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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 5, 1931     Golden Valley News
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February 5, 1931
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XXII. ALL HOME PRINT OFFICIAL PAPER OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY AND CITY OF BEACH BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1931 EIGHT PAGES NUMBER 40 BUIIF !tl6tl Where North Dakota Mob Law-To Avenge Massacre L i I I It ....... :::i:: %:( :: : ...... -- ~ ~ ......... :: ......... ' ......... :: ~'!::: ...... .......... ~i ~ ~~l!l |r|#~Illr r~|T.h~l ~'~rr~REPLIES TO GOVERNOR SHAF., ITORS PLAYED /~'' ~ "~ "%::.:::': .......... ~i .... ..i.!i~.i: .... .... i,!iiiii!!.:!.'~!!iiiii!.."'j"" / ER'S REQUEST TO GIVa ............ , ....... , , .... .... LEAGUE [VI/Uflb bEE CLASSING BEACH TEAM " .... i~i~i !~iii:!::~!:::i:.;i:::!ii:~ :::: ~.;:.~:~.~!~i~i~:(:::~::.:; ~ " ~::!:i~ ~ .... ~'::::~ ...... t" INFORMATION AS TO WORLD : :~.i~!ii:~~ ~i~::~:{:;~::~i~:: ~i::;::~i::~::: :~:;::~:~:~ ::/ ........ !i~;: : ....... .... . NOTfliNG ATTRA TIV[ : ~i~ CONDITIONS, WHICH HE PIC- . .:~i:.:~::-~:! ~;~i::iii.~.::;;:.:!;i::.;i~ : :: :~::::::i;~i::~!::i::i~:.ii!~::;~;:.~:~::: i::;!:::i::i:i~i~i;iii~i~i~:!::i:::: .~: . .,:: TURES, AS BAD, IF PRESENT IT PRETTY_ MUCH THEIR ~!! "~fi!i ~i~i~::::!~!i~::!:~ ::~ili~!~ ~i::~'::ii!~~i::;i::iii~i.;!i: PRODUCTION PREVAILS ~WN WAY AFTER FIRST ........ ~i ~i~i::i!::::::i!:':i:::i~:.::i:i::::i!~i:' ::i:'::::i::~:i~!i:i!i::~::~ ...... i/:~::~:::~!::::':~i:~i:::::~!::~ii: QUARTER OF GAME ~!iiii::i!!i:~::!::~i~ ~ii:i~i~, ~:!:: -----=- i~ ~ ~ I II ~i I ~II ~[ ~ ] The fololwing correspondence b~- edge largest crowd of the seasu.^- i~ ~ ~ ~'ILL WAIT T 0 S E E HOW tween Governor George sharer of l~t last Priday night to see '~ ~ ~ ~ II' I II I IIIl~ THINGS SHAPE UP state and Alexander Legge Of "~utte Hig. h take the me R_ ~ ~ ~ ~'-UUgll ioasPeedy team .that ::i;:i ::ili : :i:::iii~ ill!lI i!mml NEXT YEAR ] the Federal Farm board, shoul~ of3. ithe BeachHlgn Cowboys, i~i:i(::iii::::i:!::i!i:iiii:i!iii: ::::::::::,: :? j ii!i: :i|i:!i:: :::: t I I i ' prove of interest to the farmers Of } 2Thn game of basket:~a::~..::.::.~.:::~:~::~::/::~:~ ~:~:~.::: : ::: . .,:: : :: :::-~:~:~ :.::::~:~ : . :. ...... : ~:: ..... : :: ::: ~ h e Sentinels presented a i:::i~::i~ii!i~)i::ii:i::::!ii:!i:ii:!:i:::!ii:::: i:~i:;~.~:i::i~;::::~ . { BismarCk N. D.--Nbnpartisan the county. Thzs c~rrespondeao~ ' editors could find little ill pr0p0sal~ is pub!ished through the courtly r the hard-fight-:~::~:~.::~:::::::~::::. :~.~::.::::.~:: :. -: ~.-: :: ~:~: " :::~::: :~i:~ .... :=..: " ~ uf Ouvwuor Sharer and is as xol- Cowboys and o ~:;-::: :::::::::.!:~:::-:::~:::::.:i:~::::~::.:.: ............. ::: :. :: ...... :. : .... : ::~;: ........ ......................... :.. ...... ~:.~:.: .:~::,1%~ :i-,. ~.. ~ , " by leaders of the proposed third . ' utctassed the .... ....... -:-.-.:.::.:::::...::.::.: : ....... .................. ::.: .. _: :: :...,~ :; : ~ ~ • lows. .h boys in every de a :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:.:::;:,:,::::::.::=::-:: i~::.::~ :!.::::.~:.i :-:: .~-:::::..:~.:.:.::i:i:::;~,~: :~:i.i:.~ ~ :~ '~~. ' ! faction of the Republican party Bismarck. N P rtment of .................. :~: ~:~:~:::~::~.~::~::::: ::: :::~ ........... ..:: :.~:::::~.~:~:~:~::~:~:~:.~::~:~.~::::~::~:;::.:::~.~::::~ ......... ~::: ~:,~:;~: ~: ..... ~., . orth Dakota ..... ....... ........... .... ....December 22, 1930ga-~le: ~'~"::':":::: :::i! :~:: " :~.~ ._.=_:=~_ :::~!~!:~: : : : ~:::: ~ ~*:: laid before them in a conference in z- me firstquarter • : " ~: : " ~i :: ':~: ~9~:;~!~::~i ~ . ' ] Bismarck that appeal to them at Hen Alexa er L e Cha m . . . whmh ~ :~ :: : : i::: -:i::;~i::~:~;-!~]:~ ii . . . , . nd egg. ir an d 6'~11, thevisitorsforged ii::~ : ~ ~ ~:::i~!i~ii th~s t,me.. ...... The Federal Farm Board, • ,-u were never i ! ::: := :: : IE~il / ,.eague eaimrs--ma~ is cnlei-~ Wa bin ton. D C n danger : . .... .... ....... ..-.:::. : -, ::;. , s g . . after], despite tl~ fact that l ~ ::::: !i~iiii::i:! ~ill ~ii~il ]tains of about 20 NonPartisan] My Dear "Mr. Legge: I have r~- - ~uezr regulars / &~ :~ : : :~: ~:::~: : ::: ~ ::~:~:?: /newspapers 11% me sta~e--ga~nereal were sent .... .. :,: ~;]~, .................. ~ .... cently read with much interest the the game With f : ~ .... :::-.::~*:::: 'in Bismarck to study their policies , ..... our personal i / ............. ............,,.: I| II . t first annual repor~ of the Farm • ~u. a large number of I :;~,~: ~li~IIil for the coming year, reacnmg[Boardandabulletinmsuedbytl~ orter_s accompanied ':.~:~ :~:~'::~.:::L~:~: ~ :~!~ ;, agreemen~ as ~o me manner in Unl D the Butte : :: ,::,:;::::~,:~?:~: .. ~:~ ......... , ted ~tates epartment of ASrl- t ~t~rCl~---gave lusty encourage- ::: : :~::~ii which numerous questions should culture on the world outlook for ~,D~"~gaout the fracas. ~ : ,: "/..~ .~:5--~ : i~(i:~ ~ii| ~i I be truckee. . I wheat. These documents coatatisl - vz ~ne visit ~ ~ ~ ~:411 At the t~me J A Sorhe of Bux / , .... ors was un ~ .:;~"%'i;~:, ~.v ~ ' ~ '.~' i!~ ~ ~" ~ ' • • " a great deal of valuable informa tionably t - ..... ..*~C:,~ :'~ ~)(~! ":" ~ ~ ..... ' " e n w rou or-! • he outst~.nding pla - :. ....... .... :-;'.~.,~.~'~,:~; :'.~:5.~ 4-,. ÷.~ ...: , . ton, premdent of th e g . P tlon that I would like to see plao~t .... game, exhtbztmg a clever ~ ganized at J_amesmwn unaer..~he in the possession of every farm~ • ~,-~e anct rin ln~ un ~ " " ...................................................... ,~....... .... ~ .... ~,,,, i name of the ~rogressive r~epum,can 1 in North Dakota n, as reserve center for .... n-- J party of North Dakota, TheodoreI Would it not be possible, Mr. I,,~{f,, Butters a Here a e scenes and rmmpals m the lynching of Charles Banno lso flash P T ! K~ldor Hillsboro and H N Tuck ' ed some good'~ r .... " ge, for the Farm Board to prepare etball, While Boisen at f I early last Thursday. • er of Steele secretary of the group, and distribute a concise state t !a_y.ed a speedy style °r~rdl~M In the upper left is the McKenzie county jail atSchafer fromwhich fltlAi ,OIINT appeared before the editors urging on this matter, boiled downsoZ~e~ ,no work " " ="-t !1 IVl IIHIIlIHiVl,. ,,.... ..m.ll/Hiill/...v the vouthful slaver of the AEHaven iamhy oI six was oaken oy a moo U~/iilI~tL Vffi-itVtaV VVVn. ~uVV~,~"* '~" ~"~''+~^; ..................... V"S"~" ttl , " '" • • • w v " ~ ," '" bster iled a ainst the "aft to • 1~ coma De easny reaa ann CllgeSr~L bo:s 7~O-~my'' M°ranof the[ ..... ~,~ • ~ .~,a.~,u,~r /50^t° ~men.:.~T.heb~°xes~vhic~h~m°h~ sSeeh~?d P~ thegrl~ht is t~e cell/ttr ~aIIIIT~! IMZWrll 01._But the Nonpartisan .editors s aidlby the average person, and contain- - , ~,e Smallest • r~,, ~,~..u. o w,,~,~ ..... ~ .... l~ .,. . • o ~ney coma see hOming in ~ne plan ~ in the most essential kno floor was th Player on • Bannon occup,ed ~he cool at the left ha~mg been battered down by the vok thmr enthusmsm decidm g wn factl - -. e star for the I~l~ II ~ P/l I{/H t N// ..... /Ur bUUffl I ~[Y[~L~lto e e "" " , "g Ion wheat production at home al~ -~n quint, givin~ .... , _ .lllaUL- V'--a,U,~.• •~.•,•~ lynchers ..... ~nstead to await developments dur- li • --o a s,=~ accoun~ ' " . ..... fie - - abroad, foreign market conditions, ms_elf at guard ^.^,~.^t Lowei lef~ ~s the br~age from which Barmen ~as nangea, ha,z, a m /-.~, ^ • ~et In| -ira',at! !,~, ling the' next year with the possib I • , and was the " ~/ " " " " ~" "|/11| IN ~.~/ - including information as to tarlff~ factor ,n keepin~ t ~ ~,,++. I Pl ~H P~I~ A~I~,~I from Schafer. The rope may be seen .aanghn~ m. the center. The hang ility or probability a plan for merg- (Continued to page eight) %~. ~gW as it was- i,LLIIII I/UWI 140010 L~|man's noose, silhouetted against the SKy. is seen rathe center and a.t theI,|U 111 /Lfl /l~U!er of the new group with the Non- ,--OnUnued to ,age K~:~r ..................... v•__ right are SherKf Sivert Thompson and Deputy t~e~er naaan, uo~n ot partisan group might be worked' OFF TO CONVENTION Y--- ~ - e) t - | twhom were made captives by the mob. / I out in ' the 1932 convention. I -- aCIITING_.____.REG~,a,,va ..... I DAN WICKA IS SECRETARY OF| _ __ _---'----- -- |~EACHv AND ONE TOWNSHIP ! Mr ..... Sorlie. in his discussiOnof be-the George Ouch Roy Davis, . Henry , _ GAIN: ONE STANDS PAT, fore editors, asserted one Feldhusen and Louis Zlelsdo~ ..... the rink h~i ............ t.--1__1---.~ ~r!ll-- 4d~ i~- ~atA~[~'AHI 1 ALL OTHERS LOSE [ , the ice at NEW REGIME; CURT SILL • " " " ou was prime objects of the new gr p drove up to Minor Monday to at- ow should hustle h The annual meeting of the~ Taken From One Family Y than 20 years ago when the first =u me Park ~ Is "rl~*:&~ul~l~ ' I ', 7,' .._,board is =Gin= *~] II OTIIIISm RIll5 $I[ I~IIaII~II, I to fight 'Twichellism," as he term- tend the grain men's convention ...^,,^sa~. regatta on thel k~ in! ]~" .............. _ ~ _ ~ " ed it comparing it to the fight on being held there the first of this • ~t~ztr IU ~ r areOwners of yachts "~-" Somebod or other is always "McKenzieism" something more week. the b t em I _ estposSible~c a~ ............................... ~ Five _ =- ,askin about the population oz Progressive Republican league, af- BRIDAL SHOWER ,,~ecat event. "Dec" Bradley l t, . . * To the people of the Golden Val- the Chopeiwski home at 1:30 a. m. Beach or of other towns in the ter whmh the one ~s patterned )rs wm !- ' -- ng old deep sea ] ........ t lev will come a grim interest in the I Sunday. county and of the county itself, so came into 'being and, for a ~me, as- Last Saturday afternoon aboutR~ce bei . last Thursday evemng w~th a full~ . ' -, nanale th at~enaance oz me memoersmp ~ o lens a o t[~, .... e affair and l "],~h of twelve uersons at Graf-I Arthur Lessard 24 died in hes-'we are publishing below the final[sumed major prop rt" as P -l thirty-five ladies gathered at the --, ~up prizes ca .... " ' ' • " hardware- store n be seen at Many plans forthenew arrange- ton, this. state, from eating,a s~lad pital at 3"30. . m. Sunday, he was ~ount b.y the. census bureau on litmal power, home. of Mrs Bunsen, the occasion .... ment necessitated by the acquisi-'t last Friday at a little ndighb0rly ! a Cousin of l~rs. Stokk~. " tthese points. Stick it uP some- " I being a bridal shower for he, ~RUNKEx~ .~ ...... tion of the motor fire truck which ~ gatherh~g m that city The deathsI Marguerite ~VIcWlllia~tns, 29 Graf-}where for future reference: HAD FINE MEETING daughter Mar~ha, who was married '" ~'VERS' LUCK i ..... m-n to|in the Math. Zimmer family from lton telephone operator, die~ in:, Golden Valley County I .... ----'7--" - . ~ |la~.t.October to Wagner.o! "------ i aGes no~ neea so many e ~-- same botulism poisoning are ~ hos-ital Sunda" 3"30 p m ~ ..... : ......... ~ I ~as~ ~unaay Manager ~amsm oz M~KKIes0n, r~. u. ~ne ~rlae recezv. ] i;iii ! ;i;!iill !ii iiii t t~ ~ -,1, .... the road I After the business meeting i Monday ~ ietims o " I ,,,.~a ~, ,,~ ~,,~,',~o~,'at Farm home i Henry twp " ".'.'.'.'. ....... 70 135 ! t~.,~ ~h, ,~,~,~ ~,~h ~ho ,,~ .... ; 1 md the ear otherwlse~hee!s deflat- 1 boys enjoyed a nne xeea of. hot ! Ors ' food pmsomng. Genevieve Marie Heir,, 16, .Graf" Lone Tree twp .......... 588 792 .... the comnanv as arran=ed for at I| Th,.,~ L~le~-hon,,~ serv'ez e o- t~A wear. The marv~] ~ ....... the worse aogs. coffee ..... ana smozes.._Tins wa, ,I Five of the 1"/ persons_ who par-Iton high seh~l sophomore, reed at ........... ,,,Ts ,1:!8 the annual meeting of managers at north sine o~ town is being ~- ~een able to gr~,~l --~- I me drs~ me.e tng ne a in me n.ew y I took of the poisonea .no me?preserv- ! 7:45 a. m. Monday at farm nome. t ~aame .m}.~e ~wp ....... ~ ~ St. Paul last momh. The folks proved by the substitution of cabl~ a whe ~, ~o zar With arrangea Ilre nail ann ~ne OOyo ed as served in a salaa a~ a par~y " Sentinel ~wp ... ~ ~ eland with' two " i • pe Joseph Leach,who died early . ....... were the guests of Mr. Whitney at to carry a number of wires instead Pres ...... flats, bar,now feel they have a real fire de-1 Thursday night apparently escap-I ..... ~ Sentinel Butte visage .. 219 292 I~ t,,ah~, ~,~ ~.h~ ~ ..... 1~ I,~, ~ ,m~ ~,~ ~,,~,~o,~ ..... , ~,.*~u ~ne good - ~ ' Ivlonctay ai~ernoon. - ...................... , ........ - ............. ~.-~. ............ ~ I to follow ....lUCk that partment headquarters and con-Itd the effects of the dread poison. I Three Escape Death" ]Wan an twp2^~. ......... 99 ll21gether pleasant and profitable. ]single wires. • s was '--" ~,u~ Qrunzen I sequenuyappreciate~ne change I ...... s not until nearly 48 hours .......... * "~-^ Hein ram I Twp l~o ~. zua . .. .u "- ~ t ' zz~s. ~ w~ . , , Three memver~ o~ ~-= " " ' 821-- • l very much. after the party that the pomon s ily Richard, 14 Wilfred 12, and Frac. T. 136, R. 106 ..... 65 - .... -- :~ fatal effects became apparent. Marvin four, survived the fatal~Twp 137, R. 103 ........ 6 171~ ....... , ' ' ~ affhcted mere ' did not partakeITs, R •,3Drm Lambs Make Earl Arrzval l'El~lrta,~"~,4[__1_f~ , T'~ • ~ ,*d'* "El Then, one by on,, ' . ."party because they . tin,,," ~a.~' w.' ~n~ ........ 16 34i -- ~ ./ °*~*~ LVJLOO J[a L[ '|e ibers of the gathering were str~c~- of the lunch. None of them oe- .="~" =;7 :-:" :=Y. ........ 6 16 ..... br" _ ~. I en the first fatalities occuring Sa~- came ill althoughtheir parents [ TWp. ~, ~. ~v~ ........ . rneosummery weather is having | sh~ging their spring song and lef thea~er ~ ' • rda ' h died i~s eliec~ on everyooay, fl~cking their tails in utter glad- .... mathof the jail at Williston but he could not urday night. Others died Satu Y and two sisters and a brot er] ~,,~ 4122 4832 A~,,, ~,~m h ..... ~ ............. ~, ~ .... ;. .... ,. :51_ ,~_ ,,u lYnching follows. I aid them in identifying any of the ' and Sunday while the llth ann from the poison effects. ~ ....................... • ---Y'l~m~" "~g~" ........... ; " ...... ~J~ .... ~ ............. ~ 'd~'~''Lc~ '~ ~ C J~ ~1~ )n .... --~ ~ ' i ...... ~, .... : '~ ............... ~r~ h~.w h~/ T urel~minar count gave Beach 1 m h~s ..heep family by e~ght free ports are a!so flying about that still • ¢cella~ OI Word , mop. mc~enzie county authorities: izth succumoea ivlunuay. As lar as lllves~lgab .............he ~ , Y . , , . I ~ . . - ~tgt Governor Shaferatfotnhc: ~rebuntdael~dednaSet°rdth~o n:hx: tStrfa~ i -, First Death Saturday ab!e to d~otermtn~othne% v~r: pf~el ln?4edS%nSeOm:fbodyr mU~mha~: cki~td. ]i~.~,ibstiaonnd thet ~l~s, ts~er; ~toe~eriy ~otlr~erpiS~z~gkSde~:~eerbUio]~liZ~heib'~s" . ~orneyGeneral Morris Ad-i of James Bannn~ t ..........i 'in e aeaa are! ............ ome~ ~:~_^~ ]zeus. The total in the population ls~in in. ~ne neighborhood, w nicKens !ngs, and everything and every- ~ener ~-~ .... ~ .-.' - I.~. ..... ,~_ ----:- ..... ,,~5 ~c,.~ .~ Arthur Joranaoy, ~l, u~ ~ sonea umzzc~. __ ! 20 nd 1930 show some an- are being hatched, the roosters are ~oay ;~- a~ hap])v ~ *:~e da iS d, head of the ...... I son nreclud ,,~ ~i~, o2 .el and Mrs. Andrew Jolano.~y. fa __ One of them, ~,~., ea any ]p~easant shrinkage of figures m the crowing by. central morning.time, long ~:x this neck of the woods-- al..,~, ,~,u ~unaar ~.v uvi.tL,.uu that the death f th I • rm- Elmer Stokke, has- of 19 a . . . . . . . -. . . - Y hal aDuroh~.--'- ~ bury.? ,"~ I ,,,~:.'~ ~ .... us. [:~,~. ?_=...~..=~ .~.._ : ers near here; aiea a~ o.o~ v ,-. oana oi a .vic~zz., ~ .... ot t . ~ " s the onl townships to no~ nawng oeen zold of the changeI when they don't think of the rice , .........~mn ~o ~naler ~o~ ..... ne convlc~lOl'l oI ~ne Iazner ~ f Thv others were township , Y ~ o P agate the ~* ........ I A~ . +~_.^~.. .............:: Saturday at the home o. parents. ^ of the.saLad, . ..... v ..... ,~ hold their own being 138-103 and lback Lo old, and gophers are out of farm produce. ace a~a~ ='~,~ ~nu ~ecure ! ~= $¢/),[.~c.m~ ~ruwa gamerea a~ i Harry Chopeiwski, 15, diea a~ o:lu Winifrea ware, lv.~u~?. ~%'"' I ~ ~ ~ n~ "vh, oitv nf Beach and i I ~lbb "~==_ most compos!ng!~m Wlmsmn_~au, where Games! p m Saturday at parents home. Helen A.Sieckand ~:lien ~url[e, I~:.-:_':d....~ Ran-e'105 were the ~~--'-=~ " ~-~v~e OlIlcers rounaea ~annon ann ~ne young man accus-, ' " • Harr ~uwn~mp ~o , ~ • , verybod- • ....... I ............ i Mrs Chopmwskl mother of Y all of Grafton. . . I^..~ .... hm,,~i~n~ which made a l OLD TIME BACK AGAIN I WILL SER%E FINE SUPPER .... ? ~,,cy mougn~ could lea oi ~nei~ ann in ~ne jail a'~'.~ :L ~ ~n , ~,' ~,,n~v at her ~-, ~f the latter group repor~ea/u-,~ ........ :~::~ --- ..... I " ' • ~v~ze right on w " " ~'~'=~ "~ ":~ ~ .......... " ....... • ain in population curing u~e las~ ...~. ,~ _ he composed lShafer at the time of the lynching, l hnm~, ~ofi~ a small uortlon of the salad|g , Governo~ Shaf~r si~n~rt fh~ h|11| m~........ ~ ~.,. ~ ........ +]~w¢~ teaY"~et~the'at~rney~._ *^~ "'~'. g ~e z~smarCknor thatgeneral i hadnone and I mejudgebeenKiuingMoellermgtakenof fOrcharmSorderedSafety thef°ll°wing ! "'=~IrS'ann°n elder ~ -- . Elmer Stokke, 35, died at ..... (~Continuec( to__Page five} l ten years. " 1 rest°ringuldayState tOmghtmountainthe andWestern='pa~tmosttime laceslaSt~°f Sat t~l~ere ' chu~c'h 'are ~ohi'g'~to'~be'~i'~cha~e ,- ~ ~ne ov r . , . . -, of a free supper to be served to the . ~ zounct wh . . . , • " P - general public at the church par- ~e mask -" o recognized any t Bannon taken to the Minot 3all for i ~ ~ ~ • J~ 4'7L_ ~'~ --~2.,~ ~ D~f~ I~.~tl~,~l i turned Monday to the o!~ time in I lors this, Thursda , evening from 5 ea men and that he safe keeping and he ks throe now ~ ~q[.P E N,4L#~g vo ue h r Y :nd~i~ any Ofthem could awaiting trial for first degree mur_iHO~r Kazsers . gree un reeuz ~ ~ t~vg veaesea::fo~ it ,n~aosb:bhl~ng~d to: p~m,:~ Be ~Lknow~l~ by tLhe them Woul~ den~.e .en°ughl der" I ................ s followed by a general discussion in led. That more alfalfa should be l county and city will take note of lno church bunch knows more tham e° off!c°nvlct. -, ,,v xortlxcom- I WillistonCharles MondavBann°n ~nh~was h~buriedrnneh,rat i a~cenaect~ne nunare~1~ne nogUr -~I which mo~'t of the farmers present seeded for permanent hog pasture, theh u changes and switch their office ,I this crowd about getting up a fine curs" visited ~ ..... ._ -, -'-~'~ ............. n..a~ he]el lair. ~P~ff]sv and Satur-I took Dart i'Tmn~, a mixture of barley, rye and! o r accordingly, to the great|supper father of the 1,,-~.~-~ ~an- ] her pastor and five others being : .~'~.~.."~_"~:.~" ~.." %'-~o'~ Oscar The fohowing recommen~t~ttions I -':-'- .................. ~. + ~ { benefit of everybody. I And the service! It's going to be o~,,.,,=u man, in present u~y ~. ~u,.= =,,~ --,~ ..... resent at oa~s oe ieeueu zvs- p~ov~ ...... 11 ~h . . ] Clarin of Golva and Louis Odland were ado,pt, ed by those P ].,,.w. T,~ be established That l ~r.. ..... .,,~. w..~..~ the best ever: ])ro~ded. ,the ~a~ 0M TALKS LAND RENT---~ f i o[~eaCte ~ae::tin~? .......... I That parents, with the assistance pastures should be arrangea so [ __ gentlemanly waiters too rough. ~"~ THEY READ THE ADS ~ ~w~;. ~ - __. %?.~.^. ^x.lained[ ... the c,,unt,, a~,ent should encour- that hogs ao not ~pas~ure or run on I Senators Dell Patterson and Dave These famous chefs have been busy ~ .. "----- ] __ I ._uoun~y ~g~z~ ~ ~.ti.=~ { ~o ,~'~ voun~ foi'las to take part I the same 8Prounct ~wo years m sac- [ Hamilton have introduced a con- all day preparing Lhe "choice . -~. ~.. u, room of the Grea ~na~ me purpo~ w ~ ............ °~~ ......~ = I cession It was amo recommena- curr r " i th ' " " c _ . ter Week befor ^ - " t ck club work. That more • _.. ent esolutmn instruct ng e viands, whzch ~s assuran e of their _ I~kota AssodLa~ion held a I= ,,~,~ ...... e. last we made. a ,,f the hog ramers of the county in lives o . aid to he ed that some held peas be tried out state government to contribute tv~o choiceness and delicac , so to -~t~ m the cou ~or ...... ~or m one of the prices was ~or the farmer~ present to attentmn should be P gI • ff ahead of tl~e corn Y • sday afternoon rtTh house on quoted by the J. C. Penney store make definite plans pertaining to sanitation in order to prevent the for hogging o carloads, of flour from the state speak, and epicures are, advised to . o ,..~_.~_ • e purpose [ and thereby df, mn~h.~+ ~, ~,= --, ...... fn.. ~hi~ v~nr snr~nd nf the round-worm ann otn- crop, . ...... mill, a carloaa of mea~ and a car- go early, for they ~l want tp :~,~Lng_ was intended mostly i ue of adv~t~i'~"~'=~'"~ea~ne v~- hog m anagemen~ -f. :X~- .t~--~o~ I :-~-~'~-~; Which cause heavy loss- [ Plans were mace to noia a zeta / load of eggs to the flood sufferers eat two or three suppers after en- ,~,,v,= wao had 1an ....... ~' "" ~ ~'=~'~z,~ mr. ~vu~= ~,,~,~*, ,,-~-- ~" ~ ...... " I conference ~wo or tnree plac-~ • as d for rent. store force bu colle e ex-es° That tassmm iodide should crops .... of the South, at .New England, Ar- joying the first mouthful. For that also plann sy telling customersialist from the State g. . po ant sometimv in Feb- • mr of farm rsednr~---~veto h _a the_ price" was an error, for the plained some of the many problems be fed to. brood sows to prevent [ es ....... m ~ne, Tm~CO dat~.sY will be announc- hokansas'.o,a the~,., ÷hoIreignt;~o~o°n the cars ~o reason.,......flve^e ..... o mocK~ .... is set+h.~for,~m~ne,~.,~e- renting lane--,~v~,n~ wn0 reaclers had recognized the factof the hog raiser and how they[hairless p~gs. "mat .corn .acreage[ [~i~." ........ { ........ ~ .......... _~'_t"_*,"_'~..~t ~_t"_~,i~'__i':~/__7"~;[~, end"..,~,. ,-*ma'~-'-~ ~ucumelves. It that such a ,.nrln" ,~ *h~ oa'~f~ -.,~'~"h*~ ho ~o,~nm, W~ W~ then I for hoff~In~ off snoula De increas-[ ~ mbvs. I ~ aznp*e ~uue zur a~ ze~ub ~m'ee meam~ i~__ en Valley county bar,m|-.v.r ......................... "~ ........ ] ~ - ~ BASKET BALL TOURNEY In view of the needs of the • ,~,x a very few business ,~^:. .......... • ' ~ church these noted chefs and wait- amaers bel "=" ID [ ~ ._ _ ong to the E--* ..... ~ =,,~v~n~ ILUTHER LEAGUE PROGRAM CALL FOR A The basket.ball tourney at Sen- ers hope that everybody will Pat- e, th POKER I , merel'or ~a~ HIGH COST OF ~v~u D* ~ ~- ...... , __ e attendant, ~e ~,~ ~ a,~ ~ . tinel Butte tonight and tomorrow ronize this supper on the 1}beral group Was very small---~-~ ~ " ......... Contributions for the aid ox ~ night will be taken part in by Wl- basis suggested, but of course will greatly out-numl~red bv ~.~ We hear~ yesterday of a man An interesting story of the COlli- -- drouth sufferers of the country will I baux, Carlyle, Alpha and Sentinel not insist on the triple session. But ~no ~tre renting land~. ~h"e who the other, day hauled in and siGn last Friday evening betwe._en Hymn Song, Audience. be received by John _.l~eanane' I Butte tea.n~. Beach was to. have all joking aside, it IS going to be a six~m__ was land leases sola_~...~usneis_ ot gram so ne cars ownea ~ .~eorge r~. ramona Devotion, Rev. Gisvold. chapter, ann an who can taken part ~ut has .oeen m w~ea ~o good supper and everybody is cor- 'an~l" t'u~exeSted ........ ue,n~ ~,'.coma m~ m a pozer game, ann WhO ann ~narzes waz~ers near me ~m-r. Hymn- Song, Audience. are urged to give some~mng ~o m~s take part in a speczaz perzormance diaily invited to enjoy it. ook part in th a~. now has neither the grain nor the sty farm will be found in the Ca .......... boo cause no matter how small the of baske~ ball at Glendive and will ~__ • . e __- cash--only experience. Yet he is lyle News, Mrs. Scheffer, our uar- Piano sore,~atas ~aoro~z~.contrtbution, play there instead. There will be HIGHWAY BIDS - said to be one of the hardest kick- Iyle correspondent, being a pas- Quarve. Golden Valley Red Cross a dance at the Butte after the ersagainst hard times and the senger in the Hammond car and Topic, Miss Ioun~ Neison. Chapter. l games tomorrow night. Two games In another column will be found McDanold,Buttethe publisher high cost of living, probably the worst hurtof any, Violin solo, Miss Myrtle Hanson. ~ I will be pl~ed each evening, calls for bids by the State Highway Seutineln Review, was It s ridiculous to think that Hymn Song, Audience. cleaning ou~ the street gutters ot A large crowd enjoyed the card the federal highway~ north and C~llerat the Advance , having some ribs cracked. Talk, Ml~ AnvBda Padeon. The city ts doing a good act in commission for bids for gravelil~ ~&-~ ~urnmg. He say. l liquor will ever be legalized in Am- The machinery men know when Aamouncements and Bendiction, the accumulation of winter dlrt, party given by the ladies of the south of town. Here is a chan~ uvw work and has' for the local talent to do some ~holic church last Monday even- much enCOuragement, erica. A1 Capone won't allow it. spring is coming. They are putting Rev, Gisvald. just as though it was spring or --E11zabeth Journal. out their ads early and often. A welCOme is extended to all summer. : contracting.