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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 5, 1931     Golden Valley News
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February 5, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BEACH. N. D.. ADVANC~ THURSDAY FF_,BRUA~~" THe. R .T -- :. ~-J ~J.J~-..~-z ~a.~ T .~t.~.l~FJ:j 9 £"~e T b 1 ments served, daughters and Tom Stark ........ " ~#¢ t - ........ ' .~ ~WA~' ~ ~d[:~|~t~'a= L Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Sanford and o'clock guests at the Calvl w F. CUSHING, EDITOR AND PUaL|ti]HLGR , ~a ~ .~-~.-yv daughter Jean were dinner guests i home Thursday. " . Mr. and ubert St Mermber National and State Ed|torLal Associations ,, at the Oscar Peterson ~i-ome Tues-i Mrs H Im~U~LIS~D AT BEAO]~[, NORTH DAKOqPA, EVI~..Ry THURSDAY say. 'family visited with Mr a~ Entered at postofflce at Beach,.North I)ak0ta, on May 8, 1908 as second i~'::~X;:; "~'::¢'~;;{: II! |! I Walt Blue took a truck load of ! Jack Stli~ -~ ~ ~-~, !i.:.::~.(( v.:.:.:..:.~:::::.~ ,, - , ogs to ~eacn Tuesday for Fr.ank Mr and Mrs Ton- Eft ~l~rlDtlol~s in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota, ~:~.::i ['i'.~"i'~ib-;',"•] || /~ [ Tisor - I " Y $2.00. TO all other states $2.50 i~i~;.~ ~!i:i'~!.[:.:.'::.':] 1| || I i tained at their home A~*~..,1T::m~::::t::n: t: ~RhekA;{:::T::::.::i.::ach, North i~!~!i!! ~i:!t II II i ~i~da~d Baalla~rdlea~edck~d °Abrt~gS! aev%n~gdh~l~°lrl~%n:nsig::~ ..... !~i~iii~!~ ;'~.':'~iii~:~'../'~!J" , I# ! Fra~ik Hai~h Mrs Moody and and Mrs. Henry OonsiSr~ ..... ' '?.~.?,:;::: .:Y.:!:::~.:..-::.::~ II II/ . M~ R Stark~ w r ix " ~ - rand Mrs John Efta Joe E SHALL ~ A N :>':':.::, '.::•.'.:::':~: "'. • e e s o'cmcK am-~ " ' ,E TH PE AI~TY BE RESTORED? ':!'::';';': ~''~ ~ ~ J I [ [ ~ ~ ........ L and Mrs Lewie Larson, M~ :.':••':: •.'.' her guests oi l~'lora an(:[ l)unc !vie-! . " -. -----o ~:_'~":.~ ~ "" ~'~ IIl]I ~ ~ Phee of Golva ............ i smroski, Ed Zenda, Leo It has been a noticeable thing that almost invariably where a man has ~!'~~....~ Ill If ~ ~ ( k I ......... q~u•~ay. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wellle Qua a~:~1~liii~c~med~td :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~i ~I 'I III li '~I I ! ! tj~a~!~n ~?iv!d~$1F]wrilt~e~:~iqd'l:rRtie R~tsu~!t:!ncarZh%::c~ Th~ question comes up in the c. of Bannon, who, many times after ~" - ~ I1 |~~/' i Bi~li~gsan2n~I::s'tAl~s%nldmerS°wne°: ~lc~!~e~TnsuAr;:~~t~ argot and ~°nfe~br~i°n expre~ed a fear of ta lynching, and ~h~ has ~ /'~ I| |~Y~( ~ I Wibaux visitors Sunda~7. I Born to Mr an- "" " -- %, ~-:~A. . u mrs ~e given impetus to a movement for the repeal of the present law in this [ %, ~ I [~ |~ ~)~ i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tisor moved l of Oshkosh WisconsL-l, ! ~tate against the death penalty. •' ~ ..,~.'.':~ I~ |L J~[J/~Q=:~. ~ from the Hans Lund farm to pound baby ~irl whose l • :""""" ' ~ La " ' ~ " While the lynching of Bannon is deplored as against law, it ma be ~ ~.~'i~!~ [~ |~ ~ wyer Miller s farm, near Beach ! Helen Margaret Sh~ ~- 1 of MoKen e county, feeling th.t Bannon's heinous [I . Z.e ay. I January Con ja, merlta~l more than a life sentence, made plain their disapproval of this ~!~ ~ [.~ ~ ~ _.And the Ground Hog surely seen Mrs. August Oonsioroski" ~!~.~ •:':'":'" ~1 ~'-~- " ~ ms snaaow ~nis morning, out if its, ed Tuesday from the Bismat limitation of what they felt should be punishment to fit his crime, and ~.:.':.'~'!} ~ ~ ~J~~. six more weeks of winter like the pital, where she underwent~ to a large extent we agree with them in such a viewpoint, while deplor- .::.~:.~:". ~ ~. ~ ~ .. past has been, we should worry. ! eratlon for runture Sho ~ lug the exemplification of their feelings in the way they did. ~!~i~"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . G.ene Babcock was a Wibaux I real good at prese,lt • ~ t-'-:::'. ~ " ' OUsInesS caller ~Tida We are no respector of the sickly sentiment that too often impedes i:~ ~ I I I I-- a~,~ ~ .... Y" - . . . I Mr and Mrs K:n~t.h j - ::.~.~"-':~ .: ..... ~" , ! ~.,~ tl rranz ~usa, ~.orenz ~cnuhe anaiB k ........... Justice~ in murder cases. It is doubtful if-* any man lives who does not ~"::~:'-:-" ..:~...| ~!:~.~.'..'.~':"":" . ~ ![ ~.~ :" Mr.. Barthel were callers at Hill-I sona erhomeWereMondayguests at the O, know the penalty for klllln~g his fellow man. To many a life in the pen- [~,,-.... _L~ _~ ~ rode school Monday afternoon• - .................. _ . ttenttary has no terrors, for too often the sentence is later modified, and ~ ~ ~ ~~ I The Golva Sunshine society met ~~ after a few years the prisoner is freed, all too soon for the good of hu- ~ ~1 ' '[ •'~/.~/-~/ I ~n~ the ~diCh~l~ store build-!. , inanity. This, taken with the ability of trained criminal lawyers to find ~ ~ [ |. ~ ~,~¢'~ _ g. .... e _ ay and held I l i, flaws in the laws, and the gross partiality 'the laws show the accused, ~ "~-'~.,'~ []1J~ j were present and the usual busi-li ~| ||| | -:i makes murder an almost even break for the accused to escape scott free, ness meeting held The next meet- | or get off wibh a light sentence. ~ff]¢~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ i ing will be in two weeks with Mrs. in We believe a return to the execution o, criminals especially those who ! c ?f [ ek B iS crowwrrxrl ' q//#-/, , Jr | -,.! . r nce esserman is help-in ll i ¥1tllll have confessed their crime, would be a better protection to communities ~ ~ ~~ ing Mrs Chas An+hony this week , • .......... than the present soft peddaling in cases involving deliberate murder. ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~ " Miss Beatrice Hilber and Mr• J~ i ~-ii~*~~ ~ ~ -~ ' Tschida w v' " ~ - __~. ~ ~.~_.. ~ ~ ere ~s~tors at the Sch~f-,_ TO PAVE OR NOT TO WAV~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~-~'~ ' for home Sunday afternoon. I U[ .... .... ' K 0 " ' r eep y ur radio in first ! ~ ..... : Mrs. George Gearey and son Or-~ c Hammond car then swun Dora la Vine tie S t r rm returned Tuesday from the, condition. It gives o There is a serious matter before the county commissioners of this and ' g g s ele a u day. _,' . . . in yo~ other counties in regard to going ahead with federalized road improve- CARLYLE foyer to the east side of the road Miss Uarlck and Harold Owens ~smarc~ nospitaI~,, Doctors say i~ entertainment an~m ments in the face of a probable failure by a large part of the people to Mrs. A. E. Scheffer, Editor and took a flying leap of about~'e[er~:ach and Wibaux visitors on I h"e'expec~s"to'sta~r~'~o school"in ~t~e!l crating costs ~os~ be in position to pay their taxes next fall, there being little of comfort in ~--,, owen~y ~ee~ across the ditch strik- .. ~'. - _ , near future • the grain price situation to build high hopes that taxes will then be paid I - • ~.°ling bottom wltha terrific wallop 1 ba~a/ ~anrea gMUrS~S ~o~t~r R:n~de and ! August Steve and Hans Ooroski In • the bonnets to primary were" " g d e eat direction, which • the Beaver Valley home demonst~a- t:b [anta iof g titing roa finned at. zs cents on the doliar wllll .ugene Babcoc Orate Hammond, I 1~!2 .made traveling impo~ible. What anl~rdndN~:lSvi:~addy~andMr, tion club. Her brother Tom Stark I' p a~ y go g mine mg ana zne cost thereafter would fall directly upon Mary Strwkiski and Eva McF-,.- a )out the ones inside Mr Ham- . • u zam- is ~eHn= ~.~ nh|.f ~nnl~ ~r; hn++~o [• m,~nd ~as ti htl r i le were guests at the parental the counties, unless Congress should consent to extend time in which I land. From primary to junior: I .... " g y g asp ng the lhome Sunda, washer at the home during her/n k Marian Fulton Juanlta Ballard wheel, Mr• Scheffer beside him #" absence - the states sha21 ma e use of the federal aid. As we understand it, the I,, - "* -- : ...... ' ~ feet ..........' ........ ' O. C• Keener and Mr RaleF, h -- " ........... ]~ Jra~DFa DIE ,~wenuolyn l'21l~On, bOlS Ansnony "--:' .,~ccu ~ur near me anu~ . " ~ Mr .ano Mrs. Wlllle Muale were work can proceed and certificates in anticipation of the taxes issued, but I Dan Fare,,an w,,~ .~+m ~,~']~.~zing straight ahead But the l were Baker callers Saturday. I.~i~ ~,~n~t~ ..... ~ o+ ÷~o ~o,~, ~ BEAC~ N. D~r- this means interest, and still the time of their redemption through pay-[Joyce Moline:" Ju'n or to interm'e far down 'in the but-{ ..Miss Vivian Lette is helping at i Ef"ta hom'e aturday. ........... # Ill ment of taxes remains in doubt. ]diate: Dale Smeltzer, Edna Krug-[ tc.m and no one seemed to care. the ~cheffer home this week• Mr• and Mrs. Ralph Stark and [" , A problem of this kind ~s. before our own commissioners in the matter er, Hayden Owens and Delbert [~x~•s.~.. Hammo.d~ . upon ~ettin~. . . up . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kinsev~, Geo. I .... / ' ..................... Fulton Intermediate to young!d~ded ~omethmg h~d lut her a Brungard, Leo Ooroski and Mr oi 8Ur~temg seven runes north and seven miles sou~n oI sue enos oI ~ne ~ ..eo~.le: Louis VI-~- ,~^__ ,:_= I ~'~mp cn the head and twisted her * and Mrs R"'"'- o,__, ...... " ~~ proven eaeraz highway through the county, and also on Highway Ten, I strome, Eithel Still and Jerold i neck,.Mrs• Sheffer, not guite able ! at the Henry Klnsey home Sunday. east of Sentinel Butte, for which a contract was let, we understand, t.his [ Smeltzer. | ~o ge~ up, was then assisted, but t Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stewart, - ~ ........ eathing being rathe~ dffhcu t ~ Pearl Hartse and O o week. The commission is giving the matter serious consideration and l The Christian Endeavor met on] " " " - • e . Randash • ~ A i ~'11~1~ TM A n ~1 we ha ..... ,~,,~+ ~ f,~ ~,h~ ~+ ~,,,o~,~o,, ~,o ~,o~+ .... ,, ......... t Sunday afternoon with Miss Var- I Mrs. Sutter and son Raymond, visited and played cards at the %,/ .K.~4h2b~..~,=~P .L ~.~t4~LJ ........................ ~, ................... ~u,~u ,,~v~, [ irk as leader, i coming along just then, took them i telephone office Sunday evening ' ~ Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Briggs and [ in their car to Dr. Morris' residence I as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ~..,^ "1~ ......L.. D:.I... ~' ..... J COSTLY SENATORIAL SPOP~T } children were dinner guests of Mr• ] when he found l~rs• Scheffer had i Hartse. r-~u~ LU~*U z'*a,.~,,,~ ,~UW~ V.W ! ------0----- t and Mrs. Chat. Fulton Sunday.[three ribs. cracked, which he taped Mr. and Mrs. C, ene |Babcock up ana rater all went on thei~ way and son motored to B Quite a number of people are of the same opinion as we that the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher and[ , " aker Sunday ..... . Utalted States Senate will-^~n ............................ ~ ....... I Verna Scheffer motored to Beach land found Mr• Hammond stlll onI evening and saw Amos and Andy ~.¢~m~da m~d ~'A|| .... v ~ ~,~u~*~ w,~u ~uvva~,Sa~,vns aria ~ =r ............. I the ~ob h~ldin~, -allentl-- t ..... i- *h ........ ~.~u~.,~.~. ~ vvaaeCfiOiOI, S • r laay evemng ana a$$enaea me a . . y u I ., ¢ ~mooking parties that no time will be left to handle the important issues movies ~ship or t~" rest of his c~r Now Mrs ...... • ' ' ~ ": 'I . win. ~wanoro ~ars. ~, ~onstantly arising. Thousands of dollars have been sPent in such adven- Clair Harp and Richard FtsherlI am s~re you wonder aoout the and Art Mollne and Mrs Oen~ ~,-h N~ 1~ • . ' oth • ' " - ~'-~"-,.", • -, ~'. tares, many of them not returning to the government two percent in I hauled hogs to Carlyle Fr|day and I er ~dllow and his COL I do not I Babcock were invited ~,n~.~t.~ nf Mr~ sold them to Jack Ballar and lknow~ ~here he went but guess to]R s -° ............ •alue, with a contingent fund of a quarter of a million dollars set aside- .... ¢[ 'B ow~he ...... ee e Owens Thursday. Cards by the Senate for more of such investigations, the end is not yet. t w~zi~bn~r AHbran~ond Nels R~ode l a;~:'w~u~rmsf::ld w~litneVerr:s~n were played and dainty refresh- One of our own senators feels bad because a brother sena or 1 ~ t P aced in I and Henry Rising ' attended ~the ! !~l'g peacefully, a complete ruin on I Am r can L n m e nest side of the road headed the Congressional Record the cost of the investigations made last year r e i eglo eeting in Be~4:h [#W~e..west. . . ] Monda evenin ~south. when m the beglnnmg he by the North Dakotan, on the ground that this report is intended to pre- [ . Y . g" . ~ W :_ ........ , i th " 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rlcnard Fisher an~ as neaaea nortn, going on norai ]ud ce e latter m his race for ree ection next year. If there is nothing [ Verna Scheffer attended +h~ ~h~,, sides and middle of the road But wrong w th the expenditures there need be no excitemen~ over making at Beach Monday evening we are gald we are alfve, and regret Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Scheffer were invited guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hammond to the Masonic card party in Beach Friday evening. On returning home they met with quite an accident which could have been much more serious. Just past the Kinsey farm they noticed a ear some distance ahead with only one eye, which of course they were watching real closely. Mr. Ham- mond keeping very close to his .them public. Most of the investigations are unfairly conducted, at least most people, if they had to submit to such treatment would think so, and those who -~uffer by them, most of them totally within the law in their affairs, have no recourse, for no senator can be held for libel or damages for anything he may say or do under the guise of conducting public affairs. Take away the senatorial prerogative of immunity and we doubt ff many of the Inqt~isltors would try to pull off the stuff they do. There is a very stringent law against driving an automobile with one or no lights burning, but this law, llke muny others relating to traffic, ~S ignored all too often• There is another law against driving an auto while the driver is in an intoxicated condition, which is all too often dis- regarded and only noticed after an accident that may have cost a life has happened, Anyone driving a car habitually, as some apparently do, 'them. another car without lights. With but one light, is a menace to highway traffic as it is impossible for. It all happened in an instqn,~ as ~ae driving in the opposite direction to tell which light is burning, t all such accidents do. The Ford, driven by Chas. Walters, striking All these" violations may be seen on the highways nearly every night, ]Hammond's Durant hard. swing- and ~at more accidents• killings, do not result seems to be more good iing it across the road. while the side of the road. But what was their surprise and sorrow, in the twinkle of an eye, to see just ahead ~of them• and coming directly for the damage and expense to Mr. Hammond's car. and sorry people who are determined to drive cars. no matter what condition tl~ey (the men) are in. should not at least know enough to have lights. To the son of Pete Erickson, who help- ed get the Hammond car out of~ the field, to Mrs, Suitor and son, to Dr. Morris, and all who helped us. we are indeed grateful And we had a very pleasant evening at the card party. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feldhusen and family from north of Beach visited with Mr. and Mrs, Reese Owens and family Sundav, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson were dm,~er ~ues~s a~ the Grove Luffs home Sunday Mrs. J. Martin ttnd sister Thersa Happing were guests of Mrs. C. Fulton Thursday. where they did luck than otherwise, one of the last good luck stories being related in the Ford plowed its way into the Dur- sewing for Edna Kruger. coltlson south of Beach of a car containing several people last Friday ant taking fenders, door handles Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Moline were might with a car being driven by a man, allegedly intoxicated, without and putting in several big dents, over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. any .lights at alt. In this case it is a miracle that none was killed, yet i ' ' - -'- ' ' .... '~-- - -"" the accountability of the lightle~s driver to the law is not at all lessened Wll~t DO 9 by that tact. } er e op o rs The bill before the legislature, providing for a four-cent gas tax, we are informed, provides for a change in the method of collecting the tax, it being charged that a large revenue is lost to the state in the present ! method of rebates because of the use of tractor gas in automobiles. The new law is intended ~o prevent this abuse. The intent of the present gas I tax law is to exemp~ farm machinery using gas from taxation, but it is a matter of common repute that tractor owners h~tve a Imbit of using the gas for their cars, also. and from curren~ gossip we should Judge this practice is not unknown here as well as elsewhere. It is charged by. those who claim to know that large losses to the highway fund are suf- fered every year from tt~is practice, and that the average owner of a car is thus carrying an unjust part. of the gas tax. The local American Legion posL a~ its largely attended meeting last week, unanimously voted in lavor of fulI payment by the government of the adjusted compensation proposal, as practically all posts in the country have voted. The matter is now before congress amidst a mul- " ¢ltude of conflicting ideas as to the best thing to be done, and, if a way clear can be seen to cash in the certificates without upsetting the finan- cial situation, so far as the government's plans are concerned, the cash- in plan will probably pass the national legislature. -0 We were torn by conflicting emotions on February second, when we arose to find the sun shh~h~g in a cloudless sky. While we regretted that the ground hog had seen his shadow and had departed into his hole for Ice and snow do not deter these gold seekers as they erect a new ) in the Matachewan district near Bannoekburn, Ont., where opera- lowing np the gold strike discovered by Bert [ Bill Garvey. another six weeks, we wexe comforted by the warmth of the weather, and concluded to be happy over the joys we ~ave had rather than worry over the ills tha~ may not come along because of the pesky little animal's l dormma e. year 193~ that. the gas01i~ tax will be ~ a cent or NOT so long ago a famous personage advised the American public "to spend." Another equally noted man retor~ed with the-advice "save." Per- haps both were right, but the better policy would seem ~o be "~pend wise- ly in order to save." Spending wisely simply means to use your money for those things that you need, as the condition of your purse may warrant--and at the same time. buy only those articles that have actually proved their qual- ity and worth. By purchasing merchandise that gives the greatest value for the money, you secure the longest service and so save the price of a repurchase. Thrift is a virtue, but so is wise investment. The advertising in this paper is a reliable guide as to where and .when to go to get the utmost value for your money. Advertising is a safe and trustworthy guide to sound investment. It has proved its reliability. You buy by name. because you know that the advertised article has served you well in the past. and will continue ~o do so in the future• Read the advertisements, that you may spend wisely---and save. The pages of this newspaper carry the advertisements of reliable mer- chants and reliable manufacturers. Read them-- take advantage of the opportunities they offer.