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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 26, 1939     Golden Valley News
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January 26, 1939
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, MONDAY EVE JAN. 30, 1939 FOR THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY +. A~~~ //~T BEACH BENEFIT AUDITORIUM This Is the Same Night as the President's Birthday Ball in Many Other Communities You SAVE on Every Purchase at DICKINSON'S SALE : =- : + -'- "-- : .... I HAVE YOU A CLAIM FOR UNEM- ~lV .......... -=:=-=:- BONNIEVIEW ] PL°x~rr-~ ] '~i Mr. Start +a~er---Umana+er of ~e-I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Still ann son, [ pIoyment Service, Dickinson, North Da- I Merton, were entertained at the home~ota' announces that he will be at the of Mr. and Mrs. John Hladick ~!9~lGolden Valley county court house in Sunday at dinner in honor of thefil~t- J Beach, Friday morning, January 27, for ter couple's wedding anniv~rsary~+ | the purpose of speaking with any one I Bill Braden was a visit~ a~pt~ne AI- I interested in filing Unemployment I bert Meyer home on Mo~d~f [Compensation claims. He expects tot Joe McCaskey started ~[lgh schoollbe here at 9:00 a. m. in Beach on Monday m~lng. I ,.He states that he WOUld like to have A card party was held at the Dick all persons who have claims or feel Kerr home Friday evening in honor of that they have a claim for Unemploy- Mr. Kerr, who was celebrating his merit Benefits, call at the office for birthday. [the purpose of speaking with him on John Glower was an overnight guest of Jerry I~sha Tuesday. P. O. Peterson and R~dle Ran~tad were business callers at the Albert Meyer home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Nielsen and family and Joe and Charley Pasha were vis- itors at the McCaskey home Wednes- day evening. John Glower was a caller at the Halvor Dahl home on Tuesday. Anniversary Party Oolva--A very enjoyable anniversary )arty was given Mr. and Mrs. A. H. this date. FOR SALE--One ~dam $chaaf play- er piano. Inquire a~ Intel~ate Bank, Sentlni Butte. ~ 17-tf FOR RENT~Two mpdern bedrooms. Mrs. James Raffter~, Beach. 17~2t~ A LITTLE SENSE AND NONSENSE By "Jakey" SIMPLE, ISN'T IT? Citizens of this nation who have be- come nervous over the prospect that the United States m~ht become in- Trade With Us and get a Complete Set Of America's Finest Dinnerware With every dollar you spend in our store you are entitled to one piece of the very finest 22 carat gold trimmed Royal Chinaware for only 5c, a fracton of the actual value of this grade of merchandise Come in and see this beautiful ware on display in our store and let us explain how you can get a complete set to meet your requirements, for less than you would pay for ordinary ware elsewhere 60c Alka Selt- zer .... 49c $1.00 Pepso- dent Antiseptic 51c 75c Vicks Vapo Rub_ 5~c $1.50 LTji~ia PinkO's Componnd $1.19 Pt. Rubbing Alcohol 19c 100 Cascara Hinkle's Tab- lets 9c 2 oz. Castor Oil _10c 100 Aspirin Tablets, 5 gr. 31c Pint Mineral Oil, Lamson's when ,a number of friends and b~rs me~ at their home Wednes- in war +now relax. That 1 ~, Epsom 50e value for .i~ht to C~iebrate their 28th/anni- is taken care of, ~ Sa~s ___ 9c 29e r#. . ~S into our national A lovely luncheon ser- ~d a jolly evening w~ spent, own Senator Frazier bre departing for their :'homes ev- ~/ / The Senator has in- Filling Your Prescription is Our Specialty, you will find w~shed the honored guests resolution asking for an our prices reasonable m~ny happy returns of the day. i to the constltt~lon making ................ . . ~ all prepuration ~or war fl- ~/ Watch for 4-Page Circular In yot ,,~ .---V----" , + WOODWARD DRUG ~. ~ . - HosDltal Notes ~ dl~tsomebody tl~nl~ of that " "Your Rexall Store"' + 1 e If the bill passes, will be Showing the ~ . ~l/ M+s. Laura Hayden entered the hOs- 4,, +,,,~t~.~ oU .... ~tlo~ ......................................... + p~tat zor ~rea~men~ Jan r~ \ ] I i • • ~ ++ and army tanks, and send ~e so d ers ....... . .dl form for people of different nations BIRTHDAY PARTY ~( --.--~ -~ • m~ A • . I~a • . ~ Lardy of Sentinel Butte ha and sailors home Then, if the Japs - -- - - ..... +1 ~r t tr ubl +'~anl " + ~o snoo~ one anomer. "±he mayor nngn~ I ~/1 qlTl~ gait! M~nlsv ~smno K~lrO~lln@ • :~a menL for g~ll bladder o e tget sore at us as they seem ~ have add that New York is putting on a .......... {{ |i~ |1~11 i|gVIl~J VUWIII~ I~llbLIlll¢ Jan. 21. ira habit of doing +and. ~ corns o~]t with~ wor£a--"~ ~'alr---- this ye-ar, aria- ma~-- - we4 sa~uroay memvers c~ me ~ogan mm- ~) Jeanne Helen Wicka of Beach enter-,a few battlesh[~loaded ~+~'~iers, !. _ "~,..f ....... i ily gathered at the E. D. ~gan home '~ td Jan. 23 for treatment, all that will bq~ecessary f~ the bres- i3us~ c~n.~ ai ora_fo ~ve mere mula-I to help Mrs. E. D. Logan observe her r o s fe ~ident of this untry to do is t ap rags o~ up 'A~a~ ma cnncn ~ne birthda an Robe t O ro ki of Carlyle is suf r-: . ~p~ _ _ ~.t~. "I ~c " ~ y ~' i y, d a very pleasant time was pomt the may of ~an J~'rancmco~ a~ argu nt I . . ' ..... . ' ing from ear trouble entering the hos-I ~r . .~ . ~ n~n . . - i had =~ I "Nt$*ll |ciairy price increases m the coming n;tal Jan 23 ' a committee o~one to go out anq/snut Th~ resob~on/of Senator Frazierl " nereaseIn ITIIlK l year, unless there is further substan- ~+ " " __ the Golden C~t~ and then tel~fthose +to c~re~-~omnanled bv a letter~ __ -- .................... ......... Itial business recovery and a rise in Miss Mar~orie Znsli of Beach enter-tJaps that if t~) a~ in the m~ for from]a 31~t]~l or~t~,~own ~.t,,~.~n.. I~ • • " J ~ ; I . ++~- , e, . + ,, I ~I, Ut, qlJLLUL~I%y J.~ the general level of rices, accord fighting they ome in, cause ..... A,wd-~-~l~,--ll-~4"l 1 P " ed for treatment Jan 14th remainingt ~'can't ~¢ , ~ec~ as~'t~e~r~ans ~eaJU~0n ....... ,,I,- *, +,'. | ~[~U]~D /lklltlUlV~tI, U~t[ tug to Anderson. +{several day.s " ' ! we Just ain't allowe~ to play that ~stron~rgL~e~W,,,s,~s adoutlem_ ~+ of+'~he a~end_.- I "'t~e[[v_ lVloore'" uav_ , --. I, Tv ~'~ I The NDAO economist baseshis sUm'L Mr and Mrs Fred McManigal of~r0ugh" ~ ment. No d~ubt the~a~r ~-welll Tunein,KPY!~-9 a. m.| ThroughoutU. b*~mary of the dairy situation on the :O.r!yte are the parents "of a baby Or if Herr Hitler ~ts peeved be-intentioned. Many of ~ne prese~ gen-I ~r~ ~f'~'~ "~ | ]~ t vast amount of data accumulated by I ~rl born Jan, 16th. i cause President Roosevelt says some eration know from experience t~at war I t~very ~a~uraay morn+ ~-- . . + . I the Bureau of Agricultural .Econom-I Mrs Chas Moore of Sentinel Butte :nasty. things about +l~m (which he is ~. exactly, what Sherman said/Jr_ was. I We.~ell the Prodlitts ~+ | "Dairy producers can +ooz torwam:ics. Informm+ion on me oalry ou+- " " , ..... ,, aJso m one ham+ o~:ooing~ ana senos ~Jso, we nave all heard of + the odd actOr+Moore Reeommm~lm ~o an increase In milk cows in tlaellook for North Daktoa, as well as Onld:~.~t tl~:at/nei'tn" llth aloe," ..... 'J'+ia flock of s~eel helmeted soldiers all instinct followed by the ostrich of hid- ~f~'~-~v ,r.~r United states,' believes Harry O. An-iprospects for all other major crops ;~r +" _ equipped with shooting irons over to- ing his head in the san~ee~rWhen in ~.~IY]E~I~ Y2Xl~l.~E~I| we"rson, ND~C extension econommt,, and livestock of the state, is contained ,. . and Mrs. harold Fosjard of, t ward. New York to start blowing things danger . But did anyone er hear of ++LUMBER+ CO.. +h, ~eesa trend in that direction en-Iln a report released recently hy the B,~ch are the parents of a baby boy up, just send Mayor LaGuardia out in an ostrmh getting away wl~eit? ........ ]. ~ourm~rerI bv "the present favorable I extension service. Th~ publication, born at the hospital Jan. 16th., I a rowboat to meet them at the statue .. ( ~' +~,~:-~.~:~*lon~,~,~+ ~d tlxe prices of dairy ["North Dakota Farm Outlook--1939," Mrs. Laura 1-1gyden of Beach enter-]of liberty, and tell those Nazis tha~ in ..... are relatively high l ls now available ed July l~th for treatment, I this country it is considered very bad ]~roducts, wnmn i "