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Beach, North Dakota
January 26, 2017     Golden Valley News
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January 26, 2017
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January 26, 2017 Golden Valley News Page 3 80-day biennial sessions result in fiscal disarray TO North Dakota fiscal affairs are in budget balances all needs of the N. D. Matters By Lloyd 0mdahl disarray, primarily because of our state because the govemor is elected clinging to an unworkable 80-day by all of the people and has a biennial legislative process, statewide perspective. On the other While almost all other states have hand, the Legislature consists of lo- gone to annual sessions, North prospects of innovation and rein- cals elected by districts who are Dakota has resisted changing a vention are dimmed because inno- likely to have a fragmented outlook. schedule that has been used since vation and reinvention will require Even though we are a rich state, 1889. We have relied on hasty Band- investment today for benefits down we are tightening belts because of Aids, triggers, interim budget corn- the road. We can't invest when we specious estimates. We are talking mittees and other quick fixes to are more worried about the next about robbing the Bank of North salvage the outdated biennial ses- quarter than the next generation. Dakota, draining the anti-cancer to- sion. To further confuse the appropria- bacco fund, raising taxes on college Biennial sessions require biennial tion process, the legislative leader- students, and levying five percent budgets. The budget being ship has moved to take more control fees on nursing homes. processed in Bismarck won't take of the budget process by proposing At the same time, no considera- effect until July 1, 2017 and will its own budget in competition with tion is being given to asking citizens continue until July, 2019. This re- the executive budget. At a time to give back a share of the big tax quires estimating revenue two and a when the Legislature declares it breaks we got from the oil revenue. half years into the future, wants to cut payrolls it is expanding My residential property taxes went It is fairly obvious that oil and its own by duplicating the executive down around 25 percent and my low farm markets have become too budget, income tax is an embarrassment. We volatile for 2-year projections. And Budgeting is a task better left to ought to give back some of these oil because so much of the state budget the executive branch because the ex- benefits instead of taxing students is being based on the unknown, ecutive branch has access to all of and nursing homes. Governor Doug Burgum and the the agency input in a timely fashion Apparently, low estimates justify Legislature are proposing draconian and can manage the timeline re- slashing the things that make up the cuts in depression-era budgets, quired to put a budget together, common good. This in a state where With biennial revenue estimates As a former state budget director, the common good is already mar- a roll of the dice, the Legislature no I can attest to the fact that budget- ginal. longer wants to accept the educated building is a year-around function When it comes to reinvention, guesses of the experts. They now that includes monitoring expendi- North Dakota needs to start thinking want to do their own estimating, dis- tures, tracking trends and predicting about its legislative system. Manag- regarding the fact that they are am- needs. It isn't a hit-and-run system ing fiscal affairs by guess and by ateurs in the world economy, that can be crammed into an 80-day golly every two years is no way to With the Legislature estimating session that meets every two years, run a state in the Twenty-First Cen- revenue on the starvation side, the More importantly, an executive tury. Healthy Advice Dr. Heather Martin in hes Vehicle speed is a top factor in licensed drivers, teen drivers under late." crashes involving teen-agers, the age 18 were more than three times as An example of critical knowledge American Automobile Association likely to be involved in a speed-re- is the effective range of headlights, says. lated crash as older drivers,advises AAA. Recent test results After a review of state crash data, Due in part to inexperience, teens found that even with the most ad- AAA is adyising North Dakota par- are more likely to misjudge their vanced headlight systems under ideal ents to talk to their teens about the abilities and such critical factors as weather conditions, the ability to see dangers of speed and how any closing speeds, braking distance, an object in the roadway at night is change in driving conditions can dic- changing driving conditions and reduced by as much as 60 percent tate a slower safe speed, headlight effectiveness, according to when compared to driving in day- According to North Dakota data, Gene LaDoucer, North Dakota light. On high beam, headlights pro- from 2011 to 2015, teen drivers be- spokesman for AAA-The Auto Club vide adequate lighting for maximum tween 14 and 17 years old were in- Group. speeds of 48 mph to 55 mph, accord- volved in 8.6 percent of fatal crashes "Driving is a highly complex task ing to the study. where speed was identified as a con- learned in a high-risk environment," "Teens are over-represented in tributing factor. The same age group said LaDoucer. "High speeds and crashes in North Dakota and speed is was involved in 10 percent of injury changing driving conditions add the top contributing factor. We must crashes attributed to speed. Driving risk. While more experienced driv- all understand the risks and do our too fast for conditions was also a ers may make necessary adjust- part in helping them develop into common factor in teen crashes. As ments, ~ teens, too often, don't safe and re, sponsible drivers," said tbeyc0mpnsed only 2.8 percentof appreciate the dangers until it's too LaDoucer. Vehicl reaches 140 mph during pursuit On Saturday, Jan. 21, at about 5 fleeing on Highway 49 the vehicle termined the driver was held up in an p.m:, deputies from the Stark County reached speeds up to 140 mph. Offi- abandoned house which they sur- Sheriff's Department located a stolen cers from the Grant County Sheriff's rounded. Nearby residents were ad- vehicle near Richardton. Officers at- Department and Hettinger County vised of the situation, according to tempted to stop the vehicle but it fled Sheriff's Department established a the Highway Patrol. After some time, east on Highway 10 and Interstate road block with tire disabling spike the driver gave himself up and was 94, where officers lost sight of it. strips on Highway 49 on the north taken into custody without incident. The North Dakota Highway Pa- side of Elgin. Just before the road- The driver was identified as Dante trol and Morton County Sheriff's De- block, the vehicle turned eastbound Schwarting of New Salem. Schwart- partment later located the vehicle in on a gravel road/section line. The ing was arrested on active warrants Glen Ullin. Officers attempted to vehicle went approximately 1.5 and several charges regarding this in- stop the vehicle but it fled eastbound miles before getting stuck in deep cident. on Highway 49 from Glen Ullin. Of- snow. The vehicle's passenger was The passenger was detained and ricers established a road block with immediately taken into custody, is under investigation as to his in- tire disabling spike strips on High- The driver of the vehicle fled on volvement with this matter, accord- way 49. The vehicle was able to foot. Officers chased the driver on ing to the Highway Patrol. avoid the roadblock, and in doing so, foot and tracked him to a nearby The Dickinson Police Department fled westbound on Highway 49, ac- abandoned farmstead. Officers de- was also involved. cording to a report from Sgt. Ryan Duletski of the Highway Patrol. The vehicle then went south on Highway 49 from Glen Ullin. While DSU announces President'sList DICKINSON -At the end of each regular semester, Dickinson State University recognizes those students named to the President's List. Eligi- ble students must be enrolled full- time and have a minimum semester grade-point average of 3.9 or higher. On the fall 2016 list are: - Kaitlyn Davis of Medora - Hannah Farstveet of Beach Van or Bus Service Billings County Golden Valley County Distance of 160 Miles CALL: 701-872-3836 Our board meets at 9:30 a.m., first Tuesday of each month at 701 S. Central Ave., Beach. The public is invited! HOW TO SHARE YOUR VIEWS We welcome letters to the editor concerning issues of area interest or regarding stories and editorials that have been published. Letters should be limited to 400 words. Guest columns or opinion-editorials longer in length are also welcome. A writer can have only one letter or column regarding the same subject published in a 30-day time period, unless the writer is responding to a new aspect of an issue that has been raised. Letters and columns are a way to encourage public discussion. Thank-you letters and invitations cannot be published as letters to the editor, but can be formatted as advertisements. Please include your name, address and phone number on your letter or column so that we can contact you. Your address and phone number will not be published. Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer, P.O. Box 156, Beach, N.D. 58621; rl nsurance Inc. 110 • Term Life Insurance • Universal Life Insurance Fixed Annuities • Index Annuities IRAs • Long-Term Care Ins. Bruce Ross Central Ave. South, Beach, ND (701) 872-4461 (office) (Across from Bank of the West) (701) 872-3075 (home) DISABLED? HEALTH CHALLENGED? ’..~-~, It's AMAZING what you can do with x,,..: GREATER INDEPENDENCE & QUALITY OF UFE! N DA D A Trusted Charitable Nonprofit Serving N.D. Since 1975 NOWI Affordably obtain asslstive devices & seadces: Modified vehicles * Home modificaUons :(= Hearing aids • Mobility equipment Computers & adaptive hardware / software Environmental control devices $5oo to S5o,ooo k)ans Augmentative communication devices with Ileximeterms Recreational & Leisure Items * andmore! 9 out of 10 smokers started before age of 18 To the editor: our young people are at risk if we stop because I work with many people I know how important tobacco fighting it now. who would have benefited from a prevention is, because 9 out of 10 The tobacco companies want ourcomprehensive statewide prevention smokers started before the age of 18, children to be the next generation of program. Now, I'm standing up to de- according to the CDC. smokers to replace the 480,000 peo- fend BreatheND and urging legisla- I wimess this every day as a certi- pie who die every year from a to- tors to listen. North Dakotans want fled tobacco treatment specialist when bacco-related disease, this program to stay because it deliv- I counsel smokers to quit. I'm also a BreatheND is making remarkableers the results we asked for. The will respiratory therapist, so I've seen first- ground in the fight against tobacco, of the people can't be ignored by leg- hand the damage tobacco does to the having cut the youth smoking rate in islators. body. The younger patients were half and reduced the adult smoking Supporting SB 2024 is the right when they started, the harder it is for rate. I know this program is saving thing to do, and it's the smart thing to them to break free of their addiction valuable lives and much needed dol- do to let BreatheND keep saving to nicotine. Unfortunately, I've even lars. money and lives in North Dakota. treated a smoker who started at age 5. I voted to create BreatheND, along Alison Harrington Yes, tobacco is still a problem. Yes, with the majority of North Dakotans, Bismarck Q & A with Sanford Providers the common cold What is the common cold? The common cold leads to more health care provider visits and school and work absences than any other ill- ness each year. It is easily spread, often through coughed or sneezed airborne droplets from a sick person that are then inhaled by another per- son. Colds are also spread when a person touches a surface that an in- fected person touched. Americans suffer through more than one billion colds each year. Avoiding close contact with people who have colds and frequent hand washing are among the best preven- tion measures. What causes the common cold? More than 200 viruses can lead to the common cold. The viruses cause inflammation of the membranes that line the nose and throat. More colds occur from early fall to late winter, however, cold weather or being chilled doesn't cause colds. Who is at risk for the common cold? Though children suffer more colds each year than adults, everyone is at risk. An average child will have six to 10 colds a year, a fact attributed to immature immune systems and the close physical contact they have with other children at school or day care. The average number of annual colds for an adult is between two and four. People are more likely to have colds between late August or early September through March or April. More people are inside and close to each other during that season. Many cold viruses also thrive in low hu- midity, drying the nasal passages and making them more vulnerable to in- fection. What are the symptoms of the common cold? Each person may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms can last from several days to several weeks and include: • Achy muscles and bones • Chills • Headache • Low-grade fever • Mild fatigue • Mild hacking cough • Scratchy, tickly throat • Sneezing • Sore throat • Stuffy, runny nose • Watering eyes How is the common cold diag- nosed? In most cases, common colds are diagnosed based on reported symp- toms. Cold symptoms, however, may be similar to certain bacterial infec- tions, allergies and other medical conditions. Always consult a health care provider for a diagnosis in the case of severe symptoms. What should I do if I get a cold? Rest and increased fluid intake are recommended to reduce symptoms, however there is no quick cure and the virus will run its course. Over- the-counter cold medications or anti- histamines may also help relieve some symptoms. Gargling warm, salt water may relieve a sore throat and pain relievers can help a headache or fever. Antibiotics are not effective in fighting colds. Do not give aspirin to a child with a fever. Aspirin, when administered as a treatment for viral illnesses in children, has been associated with Reye syndrome, a potentially deadly disorder. (Dr. Heather Martin, a board-cer- tified family medicine physician, sees patients at Sanford Health West Dickinson Clinic.) Luncheon: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 5, at St. Bernard's Parish Center, Belfield Soups will include chili, chicken noodle, borscht, beef barley, and potato. Freshly baked breadsticks, crackers, and bars will compliment the soups. Community Auction: To begin at 12:30 p.m., to in- clude quilts, jams, Scandinavian pastries, furniture and other household items, new size 9 Tony Lama boots, mountain back- pack, modem ice skates, and antiques such as a printer's typesetting drawer, . and a brown glass Hilex jug. ~!! i ~Sponsored by the Congregations of Medora, Belfield, and Daglum Evangelical Lutheran Churches.