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January 25, 1951 Golden Valley News | |
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January 25, 1951 |
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~E SPURT IN I and workers join, to sign up a 1 Ice Sk~ting~ brance upon the property ) I SWl/4. Section twenty (20), T OF KENNETH JESSE HIGGINS ALSO I Golden Valley and State eL
IN, D. BOND SALES I mir~imum of 50 per cent of era. ] " . described in the Complaint, ) [ Township One I-l~ndrdd Forly-| KNOWN AS K. J. HIGGINS, DE- [ NozEa Dakota.
city ar now enlovinc, some r- s_s STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ] _dred Five (I05). • , . | Kenneth R. Illggins, ) "'F of Northea~ Quarler {Sb~
the $irst step toward ex- [ ployees in all firms, / ChlIdren and adults of this T--- -- Defendants. ) ~ three (143) Ravage One E[Ltn-| CEASED. [ Conivac! fer Deed, South ~
_ e , . . a ~ ve ~ TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN-[ The amount for ~vnich the lana or | Petitioner, ) | NEI/4}, Lois One {1) Two {2),
l~n~ng sales of Savings Bonds | VEHI~ [ gooa ice skating at the dam on DANTS: | tracts of land were sold was Twenty- | -vs- ) | Three (3), and Fotue (4):
~vt~ ~,~.~-.nuth ........... c;rta ,~f thn~ ,.*~'~t'~', ..ill YOU are hereby summoned and re- four and 351100 ($24.35) Subsequent Harves. ', B. H~ggms, Barbara ) South Half of Norihw~
~meet the economic situation i RECORD RECEIFT$ I ...... J , Iquired toanswer the Complaknt of the|taxes for the years 1929, 1930, 1931, tS. Hlggms, and all otherper-) t nua:rter (SVsNW1/4 and soufll-
~ated by .the stepped-upl North Dakota motor vehicle/was IlOOC[efl a Iew aays ago oy ~bove named Plaintiff which is on] 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938,| sons unknown claiming any ) | west Quarter (SWV4). Secflow
oit~ ,~ffirdnl¢ nnrl {~ nna~ eh~ J file in the office of the Clerk of the 1939 1940, 1941, 19421943 1944 1945 estate or interest in or lien
"~"J ......................... i . ' , , , ) Four (4), Township One Htm-
.tlonal defense p~ogram, al registration showed an increase/scene of busy activi[y every day. I District in the COunty of Golden Val-]the 'holder of ,he certificate. The'perty described Pn th;e P r~i-" ~ I
~edlmT~rg~?ve~ {137~} 1~- Dtstr ct Court of the S,xth Judicial 1946 1947 and 1948 have been paid by!or ecumbrance u on th
~flktional emergency, a campaign | of 16,360 units for 1950 from 264,. / We noticed a few attempllng ley and State of North Dakota, and | amount required to be paid in ord?r I tion or against the e~ate-of ) | (103) WUest of ~"5~" P~
tO |norease bond ,buying through| 411 in 1949 to 280,771 in 1~0, ~ ....... to serve a copy o: your answer there-[ to ma~e reaempuon from sucn sale [ the said deceased ~ ! in c'.~d~ v~n~, ¢-~.:,.,v
~ancy ngure Sl¢'a[Ing; ana pre- to upon the subscriber at his office| exclusive of the costs of publish£ngu l~es~ondents ~ | o .....-~t--- .... " "~-'"
Payroll Savings Plan will [ according to a report issued ,by- • ........... lq t~ Dak_._
diet that wlth a httle more prac- ] rathe..C~ty of. Beach in said County| and serving is on m i.s._date TI~ STATE OF NORTH DAKOTAIand that Tuesda the 6~ day
conducted in .business and| Aegistrar A. H. Lavik. • . ana ~tate, wirmin thl (30) da s after ~,e ~m ~ .wv ~u,,u~u ~ev~.~,- Y, _
tice, they may be real threats ] the servic~ o ..... ~rt~y(_ y ] elaht and 39~10~ ~839~ I TOTHE ABOVE NAMED RF~PON. |February A. D., 1951 at the hour q
ladustry in North Dakota, be-[ Collections for 1950 increased to some of those l~rofessionals. [exclusiveof*t~e'°da~"o~'sa~c~nvl~cu] ~n addiUo~ ~.~t~e ~/beve..amount:~'~~r~: .... |tea_ o'e~ockin the toreno29_.of ~~
8taUtog January 10, it was an-[ by more than $700,000 from t and in case of_your failure ta .~n~|.... .... you will be requlrea to pay ~,ne costs xou,. . aria eacn o~ you are nereby|UaY, a~ me uour~ rtooms, os mm t.~m*
lao~need today by O. W, Fode,] $4,565,662.07 in 1949 to $5,266,- [ or answer as above r~uired ~ [ of service of th~s notice and unless notff-ied_tha.t Kenneth. R. mggina of|at tl~e _Court I-Iou..~ ~n the CA~A
Home From Calif.--- [Plaintiff will take judgm'ent agal~[ Y°.u red eem..the sai'd land from said ~olva, ~ortn ~a~or~, has fiJecl in the|~ea_el}t ~olaen valley t~u.nw, ~.
~atrman of the North Dakota| 168.98. , ~n~ ~.~a ~t o r~ ..... | you by default for the relief demand- expiration of the ~jme. ~ounty ~our~ oz ~olaen vauey ~oun-Ja~a~om, has t~'en se~ ~y .Uou~_~
, volunteer Payroll Savings Corn-j This is the highest nqrnber ............r~. ,~eorge ~n~tn re-| ed In the Complaint. i of. reqemptmn as a~ove statecL a aeea ~y,....~orm ~a~ora. ms auly verified/~'~..~n,ae o~ nearing _~:
turned home last Friday after | Dated at B~ach North Dakota this ] v, nll lsaue l~. the holder of the tax pettnon praying .for .a decree,
ascer-iPe uo : 9z wn~cp Ume and place
llatttee. | of registrations processed and . "' I 6th day of January A n ~ ' I sale certi~icaze as provided by law. taimng ana estamisnmg the r~ght to~Person mzeresteo may appear anu
spending a month in Los Ange- ! " w L -I~CK'~-~ ....... I Witness my hand and the O£fieialsuccession to the real estate within|leet to the granting o,f said petition.
GOv. Norman Brunsdale has is-| the largest amount collected byies Calif | Aitor~ey fo~'~PlaintiffSeal of Golden Valley County, this Golden Valley County, North Dakota ]. And you, and each of you, are he
BUed a procl.amation urging ,em-[ the department in any one year, ' • | Office and Pos~offioo 12th day of January 1951. o~ which Kenneth Jesse Higgins alsolOY circa ana required then and th
............................................ | Address- " ~ | SEAL known as K. J. Higgins, deceased, late|to be and appear before this C~
players and employees to 'ex-| Lavik said. -.- | Beach North r~Ment~ ] MINNIE E, SMITH of the Vicinity of Golva in the County|and show cause, if any there be,
pond to .the utmost the Payroll| The department issued 191,206 J .d0 ~ t ~.~,~,.~N ........ i Auditor of of Golden Valley and State of North[t2~is petition should not be granter
-l~"~'d~~ ~ ~ .... *~-~ I Golden Valley County, Dakota, died seized, which said real| Let service be made of this Citat
8av2n*gs Plan for the regular' pur- ] passenger car registrations in ~ ~ | TO THE ABOVE NA~r~r~ r~v~m~z I North Dakota estate is described as follow~: | as required by law.
chase ,of bonds on partial pay-| 1950, an iacrease of 11,671 over ~i~..~-.~--_ .. ~i [ DANTS. -" .......... tJan 18 - 25, Feb 1) Southeast Quarter (SEI/4) of | Dated this 16th day of January
ments, and all others lo ,buy| the year before. The number of ~ ~ i You, :rod each of you, will please ...~-~.._~- ................ .Section Fou~. !4) Township One ~D,, 1951.
Savings Bonds as regularly as] fa~:'m trucks registered was 61,- take n ...... ,~ ~,~z~r~ r~ .... ~, ~-~T .... ~i~aren "rmrzv I~even (1371 ~av ,~ ........
NOTICE TO CREDITORS [action ~sti~ero:hi?tt }he ~mb°V;urpose~'o~ TO E$'rA1BL~ '~HE R~#T North, Range "One I-Iundre¢l I GI~ LEE .....
portable rat their banks, savings| 168, an increase of 3,341 over | quieting title in the Plaintiff and de- o~" ti~{~PERTY Three (103) in the County of I (January 18 - 25)
loan associations or post-| 1949, Other trucks registered t~F~ EMMA"Lr~ ~ATT~-~--~NAFFZINGEStm~DECEASED~-¢ .... || prJvi~ d all ~g yOU,mterestandmeaChandOfto yoUthe follow-°f any ......
TheC~eS"ampaign, wh~ich is part[| numbered 20,799, an increase of "NOTICE Is herehy given by me un:tmg described |ands and premises situ- STATE OE NORTH DAKOTA
~22 over the year before, dcrsigned, Administrator With the| ated m Golden Valley County, Nortl~ County of Golden Valley ~r~er-~ f-~ ~-x ~x~r~~. .........
Will Annexed °f the Estate °f Emma | DakNtoa~d~wlt: .... 1"" - Before Hen. Guy Lee. Judge. |' i '/~ | '~ I| [~| ~-~ | i~i ~J ~4'~
af a nation-wide promotion, will ~ Other registrations reported f~r Naffzinger, deceased, late of the Court-] Secq ....~uar~e.~ _lN WV4i elIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE II O ~]F~,J~U~JL~ l~JOlJ.~l.Jk_~k~
have two goals, Mr. Fode said: 1950 included 1,579 official cars ty of Peoria and State of Illinois, tot Towna~i ~O~e~H~ire~t°~o ..............
t0 get firms that do not offer] and trucks, 1,050 motorcycles, 49 the creditors of, and all persons hay-| ¢140" ~orth of -- n Farly - - - - --v-- - ~l~"
sections land, 700
acres of it tillable.
For details, call at the
Golden Valley
News Office.
Beach, N. Dak.
The discriminating crowd who knows the best is
I the crowd you'll find food,
here l
often a celebrity or two, and superb entertain-
I ment by Doreen Kihler at the organ and piano sing- i
11t ing your favorite kind of music. She is appearing !
nightly.- ||
Wibaux, Montana
Standard Service [!
which no doubt represents a lot ot' good,
hard cash. You get best stilts from
garmcI]ls.cleane(t l'e,, ularlv.
Phone 132-J
Eeac!: N.D.
Standard eeggipm~g, m and trim i,~ttstrat~
~re r,d~t to ¢ha~ without notive.
Your first eye-smacking look at the Come, look them over, and you'll the exuberance of its power and
line of lovelies pictured here tells you see what we mean. action•
[tkat tAey've got what it takes in t~sual ' E " • .
There s the SP CIAL which can ac ~'f .... This is
dtarm. - ..... le" "-h - • v e como go on ano on.
curateiy De tlt Qt e newest car ,, •
-- . .... ,, . . . the car that breathes through its
..... nose. This is the car that sports a
~ut the fellow who said a picture m me worla --new m structure, ,, , •
new in power, new in mmenslons, l,.o,,a n,~,~, f~.~nt ,~A ©tvl;n# Th;~
speal~ louder t~n a thousand words • ........ " ............... -''~ ....
new m thrift and potent m prme
masn't talking about these superbl2 appeal. -- is the car with new high-visibiliW
qJ bb--951 Bui s. instrument dials, more easily read
...... t,,,,b, at night This is the car with glare-
Th~iHtq~ ~ ILJULI~ a,~t.~lrJ~,Xl,~LLIta.~ JLq.,In~JJ~O q~JUt~t * * " * -- ~ t
is a smart new edition of its "best and-heat-reducing gmssT ana a nos
Sure, they're smart to look at--smart ,, ot other news-making teatures you
sellerforebear. . .
in style and smart in dress, can't afford to miss.
But they're also smartly powered--
smartly engineered--smartly priced.
4nd it would take a book to describe in
]uU their deep-dewn goodness.
What's been done for '51 is to
take the best automobiles that ever
bore the Buick name--and top them.
Then there's the ROADMASTER---
that coddles your anatomy on lux-
urious new fabrics and cloud-soft
cnshions--pampers your pride with
its lordly bearing--shoots a deli-
cious tingle right up your spine by
So your No. 1 date this week end
is with your Buick dealer. It won't
take you long to conclude that he's
offering the smartest buys of the
Phone 74 Beaeh, N. Dak,