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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 3, 1944     Golden Valley News
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February 3, 1944
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, February 3, "The Challenge to Democracy in America 8ear Harry E. Terrell at Open Forum, Wed. $:00. Adm. 25c. "Protect Freedom of Speech by Practicing LOCAL NEWS , ) Items of Interest picked up here and there by our News reporters. We are always glad to get your news items, PHONE $9 .. Mrs. Jesse Playle was on the sick llst the fore pext of the week. Don't forget the Clearance Sale at the Mildrella. Mrs. John Conway is now em- ployed at the local AAA office. Harold Abraham was a visitor at the Butterfleld home Sunday. A Jolly party was held at the M. J: Stecker home Saturday night. Mlss Pauline Readinger w~s on the sick list last week. Jimmy Neudeck is now employed at the Park Care. Clearance Sale at The Mfldrella, February 3-4-5. ] Lt. and Mrs. E. N, Sc/unitz have] announced the arrival of their son, Ernest, Jr. Jack Baliard and Morris Ooldflne ~pent Sunday in the Carlyle com- munity transacting business. • Oscar Fletcher of Yates was a business caller in Beach Saturday. Pat Woodhull is employed at Doerner's care. Mrs. Claire Samson of Wibaux was a Beach caller Saturday. Bob Coutts left Monday evening on a business trip to Billings, Mont. Marshall Miller was hospitalized In the Bismarck hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lawrence of the Wibaux community were Beach shoppers on Tuesd~. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harlan and family of Wlbaux were callers in Beach on Tuesday. George Hceck, Guy Cox and Fred Shipman were business callers in Wtbaux Tuesday afternoon. Clarence Overstad was confined to his home the fore part of the week with the flu. Kenneth Abraham has been a victim of the measles and a very sick man for several days. ,Mr. and Mrs. Youells spent Wed- nesday evening with Mrs. Ed Oswood. Mrs. Jack Gray of Seattle, Wash., ~a niece of Mrs, Stone, spent Tues- day visiting in Beach. The Womans Club met at the JOhn Keohane home on Monday evening.. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hasbrook and Mrs. Elsie MacDougall spent Sun- day in Olendlve. Win. Hollar and Burns Abernathy shipped two car~[~ads of cattle to Chicago ThurS" Mrs. Reuben Beeler end baby of NVibaux were callers in Beach on Saturday. Prank Kreitinger was called to Llttle Falls. Minn. by the serious illness of his father Mxs. Oberg of Amidon was at the Beech hospital taking medical treatments the past week. Clifford Clark and Richard Hal- stead returned last Tuesday from a business trip to Billings, Mont. Mrs. T. E Hudson entertained the ~enior Bridge Club last Thursday ~fternoon. Mr. and h~Irs. L. Berg and daUgh- ter and Miss Beverly Johnson of Golva were Beach visitors Saturday. Mr~ Kathleen Murphy spent last weekend visiting relatives in Bel- field and Dickinson. Mr. Kaugman of Fargo was a dinner guest at the John Algulre home on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Smith of Wlbaux spent Sunday at the E. M. Enderle home. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Peterson made a business trip to Dickinson on JSaturday. •Mlss Olga Moyer and George Hoeck were Sunday dinner guests et the Junior Schulz home. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fulton and daughter of the Carlyle community were Beach visitors Saturday. Miss Marvel Erbele returned home Tuesday morning from PhOe- nix. Arizona, where she has been visiting friends. Mrs. E. Meek, Mrs. Hazelwood end Mrs. Hazelwood's mother, Mrs. Percy Gibson, all of W1baux, were ]Beach shoppers Monday. Mrs. J. C. Butterflekl received In- formation from her granddaughter, Lt. MarJorie Fuller, .that she is somewhere in England. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. ~-,mpel and Jan were Dickir~on visitors Friday of last week. While there Jan had her eyes tested~ Mrs. E. F.~/~bro0k returned Wednesday ~ after Spenaing past two wee~ gt the Bismarck Hospital. Byron Seeley of the Navy is now home on leave visiting relatives and friends. He will leave for camp again Frlday. Miss Helen Blair arrived In Beach to spend a month's va~ation with her parents, Mr And Mrs. W. H. Blair. Miss Blair has been em- IfloYed in a defense factory In Calffcrnla. A-S Jerry Bowman stopped off in Beach to visit friends while en- route to Farragq~ Idaho to finish his training. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Youells and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Houck spent Saturday evening at the Mahlon I Stecker home. John Brettin returned Saturday from Los Angeles, Calif., where he attended the funeral services held for his father. Mrs. Gerald Gilman, Mrs. Lena Reidinger, Miss Betty Hellemons and Miss Clara Kippley were Glen- dive visitors on Thursday. Sgt. Wm. Parceluk of Campbell, Kentucky visited his sister, Mrs. Kathleen Murphy, and family Wed- nesday and Thursday. Mrs. L. J. Alguire entertained at a family dinner Monday, honoring Mrs. Guerdon Alguire, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. The Social Hour Club will meet with Mrs. Earl Palmer Tuesday afternoon, February 8th at a valen- tine party. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Evans receiv- ed a cablegram from their son, Douglas, stating he had arrived safely in England. Mrs. Adeline McDonald spent Saturday in Dickinson visiting her sister, who is attending teachers college there. Junior Schulz made a business trip to Minneapolis, Minn. January 23rd and returned Tuesday, Feb- ruary 1st. Mrs. Sneed, the former Lorraine Petersilte of Sentinel Butte, re- [turned from the west Tuesday to i visit relatives and friends of this I community. ' Jesse Playle returned Thursday evening from Fort Shelling, where he took the physical examinations for all branches of the services, but was rejected because of ill health. Mrs. Alma Snydal of San Berna- dino, Calif. arrived Tuesday morn- ing to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Leverson and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Schrditz. Mrs. Alma Snydal and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Leverson were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Schmitz Tuesday eve- ning. Cpl. Johnnie E. Wood, aerial gunner on a B-29, and Mrs. Wood returned to Chanute Field, Ill. after a short visit at the Frank Nehis home. Lt. Violet Severson left Saturday morning after a two weeks visit with relatives and friends here. She will leave for Maxton, Carolina Thursday morning. Katherine Marmon is back in 'Beach High School after returning from the coast, where she has been visiting her grandmother and going to school. Dale Hathaway, $2c, has been spending a 15-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hathaway. He will return to Par- ragut, Idaho February 8th. Pvt. Raymond Jones of Camp Roberts, Calif. is home on emer- gency furlough because of the ser- ious illness of his father-in-law, Mr. Nathan of Dickinson. The United Brethren parsonage, occupied by Rev. and Mrs. D. E. Kenney, is undergoing some re- modeling, ~wo bedrooms being built upstairs in the building. Mr. and Mrs. Clemence R. John- son of Miles City, formerly resi- dents of Beach. announce the birth of an eight pound boy on January 20th, which they have named Loren Clemence. Johnny Woods was a caller in Beach on Wednesday of last week. He is home on furlough for a few days, visiting relatives and friends in Wib£ux. He left for camp on Thursday morning. Regardless of the deep snow and the cold weather the president's ball was well attended ~Saturday evening, Wibaux, Sentinel Butte,I Golva and Beach were all well] represented. 1 Miss Anita Johnson, who has 1 been a student nurse at the Beach hospital, left for Los Angeles, Calif. where she will enter nurses' train- ing at the White Memorial Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. Knute Farstveet and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sleight were among the members from Beach who at- tended the Elks party in Dickinson on Wednesday evening of last week, Mrs, Ed Lievens of Sentinel Butte left for Portland, Ore. and Bremerton, Wash. Monday evening, where she will spend a month or more visiting with her daughters and friends. William Glfford, who is working at Billings, spent Sunday in Beach with his mother, Mrs. Minnie Off- ford. He returned on Monday and was accompanied as far as Glen- dive by his mother, where she will visit at the Chas. King home. The Missionary Society of the Congregational Church met with Mrs. Art Mogle and the following officers were elected: president, Mrs. Art Mogle; vice president, Mrs. John Roberts; secretary-treas- uer, Mrs. Joe Zlnsli. A delightful dinner was enjoyed by all. s''¸* --'V'~ Buy WAR BONDS now! The Seniors of Beach High School are rejoicing over the fact that their class rings have finally arrived. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gilman en- tertained at a card party last Thursday evening. Twelve tables were set and everyone spent a very pleasant evening. A good many people are unable to give anything to philanthropic causes, but they are usually willing to contribute by offering their advice. Word receives in Beach states that Capt. Joe Niece, son of Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Niece, has reported at the Lockbourne Army Air Base at Columbia, Ohio for Flying Fort- ress pilots. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis are the proud parents of a baby boy, born to them at the Glendive hospital last week. Word has been received that Mrs. Davis and baby are doing fine and will be home SOOn. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Shipman, Dixon MacDougall, Mrs. Kenneth Noyes and Miss Virginia Noyes were dinner guests at the Ted Dickinson home last Wednesday evening, the occasion being Miss Helen Dickin- son's birthday. -Mr.~and Mrs. Paul Brengle re- ceived a cablegram from their son, Pvt. Don Brengle, stating that he had arrived safely overseas. Pvt. Brengle completed a specialized training course at Midwest College, Danville, Ill. shortly before being shipped overseas. V.-- Hospital Notes (Last Week) Those hospitalized during the past week at the Johnstone Mem- orial Hospital include: Bobby Johnstone. son of Mr. and MrS. Joe Johnstone, Beach, Jan- uary 18-20. Miss Leona Samueis Beach, and Miss Jessie Slater Beach, were hospitalized January 19, and have both gone home. January 20, Frank (}lower; Beach, md Mrs. Chris Johnson, Golva, were hospitalized. Mrs. Johnson went home January 24. Ray Zinsli, Sentinel Butte, and Irmalyn Nunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn, Alpha, spent two days in the hospital, January 21-23. Helen Hilgendorf, Beach, was in January 21-24. Mrs. Mary Lehman, Sentinel Butte, came in to the hospital January 23. January 24, Henry Olson, Golva, Con Short, Medora, Clinton Radke, Sidney, Mont. and Mrs. Peter Oberg, Amidon, were hospitalized. A tonsillectomy was performed January 23 on Kyle Sperry, Trot- ters. Mrs. Roger Sanford. Baker, Mont. underwent surgery January 23. An appendectomy was perform- ed January 25 on John Underwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Under- wood, Sentinel Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Goldsberry, Gotham, are the parents of an 8 lb. 10 oz. boy, born January 22. A 7 lb. 8 oz. son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thompson, Beach, I January 25. V__ CONGREGATIONAL --CHURCH Rev. John Roberts, pastor Beach: Church School at 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship service at 11:00 A.M. Young Peoples meeting at 7:30 P.M. Choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Sentinel Butte: Young Peoples meeting Monday at 7:00 P. M. Service at 8:00 P. M. Medora: Sunday School at 3:00 P. M. Afternoon service at 4:00 P. M. ---V SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath School I1:00 A. M. Church service 12:00 Noon. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Prevent Hairless Pigs by Using Solution we Prepare BUTTE DRUG UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney, Pastor Sunday, February 6: 10:15 A. M., The Morning Wor- ship Service. Rev. A. V. Howland, of Great Falls, Mont. will bring the message. 11:15 A. M., Bible Study classes for all ages. Wednesday: 8 P. M., Young People's Christian Endeavor. 9 P. M., Choir rehearsal. The monthly Fellowship Dinner will be held this Sunday instead of the second Sunday, and at 2 P. M. Rev. Howland, the conference superintendent will conduct a Quarterly Conference. All officers are asked to bring their reports. An invitation to attend these services is extended to everyone. Rev. D. E. Kenney, of the Unit- e~l Brethren Church, returned last Friday from Fargo, where he had been attending the annual session of the North Dakota Council of Christian Education. Rev. Kenney represented the United Brethren churches of North Dakota at these conferences. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Oisrud, pastor Tel. 154 Beach: Sunday School 10 A. M. Services at 11 A. M. Sermon theme: "Earning Rewards for Eternity". The Ladies Aid meets at the church this Friday afternoon and will serve a supper for the con- gregation at 6 P. M. The annual business meeting of the congregation will be at the church this Friday, Feblxmry 4, at 7:30 P. M. The final vote will then be taken on the new consti- tution. Carlyle: Services at 2:30 P. M. and con- firmation c~ass at 3:30 P. M. sub- ject to physical conditions. V ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dissen, Pastor Divine Service 10:30 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11:30 A. M. V WAR BONDS . . . your way to back your country's attack! THANK YOU! We put in a tough night's in your town last week. in a few tough nights in the i in our years of work for Utilities Company, but never we received more consideration cooperation from our friends our customers. We want know that we really the spirit in which you the situation, and we felt rewarded for the night's We are sorry we couldn~ all the coffee and sandwicheS ed us, but we had to keep Thanking you again. V. H. Koch Fred Esther Koch Edward Earl Carlson George Paul BurneskY John Stanley B. A. Bailett Paul Drake R.B, R.W. Jules Steve LET 'EM HAVE IT... BUY EXTRA BONDS GOLDEN WHEAT ffOY FOR DIFFERENT, MORE FLAVORFUL GRIDDLE CAKES AND WAFFLES MIX PKG. BUCKWHEAT PANCAKE FLOUR 4 -LB. SELF-RISING BAG 25¢ t~ sn~ ,Bat Ho? wrt~ eL~0f STRUP HERSHEY'S ! TOMATOES OH BOY 1 10 points 19 oz. can COCOA cm o.00Zc s "WIZDOM" CREAM STY~]~ FLAVOR PKG. "MERRILL" MUSTARD PRUNES "FLAVOREE" QT.12: ~o,,~ SIZE (4 POINTS) 2 KINDS JAR EVAP. MILK H a a2'kD o TAL , e (1 POINT) ~]~ CANS~ RED OWL BETTY CROCKER'S SOUP-MIX FLOUR NOODLE 3 25 .-LB. WITH PKGS. ~ BAG VEGETABLE CAMPBELL'S CORNFLAKES ORANGES REAL GOOD ~ ll-0Z.,H]~¢ DONALD DUCK BRAND CmSCO VEGETABLE ~,,69~ SHORTENING (15 POINTS) JAR SWAN SOAP SMALL 6, BAR LIFEBUOY 3¢ s 20¢ OR' LUX SOAP ms0 CARROTS, 1 bunch 11 RADISHES 2 bunchcs NEW CABBAGE crisp 1 lb. CELERY Cal. Pascal 1 bunch SALT HERRING KE~K BRAND S:ZB 1 9 (NO POINTS) wo v P m,$ PICKEREL FROZEN CANADIAN (NO POINTS) LB. W T. ONIONS JAR , oints 60¢ FPANKFORTS LB. (4 POINTS)