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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 4, 2010     Golden Valley News
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February 4, 2010
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 4 ;r 0 smo ads News/Pioneer Classified Ads: A minimum charge of $7.00 for 25 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Card of Thanks: Minimum charge of $7.00 for 75 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Deadline for Classifieds &amp; Display Ads: 12:00 p.m. Friday preceding publication date. Phone: 701-872-3755 Fax: 701-872-3756 Email: HELP WANTED REAL E,' ;TATE The Billings County Pioneer has immedi- ate openings for stringer/writers to cover the Heart River boys and girls varsity bas- ketball teams. This could be ideal for a stu- dent or a parent of a team member. Call (701) 872-3755 for an application or for more information. Beach Public Schools are looking for a Day Treatment Coordinator. Job require- ments are preferably a master's degree or a 4 year BA/BS degree with social skills training or ability to obtain this training. Letter of application, resume and college transcript, send to Larry Helvik, superin- tendent, Beach Public Schools, P.O. Box 368, Beach, N.D. 58621. Applications due on or before February 8th, at 4 p.m. LAND WANTED: INVESTOR looking for Crop Land, CRP, Pasture Land. Will lease back. (612) 220-1042. FOR SALE: Good building, 43,000 sq. ft.. new offices, new facility rooms, railroad spur, was carrot/potato processing. Hatton. 35 miles from Grand Forks. Make an offer. (701) 587-6042. WANTED: MINERAL INTERESTS- Experienced Family Owned Oil Production & Exploration Co. We'll Help You Monetize Your Mineral Assets Send details to P.O. Box 8946 Denver, CO 80201. FOR SALE HELP WANTED POLICE OFFICER The City of Linton is accepting applications for the position of Police Officer. Requires current ND Peace Officers License or eligible to be licensed. Starting salary DOE $27,000 -$29,000 plus benefits. Send resume to: City of Linton, PO Box 57, Linton ND 58552. Application deadline: 3/01/10. HELP WANTED: BUSINESS Manager for Divide County Schools starting 07/01/10. Send letter of application/resume to Supt. Stephen Townsend, PO Box G, Crosby, ND 58730. MOMS! I EARN $4,000+ per month (ver- ifiable) from home doirj something I enjoy. Looking for energetic and sincere MOMS PTor FT. Karen in ND. (701) 696- 2031. PUBLIC WORKS TECHNICIAN. City of Northwood. FT. Pay based on educa- tion/experience. 3 years min. experience. Contact N D JabService for application/job description. 701-587-6291 ext 13. Deadline 12/28/10. EeL. DAKOTA PLAINS COOPERATIVE in Valley City is seeking 2-3 individuals to work in the Agronomy Department. Individuals would work with fertilizer, pes- ticides, seed, and feed. CDL License or ability to acquire Class B CDL required. Pro employment drug and background checks required. Applications available at Valley City-Litchville-LaMoure. Resume/Application by 2/10/10 Interviews begin mid February. Email: or call (701) 845- 0812 Agronomy for more Information. BIDS WANTED COMPANY DRIVERS & Owner Operators, have lease purchase pro- grams, For sale 03 Intl. & 04 Frthl. J-Mar, (701) 277-0039, gene.peterson@j-mar- EDUCATI( )N EARN YOUR DGREE Online Paraeducation AAS. Qualify under No Child Left Behind to be a Paraeducator. Flexible scheduling. HLC Accredited. Financial Aid available. 1-888-918-5623 "ENO(3H'S SAGA: Horsepower to Satellites in a Single Lifetime" 228 pages. At age 18, complete turnaround because of mailman interest Dale Carnegie, sto- ries of "Salvage King", entrepreneurship, interesting people, legislature, travel, cat- tle feeding successes and failures. $12. 701-587-6042. Enoch Thorsgard, 325 39th St NE, Northwood, ND 58267. HIGH SPEED INTERNET available virtu- ally anywhere through satellite! FREE standard installation. FREE 24/7 customer support. LOWEST PRICE EVER! Call NOW - LIMITED TIME OFFER from Wildblue. (800) 819-0471 DISH NETWORK. $19.99/mo, Why Pay More For TV? 100+ Channels. FREE 4- Room Install. FREE HD-DVR. Plus $600 Sign-up BONUS. Call Now! (866) 283- 6390. LOOKING FOR THE most complete list- ing of ND Media? ND Media Guide. Only $25! Call (701) 223-6397, ND Newspaper Association. YOUR 25-WORD classified ad can now appear in every ND newspaper! Only $150! NorthSCAN is the answer. Contact your newspaper for placement. THE CITY OF New Town, N.D. will accept bids on a new street sweeper until 3pm, Feb 19, 2010. Technical specifications available by contacting City Auditor, Box 309, New Town, ND 58763 fax (701) 627- 4316 phone (701) 627-4812. HERNIA REPAIR? DID you receive a Compsix Kugel Mesh Patch Between 1999-2008? If the Kugel patch was removed due to complications of bowel perforation, abdominal wall tears, punc- ture of abdominal organs or intestinal fistu- lae, you may be entitled to compensation, Attorney Charles Johnson, (800) 535- 5727. PUBLIC NOTICES ARE your connection to government -- available online and searchable by newspaper, city or keyword at www.nd OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: OPER- ATE/manage/own restaurant. Fessenden, ND. Newly-built, fully furnished caf with meeting room. Affordable lease. Great potential. Contact: Jerry (701) 547-3251 or (701) 341-4070. ALL CASH VENDING! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your Own Local Vending Route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy. All for $9,995. (888) 755-1358. FULL-COLOR REPRINTS i OF ANY PHOTO APPEARING ON THESE PAGES ARE AVAILABLE! CALL (701) 872-3755 Economics and local foods Building up communities and small [amily farms with Ken Meter, Crossroads Resource Center Hear Ken at 'Dakota Grown' o local foods conferenceor everyone interested in Iocal oods, fomily farms, and their community Friday & Saturday, Feb. 19-20eGladstone Inn - Jamestown Call 800-242-7535 or e-maih Two day conference $25 includes keynote banquet Meter Old Grand Farm, Inc. Fence Builders & Roofing • Pasture Fence • Pipe Rail & Wire Corrals • Corral & Arena Design • Roofing; Residential & Commercial Grog or Ben Mullet 406-796-7030 Licensed Contractors in MT& ND z ---- - - . -] KEY Janitorial Service * Carpet Steam cleaning * Strip andwax tile floors * 'Upfw(stery cleaning Ken & Virginia Young Owners Glendive. MT Call 406-377-3597 _ _- _ _ - = __-_ " eImett HoUglu Agency • tO All Risk Crop & Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 1-800-784-21 06 P.O. Box 157 16201 Old Highway 10 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 John Germolus Wayne Lee Marisa Carlsrud JB Remodeling. Decks • Garages • Siding • Laminate flooring • Basement Finishing • Tile & More 5 year labor warranty Licensed & Insured Jeremy Bulger /24th St NW P.O Box 745 owner Beach. ND 701-729-9967 58621 FOR ALL OF YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! EtL £gTtWE WITH btONFSTY, rNTEqffY NO PEPONL 5EVIOEI 97 EAST MAIN STREET BEACH, ND CALL us -- we will be there! PATTI DAVIS BROKER 701-690-7763 KIM KRULL 701-690-7847 , WINTER "" SALE 80X120X16 Insulated $56,824 - Call Now!! Southwest Improvement Bldg. Cell # (701) 872-6466 Beach N.D. Shop # (701) 872-3091 t4 GLENDIVE SALES CORPORATION • Lease & Fleet Vehicle Remarketing • Wholesale & Retail • Cars & Trucks GARY BRENGLE 1021 W. BELL ST. GLENDIVE. MT 59330 PHONE: 406-365-4407 HOME: 406-365-8104 TOLL FREE: 1-800-726-6763 i Body Works Massage, LL C Cassie Szudera, LMT New Location! 112 4th St. NW (Former Crazy Charlie's location) Beach, ND 58621 701-872-3176 S heetrock OVERBO S hingle Aaron Overbo Licensed & Insured Beach, N.D. 218-0460 T&A Seeds "Where you can get all of your farm seed needs." Andrew Smith Phone (701) 872-3248 Jason Hanson, GRI  701-260-3020 or 701-483-6789 Your Land Specialist  Travis Hauck Owner Master Electrician Licensed in ND & MT 15 years of experience 4131 166th Ave SW Beach, ND 58621 home 701-872-4815 ceil 701-872-6063 "No job too big or too small" -_: ..... 8, €:' Guns N Things007 LLC , 1. 305 N Merrill Ave. G/endive. MT Guns Bought. Sold, Repaired, and Traded FFH Licensed Ernie Huether, Pres. i: 377-3969 Firearms Gun Sa e, Smart Wool Ammunll;o; Reloading Equipment FELDMANN ONSTRUCTION since 1930 701-872-3317 Licensed Contracte  Backhoe & Other Dirt \\;\'< .., Design. Building anti Sup!,, 3 . Concrete. Stone & Brick, Roofin Furnace instatlamm New or remodelin,_, Building your drean :, through 4 generation:.; / Beach. ND 58621 SPS Worldwi00,,. Ship through LIPS and L :SP:'; Full packaging scr ut s am s, tlt,,,- Sell items o ",lint t a ng  c ??., ,,.. SelIit. Package it. Ship z. 701.872. ll00 53 East Main Street Beach, NI )>;,:, / ,//, W:ci,h . l)'lf,:! " C'()I(I" • I)lJS;L',tOU .... • holid:2 ,,,: (j(3 ° 7 01 -8 7 ? 701 °i': 45{41 " BerJClq " } a',g L- FULL,-C<;. OF ANY ;:,- APPEAR',:- THE': PAGE5 AVAI L,,,, ::- CA, (701) 87; :: II .an0r, il;J II Vicki Braden, Admi, i:#ra:<>: li! II • Flexible Meal Plans ti II • Assisted IJvi,'m II • Night Security ll! II • Activities t!; II 701 7. ,;7 ....... !£ III III The GoMen. Miller ,k,ill:<, :: :, !>jl III us Department of'Hl;I' i:wdh_, 'Ii those who qualify. Ili t ! 2 s .'d _ .,-} "X" 17". . .,: ooai , .: :oinpany " tT('a'h. , , c Mcdora , ,,;,:e pease call '49,':;.-5436 4 C! ,. I" < " CT  ,. I C . : + * (l ,,-o " "vedt ,:2< MT !.(L2968 3 i