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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 26, 1939     Golden Valley News
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January 26, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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T~IKE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS '* New ]MarmarthJ°e Segull~we?~Oo arS~d is tnjoyinglrOde orset)ack ov:n to The Golden Valley s LOCALS A continuation of The Beach Advance and The Beach Review |a fine visit/thai with friend~. W. R2 Bratton a,ndH. E;Enderle [ Frankie,.lA~t~.:_ Agnes" a~d AntonI Don Bringle was a pleasant Glendive ~aitors anti t-UDilsner8 | Rising vxstle41r at the Frank ~usa nome~visitor Sunday afternoon A weekly published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. ]Sunday. If i " ~tered as second class mail matter at the Postoffice at Beach | All riccs f IBud K°ch Sh°t' a coyote Sunday, ~ REDUCED after chasiSg it :about ~ive miles be- - • North Dakota. October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 1897 ~w~m~mB~llr~ma~m t~,een Beach an~ WibatLx. / Advertisin rates furnished upon request TI~U'I::I'I~I~ I Watch fo~ adnouncement of the M. / ' --/ / S 00Dak. .nn. Mo t. So COME IN Elsewhere $2.50 Mrs. Alice Kramer has moved to~wee¢-'*m reD rusty: ...... r "~ .. ~ __ ~:' ~ =~h f~ the winter She has rented l Mr. ana ears. ~amey ~_~a o~ t;a - /, . ._ : _ - -:---[dinner and mee~g. ~rs.fluage ~ail ...... ~? ~ ...... " ............ ~, ~lyle and twins were Beach shoppersl I~|~r1~1~ 1~1~|~1~ ........ ' ........ n-'~a"" Febl~lar~ 1st a room m ~vzrs. o. ~. zvxetca~u apa~-i , l DI i • i 1~ I]ItUL~ g'~g~l ITA I entertain weu a~ y, ulu~,~ ' ment Monoay. ~-~ ~- ~- . • • " ' Fr day. " " ~ 1 ' • " "" ' " -- callers Saturday evening enrouteI The P V Moorl familv~nd Miss inell and his family. Mr. FAde reports _ _ to Beach to do some shopping. ~ ~~ = "-=-'- :~ Lorraine Walker ~re Th~day even-Ia very enjoyable tr,p all around. ~~l~t ~ Mrs. Yon of Park River, N. D., was[ CARLYLE ing visitors at the~J F i~rook home [ Strange Secrets of the African L~'~t'~t~ entertained bYaM~f~er~B=tn M~=~m:ts~,.~ I 1 ,,, -- O.K. Omley wafa ~cl~vlsitor on l~,u~l=! F~2hu~lling~er?:s :YDB~: st party "rnurs~ y .... - s Tuesaay. , r~p~, Gearey, Hammond, I~rsen, Sha~ef~~ Congratulat!ons ~ Mr. a_ncl ~ Mr and ~ Cicll~etcalf and son,!Page Feature Illustr~t/ed il~ I wno are me • • M~uanam, Madison and Page W Fred McManlga ... ~ hnson and Mr tThe American Wee , rite magazine "~ W~'-i .... da~ Mr. and Mrs.~F. ]~Johnson . kl~ ~ [~,~[~1~ 811eat and the after~oo was s~ lnlparents of a baby girt DOra ~?nm y ~nu ........ ~. ~.-F.~-C~ o~-we-re~ count's.. ~x~J~ were uu~ y sea~lDistributed• With the ~nAY CHI- ~ ~m,| visiting and doing fa~; work~ .Mrs.llast at the hospital in Beach~eM~t~t;; visi~%on V~e~esday tCAGO HERALD ANDS. ~~ ed to the :ome f her arid child are ¢mmg zme ~m ~ ~ - :-~- " Ton return ~; ~ ~l~f her [, - - • .,~ . Mrs. ~qlen .Po~ell Taum visited at / Mrs. The~ Tobias will entertain the Mrs John A Beach girl has ~en namea J~ever~r Ann. ._ :L' U":-:~--~ . " " " " r home daughter, • ~ Beach l - -" ~ -~" ' et me ~.Tr~es~ Jaooret nome one aay ~as~ Catholic Ladies Guild at he ~~ ~h,, fol~owinu day "~ , The Oolvu ~unsm~l/e ~c~e~y m ~--~ f ~t l~,~ ,~, .... ,;o,, r ....... ~-~h ~::~i:;~ii:!~:.!~:}L¢~ Mr. and Mrs. Maurtce Douglas werel On J~Uary. 18th wit~l t~erS~inn?:a~tt All'co ~rry wd~ expected home I Twenty members of the St. Paul ~esta of Mr.. and Mrs. Prank 8choe-[Scnou~oe wn_o,~.~t~n~n:e ~ofmn~em. last week ~o take chat'ge of the house- Lutheran Ladies Aid held a shower ben Wednesqay. /noon r,o a goomy av~nc~ u~ ee .... hold duties at the Bert Sperry home for Mrs. V. H. Dlssen at the parson- I~de Nlst~er left last week withI bers and f rlenas. Tne nex~m ,,~mg due to the illness of Mrs. Sperry. Alice l age Thursday afternoon of last week ~£r. Kerr for!Minnesota expecting ~o will be a~ me home ox a~xs. v=~uv has been employed in Bismarck for land a pleasant time was enjoyed by be gone a short time. I Page at Golva. ...... dl - several months. We do hope that lall present. Mr. and Mrs. l~tz ~ll~-~ntertain_ed _ Charles _l~.~.a.en,_ass~tea ~Y ~JU~ul~Y Mrs. Sperry will SOOn recover. I Miss Virginia Miller went to Glen- Mr. an~ Mrs. Jolm T~2~.Id~and Mr. Fulton and _Arne .l~yaen, ~s nusy p - Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Metcalf and ldlve Sunday evening to visit with her and M~. Win. Ktemers Sunny even- ring up ice these clays. _ and son visited at. the Bert Sperry home[sister there. She returned here the ~~~ln ~. \ ~ Mr. and Mrs._ ~m~ ge ~.ear_ey... on Sunday a week ago. 'next day. ~P"~dd~ Mr. an~ Mrs. JUliUS I~tr~ enter- son, Mr. ~d Mrsf Al~.r~. t~nezler ~ rained M~k and Mrs. Oeol~ Gearey, were Soutl~ Valley/gues~ a~ a ~- Mr. and l~s. ~ Covert, Mr. and clock dinner given by Mr. and . ~KE yl~|| Mrs. Alfred ~h~ffer, Mrs. P. H~ yon, Julius 1~n Wednesday. After dinner ~, "--~':'~'~s.~7,.,~. and ~[arold L~n ~t a six o'clock cards wer~ played, with Mrs. qover~ I,. UN ~[N[~] dhmer Wednesda~ght. The even- and Alfred k~heffer as lucky W ll~ners. ~_ It'sloadsoftrouble lng was spent playing cards. Mr. and ~. "l~udolph PA~ and (t~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank 8ehouboe were daughter w~re ai~ o'clock dinner ~uta of Mr. and Mrs. John Tschlda guests at the Ham~rvold and Moen Wednesday evening. Miss Adeltne Plsoher was a Bismarck vtMt~r last week, going down from Dickinson and returning the same day. we are sorry to report that Elaine and John Hanson are Nra/n on the sick list and not able to attend their classes at school. Several from here attended the old time dance at Alpha Friday night and report a Jolly time. Mrs. Pa~, Mrs. Covert, Mrs. Yon attended the ~ktlw ~ Society meeting at Mrs. :~e.len Sohouboe~ on home Sunday. O~~ Mr. and Mrs. O. Huffman re- trusted home the past week from a fine visit with relaUves at Chicago and Burl~gton, Iowa. Mr. Joe Moen did chores during their absence. Mrs. George Hammond. Mrs. GaG. Gearey and Mrs. A. Scheffer were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Bert Covert Thursday after- noon and enjoyed the visit with the guest of honor. Mrs. Yon. Prank Kreitlnger was a business caller at the Frank Suss and John W~uesday and all enjoyed her fine Barthel homes Monday. ~mn~=mmmmmmmmmmuma.~m, ~ ............... =-~ ur Orders ] for Tractor Re- | | pairs NOWl / l' nn ~ • i . / N | We can save you money on'all repairs | I Sleeves, Rings, Valve Guide~ Ig~iition Re- | pairs and other numerous items i U VRANNA AUTO SUPPLY | ~mmmammummmmmmHmmmuimmmmmmmimmmmniimmimmmmmmml IS YOUR CAR SAFE? You are invited to have a FREE CHECK-UP with our new SCIENTIC MANBEE WHEEL ALIGNMENT. EQUIPMENT Stops Shimmy, Tire Wear, Wander and Hard Steering DO YOU KNOW-- A mtsalignment of 1-8 inch means your ear is Slipping Sideways 32 feet every mile. A misalignment of 1-2\~[nch n~eans your ear is Slipping Sideways ]~8 feete~ve~ mile. This means DOLL.S and SAFETY to you Bring your steering troubles to us. We have a factory trained operator to give you his personal attention W. C. SCHULZ WITH PURCHASE OF ANY ONE OF THE 5 ITEMS SHOWN DIRECTLY BELOW These are perhaps the most sensational values e~er offered by anybody anywhere. We bought thousands of Blankets to make these offers possible. Fine quality combed 5% wool blankets with rich nap aud taffeta binding. Your choice of three beautiful colors--green, rCse or cedar. Pay only our regular low price for merchandise. ONE S~ WOOL ONE S~ WOOL BLANKET FREE BLANKET FREE OF CHARGE WITH OF CHARGE WITH SET OF 6 OR S 2 EXTRA GAM3LE'S DELUXE HEAVY DUTY ONE S~ WOOK BLANK~[T FREE OF CHARGE WITH THESE TWIN ~ ili!iiiiiii~', iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiill iiiiiiiiiil ~iiiiiiiiiii, ., ili!iiiiii!~ ONE BLAI~ (El" FREE OF CFARG~ WITH 2 !ASES OF ) iii]i iiiiiiiiiii g WOOL TWIN POINT "B" BATTERIES TRUMPET HORN~ GA! |LE'S IN~; SPARK PLUGS PUR PENN. OIL E . ~ Our Reg~alar Low Our Regular Low GUaranteed 36 months. acn in ~ets ~ ~ Price *~ ~ Price C~._. " , ;p ' , Per e of, $3.49 Exchange. o,.o,s ...... o:, .~h ......... Lue ~,,.,. ..... *4.89.~ .... ~. ....... *8.29 i'iii ............. iiiiiYjjiF"*ijY i !: IF=, iF i'i ~x-~'~t-ev~!~~.~l~";":)~!iJ~L"~!*~ i~.:~~=~~,:-~:~.:~i,:!" ,j!~-:~" ~:!~.::. :" ~.~ ,:~:.~: i..'L=y: g[~L::':.: : ..'V :g~- "~: ,~:~|-:.~r ~:!~" ~!~i.[~i:~iiiiii! 10c TO 13c VALUES--FOR THIS SALE ONLY 10¢ Apple Corer ....... 7¢ lOc Basting Spoon ..... 7e 10c Mixi~ Spoon ..... 7e lOc Spatu~ ........... 7¢: 10c Offse~ Handle Cake Turner ...... 7¢ 10c Rubbe~ Plate Scrap~ 7¢ 10c Revolving Can lOc 5-inch Wire Strainer .......... 7¢ 1~c Potato Masher .... 7c 8 oz. Furniture PoUCh ............ 7e 1~c Salt or Pepper Shaker, each ...... 7e 10¢ Chore Girl or 1~¢ Glass Measuri~ Cup, ~ cup size .... 7C Shoe Soles and Cement, Pair ..... 7¢ 10c Can O~ener ....... 7e 10c Wire Fork ........ 7e 10c Kitchen Fork ..... 7c 10¢ Cake Tlmaer ...... 7¢ 10c Soup I~dle ....... 7e ONE S~ WOOL BLANKET FREE OF CHARGE WITH THIS Sl PLATE BATTERY FOR POPULAR CARS Opener ........... 7¢ S(:ourl~ Pad ..... 7¢ B-.----- 33¢ 2 57 37* THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 193! Save your batter/, your temper, and your money with Phillips 66 Poly Gas. Its higher test adds mileage by elin~inating the need for wasteful choking. Costs no more than ordinary, lower-test gasolines because Phillips is the WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCER of natural high test gasoline. G~N OIL