ahort visa with friends there. They Hove]nd and C. N. Hsugse homes returned on Sunday. and let for heir home again o Th-I William T. Brown and son Wtqlam ursy driving Eddi.-s car back. land Will F. Brown and fmily we:e The Sentinel Butte independent tSuriy guests at the Clifford Fisher Ors team Journeyed to Beach on l home. .Monday nighg and defeated the Beach The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. • IJ I Ill on¢oln, Nebraslm. The laacakowsk i girls by a score of 25 to . Henry Trester was ohritened Boyd ...... n  son Joe were Henry in the Trinity Lutheran church ster-ln-law Mrs l10h Schulte ,)f ars wazer a u _ __ ?amP;nntd lit reftee l  th: c,LphiHo O id :h:em/lt at t tth e homes Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs to his bed th pest wee {rren ,. ro+, ,^o - - Cowles left lday " case of tonsilitis. . ....................... unaay. PLUMBING AND HL4TING Sheet and Metal Work No Job Too La,e Or Too 8ma/I OIAkU8 RISHOVD Mrs. Campin and Mrs, Boien were on the sick list the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Kunck were afternoon callers and supper guests a the Soherle home on Sunday nlght. Charlie Reed left for Dickinson on Friday where he is spending some time under doctors observation. We callers at the O. Hammond home on hope his condition is not serious and -- ........ -=.--.._ - i. Thursday. that he will soon be back. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Scheffer were The study clu members were en- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. tertained at the home of Mrs. E. D. Stewart of Carlyle Sunday. Nelson last Tuesday night, Bride Marjorie Funk has resigned her po- was the diversion of the evening wi'th sition at the Firs State Bank of Ool-lhig h score g0mg to Mrs. Fred Smith va and Anna Mae Madison will take and Mrs. Dodge second. Delicious re- her place the first of February. freshments followed the games, Friends will be pleased to hear l Mr and Mrs Henry Smeby, Joseph- REMEDIES BUTTE DRUG once again of Miss Eleanor Schulte ine WoJahn and Gust Burke of near who has worked wth her sister, Min- Al,pha were callers in town on Sat- nie Schute for several years in St urday Paul, Minn. Eianor was married on I Mrs. Fred Maus and children were Dec. 24 to Vesper Yardley of Belvi- pleasant Saturday afternoon callers dare, Ill., were they will mu'ke their of Mrs. Wm Scherle. ture home. Eleanor has many[ Mr. and Mrs. Lenard 2rester and friends in and around Golva who Join ] daugh'ters Mary Lou and Doris and with relatives and school mates in Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Haugse left by extending heartiest congratulations, lear early Monday morning for largo Mrs. Mae Ar#thony spent a few to be preent for the grain conven- daYs this past week visiting friends tion which hegan on TuesJay. Mr. in Beach. and Mrs. Vic Carlson are staving with Mzss Ruth Lovell of Beach was a the Haugse children during  mir par- LAW AND DEUNQUENT MAY 1st There shall be an allowance of FIVE PERCENT rebate to all payers of tax on real Property who shall pay same in One Payment and IN FULL on or before APRIL 1, 1942 Such Rebate shall apply to all general REAL ESTATE TAXES ONLY, and does NOT apply on personal prop- erty taxes, hail insurance or special assessments. GOLDEN COUNTY VALLEY TRE00URER USED MACHINERY USED DRILLS---10 ft. to 14 ft. Any make priced to fit any pocketbook i , i i i USED TRACTORS--Most any kind and any size , i ira' GOOD USED COMBINES--Now is the time to order a new one Act Now! Order ALL REPAIRS FOR SPRING'S WORK IMMEDIATELY Some Good Milk Cows Some Good Young Grade Bulls Golden Valley Harvester Co. C. C. Clark, Mgr. Beach, N. D. LET'S ALL HELP THE NATIONAL DEFENSE PROGRAM UNCLE SAM NEEDS SCRAP IRON, RAGS, PAPER, BONES AND ALL OTHER METALS BEEF HIDES - FURS - SHEEP PELTS TO STOP PROFITEERING THE GOVERNMENT IS CON- TROLLING THE PRICE OF METALS. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES AT ALL TIMES SCRAP IRON ................. $6.00 per ton RAGS ..................... 50c per hundred RUBBER - Old inner tubes, etc. ........ DIPORTANT -- -- -- R    kma hy tl man  re t eve .. Im a sd mdlrs blast fm'ms MUST ontain a considerable portia of IRAP =s w as virgin ore. Hence the urgent need for sera eke our war effort mint be ear- tailed from lack of steel Gather up all your unused scrap iron as soon as possible. Take it to a reputable scrap dealer, who wI pay you for it, and who then will send it to steel mills. Do not strip good farm or other machinery of parts. There is plenty of discarded scrap metal in this area--ll that is necessary is that patriotic Americans see that it gets to the steel mills. NOTICE--We have rabbit carcass-es to sell for hog feed--S10.00 per ton. We buy paper Saturday afternoons only. All paper must be packed or wrapped in tight bundles. 40c per hundred. Beach Hide and Fur Co. "Help Keep Our Boys Equipped And Supplied" THU] 0 ron Rust Rest John Morr serve F pracf sent The Cn M were lave rr Mm. entl day k ensc the A he Imn z love at an hoz arr sen pal ct th wi| | an in tw Ot CI rn g t t W d