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February 5, 1931 |
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P. T. A. C[[[- Merapi Volcano That Killed Hundreds and Pat M askey•
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Doblar and
RAIl8 FOUND[R'S daughter Gladyce were Beach vis-
/Continued from page one)
(Continued from page one)
We again must urge correspon-
dents to keep within their own ter-
itor~ on Wednesday. ritorv avd not cross the line into
Messrs Evans and Stark of Beach at center chalked up I1 points for but did not become ill Tile other that= of others• This week three
were business callers in our neigh- the Cowboys, seven of them fromthree were said to 1nave eaten gen- I correspondents in the same gen-
borhood Friday. the free throw line, and played a erous portions ,and became ill ira-l erat neighborhood told of events
Mrs. Ed. Feldmann was a caller good game, although some of hismediately. It caused , them to that happened in that of one
at the home of Mrs. A. O. Roof on long tosses looked bad. McGee al- vomit. Physicians said Monday where the event took place, and
Monday morninm so showed up well at times. The that in th!s manner, the victims before we knew it the machine
Mrs. Frank N~ehls and Mrs. Roy line-ups: meared thmr system of the po!son, man had them all in type when
p HAVE FINE BIRTHDAY McCaskey attended the meeting of ~Ie:~h (?3)1 FG q PF saving thmr nves. ~--but one was necessary. This is
J~OGRAM CAK he Catholic ladies uil a the e ) ...........2 3 The party at the Hein farm was happening so often that hereafter
-~._ , E AND ............. ~_:ld. t ....Jcnes (lf) 1 3 1 a neighborly get to gethe~ re- no but one story wzll appear and that
LUNCHEON home ol lvtrs. ~1. ~znnan nz .D~a~n .............. " " • '
Thu~'sdav afternnnn. Knezevich (el . ........ 3 8 2 special event The Heins had in- from the correspondent who re-
-- ~7 ...... Langberg (rg) ........ 1 0 2 sited many other guests, but sev- sides where the event happened
~t Week w ...... l~L~a:r re~U~tl,~emmm~n~ ~ecel:e~,ha Moran (lg) ........... 0 0 3 eral were unable to attend. This duplication makes it very dlf[
o• .... m .oe the anniver- Z _~ ~ ...... : ~_ Odman (g) ..........0 0 1 The lunch had been nrenared ficult for us and brings letters from
bn~ Ioun(lin of th spen~ some rime ms~ iall al~ ~ne ,- - .--
"ea~*. .....g e Par- ~. .... , ,~. ~^,a ....+om,~, ,~f Totals .............. 6 11 12 Thursday Home-canned neas were the writers when they find their
Will be eelah~t ~ nd the his accident about a month a=o in ~,~+;-~, ~,,++^ ~0, ~ ~ ,~ used m a combmatmn salad to story left out, all of which is un-
ng of the-Be-ach~eassoai~at~on; which he lost most of the fingers Bol's~en='(r'f)" ....... ~'3 *~) =~3which the poison has been traced, necessary if all hands will observe
• by of his right hand. Mr. Grove Higlin (lf) .......... 6 6 3 Buns, Wieners Served ~c~elr:peSgZn~netg:n~e a~nCa~alr°~e
Fefuarar went to Ilhnms last fall after leas- Theisen (c) .......... 0 1 4 Persons who attended the party the town of another does not war
A fine Program has been mg Mr. Feldmanns. After spend- Pederson (rg) ........ 0 0 1 ~aid the salad was cor,v~s~d of rant the trespass It is only fair
ed and a b~rthday cake mg some Ume there he returned to Carlson (lg) 0 0 4 ~eas cheese dressing and lettuce to the correspondent at the place
toned off, after whmn a mce Casselton N. D. and was employed Nunn (c) 3 1 3 Other items on the menu were of happening that she be allowed
a Willth~bew serveabe a realang 1.~j cal~ .ex on a farm there for only a few Fmher (g) ............ 0 0 1 buns, weiners and two kinds of to tell the story We would appre
.,.meetmg;.llIThe program,°lhhthefor da)s, when the accident occurred. Totals ............. 12 8 19 cake elate it ~er much if this rule is
mg is as follows: Mr. Gorse got h~s hand caught inReferee:Bmse, Dickinson .............. s rv--' Y
enln~ Son~, "~^~ ..... a feedmilli,~ ~ome m~,~,~. ~n~ 1~ Was nol~UntAl r'rloayaz~er- oD e c~a•
, ~Juu OI UUr raEn ................... -- . ,- • •
~ ° " - • noon that the hrst xmt~m fell fl]
all. lost his thumb and both of the hrstCO O H A
Senile R N~ - - f:-~r~ and a ,~az~ ,~ th~ ~h~ WB YS BEAT BELFIELD • e was rthur Jorandby who had BEAVER SCHOOL HONOR ROLL
• • • ,~. meeting unaer ..... " " ........... w rk d ' ' ' r "
dlrectlon of Mrs. Gee. Nutter two Cn2ers of his right hand. HeThe Beach Cowboys nosed out a~r~ w~th his father on thee} _ .. .---..~ _ _
~r~°~d~et: RuSsell Noyes and View in the crater of Merapt, a volcano in central Java, the recent ::af~ ~n a hospital for a short time, 25-24 victory over Belfield high ~a:'~i~"~e'~com~la~:Zo~" w~zi-,,~iOr ~ne ,month oz oanuary, irma
:ra;~'."'~" eruption of which killed several hundred natiw~s of the island and coy- ~t:~ a; presen~ ne m staying a~ ~ne there Tuesday night. At the close n,~ ~,~' ,~.rin~ t~ ~i~,~t ~,d ~ ........ v ........
ma~'ug ~ur Children," Mrs. A1 ered a large area with lava from thirty to one hundred feet deep. n~e of.~ne parry Ior whom .n.eof the first half the count was 15 ~t~hr~'~ ........... ~ .........
~ian~" - " " .was employeo a~ ~ne ume oI ms to 8 in the Cowboy's favor. The"'q Y ...... :• . m,~,.=^.. =~=m,.,-=,--,.,
~.u soma, Mary Jane Alguire ~-- ~ accident. He states in his letter to Cowboys led throughout the game ~zs condition steadily grew worseum.~|a~ ~[j~m,--|-~a
~ou~]otny Noyes. 'I ~T~T~ ~ ~ ~'~a~||~| I ....... M... Feldmann that he is getting up to the last three minutes, when and he aied at 3:30 p. m. Saturday. DLRbll IIV'~fll~L ! 0
~izm~;~• uer's,, Mrs.Day' History. a,m .... or- U-~|IIH|-| r~|L U. -~ U.-~~$~J|||L||| .| |flliJr i~= ii L~(J.~,~ lJ~ ............... VI~.~W along nicely at. present, and hopes. Doering dropped in two field goals Monday state, county and city
B~-.~¢_~n, Dan Wicka , to get work thin spring running a and two free throws in rapid suc- health officials are preparing to
, ga~]~Y .Anniversary of "P T qP|Ail '~'~I~P II|lr'| h i'r] Mary McCaskey l~dttor tractor, cession, but the Beach bOyS scored make a complete investigation in- ~ _ . __
,l..~nale l~ghting ceremony " "|llIN Ill RI" HI-| II Ill " ' " r Oluf Winger, Orval Evenson and again--just enough to win by one to the deaths. _~em.~ ~'m~.
~ng ~9_~g, "Follow the Gleam." ||~J|~ |~J UL IILLU till ....... Bill Midd!eton were callers at the point. ' Doctors who attended the vie- . ..... weez w.eeE
g it was s,-~,Z~ ",.". I fire .orship' program " ~i !i_ _ " ... ", __ Oladyee "Mrs Ed Feldmann Mrs Total ............8 g 4,~ B ~ ~l~ ~ ~l~~
= ..... ' -= = == are = .......... ...... REDJ[t
goose bone ,-re~i - ~ ~ome of the ablest speakers from, .... ~ ~ .... a ,~^ o~ [John Barkland Flossie Oasho and Referees: Doenng and Thorson ]m ~' ~_ lJ
ain' • ~ u erers say ~lue J:loy "~,,~ ~v a.u ~,,~ ~wu- ' - .
_ t gem' to have no - -' out of the state as well as state lbi ........ ' ........... I Mrs Roy McCaskey were among[Belfmld I~
• rl and • wcrk_rz, ".:ill have p:aces o" ~he, those from the north copntry who l II ~~~::~| ~'~llrl~ ~I'~cP.r.~
e up from Charlie Hawarth re ram For ms watm hel We are studying birds now sol
• ' attended the shower given for Mr BIRTHDAY FARTY Ojua|lty Food Economy 6roeer~
erda the Oolva country!P g : p. n and. P I that when they do come we ex- •
ing Y anda said the~ ..... enjoyeo .+ m carrwD ~ on ~rel~gmus educatmnal ( pect to ~now" the commonest" " opec land Mrs. Chfford Wagner Satur-.. S- torts- ~" To Tl e Nortl wes
, large ¢it-. ~- ..... work, this co:.vention will mean "}day. [. The Jolly club met a~ain with •
~ough they did ~ -~,e ~cn | mu~h to our \ orkers Dr ~ E ;es found in thin vicinity 1 am
._. not just like th~ • '~ - v : • • I .... " " ] W~ ter Cr , Frank Rogers, Dlck IMr. and Mrs. Fllner last~Saturday I m
~p~ way in which the "- .::~)Ringlee of Dickinson is the general l Cecilia McCaskey and Nellie Oif-IKerr and son Max, and Roy Me-!night, this time in honor of Mr |m ~ ] [
;• Cal~ed them down ,^ : cha'rman in charge of arrange- !ford are working on a project which ~ Caskey were business callers at the IFilner's natal day. Think it was ~m DEPENDON FAN~Y SaNTO.~ ] [
~.~g and things like +,~r ~a7 i ments. ( when completed will be a model I Harry Hill home Monday. | his twenty-fourth birthday, anyway/m " " ~" - i
)ol~ over the classifi-~*~'. school house It is to be fifteen[ A number of friends-athered at |tt appeared that way Dancing|m Jl~~ ~weet ~ •, ~m)m~ I
Advance. A lot of goodeU aas~!. I ................... ................. ==- t'inches long, 'ten inches wide, and a party a~' the Harrmo~n Stedmant and playing cards were indulged in ~urr~--I~- Drmkm"• ~ LDS ~|~
o eln, offered in t~-. -th"'~°l ............ ifour and one-half inches hi=h./hom~ Saturda,, evenin~ 'until supper was served. There w=!l • = I
m ,, -. .,~b column : .... -- w j ~• • -
the Too late t~ ~, ....... t I RIEF ~k~EW~ .Proper heating, lighting and drmk-] Ernest McDanold and Mr and!a large crowd present, mostly • • [
.'e..These- little cla~ss~-~'~-.~ny [ Iing systems will be features of this ] Mrs Re" McCaske,, were a'mon~, [ neighbors, and after more dancing, ] m .................. I
~ot C4st much and th~e-~ ansi .... --==--= ............. Ibuilding. The girls even expect tO~th.~'~ w~o attended~he card ,~art~) the gt~ests departed wishing Ed•lm' ~r~, v,~, . . . rr,©~ ~,,r,u [
Y~ c vy ~e~ re .... ,'~ '~ "~ ~ r
• ,,sC~ .an, do a lot of profit-! Clarence Ericks~n of Ollie sent !try their hand at painting, l in Beach Monday evening• ]many happy returns and cong at: II ~|~ ~s~ Pound ~__ ,InA [
seve~ltPhPlng'', !.n 'that column [to Bismarck hospital on the 31stl The editors chosen for the next] Miss Natalie Horsman spent the l ulating n]m as, a_roya~ nos~ an I m .~ |||~ ~|~U Loaf O fur I Oli~ I
)w ~:.,.,ua other Pages ' ( is to have an operation on his knee' t month are Zella and Nellie Gifford I week end in Beach. I nawng nan such a gotr~ ~,,v. I [] , ~ n r, , • • e -, e ~,- I
.- ~- mat is needed is a ~oo,~ I Mrs Obert Peters-- ,o¢+ +~o lo'] ' ]m • l-g rouna Long Loaf o rot zac |
~o Wash the " "l ............ " -- '--
~ mud off the pav-ical hospital Saturday evening feel- ]l i
,d and ~-~, ,-- • i mg nne , IB |
flay - - son left last J Mrs. Jess Page, from Oolva |m ZION--DELICIOUS and HEALTHFUL |
their y expect to get a hue l mangled her fingers quite badly n • n n • m •/n m • l • | Lbs
.~fi~ abPrmg smc~:. They ~illtSeveral stitches'had to be tal~en to " # rt r nfl IG BAR COOKIES, 2 P3C [
' out two weekshasreached the• close the wounds. UAfiKAIH~ IN UAI ~LU~ /l~.,a~,., o ~ l
o~ city that! . .. . BLUE LABEL GOLDEN
rant Dennis, daughter of NOTICE TO COXTI~ACTOI~S p
"ge C hri, stensen, had succeas~_I STXTE ".,H~'~.~ COXSTnt'C- Y .. 1 oun -
i:Cb~l~p °perated upon for- " .... ".,' 63c
~:,~ares, who was operated i 1 Proposals for the eonstru(-
• .~v J-Jlckinson ] .......... , tion of a State Highway 'State I I. |l[ 5 Pound Pail 34c ........ |
• ,~-_ rec.overmg nicely after ] received by the State Highway "
y~ "?fY sermusly ill. Commission in the offices of the "- ": --~'~ .... S
'~ uance the barbers' fra+^,,~-~*~l~epartment of State Highways at --.- ~ -~ ol
"-~::~ nrsttho,.L~g' pre~e..,alr as the barbers °') " e puarl mos~ ~'• eSPecial, enjoyable.annualeff err,partY,old this" timei Bismarck,be" "'~ t0 J I)epartment 'to 2 "or The otherwise Pro .~ I-N. icqY ,',pened and read.of .Po.a Dak..State deposited s must and Highways" be with shallmailed the be at " ~ ~~'' -- ,~8.~- - . ~~.O~-- ' " $O1~ ]flDtDt [ D.~m- GooapJ ~ ~ood ~t~r l$-~,, .,;~_ I
., .- "z day dances il] h, [sealed and end s.(l "Proposal for [• illlHI I i flll I :exas |l I lilt ! |lv I
~ SUit all ...... ]constru~i~ a ~late Highway Go]- ~ ~ ..... Ill MlIgIi ~i~ Jip~'iDIVI i {----Jl--. V I VII iKmV •
eloca " va N°r~h (Fede I~l Aid Pr°je~ct N° wWitl Utu brm°: c e ilpn c eli le s d rfa s b:nd3 / °" i
'u l golfers took ad~v, antage a4s-~, i, oo,,, ,- e,, eel and end da beds r
nda.y Of the fine, war .... I ,rti e ,or ~ ,,er. Walnutn brown finis P . . Y
~o make a few r "" --~'*" cent tog her wi|h a bidder's b~)nd * * "
, and since ,~....- OUnds of the/,.,~a~.ou~ of ,he gross sum Wl h a m tiC nstructlon, coil springs and lb ba 2.59 "
...... "~" ~ne play na /bi,, .aUl~t ladc4mnan,, L .... t ..... 9s g $
e .... ot: : t a'o7 mattress, cretonne cov- I mol]r [Famdy 49lb bag $1.35 I
Lv o~ .,- ,u~ aamslonaryi ..~"~q=L ..... ;, ~- , ' ~ ~--~v..~ .1....~.~..j ~ .......... L . - as ~ -my ~m,m~ ~ D~÷..--. 911 1]/.. I....- ¢ '7~ []
• , ~-~'a b/le ~,- ,, _ la...~ ~tol[2K X-~le ro~l[¢l #improvenent "--" ~, w / I I • ~_ _ ! } J[ ¢~t~#tll,~,'-/' tu ut* qJ*¢v ~l
.... +elu00ftheinvolvtn approx" ae , - / dcom ,etelor I +
.....° ':Lc urcho, wi,, sponsor al ...... . ered complet2Ior
Son Banquet Th-.~o+atherIMix)n.g' "Mai~a~n~ " /- ere
a~ghter and a F 7.~19 C. Yds. Lo, cling _preading " ~
two events .......... ! C. . M. Ha ing
Will be announced (. 9:~19 Cx Y "~lshing tO Dass 3- I / ~1 ~--~ I i ~~~{1~ h R(dCwiSelf-RL'J~g ,~ f, eur.d ~.~, ~e~ !
e " nlen ~qu re nlng V TheSmoalher, L":, t:~..2~
, - -\ .... ~love~
..... ~. A. J. 0 Keefe next rimes-! 0 c" ~toek P,,e ,,era, ! ~:~=::~ ~ ~ ~- H
~dlifford Clark left Monday la~d,P~lbngY ~ ' ' , ~ I;.:U ,:. ~K~S
.g for Bismarck to atten al ~h~; c,~-- -L Hau. ling Pull-Out tvoe dav bed with less wire Ii T ape SA |
me • d ..... x as Crusnlng to - ~ ,~~ w 9 o "~;:~S~ l
.ery convention "He expects]Inch Square 0penin= p:,.s a- - ." .... 1... ! ~ 2~C $7e ~ ¢,~f~,,:,, ~1,,=~, ~li~t,~ ~4~., 1
~une several dav.~ ) ~,. Covi,,s or th- P~'o-o a, *, ..... i / P()rIRTrHC]-I()II. UHIV ! !~