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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 29, 2009     Golden Valley News
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January 29, 2009
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January 29, 2009 Page 7 Notice: Destruction of Records The West River Student Services Unit intends to destroy special educa- tion records of students who graduat- ed or received services at any affiliat- ed school district between the years of 2000 and 2003. Such records are no longer needed for educational purpos- es. Former students (or legally appointed guardians) who wish to obtain their records prior to destruction must put their request for these records in writing by March 15 and mail to: West River Student Services, P.O. Box 1575, Dickinson, ND 58602. Please allow 30 days for process- ing requests. (January 29) Notice to Creditors Probate No. 17-09-P-03 State of North Dakota County of Golden Valley In District Court - Southwest Judicial District In the Matter of the Estate of Charlotte L. Cox, a/k/a Charlotte Cox, Deceased Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed per- sonal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this said notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to Ronald S. Efla, Attorney for the per- sonal Representative, return receipt requested at P.O. Box 300, Wibaux, Montana 59353, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. Dated this 15th day of January, 2009 B Joyce Vernon Personal Representative Address: P.O. Box 1436 Montrose, CO 81402 Ronald S. Efta Wibaux County Courthouse P.O. Box 300 Wibaux, MT 59353 Telephone (406) 796-2431 Attorney for the Estate (January 22, 29 and February 5) Bids ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CRUSHING AND STOCKPILING GRAVEL COUNTY OF BILLINGS, NORTH DAKOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the Commission of the County of Billings, North Dakota, will meet at the County Courthouse on the 3rd day of February, 2009 at 11:30 AM, MT for the purpose of opening and consider- ing bids for the furnishing of materials, labor, equipment and skill required for the purpose of crushing and stockpil- ing gravel and incidental items in and for said County, as is more fully described and set forth in the plans and specifications therefore, which are now on file in the office of the County Auditor. Bids will be received on the follow- ing approximate quantities and types of work: Crushing and Stockpiling Gravel Setting 1:SElt4 of Section 9-143- 99 - 30,000 C.Y. Setting 2:$1/2 of Section 14-142- 98 - 30,000 C.Y. Setting 3:E1/2 of Section 13-142- 99 - 30,000 C.Y. Copies of the plans and specifica- tions and other bidding and contract documents may be obtained from the County Auditor at the Billings County Courthouse or Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, Consulting Engineers, PO Box 1118. Dickinson, North Dakota 58602. Trivi test Rodriguez I LANGUAGE: What does the French phrase "'entre nous" mean? 2. TELEVISION: What kind of "dinosaur" ',,as the Flintsones" family pet Dino? 3. AD SLOGANS: What product used the advertising slogan, "How do you spell relier?" 4. MYTHOLOGY: Who was the Greek goddess of the hearth and home? 5. GEOGRAPHY: In which city would you find the famous Trevi Fountain? 6. MUSIC: Which recording artist had a 1970s hit with the song "'Croco- dile R(~'k"? 7. LITERATURE: What was Dorothy Parker's pseudonym.'?" 8. RELIGION: Who is the patron saint of artists? 9. CHEMISTRY: What is the Period- ic Table symbol for silver? I0. COMICS: What is the name of the mili.tary base where Beetle Bailey and his friends reside'? Answers 1. Privately, between us 2. Snorkasaunls 3. R-O-L-A-I-D-S 4. Hestia 5. Rome 6. Elton John 7. Constant Reader 8. St. Luke 9. Ag I 0. Camp Swampy All bids are to be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work and materials, and each bid shall be accompanied by a separate envelope containing a bidder's bond in a sum equal to five per cent (5%) of the full amount of the bid, executed by the bid- der as principal and by a surety com- pany authorized to do business tn this state, conditioned that if the principal's bid be accepted and the contract awarded to him, he, within ten (10) days after notice of award, will execute and effect a contract in accordance with the terms of his bid and a contrac- tor's bond as required by the laws of the State of North Dakota and the reg- ulations and determinations of the County Commission of Billings County, North Dakota. All bidders must be licensed for the highest amount of their bids. as provid- ed by Section 43-07-05 of the North Dakota Century Code. Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the low bid submitted by a responsible and responsive bidder for the aggregate sum of all bid items. A single contract will be awarded for the work. All bids will be contained in a sealed envelope, as above provided, plainly marked showing that such envelope contains a bid for the •above project. In addition, the bidder shall place upon the exterior of such enve- lope the following information: 1. The work covered by the bid- der 2. The name of the bidder 3. Separate envelope contain- ing bid bond and a copy of Contractor's License or Renewal Certificate 4. Acknowledgement of the Addenda. The work shall be completed by August 1st, 2009. The County Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids to waive any informality in any bid, to hold all bids for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of open- ing bids, and to accept the bid deemed most favorable to the interest of Billings County. Should the Contractor fail to com- plete the work within the time required herein or within such extra time as may have been granted by formal extensions of time approved by the Owner, there will be deducted from any amount due the Contractor the sum of $200 per day for each day and every day that the completion of the work is delayed. The Contractor and his surety will be liable for any excess. Such payment will be as and for liqui- dated damages and not as a penalty. All bidders are invited to be present at the public opening of the bids. Dated this 15th day of January, 2009. COUNTY OF BILLINGS, NORTH DAKOTA s/ Joan Jurgens Joan Jurgens, County Auditor (January 15, 22 and 29) Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors Probate No. 17-09-P-02 In Southwest Judicial District Court, Golden Valley County, State of North Dakota In the Matter of the Estate of Richard G. Bradley, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above- named Estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to present their claims within three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either will be presented to Sharon Davis, the Personal Representative. at Mackoff Kellogg Law Firm, P.O. Box 10, Beach, North Dakota, 58621 or filed with the Court. Dated this 6th day of January, 2009. Sharon Davis, Personal Representative Charles J. Peterson Mackoff Kellogg Law Firm P,O. Box 10 Beach, North Dakota ND Bar ID # 04009 (701) 872-3731 Attorney for: Personal Representative (January 29, February 5 and 12) R.ED. . by Mike Marland ,.~~l ~ .~61Zg$14.t4ag,,T,$ ~ ~.~..~~~ ~;.~.~ --=~~ ~.. ~a~;o I ¢ ~ L~OU DTblINK IF l ~------~ ~:~_-~- .~ - ~_ .-_.__ _ .- ~--~=" ...... -- -'~"~"~_~, _i~,. ~, "~X,~.~ ©2009 King Features Syndicate. Inc, World right ...... d. Out on a Limb 7--- ')2, ( by Gary Kopervas l nny v'elr I jot i,Yerview. { so TELl, ME A LllTLE ABOUT k,,... YouR~L~ I