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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 25, 1951     Golden Valley News
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January 25, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Y Z JANUARY 25, 19 I " THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS. REACH, N.. D. PAGE FiV wANTEv-Re" b'e' °u"keep'MOregOxcarsAreL°calManAttends)i!C bin [MarlneEnlistee InitiateFFAGreen aou. N, lyR.dy-- i l i°en fu re c 'teB° li i e , , , ,-... Range Convention ]no C at s dtiF om Page One) Hands Jan. 29th The new Domin Kuko sk Cam!._ " P lSeeded for t/ram o Clarin of Golva, left Men /Korea to ~ap~g ~:/Uhaolt~afl~°m Next ~Monday, eleven F F A ish°USenow Onnearlythe readyn°rth forendoecupan-°f tow, Beach elevators, along with for ~Billings, Mont., to attend the |Lion. " members will .be elevated to the cy, Which may occur within the :~}i~ I / ".partment, private bath Phone " " ' ' .... i}!::i::~ ] [ 123-J, Earl Palmer 16-tfc most of those in this section of ~te~national . meeting of the | Lyle Willis, formerly of Beach, deg.ree of Chapter farmer, the next few weeks. Only a few ...................... ~:i i~ ][i~Oli-SALi~New HampShire red the west, are .badly in need of me lca.n.~oejety of ~ange Man- [recently of Kansas City, ]fro, is highest degree that canbe at- minor details remain. • more boxcars to ship grain to agement nela "l~uesaay, .wednes. |on active duty in Korea, where tai ned in the local Chapter.Visit Sister~~ %~T~S~I~WORD [[ cockerels. Clyde Meyers, Sen- .market terminals. The situation nay an~ "l'nursclay: o~ mlfi week: | he has been stationed for s rne youths who will receive ,Mr. and Mrs. Ferd SpiegeB~erg may be remedied somewhat, or ~eve 'HteDic.nuK, state oHicer el [al weeks..He is the husbasever" this hon~r include: Ellef Farst- |1 tinel Butte. 19-1{pat least relieved soon an Inte¢- me proaucuon ann marketing/the form~.. ~nn~^., ,~ ..... d of veet. Dean 14~l~ wn ur..;.L.- returned Sunday from .a fe~ ad a .~opted for hms than Zbc .... -- .......... ~a~ll~On. A. ~.rvlc~ char2, o1[[ FOR RENT--sl~pmg room m" • '. • administration will al ............ u~cn, aau- : ........ ..... j~,L~, ~tate Commerce Comm~ssmn of- .~ . , so attend |ghter of Denot A~ent an,t ~Jr.~ David Martin, W, ade Adam¢ days visit with her sister" ila • ,,, raaae tot mind, ads. |[ modern home for men only "icial stating last week that ad- me sessmns. |E O Busch of th;~'°:-[*~--" ......... Charles Peterson n,~, w,~'~.i~:.~' Miles City, Mont. [ Beach. Phone 223-R. 18-2tc ~ ditionat boxcars had ,been order. Topics d~seussed included the [ "Niw in Engla'n; ~;tith the Air !ski, Arlo Adams; Ei~'n'ar"~us~te: Maims Businesm T--~"-'---~ ' Stdney,ALE Alfalfas25 dehvered h'a2r $15.60to/ HOME FO-~SALE--'in--B~ch:--5I ed to be moved westward, range situation in the Northern [Corps are Harold Olsrud, son [sen, Gene Johnstone, and Ber- Atty. W. L. Eckes w,as in tt~ h Sherman McCarten, r g ,P , Y, [ Apprcxhna?ely half of North~re~t Plains and adjacent moun- of Rev. and .Mrs. O L. Olsrud of| me_..7~_k, hFOlli?~ing the c.ere- marck Tuesday and Wednesda~¢ ooms, as hone electnc~t Dakota'~ elevators a,re blocked, tams, progress m staving ,big Beach, who arrived there Jan !~;"~uldnCf t" be served trom of this week on business. 911 Sidney, .Mont. 19-2tpgood well. Also cement mixer, ~and the boxcar shortage seems game prot~lems o~ range rends, 10, and By¢on StockweH son of. s o ne chapter. lff40 1-ton IHC pickup. Phone I "o be gr~.wing more acute daily, range management m western Mr. and Mrs. ,Howard Stockwell [ ~roo:ENl IMMEDIATELY---2- 205-R or write Box 224. Lg-3tp I.~robably because of the many Canada,. significant develop. THE of rural Beach who has been PARTICIPATES IN dr~ |/ - ~r ~l~ ~'~.,~ . ~urmshed apt. See ...~ -- --:--%---= - - --=:. - [ ~the: demands being made upon ents m range management there for about' 3 months. CAPPING EXE"=SES ,omen va.e, ~mlt'Stea apts.Phone 169-J_, trace, your order mr .r-hinDUS ~tue the ,"ailroad~'. .., due to the ,~nresent and research, and suggestions, for The two Beach men who were Aldyth Tryg . a forme ~r ~ch. 18[tfc R~bbon Baby Chinks now at[emer~,ency speeding up progress m range inducted in the Nati,~n~ ~ ........ g. .r mere. ~T i~U~_ Dickinson Creamery. Mrs. P" m~- ~'-~tne ~''',ast two ...... weeks, me ~c- management • - " ........ oer of me Johnstone Memorial ~ews ~as~ week Tuesday, when it washospital staff here. participated ~'h.: ave"~'~¢U~by identffymggeys" .°wnerand parodY- _ .......................... A. Thomas .... 18 tfc m..¢nt ~-~cva.~ ~- "~,~-~ .......... ~- ~o~.~. ,,=~c Bob Jones and Ted Th~rsonfederalized Jimmy Ristuben, and in the annual ca "m exe • lng ~or ad at C.o}d,~, ~r~n% FOR SALE~ ~.r~m h,-m~ t~miy had three or four boxcars, had originally planned to at- Tommy Gilman se m t~, ;.~. .. PP" g rcises -- i ........... ~ .............. ' .... tend out because of 1,aterde- dOmE alr~ght, R~stu'ben is now Sanitariu .... ~ ~- .~, ~ g_ , ~ .~. stofflce at Beach. North Oa~:o .~ews • . . . ~hen at lea~t twenty we,e need- . . ,. e ...... =Irecently at the New En land .~ntertwl as Secon~ ~au maLt~ s~ i~:ws office. 19-1tc 28 x 24 ft., reside, also cohl fed while the Beach Coop Grain velopments could not make the la sergeant and Gilman a Pe,~ , ~ m anu hospital, SChOOl ~over 7, .193~ under the Act ,~ i"~ ~11 SALE--qas range~-regu~ shed. L. C. Anders, Ollie, Men-[company has had only five or trip. .., ' ..... o~ nursing at Melrose, Mass She ~aar[h 3, 1~, tats Wednesday, Jan. 24, entered the school in September [~-. - ........ ¢~ "~, also apartment size range, _tana. . 19-1tplsix sinc:e Christmas, and could . I Lenus Nielsen, son of Mr and of 1950 after ~raciuatin~ from A weemy Purmshe~ aver " !.~th in very good condition, DRI-VER-W~Jd~ITED--to take car t utilize the services of any num- Bldfl Approved For t Mfrs. Leo Nielsen of Beach rural,. Pacific 'Union ~olle¢,,~ ,: r-o~; Thursday > • i-l'eagona'ble.( Beach Phone 53-J. to Seattle. Phone 19, Beach. i"'b:rq trom fifty up to a hundred N~---cw v,v~n'~* ec aon "* licit to ...... oe inducted in the air fornia, she ...... , ,~2ve ~-E~-graauatea -'" ~ .... as W_,~ALTER~:alior R. BRAwro~ 18-2tp 18-2tc ~ .... . .... Edgar a professmnal nurse in 1953 -- _~tUBScRIPTION RATES -- ] ................ i Elevator managers in Golden ...... [ c¢~rps. ~.Marvin Thill and • . - Pubn=har oustesen sailed last week Wed-While here Miss Tr .... w~: ~ixe ~ar_- ........ ~.~ ...... . xnree o~ me Iour erial b~ds ,- , ~-u we vxpect many ~ienos, ,both amend Ohe To _~ddr., wtshla No~t '~ .SALE--yMcCormick-Deering SEED GRAINS--Certified Mida Valle~ County say local gram .......... mat ' l nesaay ~or Janan --,~ ............ '. ~ss uu _ r~ms ....... ~ !] ~u cultivator 10 ft A-11 wh ................... !growers have fared better here suomi[rea to washington, D. C., [ 4 , ........ ' ~. • , .... ce,u~eu momca~m ~ar., . for the new "D" o.-',;,. • .*. tstatliea~ soon where they are patmnts and the staff ar the i snd wmaux a~aon~:::o~ t:oun,~es ,~ g yc, ~o. ~tanley Dobrowski ~,_.. ,,,, ,,~,_.. ..... ,_ ~ ~ than in almost anv other sec. ~ _ _ ~ .... ~n o, t.e • ,vy, om zwe~vm oeacn, pnone : . " R E A. have been ' nospital. ~o addl'ass~s dull|de ot' North Daka~m. baux. 19-3tp] ......... , tlon of the state because those I • . • , approved, [ ~__~_~r~r~m i ~-x,~. __ t~:~c I who wanted to store grain in om ] t:RS~nt 2a~kafr°mar~hers cap~al. [~.~ :--7_ ........... une ~ear ........ ,3,, ] .... "i . . . I FERTILIZER--now is the-timeio /elevators, brought it in last fall. I, " ". " q ' "" I~ i 'O~?end' ~owmown locaLion, I place orders to assure s~rin'" [directly afte,r harvest, and mosi I ~aux,,wlthm the last few days, [ ~ , ,~'k" vt' .a,l w, L. EcKes, PhoneI deliver., Bill ........ ~._~g lof it grair~sWaS accommodatedfor ex"ected hi-her[beguns°me" [an~ me ~ourtnarrive,OnemostiS expectedof the ['~~ P- ers ~ , 9.tfc ]. .. ~: ,v~,vm, death, |how Many are Stillholding t DacK very soon: Materials have ~: _..__ | z,. I)., pnone 4F-12. 18-tfclthe£. to ~f~.t~ SMEN WANTED--Wanted -~/,.rices v ~ I'transformers already being here aY ~:~ once Older man not sub wa~'r~-~--ruW 1o one nunarea ! P • !-nd the bal~n- -- ' .~ • ~ * - , ] a a ce on me way. ~1~ ~ : to" militar,, service for [good hereford cows on shares. [ ~ I .......... J& .... ,~ ] p.~Y ~a M,~,~,,,~ ~T n *~-~ a~ l To Glendive--- I .~c~ua~ cons~rucuon o~ me i) .~ " u '~awle~gn business near- ~ ...... , ........ , ......."*~v ~ -- , i~ .............. , y~o~f o=r~i2g ~_~odth;/:" /~~'-~' l fe~tr'Ma2d jMr2 HM;~:noSChaiefd I s;~rlng:s~n°ce t2eegcmnd:ct°t~ nne;! If inter;sted wr ' "/ $1.50. Sam Johnstone, Beach. IMrs M "S "Easton were Glen led will not be available until , ite at 19 that time Place your orders now for your otis" and Ii ~ Raw .............. ~ " " |dive visitors Wednesday, takln~ [ ": AA ~g2:ei~:~i:" '1~?--"/~-~-.-~-" ['Mrs" Gene McDanold and son[ The new R. E. A. office build- ~e , v ............. / " ~-~'-" ........ "'."~',~" [°ary home . [mg being built now in Wibaux ~ ,, 19-1tp !basemen~ complete.I .... ~b" Mr Oswood and ss^c ..... 1 f rni . " - y ~ • a u ~atc~ HELP W''~E- "'" I I ed M~da seed Inns now reached the sta e where ..... y u shed, also service sta-FOR SALE--Certifi " " " -- tion for lease Wibaux Phone g grease for spring's work. ,. | ' " wheat, also some clean oats [~he walls are up above window~ ,I tcSa~pi(a~UNminbU~tn2eSt Onr[ 2761. 19-2tc and barley, eVry good germi-|height, on three sides, and ifi " ~' • " [~m~-reh-~|er- you a nation. Gee. L. Raisler. 10-tfc / the weather remains mild, all el :'~CenonY~Is~Y2:n?t~t.'inumber o, money saving bar. FOR--SALE---Por-tai~le----~n~er I the work .possi,bly can be ~ll ' sewm machine als - ,clone now Wlll De ~inisnea, wire k * . , 565, Wmona,~. ~Mmn" 19-1tp~]gmns~ ~weekly" Remt the,r .... --~ads"oak. dgining room' ta;1.eSqUarewim [ground|the restthawsaCComplishedin the springWhen the If you are in need of tractor tires let us ; " extension leaves, smau port-[~ " able water softener, and 1 __ - - ' I" |" C I--k '1" 1 nwu,."n., nmx.''" .;rder hem for you now. guy thru your local ;- I,,' L • JI,. vv,vv,vvvvvvv i: r'r . r- F 0 R S A L E ~e~: ~ot~:----y:o,~h~ :oOm rO me ~ Co'op and save. 11 tVlth [J I-bottom 14" John s°mewhere vlsited us last week ! ' 1[ V Vtl~ • ! ' ~ i-,, , • . ~ #tff and there wasn't anything in the 1)eereplow,,pJLOO. paperaboutit,,,. I I, 4 John Deere G. perhaps we neglected a ~ FA RMI RS UN] DN Ol CO. - NA Oa . : tractor., +~700. clubWeddingmeeting.'" " a death ... or s ~ B ' ' ~' Juice,46 oz. can 3% ,-- .... ,,-,,,, each, N. Dak. Phone 148 • UOCKSnUgg wE WA VS -SZ Patronize Yourself" VALLEY FANCY tractor, $1300. NEWS ITEMS IN t[ $ Juice, 46 oz. can 27c M-M double disk steel drill, $150. -- BROKEN SLICES IN SYRUP No. can 35c I/,) * ° " " -- FANCY 18c 14 oz. bottle -- SOLID PACK No. can 25c - 6 cans $1.29 49c Dressing, full quart FOR FOI~ Gamble Farm Store Golva, N. Dak. 18-1tc VVVVVVVVV~" Golden Valley News But we simply cannnt keep u~, ,/lth all Of you, not without hel~ from you. So when you have a news itch, US s~ 2 pkgs. , .25c Phone 39 OUR DEMOCRACY ALL IN A LIFETIME LESS THA~ ~70 YE~AR,S AG;O~, NICOL~ TESLA--CROAT/,4N-BoR/V AMEP-JCAN-- INVENTED THE FIR.aT PRACTICAL A.C. ELECTRIC MOTOI~. f~ "T'oDA% ELECTR'IC mOTOR.S OR.WE EVERy TYPE OF MACHINE "~ FROM ELECTRJC Rb~.ZOR.~ TO "DIE ~P--OPELLER.S OF "" KILL VARIETIES IOO,OOO HOR.SEPOwER. LINER.~ AND AIR, PL~h)E cAr~RtER,~,. Foods, 3 cans .... 25c BOX AND Crackers, all for 35c '1 l' cy 5 lbs. ...... 5% HOME MOTort$ HUM 1~ NEARA.V EVERY He.rE, AND THEY POWER" MOST OF THE Cookies, pound 25c -o, T..,,,o Seed, 1 lb. cello bag 55c , p MERCHANDISE FOR LESS a. m. & p. m. -- Phone 75 ,? LTRANSp( "rHr¢OUGH THE YE~t~S THE MONEy THAT THRIFTY PEOPLE HAVE PUT2?IOE IN SAVINGS AND LIFE INSURANCE HAVE . HELPED PKOV~DE "rile FUNDs ----- -- EA/TER, P~IS~ ,,'Me ....rr, J~ T/.]E EVER-F_~P, AINDIN~. SPONSORED BY I