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Beach, North Dakota
January 29, 2009     Golden Valley News
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January 29, 2009
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Page 6 January 29, 2009 i: • I Notice Notice of~ Lapse of Mineral Interest Pursuant to N.D.C.C. Section 38-18.1 To: Daniel E, Dietz and Conrad P. Dietz, as Trustees of the Herman Dietz Mineral Trust; William Ueckert and Beverly Ann Ueckert; Kye Trout, Jr.; Daniel Horstein; Mary Lynne Ward, a/k/a Mary Lynne Williams; William R. Ewert; Hate Molinarro; Anna Kruger Wilfiams and Albert Williams; Ida Kruger; Frank Kruger; Emmett Kruger; Harry Kruger & Vivian Kruger; Phitlip Paultus (Grace) The undersigned, Andrew H. Smith & Tiffanie L.Smith, hereby give notice of the lapse of mineral interest pursuant to Chapter 38-18.1 of the NOrth Dakota Century Code and does hereby further give notice that they intend to succeed to the owner- ship of the entire mineral interest in and under the following tract of land, said ownership having lapsed by abandonment and nonuse for a peri- od of 20 years• 1. The names of the record own- ers of the lapsed mineral interests are: Daniel E. Dietz and Conrad P. Dietz, as Trustees of the Herman F. Dietz Mineral Trust; William Ueckert and Beverly Ann Ueckert; Kye Trout, Jr.; Daniel Horstein; Mary Lynne Ward, a/k/a Mary Lynne Williams; William R. Ewert; Hate Molinarro; Anna Kruger Williams and albert Williams; Ida Kruger; Frank Kruger; Emmett Kruger; Harry Kruger & Vivian Kruger; Phillip Paultus 2. The description of land on which the minerals are located is: Township 140 North, Range 104 West of the 5th P.M., Golden Valley County, ND; Section 34: N1/2NE1/4, SE1/4NE1/4, NEI/4SE1/4; Section 29:SE1/4 Township 141 North, Range105 West of the 5th P.M., Golden Valley County, ND Section 24: $1/2NE1/4, N1/2SE114 ' ~ 3. The names of the persons giv- ing notice of .lapse of mineral interest are : Andrew H. Smith and Tiffanie L. Smith, whose mailing address is 3510 165th Avel3u~,~,' BeaCh,, ND 58621. 4. Andrew H. Smith and Tiffanie L. Smith are the record owners of the surface estate of the above described premises and as such by giving this notice intend to suCceed~t'0 the own- ership of the above-described lapsed mineral interest. 22259,POSTMASTER, 180 366-6888 TTY, 6889-Voice 22267,ACTIVITY FUND (January 29) BHS, 81.65 22268,ALTERNATIVE Billings County School SANITATION, 250 22269,BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA HOTEL, 704 BILLINGS COUNTY 22270,BUCKMAN, KARLA, 19.95 SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 22271 ,CASS CLAY Minutes of Regular Meeting CREAMERY, INC ,945.03 December 17, 2008 22272,CENGAGE LEARNING, 2142.51 22273,CITY OF BELFIELD, 510.53 22274,DAN'S S UPERMARKET, 256.58 22275,DEPT• OF PUBLIC School with members Dennis O'Brien, INSTRUCTION, 98.97 Dean Rodne, Anthony Kessel, Darnyl 22276,ESP COMPUTERS Malkowski, and Stacey Kessel, and & SOFTWARE, 220 Principal Soehren present. Also pres- 22277,FARMERS UNION ent were Ruth Johnson, Maxine OIL, 774.28 Trotter, and Jessie Berger. 22278,FOLLETT Rodne moved, Kessel seconded, SOFTWARE CO, 74.27 to approve the consent agenda, which 22279,GOLDEN included the minutes of the November VALLEY NEWS, 253.76 meeting, the attached check list, and 22280,HAAN CRAFTS, 84.5 the addition of four items to the agen- 22281,HLEBECHUK, RENE, 9.47 da. The motion carried unanimously. 22282,HM RECEIVABLES 10494 Newby's Ace CO LLC, 35.13 Hardware 52.84 22283,INFORMATION 10495 AIItel 75.00 TECHNOLOGY DEPT, 183.26 10496Alternative Sanitation 237•00 22284,INTERSTATE 10497 D&A O'Brien BRANDS, 187.81 ' Bus Route 4,721.60 22285,JOHNSON, ELAINE, 36 10498 Belfield Automotive 22286,JOSTENS, 220.5 Supply 81.09 22287,LAMPRECHT, 10499 Blue Cross JEFFREY, 64.16 Blue Shield 1,037.88 22288,LIBRARIANS' CHOICE,54.85 10500 Booth Delivery 43,73 22289,LOOKOUT BOOKS, 339.1 10501 Border States 13.74 22290,MCDOWELL, RANDY,9.8 10502 Braun Distributing 22291 ,MENARDS, 17.71 Inc. 54.95 22292,MONTANA-DAKOTA 10503 Carrie Wanner 217.80 UTILITIES 6198.2 10504 Cass Clay 22293,NEWBY'S ACE Creamery Inc. 185.82 HARDWARE, 222.83 10505 City of Medora 22294,NWTIRE INC, 101.65 Utilities 266.42 22295,PIERCE, KELLY, 212.5 10506 Compucom 961.21 22296,POSTMASTER, 182 10507 Dacotah Paper 22297,REALLY GOOD Col 241.50 STUFF, 50.35 10508 Dakota Water 22298,REMINGTON, DARREL ,414 Treatment 170.25 22299,RENAISSANCE 10509 Dan's Supermarket 61.64 LEARNING INC, 249 10510 Darlene Mitchell 442.60 22300,SCHAIBLE, 10511 Darnyl Malkowski 236.25 TIMOTHY O, 1922.68 10512 Dean Foods Inc. 263.30 22301,SNYDER REPAIRAND 10513 Denise Soehren 398.10 SERVICES,12 10514 Diane Murphy 322.08 22302,SOUTHWEST 10515 Dickinson Press 150.00 BUSINESS MACHINES, 211.57 10516 Dickinsotl Public 22303,THE HERMITAGE ART Library 3,891.33 COMPANY, INC, 51.57 10517 Donna Barnet 1,178.40 22304,US 10518 Donna Lynn FOODSERVICE, inc, 3191.42 Peterson 501.72 22305,VANDERESCH, IVAN, 350 10519 Department of 22371 ,ACT, 416.8 Public Instruction 77.00 22372,AT & T, 147.05 10520 East Side Entrees 22373,HUTZENBILER,, Inc. 54.88 KENNETH ,3394.27 10521 Electro Watchman 22374, Inc. 598.80 OBRIGEWITCH, TAMMY, 2458.91 10522 Farmers Union 22376,WEST RIVER Oil Co. 61.29 STUDENT SERVICES 7218.89 10523 Fedex 5.34 22381 ,QWEST 201.18 10524 Frey Scientific 48.18 22382,QWEST, 70.49 10525 Gary Meduna 3,986.01 22384,WAL-MART 10526 Geiger's Landscaping STORE #1567 ,327.08 & Sprinklers 425.00 STUDENT ACTIVITY 10527 George Stverak 500.00 5411 ,BERGER, ALICE, 33.35 10528 Harcourt 725.11 5412,BOOTS, JESSICA, 188 10529 Hop 2 It Music 99.50 10530 The Horace Dated this 6th day of January, 5413,COCA-COLA BOTTLING,478.65 2009 ~-~'~¢~ . . ~,~.-~ 54t4 COUNTRY MEDIA INC, 22.5 Andr~~h '~.~, ~ 54i 5,DUTTENHEFER, Tiffan~ ......... '~ ..... ~ ....... "~ ........ROBERTA .... ,34.2 State!of NOrth Dakota ~ 5416 GRAND INTERNATIONAL,720 County of Stark , On the 6th day of January, 2009, before me personally appeared Andrew H. Andrew and Tiffanie L. Smith, husband and wife, who are known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they execut- ed the same. Charles J. Peterson,Notary Public -. Stark County, North Dakota My Commission Expires: Oct. 26, 2013 (January 15, 22 and 29) Belfield Public School REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION, BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #13 DECEMBER 11, 2008 ELEMENTARY LIBRARY The meeting was called to order by board president Ed Procive at 7:00 p.m Present: Ernie Buckman, Tim Ebert, Delbert Kadrmas, Tony Krebs, and Ed Procive, Supt. Remington, Etem Prin. Lorge, Bus. Mgr. Berger. 5417,GRIFFIN, MIRYA, 25 5418,JOHNSON, FRANCES, 7.5 5419,KLYM, ROGER, 51.39 5420,LAKE COUNTRY STITCHES/BUFFALO GAP ,51 5421,LAMPRECHT, JEFFREY,93.72 5422,LOGO MAGIC, 282.5 5423,LORGE, LOUISE, 35 5424,NEWTON, COURTNEY, 15 5425,ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC, 177.87 5426,PEPSI COLA BOTTLING, 171.66 5427,POOL, CRAIG, 47.88 5428,QSP, INC, 3326.81 5429,SOUTH HEART SCHOOL DISTRICT, 245.5 5430,ST BERNARD'S, 150 5431 ,THOMAS, AMANDA, 10 5432,BEA, 100 ' 5433,HEBRON PUBLIC SCHOOL, 735.7 5434,MINNESOTA WOODS PRODUCTS, 1117.09 5435,HASH FINCH COMPANY 2248.4 5436,MINNTEX CITRUS, INC, 1429.41 5437,WAL-MART STORE #1567, 316.74 Supt. Remington noted the cost of different types and heights of flag poles. The board asked him to check Aso present was Mr. Tuhy represent- into a 30' pole. ing the South Heart School board. Supt Reminaton presented a M/S K adrmas/Krelbs,~t0 approve the tuition- agreement reqiJest received minutes, of' the November 18, 2008, from Dickinson Public School. After school bbard meeting.: Motion carried discussion M/S Krebs/Kadrmas to unanimously. ' : deny the request for tuition to the Mi~Eb~¢k~6:~0-'~prove the Southwest Commun ty High School on agenda~;~dd|ti0n 6fia patron!~' behalf of Drew J. Ginther as presented written request :,and supenntendent's by Dickinson Public School Motion evaluation. Motion carried unani.- carried unanimously. mously. Supt. Remington presented a Elem. Prin. Lorge noted that stu- patron written request. After discus- dents have been working hard on hol- sion M/S BuckmanlKrebs to deny iday programs and decorations: Shelly Kinney's written request for Bus. Mgr. Berger gave the board tuition for her son to attend Southwest f nancia reports for November 2008. Community High School. Motion car- Supt. Remington report: ried unanimously. Gave an overview of the governor's President Procive noted all the writ- budget, ' ' ten evaluations of the superintendent Presented: the quote for additional were satisfactory. He thanked Mr. new lockers. M/S Krebs/Kadrmas to Remington for his work within the approve the 'quOte for new lockers ' .school and with the board. from School Products. Motion carried The next meeting is scheduled for unafiimously ..... ~ - . January 15 2009 7:00 pm. Noted a new law that all small Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. buses will be required to have seat,' Edward Procive, Board President belts by 2011: ........ Alice Berger, Business Manager The Deferred Maintenance Grant (January 29) haslbeen approved: Presented theNew Member Board Certificate for Tim Ebert. Meeting change Asked if the' board was willing to corrtr bute towards a score clock to be NOTICE OF REGULAR located at St. Bernard's gym. MEETING CHANGE it was the consensus of the board to ¢6~tri~ute, as t~el gym is used for The regular February meeting of sc116Gi athieflc~tl~{i~S ...... ~the BillingS County School Board has £ommended Mrs. Lorge for her been changed to 3:00 p.m. MT, from Contingencies to the Community Services category . . The motion car- ried unanimously. Approval was also given for Clara Kasper to serve as a volunteer for the program provided her background check is satisfactory. Preschoolers can ride District buses if they currently reside at an existing bus stop and there is room on the bus. Principal Soehren reported On pro- cor)tributiori~ ~ ~td~l :;decorating the hall~. {t was noted buses with air brakes will~ ne~.~,DOT .~pections §tarti'ng Pr~fci~e~a~irt On the Sports Co~p, ~e~t, fig a5~ the RACTC meet- ing~ .' ~/S Krebs/Ebert to approve pay- me~t of the bills:' Motion carried unan- imously: ...... " ........ 22258,POsTMAsTER, 76.04 Wednesday, February 11, 2009, at the DeMores School. Prior to the meeting the Board will do their annual visitation of the school. School board members and admin- istration will also be visiting the Prairie School beginning at 10:00 a.m. Thursday January 29, 2009. Anyone needing special accommo- dations to attend the meetings may make arrangements by contacting the District Office at 623-4363 or 1-800- fessional development activities and The regular meeting of the Billings ; upcoming calendar items. County School Board was called to !: O'Brien reported he had reviewed order at 6:30 p.m. MT, Wednesday, the principal's and business manag- December 17, 2008, at the DeMores er's evaluations with them, and they Mann Companies 197.45 10531 Jacobsen Music Inc 29.52 10532 James J Wosepka P,C 2,960.00 10533 Jessie Berger 27.90 10534 Kathleen Chernenko 796.96 10535Kathy Malkowski 3,343.24 10536 Kelly Pierce 30.60 10537 Kim Anderson 198.90 10538 Laura Armbrust 15.30 10539 Lisa Oehler 15.75 10540 Elizabeth Odermann 108.00 10541 McGraw Hill School Publishing Co. 251.27 10542 Michelle Thomas 75.00 10543 Midstate Telephone Co. 194.90 10544 ND Lead Center 1,250.00 10545 NDPERS Group Health Insurance Plan 4,074.20 10546 NDSU Extension Pesticide Program 100.00 10547 Billings County Pioneer 248.27 10548 Postmaster 20.00 10549 Qwest Communications 529.1 10550 Bismarck Ramkota Hotel 832.00 10551 Raymond Geddes and Company Inc 44.31 10552 RDA Systems, Inc 104.41 10553 Reservation Telephone Coop 135.56 10554 Rita Denning 96.84 10555 Roughrider Electric Coop Inc 3,948.00 10556 South Heart Closeup 1,0064.00 10557 Southwest Business Machines 832.39 10558 Scholastic Magazines43.49 10559 South Heart School Dist. " 58&00 10560 " Stein's Inc. 385.80 10561 Stringer Business Systems 456.40 10562 Susan Pedeliski 24.75 10563 SW Water Authority 93.86 10564Terry M. Brown Inc. 12,240.44 10565 Tom's Service 10566 University of Mary 10567 US Foodservice t0568 Voyager Expanded Learning 50&80 10569WaI-Mart Community 160.06 10570 West Dakota Oil Inc. 2,023.21 10571 West River Student;iServices 7,053.14 10572 .... QSP Inc. 2,600.00 274.10 8,080.00 1,050.17 had both been satisfactory. . Malkowski moved, Kessel second- ed, to rescind Section F of the District Policy Manual. The motion carried unanimously. Kessel moved, Baranko seconded to approve the second read- ing and adoption of the following poli- cies and accompanying regulations: FAAA, FAAB, FAAC, FAR, FACA, FACB, FC, FCAA, FCAA-R, FCAB, FCAB-R, FCAC, FCAD, FCAE, FCBA, FCBA-R, FDA, FDB, FDB-BR, FDC, FDD, FDE, FDF, FDG, FECB, FF, FFA, FFA-R, FFB, FFC, FFC-R, FFD, FFE, FFF, FFG, FFH, FFI, FFJ, FFK, FFK- DR, FFK-E1, FFK-E2, FG, FGA, FGAA, FGBA, FGBB, FGCA, FGCB', FGCC, FGDA, FGDB, FGDD, FIB, FIB-R, FIC. The motion carried unan- imously. The Board decidedto visit Prairie and DeMores schools on the days they have their formal dinners. :.' Approval was given for the busi- ness manager to purchase offsite backup and storage service from RDA Systems. O'Brien will be the Board's repre- sentative, to Belfield's next meeting. Rod~l"~ reported the Billings County Ambulan~Ce service is short on volun- teer EMT's, so would like to hire a full time person, and would like to know if there are duties the person could per- form for the school also. Ideas were briefly discussed. A parent who plans to open enroll her child to kindergarten at Prairie next year had inquired about bus service. It was decided they would need to meet at the closest bus route as other open enrolled students are required to do. Kasey Malkowski had asked what the Board wishes to do with the two walk-behind snow blowers which are not being used now that there are snow blowers on the tractors. It was decided to set a minimum price and advertize them for sale. Principal Soehren reported on the last Heart River Sports Coop meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Dennis O'Brien, President Darlene Mitchell, Business Manager (January 29) Golva Public School GOLVA PUBLIC SCHOOL REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING 5:30 PM - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2008 ,, PRESENT: ' Paul • Schmitz, i Sarah Volk, Dick Goodijohn, Gene Weinreis, Linda Stovelandl Julie Zook, and Leah Zook. ABSENT: VISITORS: Jan Kuchera, Robert Nistler. Call Meeting to Order: The regular meeting of the Golva Public School Board was called to order Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 5:30 PM by President Gene Weinreis. Agenda" On a motion by Stoveland and second by Goodijohn, the agenda was approved unanimously. Town Hall: Discussion regard- ing the cleaning of the town hall. Robert Nistler left at 5:42 PM. Minutes: On a motion by Goodijohn and second by Schmitz, the November 5, 2008, regular school board meeting minutes were approved. Motion car- ried unanimously. Bills: Volk made a motion to approve payment of the December 2008 district bills with one addition to the Dakota Kids 4-H Club for $50. Motion was seconded by Stoveland. Motion carried unanimously. 28081 AmericanScholastic Achievement League 70.00 28079 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 1,875.00 28082 Booth Delivery Service 49.69 28083Boss Office Supplies 36.86 28084 City of Golva 100.00 28085 Coca Cola 39.80 ~28086 Dakota Kids . 4-H Club 50.00 ii 28087 Department of "i. Public Instruction 42.47 :i 28088 Discount Magazines 150.00 i28089 Discovery Benefits, Inc. 10.00 i28090 East side Entrees, Inc. 49.20 28091 Food Services of ', America 273.87 28092 Four Season Trophies 34.55 i : 28093 Golden Valley county treasurer's Office 233.20 i28094 Golden Valley News 93.94 i 28078Goldenwest Electric 605.60 28095 Golva Grocery 39.36 : 28096 Golva Public i School 36.10 • : 28097Hammond, Maria (A.) 4.24 28098 Industrial Towel Supply ~i Co. .28.20 10573 Zee Service Co. 173.25 i 28099 Jim Wosepka met with the Board in ~ 28100 regard to the audit report. Board members had received a copy of the report prior to the meeting, and had no questions or concerns. The audit report was satisfactory. A request from a bus contractor to pay drivers directly for time for extra responsibilities was discussed. It was Intuit 275.95 J.W. Pepper & Son, ,; Inc. 52•90 ,j 28101 Mathcounts il Foundation 80.00 128102 Maus, Karen A. 93.60 ! 28103 MDU . .453.52 28104 Midstate Communications 111.62 i 28080 ND Teachers Fund felt the District should not be paying "!for Retirement 1,193.56 contractOt'~° employees. .!! 28105 Oriental Trading Co. Principal Soehren reported on :~! Inc. 23.99 ~i, 28106 Ramkota Hotel 256.00 plans for:,the preschool program at Prairie; Business Manager Mitchell 28107 Rising Repair 1,656.68 report~ on the information she had ~;i28108 SBM 43.83 received ffom the Dept. of Public ii~!28109 Schulte Jim 354.95 Instruction, and also where other ~; 28110 Southwest Electric 117.68 schools are reporting these expendi- !28111 Valley Dairy tures. B,aranko moved, Rodne sec--'i! Products ,241.93 onded, tO approve the preschool pro- ::. ~28112 Zook, Julie 1,211.10 gram to start January 13, with Tammie ' 28113 Zook, Leah A. 148.05 Novotny as instructor and Kayleen Payroll 17,607.70 Obritsch as paraprofessional; and to 28071 Aflac 85.60 transfer the necessary appropriations 28072 NDEA 37.25 28073 EFTPS 5,153.28 28074 BC/BS 139.40 28075 GPS 358.33 28076 TFFR 1,121.23 28077 ND State Tax 258.00 Tuition Agreement: Stovetand made a motion to approve the 2008- 2009 high school tuition agreement with Bismarck Public Schools for a partial school year (days not deter- mined at this time). Motion was sec- onded by Goodijohn and passed unanimously. Sport Co-op Update: J. Zook and G. Weinreis met with Beach High School Administration regarding bus drivers for junior high away games. Beach will provide and pay the bus driver while Golva will supply the bus and fuel and pay the bus driver $20 to pick up and return the bus to Golva. Improvement Grant: There is approximately $11,000 in funds avail- able for Golva School to apply for to be used for improvements in the school buildings. Discussion. Principal Evaluation: Principal evaluation was completed at this meeting (Dec. 10, 2008) for Julie Zook. Correspondence: Larry Schulte's bus has a recall that has to be repaired and it also needs a master switch installed. Robed Nistler's bus will be going to Bismarck for repairs over Christmas vacation. We received a signed copy of the Tim Oech family open enrollment application with Beach Public Schools for the 2009-2010 school year. A"thank you" for the holiday supper was given to the school board. Principal's Report: The first round of teacher evalua- tions are completed. School improvement surveys to parents have been sent out but not many have been received back. Students and staff have completed the school improvement surveys. Golva School Christmas concert is Dec. 18 at 7:00 PM. First State Bank of Golva will provide the refreshments. Gift certificate for Santa was dis- cussed. Motion to Adjourn: On a motion by Goodijohn, and second by Stoveland, the December 10, 2008 meeting was adjourned at 6:22 PM Motion carried unanimously. - Next meeting date: Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009 - Regular Board Meeting - 6:00 PM. ATTEST: Leah Zook, Business Manager Gene Weinreis, Golva School Board President (January 29) Golva Public School GOLVA PUBLIC SCHOOL REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING 6:00 PM - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2008 PRESENT: Linda Stoveland, Paul Schmitz, Dick Goodijohn, Sarah Volk, Gene Weinreis, Julie Zook, and Leah Zook. ABSENT: VISITORS: Amy Grotte. Call Meeting to Order: The regular meeting of the Golva Public School Board was called to order Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 6:10 PM by Vice President Linda Stovetand. Gene Weinreis arrived to chair the meeting at 6:t5 PM. Agenda: On a motion by Schmitz and second by Stoveland, the agenda was approved unanimously. Minutes: On a motion by Stoveland and second by Volk, the October 8, 2008, regular school board meeting minutes were approved• Motion car- ried unanimously. Bills: Goodijohn made a motion to approve payment of the November 2008 district bills. Motion was second- ed by Schmitz. Motion carried unani- mously. 28039 Atlas Windshield Repair 105.00 28040• Badlands Reading Council 30.00 28041 Beach Public School District 405.90 28038 Blue Cross/ Blue Shield 1,875.00 28042 Boss Office Supplies 578.08 28043 City of Golva 117.00 28044 Coca Cola 29.85 28045 Dakota Assemblies 400.00 28046 Department of Public Instruction 65.20 28047 Discovery Benefits, Inc. 1,084.99 28048 EduTech 50:00 28049 Expressway Inn 110.00 28050 Food Services of America-Co 697.90 28051 Golden Valley News 204.24 28029 Goldenwest Electric 640.60 28052 Golva Grocery 23.05 28053 Golva Public School 20.00 28054 Grotte, Amy 198•00 28055 Industrial Towel Supply Co. ' 66.41 28056 Intuit 25.00 28057 Maus, Darla A. 65.70 28058 ~ MDU 215.02 28059Midstate Communications 115.06 28060 ND Council of Educational Leaders 50.00 28028 ND Council of School Attorneys 60.00 28037 ND Teachers Fund for Retirement 1,165.51 28061 Nistler, Mary 33.68 28062 Nistler, Robert (. 291.66 28063 Oriental Trading Co. Inc. 74.90 28064 Rising Repair 1,554.60 28065 SBM 36.98 28066 Schmidt Repair 305.28 28067 Schulte, Jim 325.00 28068 US Postal Service 84.00 28070 Valley Dairy Products 28069 NC 28030 28031 28032 28033 28034 28035 28036 Payroll 320.77 Zookt Julie Intuit ," 183.97 Aflac 85.60 NDEA 37.25 EFTPS 5,134.20 BC/BS 139.40 GPS . 358.33 TFFR 1,094.88 ND State Tax 241.00 18,148.54 Beach Schools Tuition Agreement: Volk made a motion to approve the 2008-2009 high school tuition agree- ment with Beach Public Schools in the amount of $7,3741~ per student. Approximate cost foe':the s'chool year with 25 Golva students will be $185,000. Other program costs will also be assessed ~0"~'th'e Lone Tree School District. Motion was:seconded by Goodijohn and motion passed unanimously. School Board Convention: - ~" Discussion. ~ .... ,~ Dental Service 'CGrp. Refund: The " school received a refund for a portion ~[i of dental insurance premiums paid. We wilt adjust the teachers' insurance withholdings to reflect the refund. Sports Co-op: Discussion. :. Correspondence: Emergency lights need fixed. The Tim Oech family has filed an . open enrollment application with ., Beach Public Schools as the Oechs .. will have a kindergartner going to Beach in the 2009-20t0 school year. i. Principal's Report: .-, Golva School's gold level commen- dation with a Healthier U.S. Gold School Award presentation went well. School improvement surveys have .i been sent out. Geography Bee is Nov. 14 for the fourth through eighth graders. The school Christmas program will be Thursday, Dec. 18 at 7:00 PM. Christmas Party discussion. The ~.- school board will have the December -'-" board meeting at 5:30 PM on December 10 with a school Christmas party to follow at 6:30 PM Motion to Adjourn: On a motion by Stoveland, and second by Volk, the November 5, 2008 meeting was adjourned with all attending the meet- ing leaving in the dark as the power had gone out around town. Motion car- . ried unanimously. -' - Next meeting date: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - Regular Board Meeting - 5:30 PM. ATTEST: Leah Zook, Business Manager -" Gene Weinreis, Golva School Board President (January 29) Statement Non-Discrimination Statement Midstate Telephone Company is the recipient of Federal financial assis- .. tance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA pro- .. hibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex marital sta- tus, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individuals income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohib- iters bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large ,.~ print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET center at (202) 720- 2600 (voice and TDD). To file a com- plaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Direct~ ~ffice of, Civil Rights, 1400 ' independence Avenue, S.W., Washington D.C. 20250-0703, or call (800) 787-8821 (voice) and select option 2, or (202) 692-0107 (TDD).." "USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender." (January 29) , " Meeting change Tentative schedule of the Golden . Valley/Billings Multi County Social,- Services District. February 17, 10:00 a.m., Social Services Office, Beach .~ March 17, 10:00 a.m., Billings County Courthouse, Medora April 28, 9:00 a.m., Social Service ,. Office, Beach May 19, 9:00 a•m., Billings County Courthouse June 16, 9:00 a.m., Social Service Office, Beach July 21, 9:00 a.m., Billings County Courthouse, Medora August 18, 9:00 a.m., Social Service Office, Beach September t5, 9:00 a.m., Billings County Courthouse, Medora October 20, 10:00 a.m. Social- Service Office, Beach November 17, 10:00 a.m., Billings -, County Courthouse, Medora December 15, 10:00 a.m., Social- Service Office, Beach It is the policy of the Golden Valley/Billings Multi County Social Service District to assure that all appli- cants for, or recipients of, services or assistance from programs adminis- tered by Golden Valley/Billings Multi County Social Service District shall not be subjected to discrimination or denied the benefit of such services or assistance on the basis of an appli- cant's race, color, religion, national ori- gin, sex, political beliefs, or, if other- wise qualified, on the basis of age or disability.~ Golden Valley/Billings Multi County Social Service District affirms this policy in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973, the age Discrimination Act of 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Acts of 1983, and the North Dakota Human Rights Act. This requirement shall also extend to any organizational entity that provides a contracted service with funds obtained from the Golden Valley/Billings Social Service Board. Persons needing accommodation or who have questions or complaints regarding the provision of services according to these acts may contact Doug Wegh, Director, Golden Valley/Billings County Social Service Board, P.O. Box 279, Beach, ND 58621, telephone 701-872-4121 (January 29)