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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 3, 1944     Golden Valley News
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February 3, 1944
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PAGE SIX THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, February 3, 1944, lit i i li ! I II II I I I IU Do You Know Them All? Help Us Down Memory Lane by Sending in the Names of the Persons Whose Pictures Appear Below / D COLD WEATHER PROTECTS GRAIN FROM INSECT PESTS Cold winter weather is one of the main reliances for the preser- vation of stored grain from in- jury by insects. According to F. Gray Butcher, NDAC Extension service entomologist, North Dakota's usual cold winters are very favor- able for grain storage. Cold works two ways. One is that most insect pests of stored corn and wheat cannot endure freezing temperatures, so by spring OVERCONFIDENCE President Roosevelt warned the country in his recent message to congress that overconfidence in speedy victory had so influenced people in the United States that war production fell off. People should not allow their victory to be postponed by the feeling that the war is nearing its end. Great labors and sacrifices are ahead of us, and the country cannot afford to relax its efforts one particle. When you read how hard our there are few living eggs or other lboys have to fight in Italy to get forms of insect life in grain that up on the snowy mountains where has been thoroughly chilled. A se- the nazis have placed their guns cond is due to the excellent insulat- in secure and well concealed post- Ing effect of grain. "When wheat tions, the road to Berlin looks long or shelled corn is stored in bins and weary. We should not 'falter or tanks holding a thousand bu- or go slow on production of war shels or more, it takes a long, long ~upplies while our boys have to time for spring and summer heat fight so hard to gain a few miles. to make its way into the main body There is also a hard road of the grain. Insects cannot bPeed through the steel and concrete or multiply unless the grain is comfortably warm for them, and in a large quantity of grain, most of NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN B. KUKOWSKI, also known as JOHN KUKOWSKI, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un- dersigned, Harry Kukowski, Admin- istrator of the Estate of John B. Kukowski, also known as John Ku- kowski late of the City of Beach~ in the County of Golden Valley" and State of North Dakota, deceas-~ ed, to the creditors of, and all per~ sons having claims against said de- ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within si~¢ months after the first publication of this notice, to said Harry Ku- kowski at the office of John Keo- hane in the City of Beach in said Golden Valley County, or to the Judge of the County Court of Gold- en Valley County, at his office in the Court House in the City of Beach, Golden ValleyCounty, North Dakota. You are hereby further notified' that Hon. James Donaldson, Judge- of the County Court within and for the County of Golden Valley, and State ofNorth Dakota, has fixed tile first day of August A. D. 1944, at the hour of ten o'clock in tn forenoon of said day, at the" Court Rooms, in the Court House in the City of Beach in said County and State, as the time and place for hearing and adjusting all claims against the estate of tbe said John foundations with which the nazis I3. Kukowski Deceased, which have are defending the coasts of Europe. ] Let us cheer on the boys by a[ never failing supply of everythingI they need. V IIOMEMAKERS TO MEET it will remain too cool for insect breeding all through the summer. A further safeguard is to paint a grainery or grain tank white, so it will reflect sunlight and absorb[ less heat. The Beach Homemakers club will The insulating effect of grain hold its regular meeting February works the other way, too, and large 8th at the home of Mrs. A. M. volumes of grain cool slowly in Schmitz. There will be a valentine !winter, so large storage elevators in l exchange. The project leaders cold climates plan to "work" the would like each member to bring grain at least once during cold weather by passing it from one storage space to another. This cools it somewhat and mixes the cold and warm grain, so the tem- perature of the whole is reduced to a point where it will remain free from insect damage until late sum- mer. A single fumigation may then be needed to protect the grain until the return of cold weather. --V~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LOU C. HATHORNE Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, Executrix of the Last Will and estate of Lou C. Hathorne, late of the City of Glendive in the County of Dawson and State of Montana, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons, having claims i against, said decedent to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Executrix at the office of John Keohane, her resident Agent, in the City of Beach in said Golden Valley County, North Dakota, or to the County Judge of said County. NOTICE is hereby further given that the time and place fixed by the court for hearing and adjusting such claims are tile 15th day of August, 1944, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Court Rooms of the County Court in the Court House in the City of Beach in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. Dated this 28th day of January, 1944. EDNA IVA WHITE Executrix. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Executrix, Beach, North Dakota. First publication on the 3rd day of February, 1944. (Feb. 3, 10, 17, 194-i) NOTICE OF LEASING OF STATE AND SCHOOL LANDS All unleased State School lands in Golden Valley County, North Da- kota, will be offered for rent at a public leasing sale to be held in tile Court House at Beactl in said county, on the 6th day of March 1944 commencing at 1O A. M. o'clock. .511 unieased lands will be leased to the highest bidder for a term of three to tire years. The first year's rent plus the legalleasing fee must be paid in full on the day of the sale. A list of such lands to be offered will be on file with the treasurer of said county for public inspection not less than two weeks before the a needle and thread. --*V-- WAR BONDS . . . buy them-- put our country over the top! CITATION. HEARING PROOF OF WILL STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley IN COUNTY COURT Before Hon. James Donaldson, Judge. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LORENZ SCHULTE, DECEAS- ED. Mary Schulte and Ralph Schulte, Petitioners, vs. Henry Scbulte, R o b e r t Schulte, Albert Schulte, Nicholas J. Sehulte, Flor- ence Schulte, Louise Schulte Thibedeau, Hilda Schulte Wiedow, Frances Schulte Paczkowski, Ver- onica Sehulte Cowles, Min- nie Schulte, Eleanor Schulte Yardley, Dorothy Schulte Sloan, Norbert Schulte, John Schulte. and all other persons interested in the Estate of Lorenz Schulte, Deceased, Respondents. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS : You, and each of you, are hereby notified that Mary Sehulte and Ralph Schulte, the Petitioners here- in, have filed in this Court a docu- ment in writing, purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Lorenz Schulte, Late of the Town of Golva, in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakcta, Deceased, with then' petition, pray- ing for the admission to probate of said document as the Last Will and Testament of said deceased, and for l the issuance ~o Mary Schulte, ofi Golva, North Dakota. of Letter:~ Testamentary thmeou, and that the said petition and the proofs of said purported Will and Testament will t be heard and duly considered by I [ this Court on Tuesday, the 15tl] day of February A. D. 1944 at ten i o'clock in the forenoon of that day, I at the Court Rooms of this Court, ! in the County Court House in the! City of Beach, County of Golden i Valley and State of North Dakota;i and You, and each of you, are hereby1 cited to be and appear before this i Court at said time and place and l answer said petition and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of said petitioners should not be granted. Let service of this Citation be made as required by. law. been duly and regularly presented as hereinbefore provided. Dated January 18th A. D. 1944. HARRY KUKOWSKI Administrator. First publication on the 20th day on January A. D. 1944. JOHN KEOHANE I Attorney for Administrator Beach, North Dakota. (Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 1944) --V~ WAR BONDS are your shares ta= "American Preferred". Free Booklet Tells Of Thrilling Discovery; New Hope For Million~ One of the most sensational scientific dis" coveries of modern times is an anti-graY' hair vitamin that reo ~_. stores natural, nor* 1~i ,.~ real color to gray half ~'---~;~ in nature', own Way. ~!~IP Scientific investigatio~ ..... :~'t~i[ has revealed that gray ~!!! :~ hair, in manycases, maY -.!!i:-ii~i~:!~:~ be due to a vitamin deficiency. Scientists, have also discovered the particular vi- tamin that is necessary to restore col~ or to the hair in such cases. Reports o,r tests madei ndicate remarkable result~ lVot a dye--not u tint--not a drttg-.not a medicinel It is a valuable food suP" plement. If you are among the milllo.~, of people who find themselves handl1 capped, in business or socially, because o ,of gray hair, mail coupon below (or writa) for free booklet about this marvelous new vitamin discovery. Thereis no or obligation, so send today. Chicago, m..Dep~ & S~d~JU~ SOO~/,~r~ ~4J~/d,,, ~ ~ e4 8.o e.o e.o a,e e~ e.o e.e e.o ee e ee o,o e,~ 8o ~6~I~r~W. e ~ e.e *.e e.e e.e N e.e N N e.e ~ ~e e.~ ~e e~ ~ day of leasing, Dated this 25th day of January The Board of University and Sehool lA. D. 1944. Lands reserves the right to reject~ BY THE COURT any and all bids. JAMES DONALDSON Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota Judge of the County Court this 4th day of January 1944. ](SEAL OF COUNTY COURT) JOHN O, LYNGSTAD JOHN KEOHANE State Land Commissioner. Attorney for Petitioners (Jan. 6, 13. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10 17 24. Beach. North Dakota. ' ' Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 1944) ~rll~,.,..,~.,,,,.,,e,e,,,.,.~,e~*.oes~ March 2, 1944) ........................ ........................ ........... .......... I" ! S.PP°H . : . ,. and get what you want most.., sooner I ~ee~olt, e~e • ~e oo O@a°e eeee I*ee@ $aoooa ooeeeea~aoe @ • a • e~@ae@0e@~@@ ~@@~a@@~ YOUR BOY... our boy.., that n~ boy s~rou the streW. Yes, m~t ~ slL ~ou wsnt hlm to some home. £nd ev~F day that we help shm~n the war, the better hk ehanNs. Uvwy d~ Rvwy mb~,-fe.., ovml ovety ~dl Illicit,, you'U do 7~ l~rt. Right now, that mmm put every possible dollar into the 4~th War Loa~ Drivel And hm~ are some other dre~ War Bonds csn help you realize: to own your own home--what a typicslly £mericsn ambition! To educate your children--more important than ever aft~- the War. And after Tokyo falis, you'll want to climb into the old family bus--or the new one--and go see places. War Bonds will come in mighty h~nd~. Let'# aH back the attack/ STANDARD 01L COMPANY (I nIAHA) " : " g. ;22. ; " " Oll t. ~mmm~itlon , , . U~ It ~ o o.e-o o.e.e o o • o-o o.e d0 • • o • • • • • ~