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February 3, 1944 Golden Valley News | |
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February 3, 1944 |
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Mrs. Marcus, Sr. returned to her
home at Bridger Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. McCabe of Laurel
a few days here last week.
At Red Gross Friday Mrs. ]Pete
Kramer served lunch.
Ray Blyton left last week for
a short visit to Tacoma, Wash.
Robert Baird was a business
visitor at Miles City last week,
Mrs. Guy Hall visited her sister
at Olendive Monday evening.
Mrs. Mike Heckman was a busi-
ness caller at Olendlve Thursday.
Mrs, George Bass and Claude
were in Beach Thursday.
Mrs, Vernon Preston entertained
her sewing club Wednesday after-
See the MAldrella ad for good
Mrs. Wayne Marcus entertained
the So and Sew club Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cassldy were
business callers in Miles City a
few days last week.
Miss Vernie McCann left Thurs-
day for Minneapolis to visit friends
for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Payne and
Marlin made a trip to Dickinson
The Royal Neighbors met Wed-
n~day evening at the Commercial
Club rooms.
Miss Jeanette Welsh of Olendive
spent the weekend with her
Mrs. Guy Hall and Mrs. Guy
Hall, Jr. returned Thursday from
Louisville, Ky., where they visited
for two weeks.
Mrs. Eberly of Valley City stopped
for a short time Saturday to visit
her daughter, Mrs. Wallace Scott,
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sands spent
a few days at Wllliston last week.
Mr. Sands also attended a meeting
at Culbertson,
Mrs. Glenn Scammon entertain-
W-I f~T lr FI ..............
Thursday, February 3, 1944
The Masons had their regular
meeting last Thursday evening.
Wallace Scott was host at George's
Care after the meeting.
Mrs. Ellie Baird and daughter
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baird
visited Leslie Baird at the N. P.
Hospital at Glendive Saturday.
-Mrs. Dave McCann, 1M~s. P. A.
Fischer, Mrs. M. P. Ostby, and
Mrs. F. E. Elliott were in Glendive
on business Tuesday.
Mr./and Mrs. Don Lawrence, Mrs.
Burton Welsh and Russell, and Mr,
and Mrs. Pete Bold were in Glen-
dive Friday on business.
Dave Baird and Fred Reinecke
purchased the bowling alley and
will reopen it for business on
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sherman
entertained at dinner Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. E. Welliever and family,
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Sommerfeld,
and Mrs. Alda Hanson.
The Christian Fundamental
Ladies Aid was entertained by a
group Thursday afternoon consist-
ing of Mrs. E. Welliever, Mrs. P.
1~scher, Mrs. R. Amonrud and
Mrs. E. Ooossen.
Basketball scores for the last
week were: Circle 47, Wibaux 31,
played here on Thursday; Sacred
Heart of Miles City 34, Wibaux, 30
and Junior High of Glendive, 15
and Wibaux Junior High 17, played
here Tuesday; Wednesday at Sen-
tinel Butte, Wibaux boys 2,3. Sen-
tinel Butte 21, Wlbaux girls 25,
Sentinel Butte girls, 18.
Pearl Ktrkpatrlck, Reporter
Support the 4th War Loan Drive!
Mr. and Mrs. Roman FinnemanI
are the proud parents of a babyI
girl, born Thursday, the 27th. {
Mrs. Homer Madison and familyI
and Anna May Madison were Beach
visitors Wednesday.
John Tschida returned Thurs-
day from Minneapolis, Minn., where
he has been on business the past
Jean Hat.e, Reporter i
~-=--~- = - c c _---== c ..... _~][
Buy a Bond for the soldier boys{
L. R. Moline was a business caller
in Carlyle Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vanatta were
business callers in Baker Monday.
Wllliam Lindstrom has purchased
a 1941 Chevrolet business coupe.
Inay Kneugen left Monday to
work for Clinton Knudson.
Mrs. Roger Sanford submitted to
an appendectomy Sunday at the
Beach hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Martin were
dinner guests at the H. B. Fisk
home Thursday.
Pete and John Hammervold made
a business trip to Bowman on
Bud Still was thrown from a
horse Wednesday and injured his
leg quite badly.
Ed Kneugen and the Still bro-
thers were callers in Beach Tues-
day P. M.
P,~lph Doubles left Monday for
California to visit and find em-
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Vanatta
took their daughter Sharon to
Baker to the doctor Saturday P. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fulton and
son and Bud Still were business
callers in Baker Saturday P. 2Yl.
Harold Fulton. Jean Hartse, and
Buck Shepherd of Ollie spent Sun-
day at Glendive at the home of
Harold's folks.
MrS. Hammond and Mrs. Martin
entertained the Red Cross Tues-
day at the Hammond home. A
lovely dinner was served at noon.
Three sewing machines were kept
busy and lots of hand sewing was
done. Quite a few garments were
completed that day.
Mrs. Oscar Pederson, Mrs. Earl
Stark, Mrs. Chas. Abrams and Mrs.
Julia Flsk took their dinner and
motored to the Henry Kinsey home
Monday to visit and help with the
work for the day. Mrs. Kinsey and
I-Iilma spent the day at Chas.
WAR BONDS a "must" buy this
month to speed victory!
Norman Nellermoe informs us
that his brother Orville recently
underwent an operation at his
camp in Tennessee.
Arieigh Meek brought the mail
out on Wednesday, as our regular
mail man was at Fort Snelling
for a pre-induction examination.
Gaiety and romance, sandwiched
in with some of the finest dancing
ever captured by the camera, form
the theme of "The Sky's the
Limit", the screen's new Fred
Astaire-Joan Leslie starring ve-
Most of the light-hearted action
takes place in New York City,
where Astaire, as a Flyh]g Tiger
pilot on a short leave, decides to
avoid embarrassment and hero-
worship by posing as a civilian
idler. When he meets a" pretty girl
photographer for a picture maga-
zine the fun starts, with the flier
putting on a high-pressure cam-
paign to capture her interest in
the few days he has available.
HIS ingenious methods have un-
expected results for both of them,
and they lead to the many roman-
tic complications of the plot and
its suspenseful ending. Two bril-
liant dance routines by the stars
and a spectacular solo dance by
Astaire, along with a quartette of
catchy new songs by Johnny Mer-
cer and Harold Arlen, "My Shin-
ing Hour", "I've Got a Lot in
Common With Yon". and "One for
the Road", lend a weath of enter-
tainment to the RKO Radio offer-
Robert Benchley heads the sup-]
,porting cast of the David Hemp-I
stead production, which was di-]
rected by E. H. Griffith, and Fred-I
die Slack and his orchestra supply]
the music for its tuneful scenes.
Hospital Notes
If you want to buy or sell
something; if you need help
or v~ni • Job, you can got
results from News Want Ads.
No ad accepied for lass than
• 5c per insertion. A service
charge of 25c will be made for
"blind" ads.
FOR SALE--V-Mall stationary at
the News office. 5-tf
FOR SALE---19~ Model A Fordor,
good tires. Fred Nistler, Sentinel
Butte. 18-2tp
FOR SALE~Royal Typewriter rib-
boris. Golden Valley News
office. 5-tf
FOR SALE--41 head of mixed
lambs. Reasonable price if taken
at once. Also fresh milk cow.
Jos. Downs, Sentinel Butte. 19-2tp
WANTED--Experienced w~ i t r e s s.
No night or Sunday work. Good
wages. Apply at Cozy Cafe,
Beach. 19-tfc
FOR SALF_e--Plymouth Rock roo-
sters, purebred. Call or write
Clyde Myers, Sentinel Butte,
N.D. 19-lip
FOR SALE--194@ Chevrolet fordor
sedan, heater and radio, good
rubber. Inquire at the Golden
Valley News office. 18-1tp
STRAYED--Yearly Hereford heifer
with horns, branded R hanging K
on left ribs. $10 reward. Richard
Knopp, Alpha. 17-3tp
FOR SALE~-Duroc Jersey sows
bred to purebred boar to farrow
in April, weight between 250 and
300 lbs. Call phone 59W, Beach,
N.D. 19-1tp
ESTRAYED----3 whitefa~ed Hereford
cows and calves, 1 whitefaced
mooley bull, branded Diamond 6
on left hip. Notify Pete Kramer,
Wlbaux. Mont. 18-3tp
FOR S~LF-~4~e.~d red boar..See
or phone Hugh Schmitz, phone
15F120. 19-2tp
a limited number of Ben Huset's.
1944 weather forecasts. These
should be of speclal interest to.
farmers and stockmen. Golden
Valley News office. 18-tf
FOR SALE--A nmber of da~[e~.
Guernsey and Holstein heifers.
They are all from high producing
milch cows. Can be seen at the
Dr. Johnstone farm 10 miles
straight south of Beach. I.W.
Christensen, mgr. 18-4tp
PERMANENT WAVE, 59c---Do your
own Permanent with Charm-Kurl
Kit. Complete equipment, in-
cluding 40 curlers and shampoo.
Easy to do, absolutely harmless.
Praised by thousands, including
Fay McKenzie, glamorous movie
star. Money refunded if not sat-
isfied. Woodward Brothers Drug,
Beach, N.D. 10-10tp
The Golva Homemakers club met
on January 13th at the Herman
Brockmeyer home. A delicious din-
ner, prepared by Mrs. Brockmeyer
and Mrs. Gloyd Bury, was enjoyed
by twelve members and several
The lesson on care of feathers
and, feathers and their uses a~
the battlefront was very well given
by Mrs. R. L. Johnson.
Mrs. Donald Hammond became
a member at this meeting.
The next meeting will be on Feb-
ruary 10th at the Leo Rising.
home, with Mrs. Rising and Mrs.
John Schulte as hostesses.
Mrs. J. Schmeling, Sec'ty.
Beef calves should run with their
dams as long as possible, usually
until 6 or 8 months old. Wher~
3 to 4 weeks old the calves shoul~
be c~ered grain.
People are told to be 100 percent
Americans. The red Indians see~
ed her Sunday School class at
dinner party Tuesday evening at
her home tn the country.
Those attending the Lions club
meeting at Glencllve Monday eve-
ning were Guy Hail, Fred Reinecke
Wayne ~rcus, Leroy Sands, Bill
Howard, Lester Zopfi, Joe Nix and
Bert Fasching.
a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kukowskt of
Beach were supper anh evening
guests at the Julius Larsen home
Mrs. Flora Funk returned Sunday
from the east, after spending some
time visiting with her daughter,
Margie, and new granddaughter.
Marlene Larsen, daughter of
Julius Larsen, has been on the
sick list the past week, suffering
from ear trouble.
Tonie Kreitinger has been busy
patroling the snow covered roads
Lunds while the ladies took over
the house.
l~rs. J. F. Crook. Cot.
--:::: ..... :=__:- -- ----f
WAR BONDS are the safest in-
vestment in the wide world!
The ground is covered with a
white blanket of snow, the first for
some time. The weather is still
mild, however.
the past week but now they areI Ralnh Me~gs^r at+~nd~-~ th^ ho~^
mos~ y open again untll the next l
• ,sale at Sidney on Monday. He
snow storm comes sol- ne - r a - - h" ev
...... " ..... { a O no se no Dung t S en
~v~. narola ~.arsen oz e'or~ D~x,..~}pCn,~
New Jersey came the past week] Mrs' P V Moore and Mrs An
and is spending his furlough ViSit-{derson. and" Doris were ~dav
ir~ his brother and family, Julius afternoon c ........
. , a~ers a~ me ~orman
l~arsen. . . { Nellermoe home.
Tne many ,nends of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Stevens were
Those from Beach hospitalized
during the past week include: Mrs.
Joe Pesha. January 25-27; Donald
Goodale. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Goodale~and Rev. D. J. MacTavish,
both hospitalized January 28: and
Miss Faye Wenberg, brought to
the hospital January 26.
Hjalmer Johnson, Sentinel Butte,
was brought in January 28. Prom
Wlbaux. Mrs. Max Beggar, was
hospitalized January 30. and Mrs.
Alfred Nunberg, January 31. Mrs.
Robert Carew. Alpha, came in Feb-
'ruary I.
Mrs. Pete Oberg, Amidon. spent
~Wo days in the hospital, from
January 26-28 From Grassy Butte
~s Mrs. Matt Fleck, hospitalized
January 25-29. Richard Kerr,
Clinton, Indiana, was brought to
the hospital January 27. ]
Mrs. W. R. Campln, Sentinell
Butte, underwent surgery JanuaryI
25th. {
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Flnneman, 1
Golva, are the parents of a 6 lb.]
starring John Wayne and Martha
Scott with Albert Dekker. A
mighty motion picture of a great
adventure that turned a barren
wilderness into roaring prosper-
ous boom towns!
OWL SHOW SAT. 11:30 P. M.
starring Fred Astaire and Joan
Leslie with Robert Benehley,
Preddie Slack and his Orchestra.
Here's a thrill, new and gay l
It's a dance-filled holiday
Gay tunes you will sing and
dance to!
Wlth Margo, John Carradine
and Robert Ryan. Five amaz-
ing dramas in one ... l Startling
revelations of the secret lives
of five "ordinary" people ...
llke those you knOW...and the
aeusatlonal past history they hid
behind a commonplace maskl
with Pat O'Brlen.
Johnny Mack Brown in
Also Chapter
Mrs. Earl Schmitz were sorry to
hear of the death of their baby
son at the Bismarck Hospital on
last Wednesday. The funeral was
held at the St. Mary's church of
Golva on Thursday of last week.
The residents of Golva also spent
Wednesday of last week without
the use of gas. It was off from
Tuesday evening until Wednesday
morning, and everyone was thor-
cughly cold before it came into use
The dance that was to have been
held by the Golva school on Jan-
uary 28 was Postponed due to the
snow storm. It will be held the
coming Friday, February ~, though
there will be ,1o basketball game
~efore the dance.
.Mrs. Cora Ziebarth returned Fri-
day evening from Texas, where
she has been the Past two weeks,
and has taken over her duties as
primary teacher in the Golva
school. Mrs. Owsin Sehmltz had
taken her place while she was
Mary McCaskoy Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Adamm and
and Leona Nielsen were
from school last~ week, as they were
ilI witl~ the ~.
Mr. and Mrs. ~odfrey Pesha and
sons and Joe Pesha, Sr. and son
Jerry were visitors at the Joe
Pesha, Jr. home Sunday.
There was no school at Bonnie
View on Thursday
the teacher, Miss Mary Rehlholz,
spent those days at her home be-
cause of the illness of her mother.
Olaf Abraham went to Dickinson
Saturday to visit his father at the
hospital there. He returned home
Sunday night.
Mrs. Joe Pesha, Jr. returned to
her home Thursday evening after
a ~tient at
~1 for a few
femw ~uch ~roved.
Pe~a 2tas been staying
since her return from the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Canahan and
of Beach, Mr~ I~
Beach visitors on Wednesday, when
they had dental work done. They
returned home in the evening
ttrrough the heavy fog and it wasn't
very pleasant driving, we hear.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mosser
motored to Beach on Wednesday
afternoon, returning to their home
on Thursday afternoon. They call-
ed at the Bob Stevens and the
J F. Crook homes on their way
The Kyle Sperry family motored
to Beach on Sunday morning,
wher~ Kyle Sperry and daughter
Bethine consulted Dr, Bush. Kyle
Sperry underwent a tonsilectomy,
and Bethine will wear glasses. We
are glad to hear that Kyle is feel-
ing quite well now.
2 oz. girl born January 27. An 8 lb.
8~ oz. boy was born January 28
to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thoemke.
Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Karnes
Johnson, Beach, are also the par-
~nts of a glrl, 7 lb. 1.~ oz., born
;Yanuary 31.
Notice--Measles Quarantine: Ex-
cIusion of exposed susceptible chil-
dren and teachers from school until
14 days from the past exposure
and of exposed susceptible children
from public gatherings for the
same period.~Public Heath Laws
of the state of North Dakota and
rules and regulations of the State
Health Department.
Owing to Government Restrictions on
Materials Because i of War Conditions.
And so That,we May Better be Able to
Serve our Customers with Repairs, We
ask all in the Beach, Golva and Adjoin-
ing Territory, Owning Rumely, Allis,
Chalmers or La-
Crosse Machin-
es, Tractors or
Combines to
drop us a Post-
card at once
with name of
achine Size, and Serial Number where
Allis-Chalmers Dea~r
PIANO TinNING--Howard Stall,
well known piano tuner-repair-
man, will soon be in town. Leave
orders at the News office for his
services. 19-1tc
FOR SALE--~ne complete set of
press drill wheels for a 14-foot
drill, like new, with weight box
and springs for presser. H. B
Finneman. Golva. 19-2tp
FOR SALEe-Good prairie hay, can
deliver; also Berkshire Duroc
Jersey bred gilts, your choice.
Fred Buldhaupt, Beach, or phone
2Fll. 18-tfc
FOR SALE--The original Wlbaux
ranch. 4480 acres of deeded land
also 150 head of Hereford cattle.
Call or write box 11, J. D. Wood,
Wibaux, Mont. 16-4tp
FOR SALE--1941 Deluxe Plymouth
coupe, radio, heater, and 6 ply
tires. 1938 4-door Plymouth
sedan, heater, good tires. Logan
Auto Service. 18-3tc
to comply with this idea the best~
as their ancestors were born in
Every Monday Night
at 8 p. m. (MWT)
And hear a discussion of
matters of vital interest
to North Dakota by well
known citizens.
February 4th and 5th
Will be able to take all hogs delivered to me Frittay
and Saturday at prices quoted below;
TOP HOGS, 210 to 300 lbs. - -. $12,10
185 to 210 lb. HOGS ..... $~1,50
170 to 185 lb. HOGS - - - $11.6@
140 to 170 lb. HOGS .... $9.50 to $11.00
SOWS, all weights ...... $10.@@
Feeder hogs or hogs under 14{)i Ibs. bought at
per hundred.
You'H Always Get A Square Deal With--
Beach, North~Dakota