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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 29, 1931     Golden Valley News
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January 29, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAOZ "Iff~'U~qDAY, JANUARY 29, 1931 THE ~.A~H, N. D., ADVANCE - .... == .......... I --"' OLVA Ities °f ma° e "w g were 'us" Sevent grade: gene La ere TROTTERS ..... Celebrating His Fourth Birthday cussed and workmanship on finish-Shirley Schafer. ed articles noted. Miss Cleone Eighth grade: Gerald" Smeltzer, YoUngster: Officer! Of~cer! Lorena Hurd. Edltor Curl was hostess and served lunch. Caroline Engesser, Hugo Kreitinger. Gee, come qulck. A man has been Mrs. j• F. Crook Editor ............... Freshmen• Leo Kreitin-er Leona beatln' the sbtuffins outa my dad Mrs mauison TOny zlrelLlnger v • ~ , ,¢ ......... • H ........... • ' . h ' z for the last fifteen minutes and W. W. Page are having their Sc mlt . • ........ • A ver lar e crowd atten.'ed the Mr and Mrs. Andrew Grey and i ice put up this week. Sophomore: Ruth Clann, Kath- ~,,u~cerknWhy .didSt you call me Y g - ~," " . . 7. .......... x meeti f th- Will W k family spent the week end wlth~ Mms Marcella Fischer Mar- ryn horen, .. , . , .... ng o ~ ing or.era, at ....... ~ ........... '.~ .... 2~,ninr.~" Gladvs Fahlstrom Mar- Youngster: 't;ause aaa was glad- the home of Mrs L Hc~d~in on Mrs. urey's parents at A~mon~.i gare~ r~rmunger aria r~u~q ~,,,=,,~ :--'--:-" ": ~- ; +~,,~" +~ b~s+ ~¢ ~im 4,,~t a f,~w January 22. -Most 'of the -members Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe t haa~e orga~edaa Ja~T~or:ovhis:t c~be Ces:n~:l/'toL:r;ntlti::°'Mar mt'nu~e"s ago:': ....... were present besides several visit- were Sunday dinner guests at the • • Y ....... : ...... ' d ors, and quite a number of men John Schafer home. Ed• Fiscner home. A• Iovmy mncn- garet rmner, J~oresm ~'ascmng., an ,.~ ~. , and childr~ A ...... ~m~,~,~,~ Miss~s Alvera and Mildred Funk! con was served during the after- Alberta Barthel. .~o woman is truly beautiful, dinner con's'latin "~o~ po"t'a~oes~t spent t~he week end with their par-I noon and everyone had an enjoy- .sa~s Flu Ziegfeld, "when she .is ra ' g • ' • ~able time . ~. nabs-starved or angular or bony." g vy, roast beef, pickles,salad, ents m Golva. t ~ -~ "- ........... ss A fellow has a wide range cf p~- ~, ................. , ...... beans, pie, cake,coffeeand .ce~ Mr• and Mrs• Tow,~ Kreitin~er ..................................... lwr. l~orDert ares was uu . v fn fro,re" llu .uuub, xt . cream w" served n h and family were Beach visitors on caller m D~ckinson Tuesday. ~^_ ~.^ ,~..~ ..... ,^~.....~t.~, points.---Boston Herald. as • "vVhe all ad " ° I ............ i'z~an v~ ~*,u pvu~, o~.-,,,a.~.~ ~ eaten their fill, and the unpleasant ]Saturday" , ~ar. aria Mrs. ~umon• ~. OCn;~~ poor, factory poor, or wheat poor. part of the affair, dish washing, ] Tom Wosepka is wearing a broad gave a party ~as~. ~'r*gaY r n~Irsl --Detroit News. Read the Beach Advance Ads. was done, the business meeting smile that is very no~ceable. It l Those ~na~ .were m_v~ect we e . • was held. Hymns were sung, secre- must be on account of his recently' Jake Scnmitz, son Earn anct ctaugn- -----------'~~ ~---------------- • ary's report read, and the roll call i becoming "C~rand~addy." A lttt!e ter ~imrea, mr. an ct mrs. ?~vm taken• We have decided to get I son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- I ~cnm~z, mr• oeorge wos.epsa: ~w.. more books which will be used at dMl Nistler last Tuesday. Lueille Sperger, Mr• ~:rme ~c.nm].~z. . our meetings and for church ser ........ ::: I Mr• and Mrs. Ed. Fischer were M~ss Alberta ~a~ne~, Ar~ ~cnm~z. , I['lr • .~ Ylces. The Lord's Prayer was re- !i::i!i:::! i guests at the home of Fritz Null in MissFlorence Cameron,.m!ss Nmr- ~ |'1~ _~ ~1~1 ~h Peated in unison and "Blest be the i:::i :::: i: ;i i t3urkey Sunday afternoon, t ian wose.pKa, ~:a• ~anctasn, •M:..!ss l t, ~ I I ~., 1 1 Tie that Bind " .~ ~m~ ,. r ............. ;::~:~:~:i ........... Ruth Scnmitz Mr. t'e~e ~cnnlo .... . s wa ..... ~. M_s. :::~:::~:~ ! .~:i~i~':" ~ ,~rs. r~arry ~'unK gave one ol herI. ~,--~'~ ~, w~,~a a~_ ~enermoe will entertain Willing [:ii::::!:::iii:::.!:h~ [:iii:::iiii::~ ip!easant card Dirties on Thursday l~en°re'_~"'~°.~' ~• ~'.'~"'"~;.~=.. I ~l~ ~r ~ ~ • w..crt:ers on February 26. Miss Lu- I!i:::i ii:: i:::i :i:::~:::~ ', evening with the usual bunch of: ~nee .anu ~v~• a.x~u ~: .... ~ ] [~ /m -_ ~_ M~. Ill ~ - ~ ..... cme Bishop joined the Willin~ I : :i :i:::;i~ ivh st players who are' Mrs John Scmmtz and mmny. t:aros anu ]~, ] • ~¢r~/~r~ ~ ~jl~ k~r'~ J ~¢'~'=fl' ~F'j~l Worke~,~, so our number is stead- ~ :;:: ~::.: ........ ~::~;~ I --,]'~ namer" ':'~wrs ~-~ms''ras'-~•'mng' "'~nrs I! dancing.. . were the divers:on m ~ne ~ I~ • ~ ~ • • r /m r il ~ , • ~ • ~ 1• ~¢~ ~ly increastn~ The meetin~ w-a.~ ..... Z '~. " = _ ~ - : .-' evenin~' Everyone had a Jolly good[ 1_ ~¢ 1~,//, ~/~[~ II. ~"~4~ ~m¢#'~[,~lrg t .... °• ~ ~ ~ ~ ...:A:~,rew urey, mrs. frank uaw~- .. =" ~ ~ - "--- r " hen .acDourned and the folks be- 1 h~ ~~ ~¢,'" Murdock Cameron Mrs lume• . . '.. I ,~. gan to take their departure aU ..... "~ :~ "'~'"Pa~'~ Mrs r~.. ;~bias'l Miss Alberta Barthei spen~ ~ne] .~* agreeing, +~ 2~2_ ,__5; : -~ ~taere ~s tmmtmo a gorilla in the Philadelphia zoo photograph d o,v , ,.a ac TM. ~'. .... ~. ' .,,~t. ~rl ~r~th h~r narents near - • - ,, - -- - ~ -, -' -, ....... , ..... ~.,~cy uau en~oyeta a his fourth birthdny ' He is one of the ver" few of h'~- kind "h~/ '-~ : ; 1\~"~ C~win ~cnmitz Mrs. Maoison ] .... '." ............ I DrlngS IOIKS O breakfast at t~OUDle-tlme. I m vray Pleasant day - • 't" • ~ , ~ ~ a ~awo ~,,r,~,." r W ~ BurKey. . ,, . . Mr ...... ' .... reaohed maturity m captivity. : ?......eonard.Nelson, Mrs. :ronyt Ferde Cook was over from St I kept mxghty L sy,, the Master . • ~uu ±v~rs. doe wrr ana enil- ......... ~'/te ringer, MrS. "rneoaore maa- _ ...... - ..... ', _. ,, , , , .. ~, , ~,, were supper ~uests at the Ben - -~ ......... ! ~t a~ Miss Flora MePhee Mrs. EI-] Pro!rips anct.spent ~u.noay. ~iet~x-] Blender, mag : g enough ot tnt3 tvlapm ,la- vt.~n home on Tuesday• A very ........ - ..... -:- ..... [ ........................ L~n Welch Mrs. A• M. 'Peterson [pects ~o nmsn ms.j.ot) o~ Pa t g[ vored blend to saSsfv all the onle. whowant ~as~y meal was served by Mrs O1 ......... I~,r,T~T~C~ I #'a a n'a~T~T~ 'M:~; Florence Cameron Miss Edna[ on tne parsonage tnls weeg. I ........ ~ ~ . ~-- r-~.. .... son then cards were ,~--~': .~+oV~ I~J~'l" '/'J[~'l"/'Jl~J~ I ~qkl~i~Ji2aJ[~ O-.'o~on Mis~ Beatrice Hilber Eignteen mines o~ wms¢ were It, 1 tlavor It w tn tne nnest ~,anaaL n tviapt¢ about_ midnight when lunch was, Aqce B Hai~sman Editor -~rs H P Crossmar ¢'ditor ~SS Laura Moyer Miss Lucille [ P!ayed. at the card party given by ] ,~, Sugars money can but to give it that woodsy served The ' • • • ~ ...... " ,~ ' - tne Alcar society las¢ "ruesaay eve- . ..::: ..... • Y report a very enjoy- ~ ~oerger and Mrs. Ed. F~scher. Af- .:.~:... ,, able time --[ .................. ,L~ ,~mi~ ....~ .... h ........ ,~a[ ning and after lunch dancing wasI ~ maple tang. On Wednesda indulged in for a few hours ~,_ . y evening, Dale "~h x~ H-- P W A meetin--[ Tom Wose~-ka drove to Sentine' prizes were awarded to Mrs. Fasch-I • ] Staley s Maple Flavored Syrup makes x al- lure and Elmer Franklin called at .~ e ne~ ~_ enry_ . :.. ..... ~l =,,+,~ ~,^.~.~:~ .... ~' .... ,, ,~,~: rag, high score and Mrs. Nelson I We are sorry to say that the ] ~ ~q~ nnrl nancak~ twice_ a~ ~c~cl It's so in~W. ~ne ,Joe Orr h~r-o r,~,~ ..... , wEI oe nelct a~ ~ne ~,y ~*,~,, I ~'~ "~"~"~#-,v,,,.-s .,,, ..... ~,.~ M.~,.,~+~^ ' .~ a~ ,,.,,.~ ~ *~m~ ~¢ Leo and Hugo Kreitin~er ~ ~ ........ r ................. ~---' - - --- .., _.. - ..... ,~,,,o ,=re ~.ay- ~-~. ,, ~ On+*, ~ a ,~ ,-£ a+ th~l th~ +rai- t,nm th~ro ro D~-k:nson~,,c ,.,,,,o,,,,,~,un v.,~v. ~ ~,o.,~, ........... i~ • , .~,. e • -- - ~t~ Unl;ll a rather late hour ~.eor~.y ~,~,: ?., ~._,,._ .? ..... ~- " :~ ~ 7--~ ~- ..... : ' every one had a wonderful timewere omitted from the cast of ~a pensive, too, vvnte for our recipe DOOK, ~, ..... " r~me Uounrv duage A ~: ~astien o~ wnere me councy " commissioners .......... • .1 _~- .... . .... ¢ ~..,~..,_ ^_..., .~..~ i lk -- ras er made a tri h ..... " " " - • ~ NIISS Vlvlan a niece oI cnarac~vr~ u~ ~v~,y ~ ,-,u,,~ ~*,= i on Wednes.~-- ~, P .to Beac: Beach has graciously condescended ~ were holding a conventmn.~ Mrs Bert Coverts"ent the week I play given by the pupils of Miss ~ ~..% STALEY SALES CORPORATION, ~D~atur, ,/~1~ With r'-,--'~'-n_e spen~ tne mgn~ to favor us with a patriotic ad-i Mr. and Mrs. Glen Alstott and!~,~.~" ~ ,ho h.,,-,,:.' .,~' ~n~ xr.... ~ .~n~r~or'.~ rnnm in last week's news! ~ Beaeh~,~n_ an? Cecil Metcalf, iu dress on the life of Abraham Lin-]family visited at the Ewald John-! ~= ....................... I ~" ...... ! ~ --, ~,,~n re~urnea on Thursday ~ ~ ~ ....... ~-. , ........ i .'.::::"' ..- .. bringin ............... "~o n and George Washington, sup-l son home Sunday. I Mr, T.onn Z*b*l nnH *nn Wh-~wcis, The ne wsemester for the Golva ~.;. _ -"-- : -,~ vuv tt ~oaQ 0I Irelgnl; Ior* " mented by a humorous mono I .......................... I "~ H. H Burchette p:c. -[ A well developed crowd of both, of Dickinson are visiting for a few[High school began Monday Jan- ~~ ~~: -_--_ -_ .~ Mr ..... - . logue. _ . . ]men and women motored to the[days with her brother Math Lunt-[lary 26th, after a strenuous week[ ~:'~.~t~ ~~:'~~k~ ter T.uc~^~ar--s:- Carl Mee~s' daugh- Mr. and Mrs. ~'ranz Nehls nave ] Nick Lundin home cn January 19. [ zer~ and friends near' Golva [ of state examinations. The new l ~~}!~'~-.~ her n~tr'*~: wno_ had .been vtsiting lreturned from Drake, N. D., las~]prepared to give the newlyweds l Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowels were[subjects put in the curriculum are i ~~i~ • - ~,,~ ~ms wanter recently Tuesuay They repor~ as nawng corn sition received, a * ..... ' .... [ _- ..... ]a rousing char~vari, but as Mr. and[visitors at the George Geareylvocations. English and !oo,I .-~ her husband'S,e_gram s~tung ~na~ I enjoye? .a nne vacauon, ana x eel I Mrs. Lundin had left for Beach ] home Sunday evening. I civics, economics and physiology. ] [~- ~-~;~iiii~i -- ~ ~emOUSly ill ~ne revl~ea ~o assume me nome UU~les I o Hi h chool ' hurried -- ~--~ - • I ' , several how" e ~lier the crowd was l The Purple Derby orchestra is IT he enrollment of the g s ] Ik~~~ ~ her home in Chicago again ~ '~', ' . • " " . ":' where she l~noa , ..... ":] .. • .............. [compeled t~ reaun to their homestgwing a dance m the town hall onlis now 41. _ . . . ] ~,~~~ll!r~" ~ ,Ptomal ....;:--'t~" ~na~ ne na~l ~wr. ~ ~ammerer ,anct ~x*~er.~land wait for a more favorable up-[Friday night I Miss Marian ~:gan wno nas beenI ¢" ~^^~._ ,,~ pumonlng. However Mrs. I Johnson went to Trotters on ms~ I norunitv [ ~ ~a,o" ~ ..... ~ ~,a~ I attendin~ High school here return- I ~'~-,'~nd,.._-- -.- ---- "-~ received a lett r ' ' " ............................ " ...... ° he is recoverln- te~e_: stating that[ Monday.. ............... I Those attending the A,tar society [Cook Miss Alberta Barthel Mr. [ ed to her home in Wibaux Satur-I -"~~~ s. ~us we are very ~zr ana o n v~nqu~v at*u •' • ' happy to ho,.. ' I - .." ~" "- "- ~+ [card party were Mr. and Mrs. Nick~Erme Schm~tz, Mr. and Mrs. Frank[day• . I The YOun~"folt., h ............. i.mmjiy were ~eacn snoppers o'~'iSchillo Mr. and Mrs. Mat Krouse, [Davidson and Miss Rose Johnson ] Mr.. A..M. Peterson is harm.g[ W E ~.^~_ ~ ~ .,~-u ,m~,u,~ v, I ,,u~. . .... I ~r, ,~d Mr~ -~0-~,, .~oh,,~h~ I were six o'clock dinner guests at / dental wor~ ~one in ~eacn tins I _- keepin~'~erry,.wnen it comes to ] Miss Haijsman spen~ tne weeg}~rs -T-o-m--~rose~k'a~an~~-so~"n~-a"n~l the Murdock Cameron home Sun-[week. [ ~ BxnnI-Is~x/-'~'-" day too- a~e _hours. Early Thurs- I ena a~ her parental nome. I ~. " ........ ~J ........ t day | Dr Herm was a Golva visitor I ~F'~.-~ ..... ~ , urmng he came home from ,,~,. anu ~vxx~. n r ~rt,~u*~*. • • ~tale)' s ,v r ~tenaer one of hi ....... I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wentland and[ .............. ! The basket ball game and dance [Monday. [ ~~il ,s~rer .t3zenaer o p~r~les anct all /5111 wassman VlSl~efl a~ me al bed veryqmetly" In s pped to~ children. Marjory, and Joan and Iistott home ~unaay" " evening" "iat Carlyle Saturday night was at- I Mr. George Hammond returned For47yca I Hccrhasblcndedand he COUld no,- "- .. ptte of all, i Mr. Wentlands mother, were most .... ~.~.,h.~..;~+:a +~, !tended bya large number of Gol-, from Fargo Saturday, where he has/ ~~l test~vcry odatcn of I of his wl'~ ~ ~ecewe tne a ier~ ears ! welcome and enjoyable visitors and ] .. ~ar. n. u. U~.~y ............ ] va folks. I been attending the Farmers' In- ! ~~ S~~s d~e however sucn esca ~tranon scnool _~T1oay ' ala a t n 1 ades prove' -~ - - '- , P- radio fans at the home of Mr. and ....... ~'." _ I After spending five weeks visit-1 stitute. I ~~)alatc at each stepin ts "hen peckea,,~a~ .ne n a.s.n ~ been i Mrs. Art Kammerer lastMonday ] __ mr. aria mrs. ~a. ~noen anct son I ing her parent° and ~riendsat [ Miss Beatrice Hilber was a Dick- l ~lllr~~ ma~mg. ~" is~.Uurmg all lqis years, " Artl'r~ennem were ~eacn visitorsont o " t ~ '" ¢~f Wedded bl ~ Ievening" " , Golva Mrs. Leonard Nelson return- in.on wsltor Saturday. Cecil O--" ~ Chester Gasho called at Thursday.. . _ led to Fargo Saturday Mr andl ~~~ • m~ey spent Saturday eve- r Mrs wosepza anu son t~eorge • • ~ ". ning at th~ ...... t Kamme er last Monday evening• I - " ............. I Mrs P e and Edna Peterson ac-I Honor Roll .. _ ..... ~mcner~ nome , Mr Art K ......... -~ Mr A J I momrea m ~enunei ~u~e we~nes- . age .... , ~ -~^, ....~.^~ ~. ...... u ¢,.. ~ta~~ ~..~... _ _ _ • ! . ~,.***~.~x a**u • • •, ...... ~ _., comnanleu ner as far as ~eacn I rne t,u,va ~,uv. .v**~..... ...- ,~y~~ -----~--~ aria Phili aay Do see ~nelr new granflson anal* 'i "~~" ' ..... " p Moore are busy I Nellermoe were co business tran Ed ,ard the ast s,x weeks is as follows u comes ,n the haulin c , - - • , Mrs Leon Kremers son ~x p • : P " ~ "~" Mrs ~^--- -- " ~ ast Monday. .. ': ........... !and h~s sister Wilma visited atl Fwst grade: Jumor Smeltzer, ~ /~ g oal now , ~actors on 1 nephew born Tuesday mght to ". ' • • • -~r~ ~ err aN ' ±vlr aria lv~rs wenaal r~ls~ler s ^--:; P y nd orabelle: Last Saturday night a group oil - • " ~Gladstone over the week end ~Billie LaMeres, Louis Schmitz / ~a#e_u over night with Mrs Kram-: friends gathered at the ho~c ofMrs. Glen Alstott and daughter. Th~ Junior 4 H ~-~-~ ~iub of! Second ~rade" Louise Hanson, | J~. ....... ~ ,~?~a~,,~ttl~ e nlght last w other dchghtful flavors ~. eek. t Frank Bonner, where they enjoy- Darlene and Leona Wllilams visit-Golva held its regular meeting in [Patricia LaMeres, Dorothy Schmitz ~ /Tothcrdclightful flavors ~~[~k~]~r~ "~ linr'~swor~ on- called at the Frank- i ed ua,ncing a~ exee~din~Jv! od Mrs. Ed. Shoen Thursday. I the school house January 20. The [ and Marjorie Funk. VGo~(blue label) ~~ ~ j] ~-*m±~m.ey homes on Monday late hour. A deliciouslunch was Betw~en-~ :.nd ~0 neopm re- demonstration on darnin~ was giv-I Fifth grade: Azalia Hammond. CRYSTAL WHITE ~redlabel} ~ _'*~. rI~IHID£1~ ~11 ~:~en R " " I • ' • * .... , ..... !reSell was a brief caller ,zerved at rmdnt~ht to those who ] sponded to invitations ffiver~ by t en and all the girls darned a stock- [ Sixth grade' Dale Smeltzer Ar- .q~,,~,,,~, 1¢~ ..... , ~k ~11'~".~_¢1#1I['/~ da= • F. Crook home on Tues- were so fortunate to be In attend-[Mrs. F. Schmeling to a birthdaY[ing" "These were scored by the]thur Clarm. Honorable mention: {brownlabel) i~/~'~'~l~.,~ --J" " • ance. Those prese'~t were: Seth [ surprise party for Mr. ~cnmeling, I club leader. ~k, me of the dffficul- I Ruth Clarin. - - ~ " • ~t~f~ - n~r. and Mrs. Monroe e,.~,, ~,.a Thompson Ray Cane, Clifford Rol- I Wednesday evening. Eight tables ~ ! , ~ ~l~:~hter: were Sunday visitors at i lins, George Voeylysteke and seve~ ~ played whist until the hostess gave ! -- • ,e.~. A.. Campbell home ral of his cousins, Jesse Bonner[notice that luncn was reaay, after[ ~ , ,, ~. tr~enara ~oore ~,~-~ /r~ ...... )and family Mr and Mrs Monroe | which the guests departed wishing I eeater madea ~ N a Belle Mr and Mr Schmeling many more bxrth M .... business trin to~ Gasho and or , . ] . -, [ i~ ~rO.ra on Saturday. - [Mrs. Rich Kammerer and Ruth Lu- [ days• ! | ^ ._." ana Mrs. J 1~ Crook made cille and Mr. and Mrs Art Kam-/ Bill Wassman and mother visit-! [ ~, n ~p to the John ~.,*- ........ ] merer and sons. / ed at the Joe uie~z nome weanes- [ I tin~up.a~ v,mrn --~'~'" "''~" • ...... ~ ~an~_x] Mr and Mrs Art Kammerer[day I [ on Friday The men folks were se - were'bu~ness eailers at the home Mr. and Mrs. Tony Barthel were ~e.,_~.~.e P~nPed°;othenewtw~L of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wentland last visitors at the Joe Dietz home on B ng Thursday and Friday afternoons. [Tuesday. . . _ [ | ruce Campbell was a l he Mrs Bert Cover~, mrs. ,ymani night vial'- - n overI Mrs Clell Trollope called at t ] " " .......... a''| vor at the J " Page ana Vlvlan ws,~ea ~t on Monday oe Orr home Guy school last Thursday after-/ ...... gsman home Thurs ~ [ A _ Richard ",,-- - ( noon. | me n. t,. wro "i m ~eeker were%°~Tf and Theodore Friends from Hebron, pleasantly|day. " -s Harr Wassman ! I --, " lralkman ~---- callers at the I surprised Art Kammerers last Sat- | Mr.. and Mr! : . . y _ _. ,_ [ | ~_ / ~' ~r^,_ .. pome on lnrldav ~urdav aft~rnAnn "they the/have oeen mamng ~r,ps to ~eacn[| .~ ~r /d~r~ ~emo_n.. is .helping" Ernest iMessrs` ~sc'ar-"Jager~an"d~ -Vern [every day for. about ten | --, ~,, haul coal , wnere zv~rs wassman m ~a~u*g~ John F~tlkman h" - Woole~ who after their after-[ . • | ice to fill .been hauling noun's visit motored to the T. D. [treatments. . .......[ | A* -'- ~ampt)en s me house• I Ranch. On their return to He-/ Mrs. henrietta ~noen ~s wsmngI I ~ne time of this writm the at the home of her son Ed and snow ' g bron Sunday atfernoon Albert ' " " th _ is gently fallin ....... t_. ' ' - ]'~--il" f~a few days I / ~ Whch ,s the longer of ese two 'ground is covere.~ ._.~_ anu ~neloonnson accompanied them as xar/-~• ~., :.=-,. "~,-r "bout 70 of' ' ~ -= bla u w,m a white as Beach. [ ~as~ ~'rmay nl~,n~ a | / • • nket It reminds us h h rs and friends of ~ ~ • horlzontol hnes It: yOU k.ow the li; g in N .... .t were Clarence Debilzen, Mr and Mrs the _eig ....... • , far it has ...... o.r~n uazo~a. ~OlRich Kammerer and Ruth Lucille/and Mrs. I~lCl~ ~.unam gave .~nemt | ........ s--. :~ .......... I.A ~emea line sunn Calff sur rise The ladies naa ~azen ~mm~w~m----m ,m umm ~ummm~mm~ ~m~, ornia Y - were guest sof Art Kammerers on ]a P" • . •. t I '7 I~ie Orr was a Tu " [Sunday afternoon /I~nch and the men musxc, so meI I :~ ing calle ...... aes~ay even-I Mr/and Mrs "Rich Kammerer/time was s!6ent in dancing until[ | Ed~' ~3~t~e~rrv~Pm~ nome.. )and Ruth Lucille were Saturday [the wee small hours of the morn-] | e~v~P to Beacl~y ona°%t~ur~1*; ~f.t~?~r~e. callers at the home of J.[ in~lenn Alstott ground feed for ]! :~ The ~k. ..... Elmer Franklin and Dale Ware |Fred Wassman and George Wosep- [ | itors at~a~na~ma~s.wer,e Sunday via- were callers at the Arrow Head [ka Thursday. . . ~ I M~*o ,~.~.*~cner~ home. Ranch Sunday evening. I Tom Wosepka returnea xr°ml I !; day"~/la~n~ Bisnop spent Thurs- " ~ 1 Dlckinson Thursday, his daughter, [ | • ~= -, m m ,.,_ a~ ~ne omley home -- I ~'",,-tan came with him to spend the I ! • ,~ ~ m m , ~ • m xte T " *'*~" wereEi~tsker ..and Grace Sperry Metcalf, Nellie Nelson, Arthurlweek end at home and to make | ~ I~m ~,,~ ~d,,,,.~ ~,ume.~'---'uay caners at the L. Hod- Nellermoe. and Helen Robertson, I the acq, uaintance, of her nephew. / ~ ., Lucille Bish ........ Harry, Dmk and Glaydse MadisonI Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wassman, | ley spent t~- ~w ~na netma Ore- were callers there the same even-]Jr., visited at Bill Wassman's ~un- [ !i ,,~_ ,.__ ,,e wee.z ena at the HOd- ing. day. "'~¢~zl°~e:',,.. " Mrs. Franklin and Bert Kreegerl Rev. N. S. Johnson came up [ gin n*~,~, z~el.lermoe, Luther Hod- were Friday callers at the Omley]from Amidon Saturday and held | S~,.~.~an~l G_len Metcalf, Grace home. ]ureaching services at the Strahon ] ma~'~a,,ne~en Robertson and Em- Ray Tasker was a Friday evening ) school house Sunda~ evening. | ~1¢ +h~. ~,aer spent the week end at caller at the Metcalf home Dell Howie and Glen Alstott m • [ ...... r • • ImmePll Joe p~rental homes. Mrs. Henry Olson was a Monday !helped Wosepka's put up ice Fri- / b r A ¢, Dan Johrndn°°~o Mr. Campbell and the Reichert home. I day. / & m m= • Some ^- o Keacn or*.. Friday. _ l~UCllle Bishop visited at the[ ,Fred W ssman and r, on Lloyd / . Trotters~,arer young gen~.lemen of "rasaer nome on Saturday• I were Sentinel Butte visitors Sat-/ :~ ~ - certaimy ~ecoming Bert Kreeger was a Thursdayl urday. _ | ~ ~O~dinm:t~. satW~ur~e_ gOienvg out ev~lnringcal!er at the Joe Orr home. [ Mrs. Laura Strahon and Miss | pr~..~l- -- -- Y. _.enmg, - .... . _~ert Sperry was helping[Hazel Vinquist were dinner guests I t^~:: ':-,~.~_ y, eaen ~ visit ms cer- ,.naan Russell to can chicken on[at the Lewie Drunick home Sun- | ~ ~i~a1~a2Y friend, Arthur Nellermoe, Thursday. I dav / G;'~'~r Johnson and Ray Tasker Mr. and Mrs. A J Nell~rm~,~ [ ~ ~nd Mrs IP/ll Ueckert and I ~%er~are°UteOf- gasolln.e. Arthur and. Orville attended the lson"and Mr. and Mrs. Herman | ~...~. ry nappy to report that ~oy ~cout snow in Beach on Tues- Newman and two daughters were / "'o muarmgan,s ver day evenin lng "f~m '- ..~mother is reeo - _ g. at the Schmeling party Wednesday / other han~*.%_nm_ess ~ut .on. the .Mr.and M~t Voyen were Sunday evening. " . - - [ ~ | [ D ~ ~ • • • A N D that Mrs l~l e are .sorry to near a~ternoon VlSltOrs at the Madison Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Baococz ana | feel,---- -" anagan herself, is not home. family visited at the Alstott home / II g v v ~ • v A T ~"~ ~ Well Th A • • ~ a., . -- .- .~ -- -- Lloyd Metca~, ........ e_/~. J. Nellermoe fannly at- Saturday evemng. [ Were Satu,~,-..'" ~na. eu ~uanagan tenaeu ~.u~neran church services Miss Hazel Vlnquist spent the | the Hodgin" y evening callers at at me wnson SChOOl house on Sun- week end at the Ed. Shoen home. | Mr _,o..,**o~rne: day. ', Mr and Mrs. Gerhart Schu- | Al~5--- ,"?~--. *~tszer accompanied H.H. Burchette and Roy Kidder!reacher were Beach business via- | uay~ ""* ~e*ancl to Sidney on Thurs- were Friday evening callers at the itors Monday. | The ~}eorge T .... Amos Gasho home. The time was! The Golva homemakers club will | up to Lelan:~_ a~e_r ~amily went very enjoyably spent playing cards. I meet with Mrs. George Gearey on | cam° ~-'~- u~ on ~tturday and Darwin Adams spent several days ] February 12th.Everybody wel- | ... ~ ,,~ae on Sunday Mrs And~ of last week visitin at t~eS anl~ I ! ~xmon~on a .... - g t ey come. - | day at Lelann~i~ehia~s~en spent Sun- Stevev~. home: . , Ethel and l~lorenee Irdrouse .came Leonar-, __. -y.. a xa r sazea crows attended the ', home Friday to spend the week eno / _ _ u ~e~ana tOok Leone dance at the Frank Bonner h me folks ra er, Margaret"Task o with home iotas. ! cllle B~*~ ...... er and Lu- on Saturday mght. A pleasant / da.v to'~,~,"='.fJ.,_i'eland's on Satur- time is reported by th0~ in at- 1 That was a nice April shower we |i - "*-"~,,~ me ev -- ' u ening, Lloyd tendance. [had Moiiday afternoon.