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Golden Valley News January 26, 2017
By Jenae Orluck
The Lady Buccaneers kicked off
last week with a win.
The New England Tigers traveled
to Beach on Monday, Jan. 16. Win-
ning by three points, the Lady Buc-
caneers came out on top, 43-40.
The following day, the Beach var-
sity boys basketball team hosted the
Heart River Cougars. The final score
of this game was 51-74, with Heart
River gaining their seventh win of
the season.
Both the Beach girls and boys
basketball teams played against
Killdeer last week. The Lady Bucca-
neers traveled to Killdeer on Thurs-
day, Jan. 19. The teams were close in
score through the first quarter, but
Killdeer took the lead and kept it,
winning the ball game 64-32.
The junior varsity boys took the
court before the varsity team on Fri-
day. With only a couple minutes left
in the game, the Buccaneers were
losing to Killdeer by five points.
Slowly, they chipped away at the
scoreboard until they were only
down by one point with just a hand-
ful of seconds left. Blake Van Horn
dribbled the ball down the court and
went for a game-winning layup. As
the buzzer went off, the ball spun all
the way around the rim, and then
dropped through the net for two
points. The crowd went crazy at this
buzzer-beater, with the junior varsity
Buccaneers winning 56-55.
The varsity game against Killdeer
was also a close one. At half-time,
the Buccaneers were only down by a
few points. Hoping the Buccaneers
could pull off the win, the crowd
cheered especially loud during the
Buccaneer coach AI Swanson talks to the boys during a time-
out on Jan. 20. (Photo by Jenae Orluck)
second half. When the final buzzer The Lady Buccaneers have two
sounded, the Killdeer Cowboys had home games this week. on Jan. 26,
won by nine points. The final score they will host New Salem-Almont
was 59-50. High School, with a record of 2-12,
Beach hosted Dickinson Trinity with the game scheduled to start at
for a girls varsity basketball game on 7 p.m. On Jan. 28, their game
Saturday. Up to that point, both against Bison, S.D., will begin at
teams had three wins in their sea- 2:30 p.m.
sons. With a final score of 42-60, The next home game for the boys
Dickinson Trinity came out on top. Buccaneer team is scheduled for Jan.
Dickinson Trinity's record is cur- 31 against Mott-Regent, which has a
rently 4-11. record of 10-2.
Well, the 45th president of the
United States of America has now taken
office. Hopefully now things can calm
down and our great country can move
forward peacefully. No country is per-
fect, but ours allows the most freedom
of choice in most areas of our.lives. I
recently read that a doctor in another
country was arrested and jailed just for
saying that he felt the government in his
country was corrupt. Obviously they
don't honor the freedom of speech
there. We need to look for the good
around us for there is so much good -
especially at the Golden Valley Manor!
Thursday, Jan. 12 - Mass began our
day at 9 a.m. in the Chapel. Exercises
and shopping both took place at 10 a.m.
Cards and Game Time was at 2 pan. in
the Activity Room with Coffee Time
following at 3 p.m. Gerri Hanson vis-
ited with Florence Miske. Todd Wilson
and Kay Wiman came to see Darlene
Friday, Jan. 13 - Hair Time began at
8 a.m. with Linda Jones and Marlene
Muruato as our hair ladies. They
washed, set, and combed out our hair
just the way we wanted it done. Ju-
lianne Thoemke came to see Christine
Finneman and brought her a beautiful
handmade birthday card.
Saturday, Jan.14 - No one came out
for exercises today, hmm wonder
what's going on? Donna Connell came
to visit with Mert and Louie Schlaut-
mann. Janel and Drayton Falman also
came to spend time with Mert and
Louie Schlautmann. James and Elaine
Kremers and their granddaughter, Mia,
visited with Dolores Kremers and
Christine Finneman. Gary Thompson
visited with Ken Thompson. Renata.
Rachel and Brandi Rising came from
Gilbert, Ariz., for a visit with Marilyn
Sunday, Jan. 15 - Word and Com-
munion began at 9:30 a.m in the
Chapel of the Angels. On Sunday, Jan.
22, Adoration will begin again at 8:30
a.m. before Word and Communion. It
wasn't on the weekly schedule because
the information was seen after printing!
Cards and Game Time began at 2:30
p.m. in the Dining Room with Coffee
Time following at 3 p.m. Elaine and tivity Room. Coffee Time followed at
Harry Begger came for a visit with Flo- 3 p.m. with Vicki Erickson serving us.
rence Finneman and Edie Abraham. Sandy Evans came to see Ray Chaska.
Harry is Edie and Florence's brother. Wednesday, Jan. 18 - Crafts with
Marley Abraham came to see mom, Marlene and Bethine began at 2 p.m.
Edie Abraham, and had dinner with her. We made "Calming Glitter Jars" in the
Lynn Keller from New Salem came and color of our choice. Some chose blue,
had dinner with Christine Finneman. others purple, and one chose white.
She brought her a lot of goodies, too. They were easy and fun to make and
Raphael from Craig, Colo., also came they are interesting and calming to
and surprised Christine Finneman and watch. Vicki Braden found the idea for
Lynn in the afternoon, them on Pinterest and shared it with
Monday, Jan. 16-St.John'sChurch Marlene. Bethine served us lots of
members came and led Bingo at 2 p.m. goodies with coffee.
in the Activity Room with Coffee Time I0spiD. i0na! quotes for the week:
following at 3. Janet Keoiaane and Dar- "People n ,xl to be made more aware of
lene Gunlach did a great job leading the need to work at learning how to live
Bingo and serving the treats and coffee, because life is so quick and sometimes
Darlene Wilson's daughter, Wendy it goes away too quiddy." - Andy
Keller, and granddaughter, Ally Shaver, Warhol
came from Lindsay, Mont., for a nice "Change is not made without incon-
visit, venience, even from worse to better." -
Tuesday, Jan. 17 - Only Nellie Richard Hooker
Booth and Judy Curl came out to exer- "You gain strength, courage, and
cise at 10 a.m. But since no one else confidence by every experience in
came they only "exercised their jaws" which you really stop to look fear in the
as Nellie put it! Linda Tvedt came to face." - Eleanor Roosevelt
sing and entertain us at 2 p.m. in the Ac-
Grain & Milling
Will be Hosting a
at Legion Hall on Main Street in Rhame, ND
Thursday, January 26, 2017 • Noon to 2 p.m.
Lunch will be served
Discussion to include the outlook for current specialy
grain pricing and new crop contracts. Crops to be
discussed will be peas, lentils, chickpeas, flax, safflower,
canola, and more.
Western Cooperative
Bowman County/Beach wrestlers rison Fuller (Bismarck Legacy) by a in a i4-8 decision to Parker Wahl
finished in fourth place earlier this major decision 10-0. (Bismarck)
month at the Beulah-Hazen Invite 138 - Tyson Mattern 170 - Mitch Stuber
with four wrestlers in the finals. Champ. Round 1 -Tyson lost Quarterfinal - Mitch lost to Tyrel
This year the tournament wasby pin to Christian Hanson (Bis- Mellmer (Beulah-Hazen)by.a pin in
held at the Hazen gym with nine marck St. Mary's)in :59. :57.
teams in attendance from class A and Cons. Round 2 - Tyson lost by Cons. Round 1 - Mitch lost by
B schools. This tournament gives pin to Mark Jensen (Bismarck pin in :36 to Keaton Smith (Bis-
the wrestlers competition from the Legacy) in 3:00. marck Legacy).
class A division that they don't nor- 145 - Mathew Carlson placed sec-
mally see in a weekend tournament, ond. 195 - Beau Jeffers placed second.
Results for the wrestlers: Round 1 - Mathew won by fall Round 1 - Beau won by fall
106 - Tucker Strand placed third, over Aaron Ripplinger (Beulah- over Thomas Leintz (Beulah-Hazen)
Semifinal - Tucker lost by pin Hazen) in 1:51. 16-12 in 1:37
to Preston Fettig (Bismarck JV) in Round 2- Mathew Carlson won Round 2 - Beau won by fall
1:32. by a 5-4 decision over Coy Spooner over Niki Abaglo (New Town) in
Cons. Semi - Tucker won by a 2- (Deslacs-Burlington). :47.
8 decision over Tanner Nein (Bis- Round 3 - Mathew lost in a 11- Round 4 - Beau lost in a 5-0
marck Legacy) 2 decision to Devin Steidler (Bis- decision to Joseph Richter (Bismarck
3rd Place Match - Tucker wonmarck). St. Mary's).
by a 6-0 decision over Tim Kadrmas 152 - Jacob Ruggles placed sec- Round 5 - Beau lost by a pin in
(Bismarck Legacy JV) • ond. :56 to Matthew Kaylor (Bismarck
113 - Jacoby Mattern Round 2 - Jacob won by fall Legacy)
Semifinal - Jacoby lost by pin over Nathan Ferm (Deslacs-Burling- 220 - Nate Boehm placed third.
to Alex Kaseman (Bismarck) in :27. ton) in :49. Round 2 - Nate lost by a pin in
Cons. Semi - Jacoby lost by pinRound 3 - Jacob won by fall 1:06 to Chandler Brandner (Bis-
to Brandt Kringle (Bismarck JV) in over Bryce Gartner (Bismarck marck Legacy)
4:21. Legacy) in 2:21 Round 3 - Nate won by fall over
126 - Brody Headley Round 4 - Jacob lost in an 11- Skyler Wilkens (Bismarck JV) in
Quarterfinal -Brody lost by a 8 decision to Jordan Schmidt (Bis- :29.
pin in 4:38 to Weston Wahus marck) Round 4- Nate lost by a pin in
(Deslacs-Burlington) Round 5 - Jacob won by a 4-1 :45 to Chase Dockter (Bismarck).
Cons. Semi - Brody lost by adecision over Branden Franchuck Round 5 - Nate won by fall over
pin in :52 to Brandon Snyder (Beu- (Bismarck St. Mary" s) Kaden Sago (Beulah-Hazen) in 1:26.
lah-Hazen) 160 - Clayton Mattern placed sec- 285 - Tristen Peterson placed
132 - Cole Schmalz ond. fourth.
Quarterfinal - Cole lost in a 7- Quarterfinal - Clayton won by fall Round 1 - Tristen lost 10-1 to
0 decision to Walter Winklerover Sierra Talmage (Bismarck Seth Thomsen(BismarckLegacy)
(Deslacs-Burlington). Legacy) in 1:03. Round 2-Tristen lost by pin in
Cons. Round 1 - Cole won by a Semifinal - Clayton won by a :51Nolan Hintz (Bismarck)
4-3 decision over Stephan Windsor 9-7 decision over Tyler Erickson Round 3 - Tristen lost a close
(Bismarck St. Mary's) (Beulah-Hazen) 21-5 match in overtime to Sam Harris
Cons. Semi - Cole lost to Har- 1st Place Match - Clayton lost (Bismarck St. Mary's) 4-2.
Jan. 26, 1967 - 50 years ago: ment from that organization. His son, the amount of work she has done
Lt. Commander M.L. Mc- Don, will now head the company, with students at risk for the last five
Cutchan, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. known as the Dakota Farm Equip- years.
McCutchan of Beach, was recently ment, founded by Clarence's older A random sampling• of Beach res-
awarded a letter of commendation brother, Jack. idents will soon be receiving a sur-
from Roy L. Johnson, admiral of the Jan. 30, 1992 - 25 years ago: vey from the City Council. The
U.S. Navy, for his intelligence offi- Judy Lonnberg, counselor at Beach City Council authorized the
cer duty with a submarine flotilla Beach public schools, was chosen as survey, which is the first step in an
while based in Japan for two years, one of five from the state of North application for federal grant funds to
Clarence Ballard, for 21 years in Dakota to attend a Youth in High- assist in refurbishing or replacing a
the John Deere Implement business Risk Situations Leadership Institute. city water well which went out of
in Beach, has announced his retire- Lonnberg was chosen because ofservice last year. ' " <
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