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February 5, 1931 Golden Valley News | ![]() |
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February 5, 1931 |
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Obl Kind hing Fun in the a ility o, our city merohan l
Solvers of an Ancient Pr em splendid couple. He then present- This of Fis IS NO to keep things going smoothly in ] ----
ed them with the above mentioned
gifts. To this, Mr. and Mrs. Sperry the" metrgplis that we really, can't "Who was the first man?" asked
both responded with a few words, imagine why he should be seeking[the visiting minister.
expressing their love for the Trot- advice from anyone. Strange to "Adam." the children answered
ters eo le and so on The folks say ,we can't notice any consider- ~,, ~hn,,,~
.:g were P~h~n1 invited to partake of a able change in the routine of af- """W't~o-was the first woman?"
!::::~:~:::i :ii::~il ver bountiful feast which was pro- fairs, since he received all that
:i::i::iii!i pa~d by all the ladies in attend- good advice, but perhaps it's be- :'Eve," they all shouted. ,
i~:~ ::!~ ance each having contributed some cause there was no room for im- 'Who was the meekest man?'
]i::::;ii(i:iiii!:i] thing toward t~e dinner. Mr. provement. "Moses."
::i::ii~::![:!~i Ernest Moore presented them with ,,w~n wu~ ~ho m~_~. warn~.~9"
.... ::'::i: a beautiful wedding cake which 12-'~" -~-~-r f-ls-ud--f ...........................
.~.:~::~! " . , . After years of ca e u t y o Everyone was silent, The ¢hll"
.......... only those who nave seen some o~ "h -lem o" rms n the -- dr "oo" d b'a ....
:::::::::::::::::::::: • " ven ~ e proo ~ " i g proauc- en i Ke I nkty a~ one ano~n-
!i-:~:.-:::~i the cakes made oy. n!m: can e v. tion efficiency of dairy cattle thru or, but none could answer. Finally
imagine how beautliul 1~ was 'me
:::::::::::::::::::::::::[/I for Re "Cohen. and i] I breeding it is believed~~that~~¢.~uos t~¢J_~u~t'.d ~m¢~,_the a little handblendedWent byUP'Bdland~ the
~:ii~i:f:!~:!i:!i afternoon was pleaSwa:mtlf spentiin '~ only sure way to establish a 'hig~ preacher said: Well, my boy, who
various ways. the en "" g'i and profitable level of production was she??'
men visiting or playing cards, t is through the use of proved bulls. "There wasn't any•"
while some of the young men pray-I
i ed base ball Just before the folks l "-------~------------~
!began to make their h~meward de- i , -
~ ]parture ice cream and cake was
I served to all. It was indeed a most I ~..~" 7=:Z~'~.~'~
~ ip]easant affair for ,everyone. The l ..... ~ :::'~i~!~_
, folk~ then departed for home, wish-] ~k ~ii~~ ~~
~iin~ Mr. and Mrs. Sperry manyI '~ ~~ ~/~
~' mcre years of happy wedded life. I ~, l~i':ii~ ~~"~
}We do'hope that in four more years ~.: ~~ ~~F~
we may all have the wonderful op- :~ V~i'!i::i~;~,k.~ ~,~~~]~
~!~i:::::i:! 'portunity of again meeting atI ~ ._L~~-~ ~~
%>:J their home to help them celebrate ~ ~::/~~ ~~
":~ '. ~ . x "::: ~ . - '~ ~:':-~.
~.~!~;i::'. their go.den w eddmg a nI]lversql'v. ~~ ~~/
: :::" ' Fredwin Crook was a Monday, ::::::%, ~~~ ~"
':~ - afternooncallerat the Rls~'l l# ~~ ~ ~~.¢
: . ome. ..... '/i: II
! Omley is very ,rou 1
iiiiii:: ~ new flock of Rhode Islar~d ~e~ ]lore is tile fishing schooner Wanderer covered with Ice when it ! ~:!~.~
~i::: ~ chickens, which she bought ,lust arrived at the So ~th Boston fi~h pier ffter I)eing out in the terribly ~~(~ _
i lecentiy. They are splendid look-: cold spell that prevailed along the New hngland co'lst. / ~~i~ ~ It , "~
~ ing fowls all right. ] [ ~~~.')~-~ | ~/~ ~', ~"~l~
' Some mysterious bright lights - ~ ,-7-"EY---- ~~/-:7". ~ I ~~" ~ $'# ¢.~ ~i. ~/" I[~
~:~i,~ which seem to vanish instantly Ceorge Voeyls~e~e ~o go W ~ne a "n~ue tara," Wnl ~en us oelore ~'~~
Ih~,~ h .......i ....... i~h:hnv~ dance at the Frank Bonner home.[long.
I hood lately. We believe- i~'su~b'They then made their d~par:urei vJth:rs OamleYadfam~laYnsW:(ehY~e~y ] ~ ~ ~'~
lights are seen again that an in-~as they were to play mr ~ eI ~ l- .
I ................... ' m-.,^ !The Reicherts remained until about.chert home. Thelma Omley stay-] I T T ~ ~ 'r~T V l~ T TP
Hflrold Zager of Boston college (¢eated) and Georze Hard of i Vic¢,~r Vn~vlsteke called at the!ll P. m., when they departed for,ed there over the week end. ] m~,..~' ~.~ tL.~.L.I ~.2a.~ ~1 I~...~ a. ~.~.~J,
can ~- ass.:, working on their new method by which they claim an i Tasker home on Monday. ] their home. - I A very large crowd attended the l _
~avl,,a~oeaSny rrmected. Thev assert that it has broad application I ~o,,hoqo ~hort wa~ unable tel Clarence Omley came home,dance at Madison's on Saturday l /~ 4~,~,o,,~.~'4t .... ~,'4t/, ~,L~,']A~,~,,_~
~,, uu, range-nnding at sc:,t and astronomy I -~'~"