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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 25, 1951     Golden Valley News
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January 25, 1951
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THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1951 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, • Looking At Our Beach Schools NO. I0: THE FUTURE HOMEMAKERS OF AMERICA The letters. "F. H. A." mean more to the students and faculty than Federal Housing Authority. They stand for FUTURE HOME- MAKERS OF AMERICA. It is a national organization originated for students studying homemak- ing in tlle junior and senior high schools. As an important part of the prog ram it affects opportunity for the development of pupil initiative in planning and carry. :ng out activities related to ~omemakin g. It encourages members to develop social qual- ities and to promote better home life for themselves and their families. The FHA started In 1945. Any t udent who has .been enrolled >r is now enrolled in home eco. notates is eligible to be an active membe,r. Membership is entirely voluntary. Upon graduation from high school an active mem- ber is entitled to an associate membership. The 35 members now enrolled hold regular meet- n,_~.s twice each month during he school day. ~l~l~nl~H~l~l|~r~3~i~[~N~l~l~l~l~l~C]~lll~l~l~,`~ CONGRATULATIONS! We wish to extend our congratula- m tions to Mr. Johnson and his force on the COlhpletion of their new showroom and office building. We are proud to have done the con- struction work. Contractor and Crew ~]n~m~a~Ill~l~lll~l~ll~lll~l~lLIllll~ll~ll~ll~l~ll~1`1~ll~]~l~n~R~l~lll~Ill~|llll~lll~la~i~ ¢ompletel #E l .." ComPletelV I)I I UIT Gorgeous NEW colors lovely pastels rich, deep tones \ *.if? The officers are elected annu- ally. Those now serving are Marilyn Smith, Pres.; Rita Hoeck, vice-pres.: Dorothy Higby, sec- relary: Colleen Hoeck. treasu,r- er: Connie Short. partiamentari. an; Colleen Baker, Music Chair- man: Elinore 'Schillo, historian. Mrs. Ruby Dormer is the Chapter Motlmr and Miss Winslow. teacher of home economics, is the advisor. Dorothy Hi,by is now president of the District FHA for southwest N. Dak. Marl+ lyn Smith is parliamentarian for the state organization of the FHA. Twenty girls from the Beach FHA attended the District Rally at Matt wh~re over 200 delegates ware in attendance from the sur- rounding home economics de- partments. The local chapter is looking forward to having the 1951-52 Rally in Beach next November. An annual State con- ventivn meets in Fargo cacti year. Ann Short, *Marilyn Smith, and Marie Indergaard were dele- gates from the local chapter at the rest state convention. Ruth Snow was a Nc~rth Dakota dele- gate to the national convention in Kansas City. A year's program ol work in. eludes a variety of activities so the girls may accomplish their club goals. A Mother-Daughter banquet, a Senior Class break- fast, a basket social, a career day, a sleigh ride, an I~FA-FHA Christmas party, a halloween and Valentine All-school party, a Daddy-Date Night, hospital favors, and a visit at the Old Folks' Home are all included in this year's program of activities. The girls are also working on Degrees of Achievement of which there are four; the Junior Home- maker Degree; the Chapter Homemaker Degree; the State Homemaker Degree; and the American Homernaker Degree. To be a self-supporting club FHA has sponsored such activi- ties as bake sales, note card sales, popcorn and candy sales, and BHS pennant sales. This year the Club helped sponsor the Football Frolic and the mem- bers are looking forward to sponsoring a BHS Courtesy Week. Putting their emphasis on the motto "Toward New Hori- zons" the FHA memoers are learning to live better today in order that their lives and those of their families may be better tomorrow. Next week: The Future Farm- c,rs of America. IIomesteaders Visit-- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Helm of this city enjoyed a visit from Albert Moerke of Parshall, two weeks ago; they ~b o t h homesteaded in Mountrail coun- ty over forty years ago, and tiffs visit was the first time they h~ad seen each other in forty years. Moerke served as ~'epre- sentative of Mountrail county for a number of years, and is qow postmaster in Bismarck to the senators and representatives. He accompanied Roy Snow to Beach, he and Snow returning to Bismarck Sunday evening• llHlllllallllllllllllnllllllllllllt ]lllllllllllll]llllllllllll|]llllllllllllD m " Ollie News 'llll£]llllllllllllallllllllllllE ]llllllllllllElllllllllllll[ l iiiiiiIIiiiil:lllllI CHURCH NEWS Sunday School 10 a• m. Evening Worship 7:30. Wednesday Bi,ble Study 3:30. Wednesday Adult Bible Study 7:30. Thursday Choir Practice 7:30, The Odd Fellows sponsored two educational movie films shown Friday night at the school house under lhe supervision of our eounty agent, Gene Huff, as- sisted by Bing Bakken. A large erowd enjoyed these veery much. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smeltzer. Jr.. entertained nine couples and Jean Cook at a whist party Sat- urday night. Mrs. Paul Bowen won ladies' high prize, with Jean Cook following with second high. Ernie Stark took men's high prize and Eldon Rasmussen second high. Ralph Rustad won the traveling prize. Lunch was served at midnight. Friday supper guests at the Ralph Shepherd home were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cameron Alan. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cameron, Darret Rust, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg and family. +Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stark and Doris were Sunday dinner guests at the Grove LuSts home. Gus Plummer took 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plummer to Bill. ings on Saturday to get Kathy, who has been under doctor's ob- servation since Tuesday• Mrs. Auer returned home by bus on Friday afternoon, after spending three weeks in Cali. fornia with her mother and rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs• Elmer Wang, Lee Roy and Dulane, Mrs. Tilda Sellin and Harold. Donald Nard and Albert Steen were Wednes- day supper guests at the Victor Berg home. Veekena Guests--- M,:'s. Bertram Johnson and two ons of Gorham, N. D.. arrived .n Beach Friday night to spend ne weekend with the Cliff Wag- ~(,r family. Buy or Sell Twice as Well With Our Golden Valley News Phone 39 Im.n..u.=.......nn, mmm..m.nummm..m.mmumm......l~.un..i.nlm.n,....mlm..uumm.l..J~.l.mmlu. ......................................................... a~a ................................................................................... t~ FRESH CAUGHT :z:: Below prices are based on 25 pounds ..... ',:. :~ : • - -. -.. :. -:@i~ii~i ~i~i: i ~: .... :~i!i!< ::~i: :!i:!!::i~}~i:~:}!i:~i~:,.. ~i~ ;ii~'~; LAKE TROUT, _lb ................................. 42c LOBSTER TAILS, (South African), lb ............ $1.~5 Now you +: ~ have washable ::i.+~:!~i:~::~::g~:!+~:~ " ,~'., NORTHERN PIKE, per Ib ....................... Walls and ~ ~adwork of breath- Did iu=~ ¢o.'t fret o :'foothold" DRESSED NORTHERN PIKE, per lh ........... ~5c taking beauty with Super Kem- Super ~em+to.e's a.h,, .~-po- ,ous sudoce, a new ochlevemem H E R R ~[ N G ...................................... 1,~: Tone . _ as dirt repellent and of polnl ch~rflstrF proven~ oil from ~.e.ot;..• SCALLOPS, Ib ..................................... water repellent as your new plastic shower curtain. It's HERRING, cleaned ready to fry ................ 26c ready to use. • . in a complete B L A C K C O D ................................ ~0c range of colorsl It's marvelously B A B Y P I K ~, .................................. 49¢: easy to apply! It dries in less Y E L L O W P I K E .......................... 35© than an houri It's guaranteed YELLOW PIKE FILLET .......................... 7Sc washable or your money back! P E R C H F I L L E T .......................... 45c Even Ink wink off +o~+y NORTHERN PIKE FILLET ..................... 4~ Spatter ink On it. insteod of soaking In as on ordir. y flat 0 Y S T E R S, pint 89c paints, It remains on th, surface .............................. o.d is eosav asked off H A L I B U T, whole or h0df. .......... _/_ ....... 59¢ B A S S, lb ....................................... 22e SHRIMP ...................................... 89c SHRIMP, (breaded, ready ta fry) .................. 89c Any fish purchased will be placed in your locker free of chc=ge, Now is the time to lay in u supply. Scrubbie3 Ooesn'l harm it * * * * * "Tests hove shown that hip Supp, Kern+Tone will with- Our ,next new s ment of fish will ar- only o+ poed woshi with usual household 3,9$ cleaners without impairing rive here Monday, January 29th. If we ,~he lit beauty. don't have the kind you want we will \ be glad to order it for you. Meat Market and Locker Plant We are now buying beef hides, and paying what they are worth. B tCH, N. DKIL RSORE 1511 SEEK STUDENTS FOR TELEGRAPH SCHOOL As part of'}t program to se- cure telegraph school graduates, the Northern Pacific railroad has decided to reoruit prospec- tive students along the line and send them to Gale Institute in Minneapolis for a special five months'course in telegraphy, train orders and station account- rag. Thursday, February 8. has been set as the openir~g date ~or the initial class of students. Ad- ditional classes will be started at intervals of about 30 days. The minimum age for appli- acnts is 18; if interested, they are asked to contact E. O. Busch at the N. P. depot in Beach or Superintendent R. W. Davis at Glendive. Tuition will be paid by the railroad, while the Institute agrees to assit the students in obtaining satisfactory board and in obtaining part time employ. ment to offset their living ex- pense. To Iowa-- Jack Ballard left Friday by truck for Waterloo, Iowa, where he expects to pick up a new tractor for the Dakota Farm Equipment here. Hurt In Fall-- Slim Clark, owner of the Gold- en Valley Harvester Co., fell on the ice on a downtown street rest week Tuesday, and injured his hip and leg, and has .been confined to his home since. To Restaurant Sessions--- M~s. A. M. Doerner returned Friday from Grand Forks an~ F:;rgo,where she attended a meeting of restaurant operators. Tuesday. In Grand Forks she met her son "Punky", both of them returning home together. To Note Anniversary-- ~dora town hall. It will observance of their 45th anniversary. The invited the activities to at 2p. m. Supper Guests-- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Adams, reside north of Beach, ed several friends last Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Connell of evening at supper, in honor~ Medora will be guests of honor Lenus Nielsen. who is to Sunday. February 4, at a cele- February 2 for duty in bration to be held at the WIe- corps. We have a new stock of picture frames, and are equipped to do first class work. Bring in your pic- tures now while we have plenty of time to do the work. BROS. Beach, N. Dak. The Sensational LIBERAL T~ADE-IN We now have a good stock of tractor tires on hand. If you are contemplating buying tires for spring's work, don't wait until the last minute. Beach, N. Dak. Phone 17 We wish to thank the public for the fine attendance at our grand opening last Saturday, January 20th. Nearly a thousand people visited our show room that afternoon, which makes us feel our opening was a grand success. For those whl were not present at drawing, Guy Brown won the first prize, deluxe radio; and Chas. Hayden won the set of seat covers. JOHNSON WATT JOHNSON FORCE