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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 26, 1939     Golden Valley News
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January 26, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JANUARY 26, 1939 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEiVS THURSDAY January 26th Be Sure to See It N 0LDSMOBI 60 and 70 ON DISPLAY GOLDEN ............ VALLEY f~ / / HARVESTER CO. Agents Student Cry Loma Clark--Lillian Thfll The second semester has again rolled We find that Joe McCaskey Hector Cameron back with us to the year. Jr. Dramatists met Monday. Mlss gave a talk and demonstration "The Art of Makeup." One of the dates for Declamations been set for Feb. 28 at New Salem. Two new classes were introduced in high school at the beginning of second semester. They were Pub- Speaking, which will be taught by Keiser. The next FPA meeting will be held 30th. The I~A boys have been selling emblems. They report that they sold about 50 emblems and six VALLEY Mrs. Eunice Rogers visited with Mrs. Effle Purvls in BeaCh the first of the Week. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Roger~ Mrs. Ett~ce Rogers and son Everett visited friends in WibauxEWhursday. Mrs. F. D. W~ddal 9~lled. at the l Charles Slocon~ ho~esday. ] Mr. and 1~. L..~r Rogers, Mrs.I Etmlce Roge~,~ son Everett, leftl for Harlowt~n, MOntana, Monday ! after an extended visit here and in Wisconsin with relatives and friends. Omitted Last Week Mr. and Mrs. L. E. I-rogers, Mrs EUnice Rogers, Everett l'togers ~nd Mr and Mrs. Charles Slocomb were dinner gUests at Roy Snow's Wednesday. Mr.}and Mrs. G. E. Richmond at- tend~l Ladies/Aid in Sentinel Butte The. ay/Feldhusen e nterta:ne~ the.~ol~ng at dinner Thursday, Mr. andTt~s. Forest Gonia, Mrs. C. H. 81ocomb and daughter, Mrs. Eunice l%ogers and Mrs. L. E. Rogers and son. Bunker Hill school opened Monday after having be2n closed for two Weeks over the holidays. John Hougen was an overi~ight guest ~at the G. E. Richmond home Monday. kMr. and Mrs. L. E. Rogers, Mrs. ~ce Rogers and E,:erett Rogers supper guests at the O. E. Schal- 1o¢~ home in Beach Friday. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH W. A. Smith, Pastor SUnday School, 10a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. The C. E. will serve an Oyster 8tow Supper on February 3rd. Sentinel Butte 8ttuday School, 2:15 p. m. Church Services, 3 P. m. Annual meeting of the Church after ChUrch Service. uNrr~ BRETmm~ CHURCH Herman Grove, Minister Unified Worship at 10:15 a. m. ~oth C. E. Societies at 6:30; evening Services at 7:30. Church night program with Official l~ard meeting at the Parish House On l~bruary 1, with Pot Luck Supper at 6 p. m. The Mid Year meetL~g of the Mon- tana Conference will be held here on February 8 and 9. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALK--AII modern 5 room house tn good condition. Write Mrs, mdlth l~arrenberger, Portage, Wise., or see Dr. I~vons for particulars, l~tf ~E PARK CA~g tot " m. Prote~ed rotatory. B~ ~. d~. Wl~te Desk I, S~ (~oud St. Cloud, Minn. ~ 17-1tc ~-B--Three 25 percentwool With deluxe washers. Gam enc~ ~?-lt NOqF/CE OF L~AelNG OF STAT]~ AND SCHOOL LANDS Go~ll unleased State School Lands In ~rlden Valley County, N. D.. will ..offered for rent at a puIMic mug to be held in the Court ,~.OUee at Beach In said County. on ~ne 16th day of March, 1939 com- mencing at 10 ~. m. o'clock. All ~l~ea~ed lands will he |eased to . e highest bidder for a term of . ~nree to five years. The first g~a~e rent plus the legal leasmg ~. faust be paid in full on %he day ~t~ list of such lands to be ~ffered _. be on file with the T~.asurer ~_~ald county for publl~ lnspee- ~n ~ot less than two we~s oezore . • day of le~ing, also I~structlons ~_n~:regard to the terms, etc., under winch these lands will be leased. ~he_ Board of University and eel Lands reserves ~he right to t any and all bids. ~t_~a~ ~ay at Bismarck, N. D. this _ OLin ]~ ~TRAY. ,-. . • [ IGHT COMBINATION is Chesterfield By combining (blending together) the right kinds of mild, ripe American and aromatic Turkish tobaccos, Chesterfield brings out all their fine smoking qualities and gives you a cigarette that's outstanding for mildness... for aroma ... for taste. / Wh, you try them you will know why give millions of men and more smoking pleasure . . . why THEY SATISFY S ... the blend that can't be copied ... the RIGHT COMBINATION of the ' world's best cigarette tobaccos SIMS, master bridge authority and player says, "It's the right combination of keen bid- ding and skillful play of the hands that takes the tricks". Copyright 1939, Lrc~Err & MYERS TOBACCO Co. I family pews. Let us have other aug- ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN [may be heard over KFYR LOCALS Grant S. M~ore, Pastor gestions for other Sundays. [ V.H. ~ P~tor levery Sunday at 2:30 p. m., MB.T. [ Sunday School, 10 a.m. ~ ~ ] , Marie Zielsdorf visited friend~] Our Sunday Bchool has accepted a Let CimrUe M~rthy, the Maa~| Divine Service, 10 a.m. J / GL£SSES ~eontest for attendance witl~, the Wi- Brothe~ ~ a h~vy e~ be~ul~ ~| Sm~lay School after Services. M~trxjl~ux Methodist 8un~a~v School This ~nd a talented ~t of ~ on-| The YoUng People's Society meets[°_l~C~ GOODS ~ ALL [0ontest will run for the next three terrain yon in ~e "G~WYN FOL.[Monday evening, January 30th, at 81 ~ Ola~a~/ 35c-$6.00. ]months. The losing Sunday School LIES~ this JaJ, ~ at the 8chool|P. m. [l~n~ Q~s, $3~50-$15.00. L~te~ [will entertain the two schools to a Theatre, ~ti~Bu~ N. DalE. This| The National Lutheran Hour wlth[Rhn~(3iasses, $10.00-$15.00. IRou~, ,1.oo, ~ ~haped, m~0. An ~Picrdc next summer. Let each class show Is In technicolor. |Dr. Walter A. Mater as the speaker[klnds of repairs or~ hand. Send in by I boost for its attendance. ~ | l Preaching Service, 11 a.m. ~l~m~~lllmli! ~ nay unumnrt ! [mall; returned t!~ following day. [ The choir will provide special music l~ 1PLffM]$~In ,a~a ,mm.m,,m, - ~[ "" "~' ~ ~F #5 ~'[ [Proof Goggles, ~one better, $1.50. ........ nI~'E]LNU ~/ I The Methodists will obeerve a Go-[I Sb~4 ~ Metal W~ I| (.,~Ar~ | I Strings ~ta repairs for all mus~al [ t~-C~urch February. A full church I | N. Jeb ~ ~ Or Too ~ ~/ ~ 7 ...... / ]instruments- /4Sundaysis hoped for. We are ask- I~ ~ ='-- / " " " . _" .... : -" I ling each family ,to come and sit inlE OLAUS ms.ovD |/ '-"'""'" I I o. GILREKTSON, OPTICAL [C0MMI q0N[RS ' I~ElllHJl~ll~lllli| URIgERSlRI, MUff (OIIIHH¥| Beach, S.D. Block South of DeI~t at Lemmon, S. D., Sunday. Let Charile McCarthy, Brothers and a bevy ~f bealttlfnl girls, and ~ talented east of celebrities en- tertain yoU in the "GOLDWYN FOL- LIES" this Jan. 28-29 at the School Theatre, Sentinel ~Sutte, N. Dak. This show is in teelmieolor. Mr. and Mrs. Al Reinholz of sentinel Butte were Beach visitors Sunday ev- ening. Miss Lucille Enderle went to James- town last Thursday and visited there with Miss Myrtle Olson, who formerly taught here. She returned to Beach Sunday. Watel~ for announeem~at/of the M. E. Ladies Aid R..mmge ~fle the first week in February. staying in Beach for the past weeks, returned On Monday to home in Sentinel Butte. SALE OF LAND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That under authority of an order of sale grantod hy the Honorable John G. Chalmers. Referee in Bankruptcy, In the District Court of the United States for the Northern Dlstrio~ of Iowa, ]~astm'n Dlylslon, In the Mat- ter of the F~state of Edward J. Cur- ,fin, Bankrupt~ dated December 1~, 1938, the undersigned, the Trustee of the Estate of ~ Bankrupt. will sell at private tmie to t~np highest bidder for cgsn on or oezore ~Feb- rua~ 15th A. D. 1919 at ten o'clock~. . 'M.. and subiect to the confirmation of the Court, the fol- lowing described lands, to-wit: Southwest quarter (SWV4) Of ~Pown~kip One Hundred q~h rt~r* eight (1~) North, of ~tans-e 0me Hundred Four (104) We~t, of the Fifth ]~ineipal Meridian in Golden Valley Co~lnty~ North Dakota. Also lohn Chrlstensen, who has been few Jan, 18. 1939, 9:00 A. M. The Board of County Commissioners his met pttrsuant to adjournment with all members present. The Board approved and signed the following ~arm contracts: All of Section 33-144-105, the SE~ of Section 10-140-105 and the W~ of Section 32-139-104. The Board proceeded with the work of checking the Tre&surers receipts for the quarter ending December 1938. 12:00 Noon tho Board adjourned and reconvened at l:t)0 P. M. with all members present The Board accepted the reslgna- tton of J. E. Middloton as Justice of the Peace and appointed Arthur G. Hanson to fill the vacancy. • The Board completed the ~heck- zng of ~oll~tions &nd d~bUnO- merits. The Board checked the treasure er's office and f0hnd the following: LEDGER BALANCE FRO]M[ O~O- BER 1:1938 ~. DECE~MBER el. O. Carlson sou~h^'~ Beach. At the J. O. Ramstad home a ba ,st boY was born Sunday morning. Mot ~l, er and child are doing nicely. Southee.t Qnarter (SE'~) of ndi Miss Ellen Lovgren came home , Section 'l~vemty-two (~) In n-(Tuesday from Northfleld, Minn. Township Ome Hundred Thl~y- al-lhas been attending Carlton College mtne (l~t ~or~h, of Ra~e 0~e 'that city. Hundred Six (106) WeSt, of toe lOt ~iftb PrJnelpa| Meridian Jn uo,- ter l Misses MarJorie and Margaret Mfl den ~raIley ~Gmlnty, North DR- 714 er left Monday for a visit with the kota! Said sa:e v/Ill be made either l~tts. little friend, Almeta Eileen Wiley t ono tract or separate tr,~cts of oue~,~ Golva. hundred sixty ~160) aere~, and sub-"" i Mrs. Lloyd Callender, who lie( Jest to taxes now unpaid thereonore All bids must be in writing an( north of Wibaux, brought her littl may be left at the office o~ Kec girl to Beach the first of the wee hane & Kuhfeld, at Beach Nortl Dakota, on or before the date here for medical treatment. in named, and must be accompanie~ by a certified check for ten (1~ percent _Of the .appraised Tal~. thereof. The appraisal is on file In the office of the undersigned and m a~. be examined by persons inter- eatea De[$d this ~Srd day of January A. D. 19g.:9 " BEACH LUTHERAN J 6 :00 eP~bru~-a th~ Board adJourne~ tO me~i ~ u , ~,~ c "T : l~ar~ unty * ~ " @ounty, North D~gota. Att~t: M~nni~ ]~ ~lth, .... County Auditor 1938 DODGE DeLux 2 Door in very good condition Heater, Prestone, Good Tires, Low Mileage. 1936 MASTER TOWN SEDAN, reconditioned and ready to go. ~ 1933 DODGE SEDAN, reconditioned. This car is clean inside and outside and good tires. / 1933 CHEVROLET COUPE. In very good condition both inside and outside and has good tires. / 1935 CHEVROLET TRUCK in good condition. COME IN AND LOOK THESE OVER Can be purchased on the GMAC finance plan W. Co Schulz o