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Page 6 February 4, 2010
Notice of Availability
Western Area Power Administration
(Western), in accordance with Section
106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act and its implementing
regulations 36 CFR 800. has prepared
a Draft Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) to address impacts to a historic
property from a Western project. The
impacts will result from planned con-
struction of a communications struc-
ture at Sentinel Butte, in Golden Valley
County, North Dakota. The Draft MOA
is available for review at the Golden
Valley County Library in Beach, N.D.,
54 Central Avenue, Beach, ND 58621,
and the Bismarck Veterans Memorial
Public Library in Bismarck, N.D., 515
North 5th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501,
or on Western's Web site at
http ://www. /ugp/Environmen
t/default.htm. Interested persons are
encouraged to provide comments on
the MOA. Public comments must be
received by Monday, March 8, 2010.
Comments will be considered in the
development of a Final MOA. To pro-
vide comments, contact:
Jeff Irwin
Regional Preservation Officer
707 N. Bismarck Expressway
Bismarck, ND 58501
(701) 221-4526 (fax)
(February 4)
Meeting Notice
Notice of Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Central
Rural Fire Protection District will be
held on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010, 1
p.m. at the new Beach Fire Hall, locat-
ed on the north hilt.
Beverly J. Wolff
Secretary/Treasu rer
(January 21, 28 and February 4)
Notice to Creditors
Notice to Creditors
In Southwest District Court, Golden
Valley County, State of North Dakota,
In the Matter of the Estate of
Gertrude Kriedemann, Deceased.
Probate No. 17-10-P-002
Notice is herby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
Personal Representative of the above-
named Estate. All person having
claims against said Deceased are
required to
present their claims within three (3)
months after the date of the first publi-
cation of this Notice or said claims will
be forever barred. Claims must either
be presented to Gene Skoglund, the
Personal Representative, at Mackoff
Kellogg Law Firm, P.O.
Box 10, Beach, North Dakota,
58621, or filed with the Court.
Dated this 7 day of January, 2010.
Gene Skoglund, Personal
Charles J. Peterson
Attorney for: Personal
Mackoff Bltogg Lw Firm.
P. O. Box 10
Beach, North" Dakota
ND BAR ID#04009
(701) 872-3731
(January 2t, 28 and February 4)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial
Commission. will hold public hearing
at 9:00 a.m, Wednesday, February 24,
2010, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division,
1016 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N.
D At the hearing the Commission will
receive testimony and exhibits.
Persons with any interest in the cases
listed below, take notice.
If at the hearing you need special facil-
ities or assistance, contact the Oil and
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by
Thursday, February 11, 20i0.
Case No. 11980: (Continued)
Application of Whiting Oil & Gas Corp.
for an order amending the applicable
orders for the Morgan Draw, Beaver
Creek, Roosevelt, and Elkhorn Ranch
Fields to establish 1280-acre drilling or
spacing units consisting of Sections 3
and 10, T.143N. R.103W., Golden
Valley County; Sections 5 and 8; and
SectiOns 7 and 18, T.143N., R.102W,
Billings County, ND, and allowing a
horizontal well to be drilled in the
Bakken Pool at any location not closer
than 500 feet to the boundary of such
drilling or.spacing unit s and such other
relief as is appropriate.
Case No. 11981: (Continued)
Application of Whiting Oil & Gas Corp.
for an order pursuant to NDAC §43-
02-03-88.1 pooling all interests in
three spacing units for the Morgan
Draw, Beaver Creek, Roosevelt, or
Elkhorn Ranch-Bakken Pools
described as Sections 3 and 10,
T.143N., R.103W., Golden Valley
County; Sections 5 and 8; and
Sections 7 and 18, T.143N., R.102W.,
Billings County, ND, authorizing the
recovery of a risk penalty in accor-
dance with NDCC §38-08-08 and such
other relief as is appropriate.
Signed by,
John Hoeven, Governor
Chairman, ND Industrial
(February 4)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial
Commission will hold a public hearing
at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 24,
2010, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division,
1016 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N.
D. At the hearing the Commission will
receive testimony and exhibits.
Persons with any interest in the cases
listed below, take notice.
If at the hearing you need special facil-
ities or assistance, contact the Oil and
Gas Division at 701L328-8038 by
Thursday, February 11, 2010.
TO:Case No. 12116: "Application of
Tracker Resource Development II,
LLC for an order amending the appli-
cable orders for the Little Knife-
Bakken Pool, located in Billings, Dunn,
and McKenzie Counties, ND, to
include Sections 28 and 33, T.147N,
R.97W.; Sections 30 and 31, T.146N.,
R.97W.; Sections 5 and 8; Sections 17
and 20; Sections 26 and 35; Sections
29 and 32, T.145N., R97W.; Sections
5 and 8; Sections 6 and 7; Sections 18
and 19; and Sections 29 and 32,
T.144N., R.97W., Dunn County, NDI
within Zone III; authorizing the drilling
of up to four horizontal wells on each
spacing unit in Zone III of the Little
Knife-Bakken Pool for which spacing
is currently established on the basis of
one horizontal well per 1280-acres;
authorizing the administrative approval
of setbacks less than 500 feet from the
boundary of the spacing unit where
necessary due to topographic condi-
tions, and such other relief as is appro-
Case No. 12126: Application of
Whiting Oil & Gas Corp. for an order
amending existing orders for the
Elkhorn Ranch-Bakken Pool to estab-
lish one 1280-acre spacing unit con-
sisting of all of Sections 30 and 31,
T.143N., R.101W.; and one 960-acre
spacing unit consisting of all of Section
8 and the W/2 of Section 9, T.143N.,
R102W., Billings County, ND, and
allowing a horizontal well to be drilled
thereon at any location not closer than
500 feet to the boundary of the spac-
ing unit, and such other relief as is
Case No. 12127: Application of
Whiting Oil & Gas Corp. for an order
pursuant to NDAC § 43-02-03-88.1
pooling all interests in a spacing unit
for the Elkhorn Ranch-Bakken Pool, all
of Section 8 and the W/2 of Section 9,
T.143N., R.102W., Billings County,
ND, and such other relief as is appro-
Case No. 12128: Application of
Whiting Oil & Gas Corp. for an order
pursuant to NDAC § 43-02-03-88.1
pooling all interests in a spacing unit
for the Elkhorn Ranch-Bakken Pool,
Sections 30 and 31, T.143N.,
R.101W., Billings County, ND, and
such other relief as is appropriate.
Case No. 12131: Application of
Whiting Oil & Gas Corp. for an order
amending the applicable orders for the
St. Demetrius-Bakken Pool to include
fifty-one 1280-acre spacing units with-
in Zone II, Sections 1 and 12; Sections
2 and 11; Sections 3 and 10; Sections
4 and 9; Sections 13 and 24; Sections
14 and 23; Sections 16 and 21,
T.140N., RAOOW., Billings County;
Sections 5 and 8; Sections 6 and 7;
Sections 17 and 20; Sections 18 and
19; Sections 29 and 32; Sections 30
and 31, T.140N., R.98W.; Sections 1
and 12; Sections 2 and 11; Sections 3
and 10; Sections 4 and 9; Sections 5
and 8; Sections 6 and 7; Sections 13
and 24; Sections 14 and 23; Sections
15 and 22; Sections 16 and 21;
Sections 17 and 20; Sections 18 and
19; Sections 25 and 36; Sections 26
and 35; Sections 27 and 34; Sections
28 and 33; Sections 29 and 32;
Sections 30 and 31, T.140N,, R99W.;
Sections 18 and 19; Sections 30 and
31, T.139N., R98W.; Sections 1 and
12; Sections 2 and 11; Sections 3 and
10; Sections 6 and 7; Sections 8 and
9; Sections 13 and 24; Sections 14
and 23; Sections 15 and 22; Sections
25 and 36; Sections 26 and 35;
Sections 27 and 34, T.139N, R99W.;
Sections 3 and 10; Sections 4 and 9;
Sections 5 and 8; Sections 6 and 7;
T.138N., R.98W.; Sections 1 and 12;
Sections 2 and 11; and Sections 3 and
10, T.138N., R.99W, Stark County, ND,
and allowing a horizontal well to be
drilled on each such drilling or spacing
unit at any location not closer than 500
feet to the boundary of the unit, and
such other relief as is appropriate.
Case No. 12136: Application of
Whiting Oil & Gas Corp. for an order
establishing three 1280-acre drilling
units consisting of Sections 2, T. 141 N.,
R.101W. and 35, T.142N.,R.101W.;
Sections 1, T.141N., R.101W. and 36,
T.142N., R.101W.; and Sections 24
and 25, T.142N., R.101W., Billings
County, ND, and allowing a horizontal
well to be drilled in the Bakken Pool at
any location not closer than 500 feet to
the boundary of each drilling unit, and
such other relief as is appropriate.
Case No. 11980: (Continued)
Application of Whiting Oil 81 Gas Corp.
for an order amending the applicable
orders for the Morgan Draw, Beaver
Creek, Roosevelt, and Elkhorn Ranch
Fields to establish 1280-acre drilling or
spacing units consisting of Sections 3
and 10, T.143N., R.103W., Golden
Valley County; Sections 5 and 8; and
Sections 7 and 18, T.143N., R.102W,
Billings County, ND, and allowing a
horizontal well to be ddlled in the
Bakken Pool at any IocationPjot closer
than 500 feet to the boundary of such
drilling or spacing units and such other
relief as is appropriate.
Case No. 11981: (Continued)
Application of Whiting Oil,& Gas Corp.
for an order pursuant to NDAC §43-
02-03-88.1 pooling all interests in
three spacing units for the Morgan
Draw, Beaver Creek, Roosevelt, or
Elkhorn Ranch-Bakken ." Pools
described as Sections 3 and 10,
T.143N., R.103W., Golden Valley
County; Sections 5 and 8; and
Sections 7 and 18, T.143N., R.102W.,
Billings County, ND, authorizing the•
recovery of a risk penalty in accor-
dance with NDCC §38-08-08 and such
other relief as is appropriate.
Signed by,
John Hoeven, Governor
Chairman, ND Industrial
(February 4)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial
Commission will hold a public hearing
at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, February 25,
2010, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division,
1016 East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N.
D. At the hearing the Commission will
receive testimony and exhibits.
Persons with any interest in the cases
listed below, take notice.
If at the hearing you need special facil-
ities or ass&tance, contact the Oil and
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by
Friday, February 12, 2010.
TO:Case No. 12176: Application of
XTO Energy Inc. for an order amend-
ing the field rules for the Morgan Draw-
Bakken Pool to create and establish a
1280-acre spacing unit comprised of
Sections 5 and 6, T.143N., R.102W.,
Billings County, ND, authorizing the
drilling of one horizontal well on each
spacing unit, and such other relief as is
Signed by,
John Hoeven, Governor
. Chairman, ND Industrial
(February 4)
Beach City Council
A regular meeting of the Beach City
Council was called to order by Mayor
Losinski at 7:00 pm on January 19,
2010. Present when the meeting was
called to order was Council Perry
Stockwell, Jeanne Larson, Mark
Benes, Tim Marman, PWS Dell Beach,
Public Works Kent Shaw, City Auditor
Kimberly Nunberg, guests AI Begger
and Emanuel Culman.
AI Begger representing Power
Fuels discussed purchasing water
from the city for oil well fracking.
Walworth joined the meeting at 7:20.
PWS Beach and Nunberg will corre-
spond with Southwest Water Authority
regarding the request for additional
Emanuel Culman presented docu-
mentation on a Wastewater Backup
• Claim in the amount of $2,799.52
which occurred in September at his
residence. Discussion. Marman
moved to amend the Wastewater
Backup Fund to include an expense of
$2,203.50 and pay thi claim as dis-
cussed, second by Walworth. Motion
carried unanimously. Marman moved
to rescind City Ordinance 14.0701 and
14.0702, second by Walworth. Motion
carried unanimously. The First
Reading of Ordinance 367 which will
rescind City Ordinance 366 Section
14.0701 and 14.0702 will be available
at the next meeting.
A request from the Beach Post
Prom for $500 of Community
Enhancement Funds was reviewed.
Stockwell moved to approve request,
second by Benes. Motion carried
unanimously. Nunberg provided fur-
ther information on the Prescription
Drug Discount Program offered by the •
National League of Cities. Walworth '
moved to enroll in the Prescription
Drug Discount Program, second by
Larson. Motion carried unanimously.
PWS Beach provided video infor-
mation on the most recent sewer
cleaning done by PACE Construction.
on 2nd Avenue SE between 4th and .
5th Street.
No other business was brought
• forward. Marman moved to adjourn,
second by Larson. Motion carried
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at
8:30 pm.
Walter Losinski, Mayor
Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor
(February 4)
We are Lions.
Over the top
This dog in Sentinel Butte can now cross over the top of a hedge, thanks to the recent bliz-
zard. (Photo by Jane Cook)
ja, ARP's Tax-Aide offices ready
AARP Tax-Aide sites in North
Dakota are open and ready to help
this tax season. AARP Tax-Aide is
the nation's largest, free, volunteer-
run tax preparation service, where
volunteers commit their time and
This service is available to mid-
die- and low-income taxpayers of
all ages with special attention to
those 60 and older. You do not have
to be an AARP member to take
advantage of this free service, said
Muriel Peterson of Bismarck, vol-
unteer state coordinator of Tax-Aide
in North Dakota.
Communities with Tax-Aide
offices include:
- Dickinson Area Public Library,
1-4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday.
AARP Tax-Aide sites are open
through the April 15 tax deadline.
For more information call toll-free
t-lamm reports $7.58 million recovered
BISMARCK - North Dakota
Insurance Commissioner Adam
Hamm reports that $7,578,230.11
was recovered or saved tk)r North
Dakota citizens in 2009.
This number represents money
recovered on behalf of North
Dakotans through the Insurance
Department's hotline, through com-
plaints tiled by consumers against
insurance companies and agents,
and through investigations per-
formed by the Department. It also
includes benefits received through
the Department's State Health
Insurance Counseling (SHIC) and
Prescriptio n Connection (PC) pro-
[00akota College Honor Roll announced
BOTTINEAU - Dakota College at Bottineau has announced its fall semester Dean's List and Honor Roll.
Students earning a 3.5 grade point average or higher are placed on the Dean's List. Students must be enrolled
for 12 credits or more to earn these honors.
From our area, the student who qualified for the Dean's List was Kayla Begger of Beach.
All cities, schools and counties in North Dakota are required to publish the minutes
of their meetings in the newspaper. It is fundamental to informing citizens about what
their elected officials are doing. It also helps minimize rumors and misconceptions about
local public entities. In short, it's good government. Yet, there are continuing legislative
threats to diminish or eliminate this important information. What can you do?
Tell your legislators you support the publication of government public notices.
00s00Lu,cs Coum pm,m
This message provided by this newspaper and North Dakota Newspaper Association.