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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 26, 1939     Golden Valley News
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January 26, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1939! ,trYweekshaStakingbeen treatmentsin town thefromPaSta IocaltW° inel Butte visite~l at the Guy Halli by Anton Ponke. " at which visiting ~nd fa~ work wer~ doctor, home Tuesday evening. ..... The Sunnyvale Homemakers ~tIub the pasthlges.~ dain# lunch wa~ Mr. and Mrs wm. wrote o~ Mnes held their re-ular m ........... -- t • [ s eesmg wlr~t Mrs. served. ~afguests ~ere Mesdame~ Mrs. James Elliott was a Beach'c~ty spent the week end at the home Mary Scammon on "~'e~--" ~"~^. _ 1 visitor one day last week. :of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.!pleasant meeting t'tle'ho][e~e~'~'~ :!Elliott, Hati~en, E. B.~rSherman, Hall~ Jack Bait and Art Bryce were up White. !fine lunch • Beaman Sherman an~ Burton Welsh~ from the south country Monday. ~ Wm Howard and Mr. and Mrs Arleyl .. -- "- -- ~. ~2 ! Mr. and Mrs. Wml~ Zabel and sol~ Harry Drake was ~ week end visitor Helvik were Glendive visitors Monday. Ia ~:rSt .J~'reo l-~elnecKe hostess at lwere business visitors~Monday fron~ at th home of his parents. Mr. and Miss Margaret Dietrich and Carl~ ptt ~y as her home 2T1oay a~sernoon their farm near the state line. Hines Conspiracy Case to Re-Open The retrial of James J. Hines, eharged with conspiracy in the New York policy racket, will begin January 9, before Judge Charles C. Nott h, General Sessions. District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey will resume ]N~eeution of Hines, who is pictured here with his wife. ALPHA l Mr. and Mrs. I.~lghten Nunn and fsmfly spent MOnday evening at the John Irons home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ziebarth attend- ed the Sunshine meeting at ]Prank J~houboe's Wedmmday. The U. B. Ladles Aid met Shoen Thursday. There crowd out and a lovely Joyed. The next Mrs. Anna Swan Fe~ Mr. and Mrs. P. ,~ Mx. grid Mra Edw. ~aching | Mrs. Sop~e St~h of s~_ en~r- rained at tlW ~ ~ home Tuesday even~ f~ Mrs. Nick Oamroth and children spent the weekend visiting at the Chas. Bahm home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sonnek and family were dinner guests st Fritz l~Lsching's sunday. / Nels Langdon, and Andrew~Johnston drove to W~tford City Sun~[ay where they attended the funer~ of Mr. Johnston's sister in law M~n~lay. Len M~yers left last weel~ on a busi- ness trip to $Jjrora, Illinois. Louise ~m.~ spent the weekend with home ' folkS. Mr. and M~. Julius Ziebarth of Scranton spent/.Friday and Saturday at the A. J. Zlebarth home. The Alpha Whist club met at the Ed Shoen home Saturday evening and played the Garner whist club. Garner won by 13 points. Carl Otremba and Leslie Howard were high point men. There will be a basketball game on Mr. B. Rotering, a Member of~ the Legislature of the 3~ District.~'ora there Mr. Brown calve home t~spend the weekend with l~folks. J Mr. and Mrs. P. O. ~eter~ enter- rained on Sunday Mr:~Mrs. Ed Nelson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and son, Mr. and Mrs. O. Moo and Myrtle, Mi~ and Mrs. L. Odland and Louisf/and! Mr. and Mrs. Obert Peterson adhd family. Ellen ~tecker |e~ by cat on Sunday mornh~ for Por~and, Ore:, where she plans on visiting her sister Agnes and later finding employme~rt there. Miss Lol~ Odland returned to Bis- marck on Tuesday morning after spending her vacation with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nelson and daughter have been spending the past week with Mr. Rudy Ramstad. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stecker spent Wednesday evening at the Ted Sever- son home. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mons I-Iaukas and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rader visited at the Hans Haukaas home near Gol- va. It waS Mrs. HaukaaS 60th birthday. ~-:~ ~ . ~ = !~ : Wibaux News Lonna Jean Rehnecke was on the sick list last week. Mrs. E. D. Welliver slipped on the ice and injured her ankle and iS at present confined to her home. Roland Zellar who teaches the Bon- hie View school north~of Beach~spent Friday night at the Aiph~ hall be- Sunday with frlend~ ~in town. tween Golva and Alpha. Dance after F. J. O'Rourke ~accompaniSd his the game, with music by Golva band. son Francis to his h~e at M0ntford, ...... Wisconsin last week. ! ----__- - - ~ ----: ...... i Bert Carson from t~ north co=- BIG FOUR DISTRICT ~- ~ ~ About thirty friends gathered at trte F'rank Tosner home on Thursday night of last week to help Mr. Tosner cqle- brate his birthday anf~versary. V~ist was played add at mid~ht an t~pe- rising lunch/was served~tth a]nice birthday c~e ee~terlng ~lej~table. Everyone present ~eported a very pleasant evening. Mr. O. W, Youelis returned home from Watertown. S. D., where he has spent the past three weeks visitingl with relatives. Mr. H. W. Brown and Mr. L. Mor-! land of Bowman county drove to Ami- Kennedy's Bot Capsules/ Butte i ug" Sentinel, Butte don, N. D., to attend the funeral of _ _ = THE BASEBALL CLUB OF BEACH Is Sponsoring ALBRECHT'S INDOO ! CIRUS ~At The\ iALL BEACH EITY Tuesday, Janua 31st AT 8 P. M. Admission: 15c-25c Tell your friends and come out, enjoy an evening of real entertainment. Your pat- ronage will be appreciated BEACH BASEBALL CLUB Mrs. O. S. Drake. Dahl were 6 o'clock dinner guests of, The Bible Study Club met at the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mueller Friday l parsonage Monday evening with Betty evening. Bryce and Lillian Scammon m charge. The Birthday Club enjoyed a love-! Oliver Olson of Glendive. who was ly dinner a~ the McCann home l~on-~, formerly employed at the Crescent day evening in honor of Mrs..L. C.~ Hardware Store, was calling on his Faltermeyer's birthday| /~ '~ friends in Wibaux on Sunday. , Mr. L. Sandmarks, ~Supe~tendent' Elmer Abraham came over from:Of Schools of Circle.~ his wife' Beach Thursday and visited with his spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ! sister, Mrs. Slg Pederson, until Sun- Wallace Scott. They were accompan-: day. Mr. and Mrs. Pederson and son led by Marian Eberly and friends who~ took him home. i spent the week end with her sister, t Mrs. Ballard and Jackie came home Mrs. Ralph Mueller and family. ! from Miles City Wednesday evening. Mr .and Mrs. Ross Bixby and Shir-t They also visited in Hardin and Bill-Iley and Arlene Rigby of Glendive and~ lugs.[ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reinecke and fam-! Mr. and Mrs. Rube Clark from near ily enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner! Pete Johnson who lives southwest of town was in Glendive last week to be with his wife who is critically ill at that place. Jack Ballard came from Billings Friday to spend the week end with his family. He returned on Monday. Archte Levlne plans to leave this week end for Ellensburg, Oregon, andI expects to go to Texas before return- ing. I Miss Metty Bryce entertained a few ~a ends at a party TI~ursday evening. rues were played and dainty refresh- ments ~ere served. Mr. an~. Mrs. E. B. Sherman had as Sunday ~nner guests, John Kenyon, Mr. and 1Q~s. Burton" Welsh and Rus- sell and Mr~ and Mrs. Beaman Sher- man. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Melrose and daughter were in Wednesday to help their son Nell, celebrate his birthday at the Sig Pederson home where Neff stays during the winter months at- tending the local school. Mrs. Lawrence Hartse and Mrs. Ballard and Jackle drove to Beach Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Narum were busi- ness visitors from Carlyle Prlday. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hazelton took Mrs. Hugh Baird and daughter to Glendive Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hogoboom of Sent- Hedges were county seat visitors on I Sunday evening at the home of Mr. Thursday. and Mrs. Guy Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall and FredI Sheriff Eli Swartz was a business' Relnecke and daughter Colleen autoed visitor at Carlyle Saturday morning, i Friday evening. Knudson to Glendive Banner Stair and Ferne WALL DRUG Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson from' accompanied the. basketball team to i We Deliver Phone 31 ~ioney Friday where they were de-. near Edgehfll spent Wedn~day even- feated in the evenin- b• ÷h~ ~,~-.' ing visiting in town ,~M~s Anderson~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~'"~ ......... ~_': .: " _.. ._ I team. They ~layed at Fairvlew Sat- vmlrect Mrs. ~. ~ ~ rn~n wnne Mr , -~ . ............... -. ~pe ~z . . .. 'lurday after2oon,,where they agmn met a school board g,~ wire oefea~. ~ ,t Mr. and Mrs. F~ ~opft entertained[ _The V~'t,baux ~erchants played the I relatives from T~[~~ last week ! t,,en~ve~ lndepel~dents Sunday after- I ..... L ~v - . '. - I noon at~ the Io~l high school gym l Mr. anu Mrs. U,YA, Steele ana ~r. and won ~" e~c ..... I and Mrs. Slmon~zelton and Kath- ~y on ~pomr, me score ~e- . leen were Sund~d~ner guests of in g 34-35: _ J . l i Mr. and Mrs. G~orge Hansen nar. ana Mrs. ~/~elrose and daughter motored to Glen~live Monday. , • The S.B.A. met with Mr. and Mrs. ~ I Win. Howard Saturday evening. Cards • were enjoyed and the hostess served a fine lunch. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Tovey of Sent- I inel Butte visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy • ' Hall Thursday. •• A1 Meek haS sold his interest in the • meat market he has been operating • the past year and it is now operated DON'T MISS OUR AND Watch-CIock REPAIRING / recB:iengryi~u~ra~t:iCedk" wa't~th, S~y Bring in/that watch or clock that stopped for some unlmown reason. My repair service is .very reason- able and all work is guaranteed. I have parts in stock for almost every make of watch. Now located at the Golden Valley Harvester Co. J. L. Barkland JANUARY CLEARANCE "Used Cars | ,5 ooo | • .. PRICED TO SELL 1937 Ford V-8 "60" New Motor, Ex- cellentfondition . .......... $495.00 1935 Ford~V-8 "85" Fordor Sedan, Radio and heater. Guaranteed $345.00 1935Ford./V-8 "85'" Tudor ~ Sedan, ~xcellent Condition "'~'i'; .... $325.00 1935 Ford V-8 "85" Cqupe.'Good | buy at ........... \.,.,. '. ::. $275.00 || i932 Ford v-8 Pickup, a--bdTgain at $175.00 | -. EASY TERMS THRU UNIVERSAL | CREDIT COMPANY | | "Johnson Motor Co. | Phone 10 Beach, N. D. 9 CENT SALE Beach, North Dakota New Seats- -- Air-Conditioned --O-- Starts Saturday, Jan. 28th, Ends Sat. eb. 4th ~0-- 500 foot in. Manila Rope ...... Oc New Rid Jid Deluxe Ironing Table Standard Retail Price $,.95, AlloW- ance on old table $1.00.~ You pgy $3.95 ~O~ SPECIAL PRICES on 9x12 Congoldum Rugs. New Patterns See Them! O 9 oz. Water Glasses, 3 for .. / ...... 9c O Large Cozy Arm Chair, Reg. $27.50, NOW ON SPECIAL AT ...... $19.50 O Genuine Inner Spring Mattress $12.85 ~O~ 5 Sewed Broom ............. 39c Two Tone Bedroom Suite of 3-pieces Regular $49.50. Special at .... $35.85 $24.50 Innrrspring ZENITH TIRES. ing agaist any better tire at any GUARANTEED Lira 742 Battery, 17 month Adj --O-- AO on Hand These Prices Subj! FRIDAY- SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p. m. "GIRL'S SCHOOL Cast: ANN SHIRLEY, NAN GREY, RALPH BELLAMY, NOAH BEERY, JR. A story of girls at school, with love, desire for adven, ture, and heartaches all present. Also a Comedy~and News -/ Sunday- . Tuesday MATINEE SUND~ AT 2:30 P. M. "ANGELS WITH DIRTY FACES" Cast: PAT O'BRIEN, JAMES CAGNEY, ANN SHERIDAN, HUMPHREY BOGART. Tense melodrama, splendid acting. Warner Brothers have seen fit to give O'Brien and Cagney parts suitable to their abilities, not like the flop, "Boy Meets Girl." And a Comedy Wednesday- Thursday Don't Forget The Cash Drawing! "BLONDIE" Cast: PENNY SINGLETON, GENE LOCK- HART, ARTHUR LAKE. The plot is based on the comic strip by Chic Young. Bring the y for clean enjoyable entertainment. Comedies