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January 25, 1951 |
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~ "[' the Tony Kautzman home with' and Harmon Olstad homes. I called at the Crook home on Sat. ~ theme: "Live for Christ". Jo Robert Bogg., Jr., Pastor
I Mrs. Kautzman as hostess Thurs. Mr. and Mrs. Thorvald Vieland I urday, when Bob got his F. F. A.
Adult confirmation instruction BRA~Jt-"
Butte I day afternoon, iwere Sunday visitors at the Ot-I cow, which Eddie Crook had the
Tuesday 7:30 p. m., and Satur. Sunday School 10 a m
[ Walter Rojic left Wednesday to Peterslie home. [year before. 'day 2:30 p.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a. m,
/for Butte, Mont., to be inducted J Mrs. Nell Hogoboom and (Mrs. [ The L P Halls Mr and Mrs
and Mrs W~lter Dixon a='intO the army. On Tuesday eve-iVic Johnson were Dickinson vial-[p V Moore and ~ris" ~ev ._5 EVANGELICAl, UI'IITED TRINITY, SENTINEL BUTTE: Tuesday, 8 p. m., Prayer Fel-
ning he was guest of honor at tots Monday, whore they visited • . , -. . a.u BtlETHtlEN ~HURCH lowsh,ip at the Parsonage.
spent the week end i*n
with their son and dau-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim
and Mrs. Vic Carlson had
guests at dinner Sun-
and Mrs. Harry Olsen
Shield who has been
at the C. Satre home left
to be inducted into the
and Mrs. Chas, R. Case
evening guests at
Kautzman home
in honor of Mr. Kautz.
a going-away dinner when Mr. Mrs. Frank Johnson. who is re- at the Norman Nellormoe home
and iV~rs. Jim Teacher entertain- cuperating satisfactorily _at the on Sunday, to have Sunday
ed, besides the guest of honor, ht~spital there, school, while the children who
his ,brothers Jack and Albert Re- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wischow
Gerty Honnold entertain-
Get-To-Gethe¢ Club and
guests at her home Wed-
afternoon. Prizes at
were won by Mrs. Clara
Mrs. Edna Sanders,
DeSchneau and Mrs.
and Mrs. Will F. Bcown
Dickinson business callers
Altar Society met at
jic and Bill Meyers, Bob Van are the proud owners of a new
Horn. Ted and Donna Kirkpat-'Ford
rick, Beverly Rink, Joy Carlson
.,nu Donnie and Donna Teacher
at their home. ! I
Mrs. Ruth Carlson was hostess Trotters News
to the Study Club and several
guests at her home Tues. eve-
ning. Five games of b,ridge were
played at two tables with prizesMr. and Mrs. Richard Carr of
going to mesdames Clara Wag- Miles City, Mont., w~re week end
net, Agnes Hogoboom, Gazella visitorsat the Gone Gunkel
Mrs. Bott and family gathered Rev. g. I. Bert. Pastor
did Bible reading took their ex-
O. K. Omley was an over-night
visitor at the J. F. Crook home
on Sunday.
Ray Tusker recently purchased
a new Pontiac, which they
doubtless are enjoying.
Theresa Nellermoe spent the
week end at home.
Jordan, Alma Waldal and Edna
Peggy Johnson and Beverly
Rink were Dickinson shoppers
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Franzen re-
turned home Wed. from Tacoma.
Wash.. where they spent the past
Vacation Trip--
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson
were visitors at the P. V~. Moore
home. one evening, week before
' last.
z The Ray Taskers were Thurs-
day evening vizitors at the Gene
Gunkel home.
Mr, and Mcs. Steve Sleight of
Sleight's City Drug store of this
city, left last Tuesday for a va-
cation in Milnor first, then Min.
neapolis, Minn. From there they
planned to drive south, return-
ing home around the first of Feb.
and Mrs. Con Simonsen Their son, Steve. jr., a recent
and son were Sat. night and pharmacy graduate, is in charge
of Sunday visitocs at the parental at the store.
P. V. Moore home.
The pupils of the Trotters Employed In Seattle--
school enjoyed a vacation last "Red" McDanold write, fcom
week. as their teacher, Mrs. Seattle that he has secured em-
Crook. spent most of the week ployment at the Cooperative
in the Beach hospital. Cafeteria there, serving navy
We understand that Clarence and army men, Marines and
Smith left on Jan. 17, for the guards. He says he is gettingI
army; Eddie Crook received his good pay, and the meals are ex-
call to go for his physical on
Jan. I6.
The Norman Nellermoes at-
tended the golden wedding an-
niversary celebration of Mr. and
Mrs. Ramstad, in Beach. on Sun.
A week ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Sperry
spent the week ,before last with
their daughters Bettine and Shir-
ley Nae. in Beach. Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Smith kept the home
fires burning at the Sper~'y
Mrs. Gene Gunkel and child-
ren called at the Crook home on
Friday afternoon.
The Fred Ellis children have
been tll recently.
Eddie, Joyce and Gayle Crook
were week end visitors at the
Ellis home a week ago.
We were saddened xecently
to hear of the passing away of
Mrs. Mary Peterson of Skaar.
.Mary was known by her friends
for her friendly generous nature
and will surely be missed.
Lloyd Metcalf, Jr., was ill with
a throat ailment-xecently.
Kyle Sperry and Bob Scott
auto insurance
Substantial Savings
on Collision and
Insurance. See
Harry Kukowski
Local Agent
Preaching Servzce 10:15 a. m.
(Observance of Lord's Supper.)
Sunday School 11:15 a. m..
Time of Prayer 7:00 p. m.
Pceaching Service 7:30 p. m.
Youth Fellowship Wed.. 7:00
p. m.
Choir Practice Wed., 7:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Thurs., 7:30 p.
m.. at J. E. Metca]f home.
Sound film. Pilgrim's Progress,
at the Legion Hall Wed.. Feb. 7,
8:00 p. m.
N. J. Johnson, Pastor
Wedneeday evening Prayer
Meetin~g at 7:30.
Thursday Dorcas Society meets
at the home of Mrs. W. E. Logan
from 2:00 to 5:00 p. m.
Sabbath School 10:30, Mr. Fred
Strobel Superintendent.
Hour of Worship 11:45. Pastor
Johnson speaker.
Hear l~he "Voice of Prophecy",
every Sunday over KGCX at 8:30
a. m.
O. L. OLSBUD. PastoT
Sunday School 9:50 a. m.
Services at 11 a. m., Sermon
Drop in and make a date for that
Tractor Overhaul, because
* Parts are getting scarce
* Time is getting short
* Prices will go up
* A rush job never pays
See Glen Metcalf for an appoint-
Special Tractor Painting, $25.
For a limited time, we will paint your
tractor expertly, for only $25 (Paint and
decals not furnished). A good coat of
paint protects this valuable piece of m a-
chinery, and makes it look like new.
Beach, N. D.
month visiting thei¢ children.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Eugene H&rn
Billings, Mont., and John Schu-
macker of Bismarck spent the
week end at the Lloyd Yates
/hy can't we eat here more often?"
can feel good, not bad, about
question! She, too, likes the
from home-cooked meals. Here
get it- real American cuisine in
best tradition.
Open Daily 7 a. m. to 3 a. m.
Sunday noon to 3 a. m.
We specialize in banquets and
luncheons, call for appointment; •
We can serve any number.
Wibaux, Montana
Bixby & Orgain, mgrs.
Phone 74
Services at 9:31) a. m.
Sunday School 10:30 a. m.
Services at 2:30 p. m.
G. HINZ. paszor
Missouri Synod
Services Sunday, January 28thl
Sunday School 11:30.
Please leave clothing for
Clothing Drive in church base-
Wed., 7 p. m., Choir, 8 p, m.,
M. Y. F.
Friday 8 p. m., D, V. B. S.
committee meets at the Congre.
ga~ional church parlors.
Morning Worship 9:45 a. m.
Sunday School 10:45 a. m.
M. Y. F. at 7 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Wed., 2:30 p. m., W. S. C. S,
Thurs., 7:30 p. m., Bible Study
and Prayer. 8:15 p. m. Ohoir.
Those Youths or Adults desir-
ing to enroll in a class of Christi.
an instruction, contact the pas-
Check these Kitchen Features
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the popular three inch modular design makes tl|e l,ong.Betl
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