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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 26, 2017     Golden Valley News
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January 26, 2017
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Page 4 Golden Valley News January 26, 2017 Notice to Creditors NP Resources request a by Simplicity Home's insurance. M/S Wenko informed the Board that this new 74124 RETROACTIVE conditional use permit Joey Kessel/Reis to deny the offer. All law will create more work and expense 74125 ALLEN LAW OFFICE for a flexible above ground pipeline in favor. Simnioniw was instructed by for the County as the County doesn't 74126 Mailing address: which was placed in Sec 35-142-104 the board to communicate with legal have a victim witness coordinator. Dis- 74127 118 6th St SW Parcel # 03340500 NWI/4 Sec 2-141- counsel outlining the items that the cussion was then held on the law en- 74128 Beach, North Dakota 58621 104 Parcel # 02724500 and ending in board is challenging, specifically al- forcement 2017 budget. Discussion 74129 By: Gene W. Allen, Attorney #06887 Sec 1-141-104 parcel 02720500. The Iowances for the hallway ceiling, elec- was held on the wages approved for in 74130 Line was utilized in the Month of No- trical inspection, and the air quality and 2017. Commissioner Dietz made a mo- 74131 Email: vember2016, andwas not properly per- mold assessment. The board alsotion to move the $40,000 allocation for 74132 Phone: 701-872-4400 mitted at the time. The Line was utilized wants the legal fees incurred to be in- Deputy Sheriff wages from the Special Attorney for Personal Representa- to move fresh water from a Dam in Sec cluded in the settlement. County Road Budget'to the General- tive Probate No. 17-2016-PR-00014 35-142-104 to a loading point in SEC 1- Boswell informed the board thatLaw Enforcement Budget for 2017 and IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 141-104 more classroom space will be needed Commissioner Maus seconded. Com- - NP Resources request a con- in the 2017-18 school year. Arthaud missioner Dietz made a motion to GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE ditional use permit for a Flexible above asked that a committee be formed to amend the General-Law Enforcement OF NORTH DAKOTA ground pipeline with one Crossing consider various options. Arthaud, Budget by $30,000 for overtime for In the Matter of the Estate of Mary through a culvert in Sec 36-143-103 Reis, Simnioniw, Peplinski, and Boswell 2017 and Commissioner Tescher sec- Margaret Kannenberg, Deceased. which will be placed in Sec 35-142-104 will serve on the committee. The com- onded. Motion carried. Commissioner NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Parcel # 03340500 NWI/4 Sec 2-141- mittee tentatively scheduled a January Tescher made a motion to move the 104 Parcel # 02724500 and ending in 9, 2017, meeting at 10:30 a.m. at 2017 allocation for prisoner care from Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims Sec 1-141-104 parcel 02720500. The Prairie School. A backup date will be the General-Law Enforcement Budget Line will be utilized to move fresh water January 10 at 10:30 a.m. to the General-Non-Departmental against the said decedent are required from a Dam in Sec 35-142-104 to a A letter of resignation from Tom Budget and Commissioner Maus sec- to present their claims within three loading point in SEC 1-141-104 With a Hutzenbiler was read. Tom will stay on onded. months after the date of the first publi- cation of this notice or said claims will beginning date of MAY 2017 until December 31, 2016, or until a re- Commissioner Maus made a motion be forever barred. Claims' must either (January 19 and 26) placement is in place and has verbally to appoint Linda Ridenhower to replace offered to provide training and backup Judy Ridenhower to the Library Board be presented to Marietta Martin, Per- sonal Representative of the Estate, or Billings Co. School as needed. M/S Arthaud/Joey Kessel for a 3 year term and Commissioner to regretfully accept the resignation. All Dietz seconded. Motion carried. filed with the Court. in favor. The BLM Mineral payment came in Dated this 12th day of January, BILLINGS COUNTY A revised job description for the and discussion was held on the formula 2017. SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 maintenance position was submitted to for disbursements. Commissioner Marietia Martin, Personal Repre- Minutes of Regular Meetingthe board. M/S Reis/Stacey Kessel to Maus made a motion to follow the for- sentative December 12, 2016 approve the revised job description. All mula for distribution as done so in the 868 23rd St. West, Dickinson, ND in favor, past putting the County's share in the 58601 The regular meeting of the Billings M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to approve general fund and Commissioner Dietz By: Gene W. Allen, Attomey#06887 County School Board was called to a participant in the Health Flexible seconded. Motion carried. (January 19, 26 and February 2)order at 5:00 p.m. MT, Monday, De- Spending Account may roll over from $5 Discussion was held with the Board cember 12, 2016, at the DeMores to $500 of unused amounts remaining to inform them that they can get on the Notice to Creditors Schoolin iedora. Present were mem- at the end of one Plan Year to the im- County's e-dispatch system. bers Lynn Arthaud, Joey Kessel (arriv- mediately following Plan Year. All in County Auditor, Tamra Sperry re- ALLEN LAW OFFICE ing at 5:15), Stacey Kessel, Mike Klatt, favor, minded the Board that the County will Ma~iling address: and Julie Reis. Also present for all or Arthaud reported that she had com- observe New Years's Day on Monday, 118 6th St SW part ofthe meeting were Assistant Prin- piled the Principal's evaluation from January 2, 2017. Beach, North Dakota 58621 cipal Danielle Boswell, Business Man- those submitted by the rest of the board Chairman, Troy Tescher signed the By: Gene W. Allen, Attorney #06887 ager Tammy Simnioniw, Marjorie members. The evaluation was favor- fire alarm testing agreement. Email: Jensen, and Jessie Berger. able and will be filed by December 15. Commissioner Maus made a motion M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to approve M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to approve the to amend the Unorganized Township Phone: 701-872-4400 the consent agenda, which included the Principal evaluation report. All in favor. Budgets by $95,000 due to extra road Attorney for Personal Representa- Minutes from the November 7 regular tive Stacey Kessel reported that there work completed in 2016 and Commis- Probate No. 17-2016-PR-00015 meeting, the attached check list, and will be an RESP combined administra- sioner Tescher seconded. Motion car- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF two additions to the agenda. The mo- tion and governance board meeting to ried. GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE tion carried unanimously, make decisions regarding future pro- Commissioner Dietz made a motion OF NORTH DAKOTA December, 2016 Checks grams and budgeting, to amend the Road Reserve Budget by Check/DD Correspondence was provided to $700,000 for transfers to County Road In the Matter of the Estate of Charles 139 DON HEISER the board from KLJ inviting board and and Bridge Fund for the Hwy 10 project Clinton Bush, Deceased. ELECTRIC $1,231.27 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that staff to their open house on Friday, De- and Commissioner Maus seconded. the undersigned has been appointed 140 BERGER cember 16, at their new office complex. Motion carried. ELECTRIC INC $2,880.00 Personal Representative of the above Letters were received from Zackary Commissioner Tescher made a mo- 18320-18323 Bebee and Jayden Krivoruchka re- tion to amend the County. Road and estate. All persons having claims DECEMBER PAYROLL questing contributions for their Close- Bridge Budget by $50,000 due to the against the said decedent are required CHECKS $1,486.01 Up trip. The board revisited action Hwy 10 project not budgeted for in 2016 to present their claims within three DD DECEMBER PAYROLL taken on August 11 2015, regarding and Commissioner Dietz seconded. months after the date of the first publi- DD $72,735.53 ' Pitney Bowes Inc 171.67 external audit later this year. A letter Olstad Construction 1223.50 from ND Cares was distributed. They Rohan Hardware 22.27 are providing a training in Jamestown Dey Muckle 665.27 February 28 & March 1. The mission is Chief Supply Corporation32.49 to strengthen an accessible, seamless DigitalAlly, Inc. 4025.00 network of support for service mem- Dakota Dust-Tex, Inc 115.50 bers, veterans, families and survivors. ND Secretary of State 1508.97 The Council directed Steffen to pursue Smart Computers & finding someone to send to the training. Consulting 95.00 Review of Floodplain Ordinance is 74133 Jim Brophy 920.00 tabled until February. 74134 Darrel's Body Shop 355.55 Jim Bridger addressed the Council 74135 Steve Raisler 80.00 requesting permission to apply for a city 74136 Mainstay Suites 534.00 liquor license for the Americlnn. The in- 74137 Goldenwest Electric tent is not to create a liquor serving es- Cooperative 783.00 tablishment within the hotel, but to have 74138 Robert Schmeling 1920.00 a portable bar that could be used in the 74139 Hacker's Tree Farm conference rooms. The exact locations Nursery 497.00 would be outlined in the state and city 74140 Golden Valley County license applications. Joyce made the Treasurer 196302.74 motion to allow Bridger to apply for a 74141 Golden Valley County liquor license, second by Tczap. Motion Treasurer 75000.00 passed unanimously. 74142-74146Library The Council was presented with Disbursments 1835.97 masterplan approva! process put to- 74147-74148 Weed gether by Landscape Architect, Jake Control Axtman. The first step is to approve a Disbursements 39.96 planning committee. Corneil asked that 74149-74168 Golden Valley the Council come to the February meet- County Employees 31288.59 ing with a list of possible names for this 74169-74175 Payroll Liability committee. Disbursements 40501.05 Slauter made the motion to appoint 74176-74183 Cafeteria PlanAaron Axvig to fill the vacant seat on the Disbursements 1681.15 Zoning Commission. Second by Joyce. 74184 Office of State Tax This is the seat left vacant by Pete Commissioner 2871.92 Hegge's resignation and expires Febru- 74185 Carrie Zachmann 231.12 ary, 2020. 74186 Cenex Fleetcard 1103.93 Financials were presented. Slauter 74t87 Rick Olson 8.64 asked for clarification on the voucher to 74188 Darin Maus 14.04 Darrel's Body Shop. Officer Lapp ex- 74189 Troy Tescher 27.00 plained there had been an incident in 74190 Golden Valley County December where he backed into a we- Treasurer 84.34 hicle. The incident was reported to the 74191 Jayce Huffman 51.39 Mayor and Police Chief. Lapp hadre- 74192 Golden Valley County pairs done and ran them through i0sur- Treasurer 35.31 ance. Lapp stated he did his own 74193-74194 Library accident report. Tczap stated a differ- Disbursements 106.08 ent agency should have done the report 74195 Golden Valley County so the City doesn't have liability issues. Treasurer 675000.00 Bey agrees the policy should be re- 74196 Golden Valley County viewed and changed if needed. Slauter Treasurer 3000.00 also questioned a voucher for new po- 74197 Aflac 347.41 lice dept. computers. Bey stated they 74198 AT&T Mobility 41.59 are replacement mobile computers for 74199 Verizon Wireless 308.15 the vehicles and they had permission 74200-74206 Social Services from the Police Commissioner to pur- Disbursements 33969.64 chase. Joyce made the motion to ap- 74207 W Dak Parent & Faro prove the financials. Second by Resource Ctr 1563.95 Slauter. Motion passed unanimously. 74208 Valley Med Flight, Inc. 8408.80 2880 ROUGHRIDER 74209 Kadrmas, Lee & ELECTRIC COOP, INC 979:00 Jackson 1085.65. 2881 SOUTHWEST WATER 74210 Rohan Hardware 42.64 AUTHORITY 1828.49 cation of this notice or said claims will contributions for school sanctioned ed- Motion carried. 74211 Butler Machinery 2882 SOUTHWESTERN be4orever barred. Claims must either 18324-18334 ucational trips and regional, state, and Commissioner Maus made a motion Company 874.39 DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT60.00 be ~oresented to; Cassandi'a Nelson, DECEMBER PAYROLL national competitions. M/S Reis/Joey to transfer $40,000 from the County 74212 Farmers Union Oil 5242.71 2883 THEODORE VENDOR CHECKS $41,626.74 Kessel to deny the request per the Poor Fund to the Social Welfare Fund 74213 BOSS Inc 41.42 ROOSEVELT MEDORA Personal Representative of the Estate, EFT DECEMBER AFLAC $690.63 guidelines established at the August, per 2016 budgets and Commissioner 74214 Comfort Inn 409.50 FDTN 16875.00 or filed with the Court. EFT DECEMBER PAYROLL 2015, meeting. All in favor. Tescher seconded. Motion carried. 74215 IBS, Inc. 147.97 2884 WASTE MANANGEMENT,I,14.45 Dated this 12th day of January, TAXES $24,838.31 Reis reported on the KLJ informa- Commissioner Maus made a motion 74216 Southwestern District 5119 NORTH DAKOT:ATAX~ : 2017. 18335 BILLINGS CO. tional meeting held December 1 re- to transfer $2000 from the General Health Unit 6000.00 COMMISSIONER ~. 518.26 Cassandra Nelson, Personal Repre- SCHOOL DIST. #1 $45.00 garding expansion of Highway 85 Fund to the County 911 Fund to help 74217 Jim Groll Snow & Mow 45.00 5120 ROUGHRIDER sentative 18336 BLUE CROSS through Fairfield. cover the Code Red expense and Com- 74218 Dakota Farm Equipment317.23 ELECTRIC COOP, INC 30.00 P.O. Box 192, Wibaux, MT 59353 BLUE SHIELD $1,264.81 By: Gene W. Allen, Attorney #06887 The board reviewed the Unpaid missioner Dietz seconded. Motion car- 74219 Spillman Technologies, 15519 BILLINGS COUNTY (January 19, 26 and February 2) 18337 CITY OF MEDORA $291.95 Leave policy (DDC). Boswell requested ried. Inc. 2400.00 PIONEER 345.04 18338 DANIELLE BOSWELL $776.68 that the Principals be given the author- Commissioner Maus made a motion74220 ND Newspaper _ . 15520 BILLINGS COUNTY • t8339,E)ENNISO'BRtEN~ - $8,589.00 ~ity~&o~gr~t.,.! witho~L t0,amer~l theGeneral Budget by $6763 Association ....... :" 193'~40 I;.I'TREASU.RER ~ .... • 1589158 NoticetoCreditors i.... 18340 DICKINSON ~UBEiC LIBRARY ,waitin~]~ f~oard&dti0n. Afte~disc~s-~ ito~eftect the~Cou,ty Agent's ~evi~ed 74221CalifomiaContractors~ ;__! ........ 15~21.DARREL'SBODY . ~i~, ..... $9,322,6.~" , , - " "~i0ri, it w~s'~the (:oll~Jensustokeepth~~~ .~017~budget for$4518 trahst'-er from Supplies, Inc. -~ , i~ '" '~ 11,65~00 -~HOP .............. ,; :i' 42(]~ 00 ALLEN I~Aw0'F'I~ICE ' 1834"J ~(~.IL~/O~OD' '" policy'a~ is. ~, - : , General and tO Cover County Agent 74222 SW Crime Conference ~40:00 .... i~52~'RMEFis ONION ' '4~3'6~0 Mailing address: FOUNDATION $54.07 M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to adjourn. Secretary fica and medicare for $2245 74223 Troy Tescher 258.12 15523 ITD 40.65 118 6th St SW 18342 DEPARTMENT OF All were in favor, and Commissioner Tescher seconded. 74224 Donald Maus 233.28 15524 Legal Edge Solutions, Beach, North Dakota 58621 By: Gene W. Allen, Attorney #06887 Email: Phone: 701-872-4400 Attorney for Personal Representa- tive Probate No. 17-2016-PR-00026 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF GOLDEN.VALLEY'COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Marker of/he Estate of Sandra Lorene Gasho, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the &bove estate. All persons having claims against the said decedent are required to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publi- cation of this notice or said claims will be forever, barred. Claims must either be presented to Harlan Gasho, Per- sonal Representative of the Estate, or filed with the Court. Dated this 12th day of January, 2017. Harlan Gasho, Personal Represen- tative 921 Hwy 16, Beach, North Dakota, 58621 By: Gene W. Allen~ Attorney #06887 (January 19, 26 and February 2) Notice to Creditors ALLEN LAW OFFICE Mailing address: 118 6th St SW Beach, North Dakota 58621 By: Gene W. Allen, Attorney #06887 Email: Phone: 701-872-4400 Attorney for Personal Representa- tive Probate No. 17-2017-PR-00001 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of the Estate of Randy Paul Nistler, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the said decedent are required to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publi- cation of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to Donald Nistler, Per- sonal Representative of the Estate, or filed with the Court. Dated this 12th day of January, 2017. Donald Nistler, Personal Represen- tative 4651 169th Ave SW, Beach, ND 58621 By: Gene W. Allen, Attorney #06887 (January 19, 26 and February 2) Hearing Notice The Golden Valley County Zoning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 30,2017 at 3:00 p.m. in the Commissioner's Room at the courthouse for the following business; New Business PUBLIC INSTRUCTION $172.70 18343 ERIKAHONEYMAN $667.16 18344 EXPRESSWAY INN $245.70 18345 FARMERS UNION SERVICE ASSOCIATION $172.00 18346 GARY MEDUNA $5,850.00 18347 THE HORACE MANN COMPANIES $304.40 18348 JACKIE WOLF $62.62 18349 KAITLYN DAVIS $120.00 18350 KATHY MALKOWSKI$5,742.80 18351 KEMPS LLC $328.68 18352 LORI KOLLAR $70.00 18353 MARCO $1,598.97 18354 MARIE KREMERS $50.00 18355 ND HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASS-'N $35.00 Chairman Troy Tescher called the 18356 OLSON'S SERVICE $6,034.36 meeting to order. Commissioners Don- 18357 PETER ODERMANN$5,163.60 aid Maus and Dennis Dietz were pres- 18358 BILLINGS COUNTY ent along with States Attorney Christina PIONEER $214.32 Wenko. 18359 PROTECTION SYSTEMS The purpose for this special meeting INC $300.00 was to approve the final bills for 2016 18360 RESP $100.00 and review the 2016 budgets. , • 18361 SHAE PEPLINSKI $45.00 Danielle Bettencourt with CE Brooks~ 18362 SW WATER ~ & Associates, Keith Winter, and Roger AUTHORITY $140.61 Chinn met with the Board to discuss the~ 18363 TAMMY SIMNIONIW $62.28 Quiet Title Action lawsuit pertaining to 18364 TOM HUTZENBILER $45.00 opposition of the Off Road Vehicle Plan, 18365 VlCKIE JOHNSON $241.92 the Road management Plan and the 18366 SYNCHRONY President's Roadtess proposal for the FINANCIAL $72.25 National Grasslands located within' 18367 WEST DAKOTA Golden Valley County and throughout OIL INC $365.70 Western North Dakota. 18368 WEST RIVER STUDENT DES, Rachel Keohane met with the SERVICES $11,047.84 Board to discuss Code Red. Keohane 18369 WORLD'S FINEST explained to the Board a plan she has CHOCOLATE INC $2,340.00 that she will implement to evaluate if the; EFT JP MORGAN CREDIT program will be useful for the County. CARD $19,191.18 and get the information out to the pub- One sealed bid for fuel oil was re- lic. Discussion was held how the Code ceived. Arthaud opened the bid from Red program would be able to benefit Creative Energy for 1,000 gallons of the citizens of Golden Valley. It was fuel oil for each school (Prairie and De- agreed after informing the public of the Mores) at a price of $1.625 per gallon program it will be re-evaluated in 2017 with a flash point of 125 degrees. M/S if this program is useful in the County. Klatt/Reis to accept the Creative Energy Clerk of Court/Recorder, Patty bid as submitted. Arthaud, Stacey Thompson met with the Board to dis- Kessel, Klatt, and Reis in favor, cuss the Deputy Recorder position in Assistant Principal Boswellreported her office. Discussion was held with on upcoming events for both schools, using the Deputy Auditor part time over On December 21, both schools will at- in the Recorder's office. After discus- tend a movie matinee at the Belfield sion it was agreed that Deputy Auditor theater with costs expended out of the will be split between the Recorder's and: student activities fund (from fundraising Auditor's office. Thompson and Sperry activities). Teacher evaluations have will work out a schedule for the shared been completed and filed. Also re- deputy. ported on AdvancEd progress and Commissioner Dietz made a motion scheduled NWEAtesting. to renew Buffalo Gap Lodge LLC's Joey Kessel arrived, liquor and beer license for 2017 and Simnioniw provided estimates for Commissioner Mausseconded. Motion trenching a waterline fror:n the little carried. school at Prairie to the new garage. Sheriff, Scott Steele met with the Prairie Excavation, LLC submitted a Board. Discussion was held on the pur- quote of $2,012 for spring/summer chase of a new vehicle and server trenching and $3,012 for winter trench- funded by a grant. It was agreed to wait ing. V/K Trenching & Backhoe Services to pay for the bills when the vehicle and submitted a quote of $2,150 for server are completed and pay for it in spring/summer trenching and $5,150 2017. Steele informed the Board that for winter trenching. M/S Reis/Klatt to he was offered $5000 or less on the hire Prairie Excavation, LLC for 2008 F150 patrol unit as a trade in on spring/summer trenching for Prairie the new vehicle. It was agreed to get garage waterline. All in favor, the vehicle looked at by a mechanic and Simnioniw provided communication possibly put it out on bids rather than trade it in. States Attorney, Christine from Seth Thompson, legal counsel, re- garding the water damage claim to Sim- Wenko visited with the Board on the plicity Homes and a spreadsheet Marcy's Law thatwaspassed. Wenko showing estimates received versus set- gave a brief definition on the law and tlement offer. A settlement offer of what the law enforcement will be re- $87,406.23 was submitted to the board quired to do to notify the victims. Meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Motion carried. 74225 Ashley Ueckert 348.84 Lynn Arthaud, President Commissioner Maus made a motion 74226 Golden Valley County Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- to amend the General-Clerk of Treasurer 42000.00 ager Court/Recorder Budget by $2154 for 74227 NDAssociation of (January26) Deputy. Salary and Commissioner Counties 293.79 Tescher seconded. Motion carried. Credit Card Commercial Card Golden Chairman Tescher declared the Solutions 163.78 Valley meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M. Direct Dep Golden Valley County County Commission The following vouchers were audited Employees and approved for the month of Decem- Payroll 56803.24 BOARD OF ber: ATTEST: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 74039 City of Beach 340.55 Tamra Sperry, County Auditor MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS 74040 MDU 2278.45 Troy Tescher, Chairman, County Corn- DECEMBER 28, 2016 1:00 P.M. 74041 Midstate Communications, missioners Inc. 1182.60 (January 26) 74042-74043 Weed Control Disbursements 745.07 City of Medora 74044 Golden Valley County Treasurer 8545.17 74045 North Dakota State City of Medora Treasurer 141.77 Minutes of Regular Meeting 74046-74062 Collections January 10, 2017 Submitted 11931.40 (Subject to Council 74063 Golden Valley Co Fair review and approval) Association 305.57 74064 NDAssociation of Meeting was called to order at Counties 294.30 6:00pm by Mayor Todd Corneil. Pres- 74065 Reservation Telephone ent were Councilmen Denis Joyce, Coop 40.00 John Tczap, and Kinley Slauter. Ben 74066-74090 Social Services Brannum was present via telephone. Disbursements 5308.10 City Engineer, Mike Njos, was also 74091 Golden Valley Co present. States Attorney 1816.67 Minutes from the December 6 regu- 74092 DS Solutions 150.00 lar meeting and December 28 special 74093 Noll Construction, LLC 1187.50 meeting were reviewed. Joyce made 74094 Texas Refinery Corp. 178.44 the motion to approve the minutes as 74095 Kadrmas, Lee & presented. Second by Tczap. Motion Jackson 22264.39 passed unanimously. 74096 ND Association of City Engineer, Mike Njos, reviewed Counties 1015.00 his Engineer's Report. Njos has re- 74097 Information Technology viewed the report done by PACE Con- Dept 1202.90 struction which shows sewer system 74098 Farmers Union Oil 14734.83 piping issues. Njos will put together a 74099 Southwest Business more thorough report of priorities and Machines 558.81 estimated costs. 74100 Jandt Plumbing & City Attorney, Sandy Kuntz, was ab- Heating LLC 260.56 sent and there was no report. 74101 Knoll's Readymix 1040.00 The written monthly ambulance re- 74102 Lawson Products, Inc. 644.89 ports from November and December 74103 J/L Ditching & Backhoe were reviewed. The written monthly po- Services 2269.84 lice report and 2016 summary report 74104 Pitney Bowes Global were presented for review. A letter from Financial Ser 453.48 Chief John Bey was also presented to 74105 Lyle Signs, Inc. 534.20 the Council stating his intent to retire 74106 Election Systems & from the Medora Police Dept. on March Software, LLC 2459.33 31,2017. 74107 Golden Valley News 1212.45 Public Works Director, Dell Beach, 74108 Schwartz Construction reported he has been moving snow and Inc. 3599.55 sanding. There was discussion regard- 74109 J P Steel & Supply Inc. 277.80 ing allowing overtime or perhaps hiring 74110 Asphalt Surface contractors to assist with getting the Technologies Corp 16272.14 snow piles removed quickly. Corneil 74111 C.E. Brooks & stated he has not been granting over- Associates 121.31 time and does not feel it's necessary. 74112 Motorola Solutions, Dell added that when everything is Inc. 20250.03 working properly, one pile/day can be 74113 Northern Plains removed. MCC Director, Brett Oster- Engineering, LLC 8300.97 mann, added that he has been assist- 74114 John Deere Financial 84.22 ing with snow removal. 74115 Fast Initial Response City Auditor, Carla Steffen, pre- Systems 34.02 sented her report. Pledge reports from 74116 Badlands Riflery 334.00 First State Bank and Bank of the West 74117 SW Multi-Co Correction were reviewed. Both banks continue to Center 10364.93 meet the securities requirements. The 74118 Applied Concepts, Inc. 2878.00 2016 2% lodging tax is distributed to the 74119 Wallwork Truck Center 160.78 CVB this month and is included in the 74120 BOSS Inc 1187.90 vouchers. The 2016 year-end financial 74121 Bill Lowman 6580.00 statement was reviewed and will be 74122 Bob Makelky 490.00 published per NDCC 40-16-04. 74123 Northwest ]3re Inc 5518.60 Wosepka Accounting will perform an PLLC 2100.00 15525 MEDORAAREA CVB . 98765.37 15526 ND WORKFORCE SAFETYAND iN~UR'ANCE 913.11 15527 NDACo: Resource~ Group 7211.60 15528 RDO TRUST #80'58001406.54 15529 ROUGHRIDER ELECTRIC COOP, INC 3204.36 15530 SOUTHWEST WATER AUTHORITY 41.26 15531 THEODORE ROOSEVELT MEDORA. FDTN1151.31 15532 WEST PLAINS INC 10400.00 Payroll and other Pre-Pays: 12-2-16 8713.47 12-8-16 1509.94 12-16-16 11188.17 12-30-16 9771.48 December Payroll Taxes 10020.76 15480 Ameritas (Dental Insurance) 830.67 15481 Avesis (vision Insurance) 88.75 15482 NDPERS Def Comp 613.00 15483 NDPERS Retirement 5509.24 15516 AFLAC 241.92 15517 Office of State Tax Commissioner 723.06 15518 NDPERS Health. 8504.53 Under Misc. Business, Joyce stated that snow removal equipment has ripped up the new grass planted by the fire hall. Also under Misc. Business, Slauter would like to proceed with strip mall owners being notified regarding the fence in need of repair on the south side of the strip mall. Steffen will review the ordinance and contact Attorney Kuntz if the ordinance needs to be reviewed. Slauter also questioned if it would be possible to sort out a separate walking area between the mini golf and Lutheran Church. Joyce stated it was a street at one time, but it was vacated. Steffen will try to locate documentation showing ownership. Mayor Corneil read the announce- ments. There being no other business, Slauter motioned to adjourn. With no objection, meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Attest: Todd Corneil, Mayor Attest: Carla Steffen, City Auditor (January 26)