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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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February 5, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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# / "THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS VOLUME VI BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH I)AKOTA, THURS. FEBRUARY 5, 1942 NUMBER 19 "William Beeler, Aged Pioneer Of Wibaux Passes Concordia Choir Draws Big Crowd The Concordia College Choir Con- Golva Town Team And HS Quint Win Good Games Here cert, Sunday night drew a fine crowd ;from Beach and surrounding country .......... Wibaux--William Henry Beeler who and towns. The program was enjoyed int'reedstens ay :::gktl l?ta::e :e wr° passed away Wednesday morning at i::aa::wt.:rn;] ---o - ---- :l!5:e dth i theatemh1sgeedl 3:00 o'clock, after a lingering illness , tUnmbeh: n=hthe,wP e was born Arpil 29th, 1857 in Joe ,Davis 'n'gos h Co.. llinois. I Awake" and "O BPead of Life From At the age of ten years he moved ', Heaven". Prof. Paul Christiansen is with his parents to Clay County, I to be congratulated for the manner South .Dakota, where he grew to man- t m which he directs his choir. At ood. He was united in marriage to times one was reminded of a huge Olive Parish in 1877 and to this an- organ with its variety of tones• A Beach Bucs Win ]Firemen's Annual Meeting Is Hdd Over Sentinels In Good Game Friday t Friday night the Beach hgh sch- ool bakeVball team won a good game Irom the Sentinel Butte high eam here by a score of 25 to 17. This was the second triumph this year for the by the Oolva team 19 to 14. The Ool- Bucs over their rivals from the neigh- The annual meeting of the Besh Volunteer Fire department was held on last Thursday evening at the ach city hall. and proved to be a memorable occasion indeed. Present besides the members of the departmen were the mayor, R. W. Johnson, .the rn,3mbers of the city council and the city employees. va boys were ahead +throughout the boring city, and keeps the Beach r,- Eevening lgan with a sumptuous contest, leadlng 6 to 1 in the first cord clear on any defeats in con- turkey ,banquet served home style by quarter and 11 to 4 at the half. [ference competition to date. Mr• and Mrs. Elmer Hasbrook of the Park Cafe in the city hall dining Free Dance For GV Selectees Is Planned Friday On Frid£Y n:ght of ths week, Feb- ruary 6th, there is to be a bg free dance at the Beach City Hall, honoring the largest group of se!et- ees yet called up from Golden Vaey county Bevween 25 and 20 men are in te group, a list or them appear- ing elsewhere in this issue. These young fellows all take their pre- liminarY physical exLmiration in Johnson of Golva paced his team! Bruce Miller paced the Beach quint / room and those ,present did ample Beach tlt day, and then will go ion was born five sons and two most common comnmnt of those who mates with 8 poirts, and Nelson led in th.e scoring department with five aaughters. One daughter, Minnie died attended was: "X wish it could have the Sentinel scoring with six points. I points. Don Carlson, cherman and [ Justice to the fine meal. to Fort Suelllng, Minnesota, for their In Vhe second game, the Golva and'Earl Gilman each accounted for four Then he regular annual meeting preindution examinations, in infancy and a son preceded his been longer." Medora independents fought to a 32 points and Henry Marman scored 3, of t&e department was held ,and Music for the oceaslon IS bnE father in death. Of local interest to many here was to 32 tie at the end of the regular as did Joe Maher. Bill Bradley made varlous reports, and other bustnem furnished by Joe Mtahar and his or- chestra. As a feature event for that Mr. ,Beeler brought his family to the fact that Jean Osby of Wtbaux playing time, necessitating u ver- two points, disposed of, Election of officers ior niglt, Mr. Maher has ¢(m. , . Wtbaux County in t9D6, where he en- was a member of this mine choir. .time period. In tl extra period, the For the Sentinels, Kenny Wepka the coming year, was then held, wtth scial song or the ovcsaton, : Eae following eing named, will be sun by tl  r gsd in farming and biacksmithing The local sponsoring group wish to Golva team made six poirgm and the was the ,big gun, counting seven I )Pints to  high .point man of the I the leaderstl of Jlm Doe r.  lntil he retired from hard work and operatlonth9nk oneinandmakingall forthis tlWeventfinea sue-C°- 'Med°ra boys only five. giving Golva rome John Nelson aocounted for six I )oint, four of them via the free[ to this song appem" elsewhere " ;hrow route. This coming Friday night, the| to town, where he  bn a figure on. the street until ross. To the many who opened their I a narow one point victory, 38 to 37• t& "all. HIS wife passed away June homes to members of the choir, *ol Med°ra led through most of the game, though at no time was there h. 1934. others who assisted in lodging and ! any mterlal difference in .the score. He leaves four sons, George, Henry meals, to those who workd with'At half time Medora was ahead b 'and Hary of Wlaux and Francis publicity, tickets, ushering, to the iput one point, 13-12. Homer Madison ,,of Mlssoula and one daughter Mable, high school, to the local pper and of Golva was high point man of the (rs. A. E. Hutchins) of Dixie, Wash., to tl'.e public at large---Thank You.. i trame, accounting for thirteen points. ChiefDan Cafferty. Assistant chief--Jack Llndt. SecretaryFTanklin Smit. Treasurer--Vict0r Thompson. four brothers, Wallace of Akron Iowa, Monroe of Kimball, S. Dak., Frank of Wlbaux nd Van in Minnesota aud a sister, Mrs. Rose Dillon of Kim- ball, S. Dak., 34 grandchildren and 47 great grand children. lraeral services were held from the M. E church Thursday afternoon "n charge of Ray. Grant iMoore and this old pioneer was laid to rest in the l¢al cemetery bide his wife. Sym- pathy i extended to the relatives. Kettncrs Observe : 39th Anniversary Last Wednesday evemng, January 28th, a large group of relatives and Rosenberg led Medora with 12 points Tire R ti i g i to his credit. a onn Board Meeting I Interesting Talk Wednesday afternoon of last week Tht: Golden Vally County Rat[on-!the Beach High School had the plea- ing Board held a meeting on Thurs-sure.,0f listening to an illustrated day of last week and again on Sa- talk given by Mr. Walter Runnestrand urday evening at the City Aud!or's office in the Beach City Hal!. i who for the past few years has been conected with the Park service at Tires were rationed as foltow.: Carl Medora. i;. Carlson, or'2 passenger car tire In giving his talk Mr. RunneStrand ebselete type: Ernest N Schmitz two, was assisted ,by Mr. Roberts. cUsto- parsenger car tires, ma'l" currier class- dian of the Chateau De Mores. Bad- fication'. , Chas. J. Hoyden one truck I. lands paintings  by Mr. Elnar Oistad tre, Frank Susa,, two truck t,res; were also used in illustrating his his- Fred Buldhaupt, one truck tre Ro n f r ' : " oricat talk which drew ma y avo- man Finneman. or,, truck tire; Elmer able comments from the student body Raisler, one trtck tire. Joe Pesha Jr. as well as the faculty. Mr. Runny- 3ucs will play Model high here in another conference game, and tim lo- cals are out to keep their record clean. Kathryn Schmit, Chester Oas Are March Of Dimes Married Jan. 25 Has Good Showing A wedding of interest to many from 'here occurred recently when Chester Chairman A. J. Gilman of the Gas and Miss Kathryn Schmit tole" March of Dimes for this county re- away on Sunday, January 26. and ports that this yaer was the best were quietly married. The ceremony Local me:chants have coopt.ted in ushin thk big fnee event night, and a huge crOwd is &t- pared. Everyone is welcm, aa to be preent and give the boys a ea] send off. A col1 will be taken .the entire proceeds will be Used, to buy Golden Valley Boys In service :Iglt- reties and candy. Golden Valley mln- ty now 1s a humor of bo in "the service and llen " and relatives are asked to leave their addresses 'wth Joe Nlaher that e*ning so" tlb the packages will be sent to tlw': right address• in receipts ever held here, and wishes took place at 7 p. m. that day in to thank all who help'd in the drive• He reports as follows. Beach Grade School ...... $2k.13 Golva School .............. 6.40 ..Sentinel Butte School .... 6.30 Wishing WelLs ............ 20.04 County Rural schools ...... 1215 Total ...................... $71.02 Expense. express, postage, There will be old and .new.,tlme Miles City with th? Rev Beawer, music and a real. good time is tmr- Lutheran castor officiating at the nteed everybody. Tell your.friends event. Witnesses were Miss Dolly Gas'and come.early - , ..... of Beach, a sister to the groom and The City Coattail has. doneted the I Franklin Smith of Beach. I hall and Joe Maher and. lis ab ] For the occasion the bride was be- musicians are also donating their l comingly dressed in blue Her atten- time to make this event successful. dant was also dressed in blue. Both .... men wore he conventional dark suits. Draft News After the ceremony a wedding din- friends pleasantly surprised Mr. and two truck tires and two tubes. This strand had planned to make various Mrs. Herman .Kettner, St., on their! thirty-ainth lding anniversary. The etc ....................... 2.94 her was enjoyed and then the new- lyweds left for the west coast They -- r--/,,n was not the complete January quota talks throughout western North Do- • 2u largnegroufl:f for Golden Valley County but be- kota, but due to the fact that h Balance .................. $68.08 planned to go to Bremerton, Wash- Haft of this amount, or $34.04, is ington where Mr. Gas will seek am- .  ........ , ..... n" "eveng was pent in playing whistcaus e of errors and incomelete ap o , was transferred to Lincoln, Nebraska, being sent to the Nationa lounda- ployment. This past year he was}selves mr pum_, u,,._ =,,, 'With our tables in play and eight lplication s others could not be issued, leaving Friday morning of last week [fan and tho othe, half renins to o,,, o o ,,eaillr ouerator pnymca exannnrmn av ,v -, gmes lelng played. High score for The quota for the county for Feb- leSt him little time to get back to] ............... 2 .... ,,, .......... .  city hall tomorrow morning, Friday, :ladie "ent to Mrs. Andrew Helm, and ruary ls 3 tires and two tribes for Beach to appear ,before the Lionsbe added to the local fund in this by the Inland Construction Co. in  - .......... Dr M • in the court ta , lb Otn, a :u a. m. w. • • hh for men to Marvel Nelson. passenger cars and eight tires and club or to Dickinson where he had [ county. Over $200  now - highway projects in Mort no. t_ " ........ -'-- -ftcer • Nit W IyoD  rle vx'ttrutnt  • Those present were VIr and Mrs. €le,en tubes or all truck classified- hopel to talk before some civic group I ty fund. The bmde is the daughter of 1 Ed"n°se ;d ......... • • Schmit, former Beach shoemaker who ,T a nryi ' Hu';:aF Kreit- Andrew Helm, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hart- tiGris, there. | • | T|I l" | ][___ is now on the west coast. The groom ........ McClenahn," Donald son, Mr. and Mrs. August Brockmeyer, The board will meet every Friday Mr. Roberts plans to carry on the / Hge[ath: Atie Kenneth and Wllma. qIr. and Mrs. night at the city hall at 7:30 and work of 'Mr. Runnestrand and Beacu / oln lllaOlCK lCS is the son of Mr. and Mrs George Gas of Beach. " " " " Albert tein and Donna Mr and will take care of all business at that folks are looking forward to the time" y J rom Ed- • B:nSteiSth:st::d congratu.ltions are W:J Yec°S: :yrd/p___ele 0sOl-n: Mrs. Marvel Nelson and bonny, Mr. time. Anyone wishing to make aP-lwhe n he may come to Beach so that Tuesday morning John Hladick, e and Mrs. Henry Helm and boys, Mrs. for tires are asked to call I the bUsiness people of our city can aged pioneer of this area, passed ' Richard Sahroeder, W,fllam V. ur- Elsie Farstveet, Kefth and Marjorie, p]icatIon away ater a heart attack at his]  _ koski, Franklin R. Smith at Do,erner's Cafe .and ask for Ruby , B,rnard Mr, and ,Mrs. Herman Kettner Jr. E. Doerner who will be glad to assist hear the lecture, ranch home north of Wibaux. He had t C C€ H. Dingier. Jseph J. Svtosch, Elmer and boys and Mr. Win. Bundren. aH applicants any day except Sun-] ANOTHER RECORD SMASHED been ailing at various times from lt%Al -Ro v., E. Kouba, Martin J. Schfllo, James A lovely gift .was presented to Mz. day. heart trouble for several years past, rl r i E. Wih, Gregory A..Decker, Jciny "and .Mrs. Kettner after which the Applicants are asked to come withl Sometime ago, a controversary de- but had always managed to recover Way 0vcr lnc Feldmann Also up but "osts-s served a fine lunch. Everyone Iodel No.. License No., Engine and veloved as to who was the first per- from previous attacks. With him at l i formerly registered elsewhere are th • leparted wishing the Keltmrs many Body No. of their car which will help son [o drive a car to the top of Sen- ,he time of his passing was his wife more years of happy wedded bliss, speed up application forms. I tinel Butte over the new road.. Now and daughter LudmiDa. Also surely- The recent Red Cross drive offlcl- following: Mauriee E. Hardy, register- ed In Tacoma, Wn, Floyd E. Feter- The members of this Board are comes a new claimant to some kind ing, it is understood, is a sister in ally ended last Saturday night and son registered in Anudarkc, okla- " "U tPres:%n"s Ball working without compensation and the of a record in the person ol Dal Pennsylvania. L.B. Reager, War Fund chairman horns, Carl KoscillsZcnk, regtered public is asked to co-operate where-  Hess who recently drove his 1 horse Funeral services are to be con- reports that the county quota of in Ardmore, Oklahoma and ~. ever they can but are asked to feel driven shay to the vop of the duoted ut the St. Peter's church in $700 was well over subscribed. He an- Dziengielewsk registered in " IS Well Attendedl00roo c0011 for information when big hill. He was accompanied on the Wibaux, wth John Leahy in nounces that official county total Texas. ' b This group, except those i it is desired, i tnp y his Dad. No one .as come charge at 10:30 Friday mrning, was $985.21. Fifteen percent of this, I 11,,rward to cocto the claim. ,,s per- or $147.7g will be kept in this court-!"screened out" here, will efirv    0000Idonts wasljunio r Tourna ,paps ths is th (;ly rig of its kind Defense School ty for use here. Fort Shelling, Minesota, some time held at the each cry hall last Fri- " l in circulation hereabouts, but with Mr. Reager and the county chair-, between Feb. 17 and Feb. 22 for their day evening and attended by a sie-I man, Marvin J. Tobias, are ta be pre-inductlon physical.  ,the present rubber shortage, some of able crowd. Good mugi was disoen- ment Is glannedi0000 relies of that type will perhaps sad by Joe Ms'her and his Jap Cha- ressurrected. Twelve Golden Valley County boys Ihighly commended for the excellen I sets. Chalrmn Don ardy of the -- / hUVeweek enrolledand nowincoursesthe Defenseare beingSChoolof-] vari°usmanner in whlehworkers tharounddrlWtheWas counyhand" Wild Lile Survey connttee in charge reports that Arrangements are going forward NOTICE! which was started in Beach the past I led, and they, to,ether wuh hel dance ticket sales wre $86.00 and at the Lincoln Grade building for a! -- Now Bein00 Made %hut dorations, etc., mde a grand Junior Hi Basketball tournament to The Red Cross will be open the f,red in welding, soldering, and truck, who ailed in solicitation, deserve a l Io of ,; it for the andy -.tmw:nzl tractor with Dan Car- ,lot of credit for the dandy showing total of $106.95. Expenses out of this be held heze in Beach the latter [following afternoons and evenings and repair t.) were as folk)ws: Hall rent, $15.00; Or-I )art of this month Dates have not next week. Iferty as the instructor. It is hedlshowing for Golden Valley county, chestra $20.00; advertising $10.00; fed- been set yet but will be published as Monday and Tuesday, at 2:30 p. m. that other boys interested will enroll and for ptttirg our county "over The Pittman-Rbert,n wild life survey of the North Dakota Badlands Oral tax $8.60. The balance was split u,.n as the uarticipating teams hovel Thursday and Friday at 2:30 p. m. as soon as pos. stble and.tere_is somelthe top" so nicely. tarted on Thursday of last week o  e nti al ..... n at 7 30 m talk of sarmg a mgn scnoo* ,u '.alf and half b.twen th on been heard from. I Wedneslay eve ing : "'P" "'1 "1 -ults t --  when Bruce Wright, veteran, foun the local fund t W  merman Le ton Auxmary w i I aa " dation and • Invitations have been sent o '- The A '. g' . _ " .......... 0.30] •• t "T ..... Dakota pilot landed his Fiper Crmser a Febzuar llth in The scAlOOllng flours are xttt, o , even buux, Sentinel Butte and Golv to meet Wednesd y, " Y . I ........ tlve course will] l]/ I{W on Beach s airport Wednesday !" GARDEN CLUB enter the tournament and it is ex-!he Red Cross rooms at 7:30 P" m'°r/st':;lh " w2uusew mg ........ o, rest weez wn' n*h" tW0. .-' • ectd that all these teams wll en-the purpose of knttmg and g" / g " . . ervers, Russell Stuart and Brandt Te Ctarden Club will hold its next r i Th public is also invited. The local FFA chapter s interest- 'elle " "regular meting on Thursday ater- Wibaux and Beach played in thei Any organiza.tion wishing to come i ][],] t ed in ordering chickens in large ship- JIue" to bad weather the men were noon, Februar 5h, at the home of k fin,l nme last year with Wibaux to the l:bed Cross Room and work in I IL||I .i t merits ....... ,o, o,, ,ntil Sunday-morning .Mice Edkins, startmg at 3:00 p. m. It;king the tournament by u small ia body s welcome to do so on any / ,Mrs Joe Dobroski of Beach deliver- These chicks shall be. U. S. Ap when .they flow to Medm, a :  "The following program is to be given. In.'gin. !of the afternoons and evenings me/e d an'8 b. baby boy early last Thurs. 9roved and pullorum ese; ._ *'at there into Dickinson from which air- Rol ult nsts of Tooay articulars on r om is o n chtcls are Irom mrs * 1 eall.--ortlc u' "1 Watch for further p . "o pc.. morning, Both mother and bby are These . . - ort they will operate. 1.. J :Dakota Horticulturists. ]this tournament which in the past ' " [doWn= nicely lore inspected by State. m__.speor or! langar ftl e.. '. :, :,. 1. Burbank of the Plains 2. Yaeger,' has c,'eated a rear eal of enthu- C MEETNGS  -'- =r-oo ^''^- of ,'arlvle Mont l a flock selecting agent. Tnese l v Ich of .Bismarck, field lblo- o. i. Ste,00ns H Barnett. 5. l s'osm  ./00nterea the hosit for t0000ment, pumoses and each of hatch . _ and 0, Steen of must Tel n ' Charles C. Schmidt, 6". Hansen, 7. I Starting February 8th a series, OI| *. ,1=,  T,, ,f Medora entered] color, shell texture ana . g ]Woaolonal Director, arrived' .,lve .Sat" Others. mTAY SURPRISE prophetic messages will be given at,.. =,_;, o .turdav for treat-are carefully selected for size snap 'urdav nht lnd remained.until Sun- Game Rose Freese , ' the Unltd Brethren church in Beach _, } 23 ounces' par dozen for ltc gJ  heektn¢ un on•the prosRln and , Mene a ed to attend as e nd wll include a dseussion of the l Butte re inspected t least once d g rs re urg Last Thursday Mrs. F. F. Schm 1- . .......... -. - Mrs. Frank Kress of Serrtinel t u .... n [ its progress.' >" . " _.  slides:may be shown. ' |in was pleasantly surprised on her lfollowmg subject: ussms . toli s bein treated in the hospital forleach seaso . .......  ,The nn will tak.,thelr:.'aenal "' " ' ' |,-)... )  wroun of relatieslP°wer, '' "The us rea attle'--I .7,,.ot. I By oraemng ne cmczs m mr=!.urvey of the Bdlsnds muctt e PAST MATRONS ELECT | , to her place with two dreesedlWherc, and Wen? , Modern Events i ti. arret Uthus one of the l amounts we can s_ell them. t  g !same as they did last year to deter- . ...... ,t ,, -'-  ' oU F1 . .-- ducks and all the trimmings. Tt]m m.e _ght of the .scrTture " ,"Wh_ )C,nor members from Moorhead spent/discount to ?pXe ?menng .he00ler the :mmo00 , er regmar mee "ng . "Inight another group came with mor | ' . ....... /last Tuesday night in the hospltalus. Th ". ...... I relleved the Badlands 0.zn. deer At th tt last Wed e soa m JuGging Amerlca, and wna ! ese cnlcKs Will .3e p{iruP.ttvct "needay ffternoon held at the home! ........ -. )-Irtda,, cke baked|Men Will Need a me Judgment'. i ....... . _. ... rtory,between March 15 an ay t, -y-land also to see whether: they are " eats anu a Auv=, , J or reat=, -* ,,*'- --*'-"- - n or Mrs L. J. Altair,e, the Past Mat-!,.,, a-,.= w-ld Johnson. Mrs Schel-  ,,'qon She left the followinglbody who is intere,td in. buyt g multiplying as well as they aouid, tons club elected their officers forint, .... wd manv lovely ,birthday| TO INSTALL NEW PASTOR ]m,n| feelin much improved, lch'cks of any standard bree ple.:s / Antelope will also be checked in tho the  year Those chosen werol's _'='-- cards Those present| -- | ""t--'.a f:.url of Oolvs enter-' rmtlfy the High Scnom or a '. .  {survev -, as fOllOWS " {lresen__ ). Pierce Mrs Kenneth Rev. Everette of this city will l| ^,v:_ .--.ff_=._-'t Sunda = P M boy tt your earliest convent'n,.ce.  "" . President--Mrs A. R Miller. Stout nd daughters, Mrs. Lucile at.Belfleld. Sunday morning at ln_sta  Mis Evelyn Gilmore, of Dickinson The F. F. A. boy . re n andt ""  " '/ Vice resident---Mrs A C Stone Rank Mr atmn services for the Roy t"  l cm ins seeds from a seed com y Sectry--Mrs Jas" DoublOon. Lake and dUghrtes, pRet:rso n Victo Haaland, the new pastor in the Bel- s bT:dhvt, tshherethur°ntal  Dick- pueting thun up in kits to sell to [ : Treasurer--Mrs E "M Enderle. ana a.ra. , nd Mrs Ewald John- field Lutheran church The Roy. Had=!." ..... -- "-an'-" recovered very|farmers for so much a kit. I -  • " " lensrom, wr.  • ." mson vouay Ii, .s _ A delivm. lunch was served by the, ........ xtrs land cmes to Belfleld from Banks } .,   Dr, E. A . ............. n no er, r. ,- -,- • . • hostess -t the close of the meting {son and .so . g ...... - '-loria North Dakota I weu" _ ........   "Pheln left[ Mrs Bob Coutts and Miss M.tldredlcllmc this wee| ) ; "  "'Volney . reeling nauu,[Sch. * 'Pstor Everette is president of time/.. Mr.. .a,/,.fi^-i-fernooniTobla's, prop .of the Mildrela Shop iClellan bldg. wl re | Jme, ncl ,Nix. aug vtr. --- " " ' uth- the hOSpiTalS zas rau,u  , ' " the Twin Oitles built and new RED CROSS DANCE ...... . _.;oa Mrs Schmel- Dmkmson Area Circuit f the L I ..... , ,,o convalescence at h s left last Sundy for been • " ha--- returns of the day. eran Cnllrcn una m a. m u.= The business men of Oolv are mg many PPY home l where the ladles well do their spring, been installed. The new of the distrlct president at this ser- Mrs. Albert Harp of Beach enter- buying of t ed on the ground slnsortng a big dance at the Golva vice. ed the hospital Tuesday  for Tley pmn m e  v.u  more convenient for Town lll, wlth rooeeds to go for CARD PARTY AT S. B. the benefit of the Red Cross, on Frl- There will be a card party at the ,,,_ z,,,o,., t.l of lllux en- store s oeir v aw- ,y ,z. 111 on-in day, February 13th. Music will be by Sentinel Butte town hall next Mon- Mrs. Ernest Waldorf left on train t few days treatment for "Ponslllltls.Week .and during,_, their abser_ the Dr. NYnm and his lady attenda4at the Dance Demons. and there will be day night. February 9th. sponsored No. 2 last fltmdav morning for 8t- .... m  Wednudsy morn-Itm ur    .... 'al a&mam)e  of  st seventy by the ladies of the  Society. pies, ,. where she plans go spelld ---'" --- -=-.-r.-= - . . • -., 4. ....